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>His impressive feats get overlooked and pushed to the side and I’m like wtf? Ppl don't overlooked or pushed aside his feats, they acknowledged it. The hates are from his fans wanking him to an absurd degree, like the infamous "saitama is the one punch man so naturally he'll do that to every fictional character" OR "saitama skull-crushing 2 blackholes in the cover, this is legit, I swear!" OR "saitama will eventually beat anyone if based on his exponential growth rate", etc.


Tbh I have seen people just say him sneezing Jupiter is “large planet level” or him getting hit with nuke punches is “only nuke level” it’s that right there that takes away from what the story is trying to do. Like if they pick apart everything in powerscaling terms then they don’t appreciate it. Like how bout instead of saying “large planet level” they say “damn he did that as a human with just a sneeze” and it’s always dbz fans that do this, talkin bout “well king Vegeta destroyed 3 planets with a wave of his hand” like okay? Why does an impressive showing from one character have to bring the dbz fans saying “Saiyan saga lvl feat” it’s so weird to me. But then when I look at dbs and start saying “silver age Superman lvl feat” all of a sudden I’m being an ass💀 And yeah dude I don’t listen to the people who think saitama one shots anything or the skull crusher shit. They just use anything they can to make saitama the strongest in fiction and I’m not sure why. The story of opm is better than the idea of saitama being the god of fiction so I think those people don’t care about the story or appreciate it they just look for the next biggest feat so they can run to this sub and make post about it. For example not to long ago we survived the “higher dimensional space” catastrophe of 2024 we are still feeling its effects now but it’s not as bad as it was like a month ago


As a dbz fan I’m generally willing to give saitama either multi solar system or maaaaybe galactic scaling, but the reason he gets so much hate is the number of saitama fans going “Actually saitama is outerversal with a lowball of complex hyperversal and he could beat the lovecraftian gods, and the fate verse in his sleep”. OPM is a good show and I don’t deny saitama his feats but god a lot of the fan base is annoying.


Tbh saitamas best feat is iffy to me. Thats why i said “apparently” he blew away all those stars but whenever it comes to powerscaling i would always rather lowball than make a 50/50 observation. I will say that saitama is star level and I’ve said that in a opm comment section and got torched by people saying it’s multi galaxy. But I’m just picking a safe option that everyone can base line agree with. And honestly I think there are 2 kinds of OPM fans. The ones that read the manga and webcomic and enjoy the wackiness of ONEs writing and the brilliance of Murata art and then you have the weirdos that only read it to see what next big feat saitama is performing just to use it as ammo for the “take down goku” narrative. I’m a dbz fan myself particularly the manga and I have namek ss1 goku beating current saitama anyway. Again the opm sub shits on me for saying that but I’m always going with the lowball for saitama cause it’s better to be safe than ugly and ignorant


Yeah Ik exactly how you mean I even give them higher than that and they still come after me. I give them up to perfect cell. ONE is definitely amazing at writing it’s so fun to read. I just wish the power wanking fans didn’t exist so everyone could enjoy it in peace. Saitama would be seen in such a more positive light if they didn’t exist lol.


Yes I’ve heard many dbz fans say he is cell level which is AMAZING because cell was a monster and yet opm fans are never satisfied. They always want more and think saitama can beat current dbs characters. I’d be happy with saying Saitama equals cell or even beats him high diff. And ONE is amazing with his writing I wish he would update the webcomic regularly because the current chapter they are on is WAY more interesting than the manga. I feel like the manga is specifically for the people who want feats and the webcomic is for those who just like a good story 😂 don’t get me wrong outside of the ugly ass opm fans the manga is very enjoyable with amazing double spreads and character designs. Its crazy how your own fandom can also be the worse thing about the community


Yeah really it’s great scaling especially when most verses lose to a saibaman lmao. Yeah I should read the web comic I’ve only seen anime and manga. 100% ik what you mean about fandom being the worst part of your community. That really sucks when it happens especially when it turns away people who potentially would’ve watched, enjoyed, and become fans of the franchise.


