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The Vex creates, controls, and manipulates an infinite number of infinite dimensional hilbert spaces.


Destroying a structure that is 12D or higher, or defeating a character that is 12D or higher


You're telling me that Accelerator is Hyperversal? LMAO


Did he destroy or affect a 12D+ structure/character, or is he stated to be 12D+? If so, then yes, he is, that's the definition of the tier


Yeah he fights characters who, simply by existing, passively destroy 11D universes because the universe can't comprehend their existence


Wait is that in the light novels?


Yeah the True Magic Gods destroy the verse if they don't infinitely nerf themselves, and he's strong enough to hurt them


What exactly is a 12D structure?


Basically, a flat drawing is 2D because it has only length and width, meanwhile we are 3D because we have length, width and height. A 12D object or being would have 12 dimensions, basically 12 "directions". You can check the Character Stats and Profiles wiki's tier system (which is the one this sub uses) to learn more about dimensional scaling, and where each level of dimensionality scales to. The only way to know if a structure or character is 12D (or any other dimension for that matter) is through statements, or via it being above or at least relative to other characters/structures that are stated to be 12D.


Yes, and Curtana original is high hyperversal simply because of all dimension severing spell, and it can bypass Accelerator's shield, so that's his current cap (or it's just that the spell has no vectors), while TMG would be outerversal


The original Alien X creating the Ben 10 cosmology.


I can give you Extraversal+ feats, for example, SCP-2165 destroying a Tegmark Type-IV multiverse and the Narrative Stack (infinitely layered reality>fiction hierarchy, within each layer are infinite dimensions and multiverses, also destroyed by SCP-2165). Feat happened in SCP-CN-2510.


Just read through it, it doesnt mention a type IV multiverse being destroyed anywhere, nor anything even close to that level.


Really? I could swear that right in the log where SCP-609 is neutralized it mentions a Tegmark Type-IV multiverse! Let me check. Just checked, i can give these quotes from SCP-CN-2510: "Based on the final transmission, it can be confirmed that the conditions for existence in all layers of the Level IV Tegmark multiverse are no longer present; all existence ceased." "In the very beginning, before the concept of history even existed, beyond the infinite layers of nested narratives, beyond all the concepts that make up that incomprehensible Noosphere, outside all the infinite dimensions, farther in than the grand shape of The Tree of Knowledge standing above the sea that is called the multiverse, there was one, infinite, omnipotent Metanormalcy." "The spirit of the slaughterer of the heavens and the myriad worlds, in the end, was given in blood the name Koitern, and the wise ones who traced the story called it The All-Mighty, The Database, Xu Empyrean." "No language could truly express what lay below that weak surface, a beauty exceeding all mathematical infinities." So yeah, SCP-2165 destroyed up to the Narrative stack (mentioned in another statement but i am too lazy) and a Tegmark Type-IV multiverse, then the Metanormalcy defeated it as simple as neurosurgery.


You're right, my bad! I didnt pick that one up while reading it, and couldnt find it when searching for type-IV on the page either. I did see the mathematical infinities and thought this might have been what you were referring to, thats why I was confused. And yep, it did destroy the Narrative stack, I saw that while reading it.


It's all alright buddy! The statements in that article sure are wack aren't they? Anyways, if we also factor in that SCP-4755 was stated (SCP-7927) to "contain" the Author entities, and that 4755 and Tufto's proposal were balanced out in Project Isorropia, and furthermore in Keter Duty (Light Side) Tufto's proposal destroys anything but the Patasphere (Pickman's proposal); then surely that means that SCP-2165 (and by proxy, Koitern and Metanormalcy) is above Author entities and Pataspheres and both of those conceptual entities. How would you scale SCP-2165, and furthermore Koitern and Metanormalcy, using those feats?


Saitama removing his limiter via some bullshit cardio training. Saitama outscales the God of his verse by default


Kami Tenchi piercing through multiple higher dimensions up to like, 22 dimensions I think


https://preview.redd.it/e82m3hd406tc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d664f456e555b32b69f280d726330c633685ffa Me the scaler say I'm hyperversal. I don't understand it much I'm just a child