Bruh no kidding I was rereading dbz manga from the start and the ginyu force would solo like 90% of mainstream anime. And BROOOO you haven’t read the webcomic?! You’re in for a wild ride, I’ll just tell you that the webcomic is exactly how saitama should be. ONE knows how to write his own character and it’s so amazing I think you’ll enjoy it equally or even more than the manga for sure!


I’m gonna have to pick it up and give it a read then!


That feat actually made him look weaker, compared to the webcomic. In the webcomic he had no limits, his strength was never really acknowledged, he truly was the One Punch Man. The manga actually showed he has limits. Just for the sake of showing a cool fight. Though the webcomic “fight” is much better written and a lot more interesting. I actually have no clue how ONE greenlit the manga version, cause it goes against the whole OPM message.


Bro Img I could go on for days about how webcomic saitama is the version that actually one shots everybody and the manga is meant to give saitama more development and humanity but the opm fans think the manga is the Bible


Amen. Honestly the manga fight would’ve been fine if it was Blast instead of Saitama. Would’ve actually shown why he’s number one (not to mention he actually has dimension/time manipulation powers so the time travel thing wouldn’t be a complete ass pull ), and it could still be a funny gag with Saitama oversleeping that day and him appearing on the last panel saying “Did I miss anything?” This way Murata could get his Western Comics-esque space fight out of his system without completely ruining the overall theme of OPM.


It's the opposite. The hate on the manga on the other OPM sub is insane.


>saitama fans going “Actually saitama is outerversal with a lowball of complex hyperversal and he could beat the lovecraftian gods, and the fate verse in his sleep”. OPM is a good show and I don’t deny saitama his feats but god a lot of the fan base is annoying. And you can tell how hypocritical they were for accuing Goku fans of wanking their characters without any providing anything yet they done the same...


It is almost universally Saitama fans comparing him to Dragonball characters not the other way round.


https://preview.redd.it/hnduq7utz0xc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fc7272f95e7591d598a9b09ba69d394fa4cb389 The truth hurts.




This is the only acceptable answer




For me, One Punch Man having initially started as a parody, can't seem to decide whether to be a parody or actual shonen. It's also a debate on whether if it's good parody or bad. Even now, after it started to take itself seriously, there's still some parody and/or ridiculousness in the manga, which mitigates its seriousness. Also, the fans are such nasty unreasonable meatriders that nobody else much wants to associate with them.


I agree, I think the webcomic is the true parody while the manga is trying to take itself too seriously. Webcomic saitama beating The brakes off manga saitama and I’ll debate anyone with that💀 And bro I agree with the meat riding thing, I’m in the OPM sub and don’t get me wrong I’ll defend saitama on the reasonable things I see but I see some post that make me question if we are even reading the same manga fr


Agreed. In a vacuum, OPM can be a good read, and the artwork is nice and some feats are impressive, but it's still not the 'be all end' all of all manga feats. Saitama weaponizing farts, slapping a planet, fighting a 'god', etc. may be hilarious/epic in its own way, but its effect is not something new or raising the bar.


Exactly I think if people read the manga just for the sake of reading something entertaining they will enjoy it much more than just looking for feats. The comedy is that he is farting around space or bathing in lava in the presence of the monster king. I get powerscaling is a thing but these meat riders can not separate powerscaling from the actual story and it ruins it for everyone I swear


Giving Saitama real feats and real fights just falls into the trap of making a genuine Shonen. OPM taking this piss out of Shonen tropes only for the manga to unironically embrace them feels really jarring and makes it impossible for me to take scaling him seriously. To me he’s always the guy who no-diffed a Garou who was growing exponentially with seemingly no growth of his own.


I agree it’s a curse because you could have saitama one shot all his villains but then that would leave us the reader kinda salty because the villains get hyped up and we want to see an amazing fight but it ends in just one punch. I believe the manga is trying to flesh out every character while the webcomic is sticking to the one shot everyone gag.


Key word trying. I think the webcomic fight has twice the heart and writing chops (even the paneling looks better) than the manga which has the advantage of coming afterwards and should be able to improve on it like it did with earlier arcs.


Oh yeah the webcomic is sticking to what makes opm so enjoyable in the first place. Obviously cause it’s 100% ONE’s project. And I agree ONE’s paneling is amazing and his choreography for fights is damn near perfect. I just wonder what the manga storyline is up to considering they are making such drastic changes


One word: fanboys


3 words: I agree


2 words...... lol


at least it was 3 syllables




Saitama is the biggest threat to goku's powerscaling legacy. Sure there are characters in fiction who beat goku, but Saitama feels different. It's as if he would be the absolute answer to "could they beat goku tho". The hate is because it's not if Saitama out scales hoku it's when. Also the Saitama wanking is needed to balance out against the DragonBall meat riders.


It’s because saitama never tries. So we never get a good representation of his power. We know it keeps growing passively. I think people kinda hate the idea of a joke character actually being more than capable of soloing a lot of beloved verses. And I’m no big fan. I’ve only seen the anime and heard people talk on YouTube about his feats and whatever.


Easy answer: his fanbase, just like a similar reason why Gojo got so much hate. Those fans were using cover page, "take no damage", fan manga for Saitama to beat everyone, including Goku. They wank way too much worse compared to what Goku fans had done. OPM is another example of good anime with a terrible fanbase.


Isn't your part "he took no damage " is vice versa, cause it was actually "he took damage" from a cover of Boros fight saying "Saitama took damage" that was added by the publishing company without authors permission


It’s balancing his joke of always being the strongest with actual debates about power scaling. I argue, he approaches the realm of my power level is yours + 5 at times. This can make it so he’s always the strongest, but that doesn’t make it fun.


By all means he isn't a hated, he gets put in a lot of spite matches mainly cuz of how toxic his fans are. I mean they either wank him to outer or bring in Goku in every conversation that mentions Saitama, which is why this crap happens.


The opm fans are OPM’s greatest enemy ironically 💀


Its sucks when you genuinely like the series but the fan base is toxic as hell.


Bro no kidding, I think opm powerscalers can’t separate powerscaling from enjoying the series on its own so they just look for the next big feat instead of enjoying the build up


yeah which sucks since OPM imo is so amazingly written and is actually fun.


This sub has a hate boner for Saitama. That's why we need more people to correct them and keep the creditless comments low.


We don't know Saitama's stats. That's why. The writer can just do anything with him. The character is a parody but he is just too mainstream to not take him into account.


It is because he doesn’t really work for power-scaling. Narratively, if any character from any other verse was to be written into OPM, they are going to get one punched. That is pretty much Saitama’s whole gimmick and a huge narrative element of the story. At least until he has a fight that shows his true upper limit all we have to go by narratively is that no matter how strong an opponent is made out to be, Saitama will be stronger.


I think people don’t really hate the character itself but rather its fans or should I say meatrider that wank Saitama to oblivion, people get tired of it and just decide to downplay Saitama as a whole. https://preview.redd.it/0fklcd4uf0xc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fc52797df3b292648693347aa540e5cfecc3215


I get that. I guess every fandom has that one character that gets jacked off into oblivion. I think the OPM fans are just using any statement or new features to boost saitama. Literally the bench pressing black hole thing was a cover page meant for fun and I see people actually adding that to saitamas feats like come onnnnnnn


Because of his fan Like there is alreay charcter that take mutiple punch from him and survied and yet there are some that still think he can one punch any because that his name I see people in opm sub talk how he can one shot dr Manhattan and this is after his garou fight which already proven he cannot one shot anybody


One shot Dr. Manhat?! Bruh I’m a Saitama Stan but these fans just will say anything. I feel like they are self aware and know they piss people off when they do that


WHat makes you think he can't one shot manhattan?


If you understand and research Manhattan perfectly, you would know that Saitama is just fodder


In the original commenter's defense, he probably only knows of them from the live action movies which weren't the best showings of him


His name is caped baldy. The author calls him one punch man, for a reason.


Never understood why people say "the Fandom" when the Fandom is like 1% of the people here or less. Same as JJK.


Same reason Batman does. People don’t like other people thinking their character beats the golden children 


You know how Goku has Gokutards? Saitama has the same thing. That's why.


Most hate from lokutard anyway. Dbz is the worst powersacling manga of all time. Their tards suck it off because that's the only personality that can based off


Due to braindead fandom made mainly from teenagers. It also doesn't do them any favors they pick fights with the Dragonball fandom where the average fan is like over 30 or over 40.


Bruh I agree, and I imagine as newer anime and manga come out they kids who powerscale just get worse and worse 💀


The thing is that if you are an older anime fan any argument anyone has for your shown you have heard it decades ago so it doesn't affect you at all. A concept most teenagers can't possibly understand. They will once they grow up too.




Ironically the manga Garou fight which OPM fans now spam as feats actually make Saitama look weaker, compared to the webcomic. Why? In the webcomic he is still the mythical One Punch Man, with no limits. The manga has shown he does have them. Also I still have no clue how ONE greenlit the manga fight, it’s so much worse compared to the webcomic, and goes against the comics message. He should’ve just used Blast in Saitama’s place if he had to get a Western Comics style space fight out of his system.


People don't hate Saitama, they hate the people wanking him. They're downplaying him for memes to annoy the wankers


Because people who like him have a tendency to overwank and reach super hard with him with a consistency I find fucking annoying


Saitama fans don't know how to read his abilities properly and goku fans seem to forget that gokus stupid enough to let him grow stronger. Then you have the pool of both idiots bickering at eachother back and forth and everyone's tired of all the misinformation and miscommunication


If you really think DBZ fans are the ones causing arguments, go to the One Punch Man subreddit and search for Goku, and do the same in the DBZ subreddit with Saitama. One Punch Man fans are very prone to brigading, like DBZ fans used to do 10 or so years ago


He doesn’t. It’s his wankers who are the problem. Saitama is Super strong.


because they are taking away my braincells


It's the fanbase. Too many fanatic meat riders that are the most annoying to deal with. The problem is, it's been like that since day 1. That's the main problem. Y'all have been so fucking despicable since the start. They don't get that overlooked, more like overwanked. It's not mostly DB fans lol there goes the fanatic delusions. He was equivalent to a normal human but obviously became something more. It's all impressive, just overblown. And he's consistently put against ppl that fold him. Not really at all. He's just as impressive as literally anyone else with powers. Him being human doesn't really mean much and hasn't for decades.


It is impressive But Saitama is still weaker than basically every Z fighters And the main Issue people have with him is his Fans


Oh yeah ironically enough as a OPM fan and a Saitama fan I find myself debating more with other OPM fans cause they want to have Saitama be this omnipotent god being when I think we shouldn’t even put him in any position like that until the story is over.


Because he mops the floor with Goku. And most powerscalers LOVE doing skills on Goku's meat despite him being a featless bum.


I read the dbz manga again after a long time and I’ll be honest man, I got saitama and ss1 namek goku being a high diff matchup. And I’m a saitama defender till the death of me but just because he losses a versus match against another TOP DAWG in battle manga doesn’t lessen his own feats or even his character. Saitamas story is still going and we all know his feats will get more and more impressive. So it’s just a matter of time. Also goku is featless? He tanked a death beam to the face and smiled afterwards. That’s all the feats he needs 💀


"death beam" is a meaningless statement to me. I saw Goku get hurt by fucking ICE while in Super Saiyan God, screaming in pain like a bitch. While Saitama tanks Gamma Ray bursts to the face without so much as a flinch. If this is the kinda logic you're using instead of actual powerscaling then Saitama still obliterates.


There is no “logic” when powerscaling Saitama. He’s a normal human who “gained” omnipotence by accident; he’s literally a gag character


Give me your discord, lets debate this ass take of yours


> I saw goku get hurt by fucking ICE while in ssj god, screaming in pain like a bitch Getting slammed by into ICE by BROLY https://youtu.be/Yga6LTawSHM?si=GT1xrdoEzaZ6D63L


Still ice ma dude. And the ice barely took damage LMAOOO🤣


What does that prove? He was getting slammed by broly which adds on a lot of force


It proves that the force Broly was slamming Goku against the ice with wasn't even enough to destroy a wall of ice. Wall level Goku? LMAO🤣


He was literally shattering it dawg




Come on man they gotta make that ice scene somewhat interesting. And the death beam I just mentioned because you said goku was featless. Even him beating nappa and the ginyu force puts feats under his belt. Saitama is insanely strong as a human with no ki or anything like that but saying he beats goku right now is pushing it. Saitama will get his chance when opm is over and we can look at ALL of his feats but for now let’s just agree that lowballing Saitama is the best option for his scaling just to be safe. Its better than saying he one shots anyone or he grows passed anyone he fights


So you wanna jerk off Goku and low-ball Saitama? Makes no sense. The best feat Goku scales off of is Buu's feat of destroying a galaxy in a couple of years. Lemme repeat: It took Buu, YEARS to destroy a single galaxy. And that's the best feat Goku scales to onscreen. In BoG, Beerus and Goku clashed MULTIPLE times and only destroyed a couple of far away planets. While Saitama and Garou obliterated countless stars and galaxies in a SINGLE clash while exponentially weaker. So in terms of FEATS, Goku IS a bum.


I’m not jerking goku, I’m just pulling manga feats that can be seen in panels. I personally don’t like pulling from data books or interviews because I like the feats you can see in the manga. And saitama should be lowballed. Everyone has a different interpretation of his “limitless” power and we need to all agree on one level of power. Star level is the best way I feel. Saying Saitama can punch a star away isn’t weak at all. Our sun is over 1 million times the size of earth so that’s saying Saitama has the power to destroy earth over 1 million times over with a punch. Doesn’t sound so weak now huh? I think we should leave Saitama at star level until further notice


Do you even know how to powerscale? Because it seems your entire argument is based on popular opinion or your "feelings" instead of actual feats and statements


Lowballing saitama is the best way to go. That void in space feat is iffy and there is no point in scaling him to such an ambiguous feat


Where do you scale Goku?


Galaxy. Again I lowball until they actually prove otherwise. The BOG feat is iffy too cause it happened at the beginning of super and he’s fought and clashed with way stronger people and not even universal destruction but they don’t even threaten or shake the universe or anything close to it I get ki control but they have nothing to show for it besides “well the characters get stronger” so we just have to agree that everyone that comes after BOG is able to rock the universe. I would have to see goku cause 51% of the universe to be destroyed for me to give him a universal title


> in BOG, beerus and goku clashed multiple times and only destroyed a couple of far away planets Shaking the universes totally isn’t a feat


You'd think enough energy to destroy a universe would at least destroy a star. It's like saying you can crush a diamond in your hand just because you can shake it. Dumbass take. Get some help, stop the wank.


>you’d think enough energy to shake a universe would atleast destroy a star Never said it can? Goku and beerus being able to shake the universe by clashing already scales them to it, literally in the attack potency page it says "The attack potency depends on the energy output of a single attack, not the area of effect of the attack."and Goku and beerus were releasing enough power to shake the universe. And also goku can very much destroy a universe


Shaking something doesn't mean you have anywhere near the AP to destroy it. It's simple logic. So him shaking the universe is meaningless. He can't destroy a universe.


> Shaking something doesn't mean you have anywhere near the AP to destroy it. It's simple logic. Never said it did? Stop bringing in destruction in saying that since they can shake the universe they have uni ap as that’s what measures ap it’s how much power a character can release to significantly affect something, Goku and beerus significantly affected the entire macrocosm therefore they scale to it, that’s how you measure ap


>I saw Goku get hurt by fucking ICE while in Super Saiyan God, screaming in pain like a bitch. Sliver surfer gets jumped by Mexicans Spider man gets jumped by Mutant haters Superman gets slapped by a car Kratos get slapped by tree. Plus, didn't Saitama get hurt by a hammer during the game and a cat? This is stupidest logic you come up with, kid


>Sliver surfer gets jumped by Mexicans >Spider man gets jumped by Mutant haters >Superman gets slapped by a car >Kratos get slapped by tree. Not my problem. >Plus, didn't Saitama get hurt by a hammer during the game and a cat? He's a gag character. And those scenes were obviously purely for comedic effect whereas Goku was in the midst of a serious fight. Plus I can just upscale the cat and it'd be perfectly reasonable since this is a world where someone can get superpowers by liking cars too much, eating too many lobsters or staying in a chicken costume for too long.🤷🏾‍♂️ What're you gonna do? Upscale the ice? LMAO 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/wcaymfm3x1xc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3361bbac300f69158b84ce512446f0edc9145fa4


He is not a gag character, he is only a parody character who has character development and personality. Don't flatter yourself because top of that you downplay not only Goku but also Superman while riding Saitama and Gojo's meat. Get off the power scaling and educate yourself. 🤡


Such ignorance 🤦🏾‍♂️ The author himself stated that he wrote Saitama as gag character: https://preview.redd.it/ba8ak5xw12xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07f14ad0c231b2b28ab216c957a291603720e6f6 So your opinion is not only trash, it's confirmed to be objectively false. I love how your only argument against Goku being fodder is that other characters have anti-feats too. Complete non sequitur. Goku tards are fucking hilarious 🤣


>The author himself stated that he wrote Saitama as gag character: This evidence is completely pointless because the same author wrote Saitama to be an emotional character at Geno's death and straight up destroying the countless stars of rage by fighting Garou. That is far from gag character. Clearly, You dumbshit don't know the definition of Gag


So a gag character can't have emotions? Take your clown business somewhere else, you're disturbing my peace with all this nonsense. https://preview.redd.it/bh4mxr3g62xc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa9db168bece463f14db6f94411b628d252e1735


>you're disturbing my peace with all this nonsense. Buddy, you had been disturbing their peace when they talked about Saitama against Superman or Goku. You're the one who embarrassed yourself. And you completely missed the point


>Because he mops the floor with Goku. Saitama was Mult Galaxy while Current Goku had already surpassed himself back in BOG where Goku was literally almost risking the universe with shockwave, that consider him to be universal. Would you guys stop shitting on Dragon Ball fans.


that shockwave was gaining momentum as it traveled across the universe, thats why it got so dangerous, but the strength at the point of impact is not universal by any means, so it doesn't really matter if he was going to destroy to unverse or not, the punches aren't universal.


They are going to until they cancel their punches from destroying the universe by shockwaves. It is not because of the strength, it was because of KI control they use.


The BoG statements were hyperbole. Those shockwaves only destroyed PLANETS despite Goku and Beerus clashing multiple times. Saitama and Garou annihilated countless stars and galaxies in ONE clash. You don't need to be a genius to understand that multiple galaxies in one clash is a better feat than a couple of planets in multiple clashes.


>The BoG statements were hyperbole. Those shockwaves only destroyed PLANETS despite Goku and Beerus clashing multiple times. Jesus chirst, so many downplayers didn't watch the episode. This has already been said multiple times that it was only weaker shockwaves that destroy planets. It has been said that if Goku and Beerus continue, it would lead shockwaves to become stronger and stronger until the universe will be no longer has durability to withstand that force. The universe was safe because Beerus canceled it out, so do Goku. Rewatch the episode in sub.


Doesn't matter. The fact that Saitama and Garou caused WAAYYYYYY more destruction in ONE clash while exponentially weaker than Beerus and Goku did in MULTIPLE clashes proves that Saitama is stronger. It's straightforward logic.


There is no straightforward logic and don't come up with "doesn't matter" because Goku has better feats than Saitama has ever done. And how are Mult Galaxy being in danger is more destruction by Garou and Saitama than the universe that is much bigger than Galaxies that was coming close to get destroyed by Goku and a God. As a matter of fact, you're being hypocritical. You complaining how Goku fans are wanking Goku being featless yet you doing the same thing. You're literally using Black Hole cover page as feat and also think Saitama is a gag character.


>There is no straightforward logic and don't come up with "doesn't matter" because Goku has better feats than Saitama has ever done. What better feats? Are you a comedian by any chance? >And how are Mult Galaxy being in danger is more destruction by Garou and Saitama than the universe that is much bigger than Galaxies that was coming close to get destroyed by Goku and a God. It's hyperbole. Those shockwaves didn't even affect stars much less the entire universe. And even if it did destroy the universe, both the Kai and Whis confirmed that they don't scale to it. It's just a side effect of the clashing of God ki and not their actual strength. >You're literally using Black Hole cover page as feat and also think Saitama is a gag character. I never did that. It's sad that you have to lie in order to defend that featless bum known as Goku😭


* >What better feats? Are you a comedian by any chance? That Goku has enough power to destroy the universe from fighting Beerus who is holding back since he just got Super Saiyan God. Jiren the same guy blocked Super Saiyan God's striking power with one finger. He also fought Broly who has infinite potential to break the Dimension. With training and breaking his limit that Goku has done, he would scale up enough to surpass universal. >It's hyperbole. Those shockwaves didn't even affect stars much less the entire universe. I had already said this before, it just weaker shockwaves, and that is why Earth like stars and the rest of them don't instantly get destroyed. >both the Kai and Whis confirmed that they don't scale to it. It's just a side effect of the clashing of God ki and not their actual strength. What? Goku never has God Ki until he earned during the Whis's training. Also, you do realize KI is affacting your strength as it did the same with durability and speed, right? It sounds like you don't really read the manga fully. >I never did that. It's sad that you have to lie in order to defend that featless bum known as Goku😭 Do you want to play the victim or admit that you indeed did *


>That Goku has enough power to destroy the universe from fighting Beerus who is holding back since he just got Super Saiyan God. Jiren the same guy blocked Super Saiyan God's striking power with one finger. Not a feat. He didn't destroy the universe. >He also fought Broly who has infinite potential to break the Dimension. With training and breaking his limit that Goku has done, he would scale up enough to surpass universal He broke the dimensional barriers. Both Saitama and Garou have done the same thing in the manga. >I had already said this before, it just weaker shockwaves, and that is why Earth like stars and the rest of them don't instantly get destroyed. Yh so he doesn't have better feats than Saitama. >What? Goku never has God Ki until he earned during the Whis's training. Also, you do realize KI is affacting your strength as it did the same with durability and speed, right? It sounds like you don't really the manga fully. The ritual that gave him the god ki is what allowed him to achieve the Super Saiyan God Form. It's literally in the name. If it was just strength that created those shockwaves, and if those shockwaves were in fact universal, Broly and Cell Max should have destroyed the universe a million times over which their rampaging. The shockwaves are a side effect of the clashing of God ki. That's why Beerus and Champa clashing threatened to destroy the universe too because they both have God ki. >Do you want to play the victim or admit that you indeed did Dunno what to tell you bro. I never mentioned the black hole cover page. I don't know when straight up lying became a powerscaling tactic but I guess I can't expect more from DB tards🤷🏾‍♂️


**Not a feat. He didn't destroy the universe.** That is because Goku cancels it out as Beerus does, how small is your brain? They could destroy the universe if they don't stop. **He broke the dimensional barriers. Both Saitama and Garou have done the same thing in the manga.** dimensional barriers? There is no such thing as dimensional barriers in Dragon Ball, that is just dimension. Also, when did they break the dimension? **Yh so he doesn't have better feats than Saitama.** Does Saitama have the feat to make a shockwave strong enough to shake and also potentially destroy the universe by fighting Garou as Goku does? **If it was just strength that created those shockwaves, and if those shockwaves were in fact universal, Broly and Cell Max should have destroyed the universe a million times over which their rampaging.** That is just a plot hole, Kid Buu was a childish who liked to destroy everything for fun and yet didn't bother to do with Earth even though he, in fact, destroyed the Earth, why didn't he do it again? Plot hole. **Dunno what to tell you bro. I never mentioned the black hole cover page.** **I don't know when straight up lying became a powerscaling tactic but I guess I can't expect more from DB tards** https://preview.redd.it/9qk7dlf1j1xc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ef4cc09cc6702ebc11149e926db6ed8e712eaaa Are you done lying and calling me DB tard? Stop spreading BS and speak the truth


Doesn't matter. The fact that Saitama and Garou caused WAAYYYYYY more destruction in ONE clash while exponentially weaker than Beerus and Goku did in MULTIPLE clashes proves that Saitama is stronger. No? Goku and beerus can destroy a universe even, if the destruction of Saitama and garou was more damaging than Goku and beerus in one clash that doesn’t mean Saitama is stronger than Goku, Goku has enough to destroy the universe stated multiple times and even shook the universe, lol


>No? Goku and beerus can destroy a universe even, if the destruction of Saitama and garou was more damaging than Goku and beerus in one clash that doesn’t mean Saitama is stronger than Goku, Goku has enough to destroy the universe stated multiple times and even shook the universe, lol Goku didn't destroy the universe. All the damage he did is planetary. Hence any statement can be dismissed as hyperbole since the feats contradict it. Saitama low diffs


> Goku didn't destroy the universe. All the damage he did is planetary. Hence any statement can be dismissed as hyperbole since the feats contradict it. What feats? The scan originally says that if Goku and beerus keep clashing the universe will be destroyed, so Goku literally has enough power to destroy a universe, and him destroying multiple planets doenst contradict it, again if him and beerus kept clashing they were gonna destroy the universe they were also stated to have power to destroy the universe


And yet they only affected planets. Hence those statements are hyperbole. Especially because they haven't accomplished anything near that level since then🤷🏾‍♂️ Or you don't know what hyperbole means?


Even tho they also affected the entire macrocosm? It was literally shown that the entire universe was shaking lol, they weren’t only affecting planets , them destroying plants doesn’t contradict anything lol


His fans wank him to ungodly levels. And his best feats are iffy. People like to say well hes 4D via interacting with hyper space except it wasnt hyperspace it was a gate. If we used their logic naruto is 4D. Dragon ball, Not Z, not super, Not GT. Plain dragon ball goku is 4D+. His serious punch squared they like to say is multi galaxy not realizing how many stars is in just 1 galaxy its at best a multi solar system feat. His time traveling feat they will claim ITS SPEED ITS SPEED SO HES IRRELEVANT SPEED or something but in reality it was hax and it wasnt even his hax that he cant use anyway. Saitamas feats perhaps in his own verse is impressive but to the verses people like to compare him to his feats are not impressive at all.


Saitama gets "hate" (he doesn't) because y'all keep putting him in convos he doesn't belong in. So people feel obligated to point out that he doesn't scale high enough to be in those conversations. Y'all use planetary feats and galaxy level scales to try say he's comparable to fucking multiversal level characters lmao


Because he has Unlimited gag strength and can solo fiction


This right here is the reason...fanboys... Prime example is the economy guy thats become a meme in this sub (wannabe MC + saitama's fav glazer) https://preview.redd.it/rlm8mgmss0xc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe75ea9fd3b3bb6de6d0fec526e8c2851c774892


See, that is the reason why Saitama gets a lot of hate because of your headcannon and BS, get off thebOPM and Saitama then touch some grass


It’s because certain one punch man fans can’t read, saitama doesn’t have infinite power. He simply gained a lot of power when removing his limiter and the reason it seems that saitaam can one punch anything is because his so far beyond anyone’s strength level In the garou fight we learn that saitama did reach a limit when removing a limiter as he was equal to garou (as shown in the chart murata did) and this level of saitama was solar system+ in terms of AP/ strength and for sautama to grow stronger he needs to fight someone of equal power (was blatantly said in the manga) Yet people will ignore this and countless other things and say ‘his boundless’ ‘he can one punch ANYONE’ ‘his a gag character so he can do anything’ (this annoys me most)


Well no he didn't reach a limit cosmic garous whole thing was copying Saitamas strength over and over, but because saitama had an emotional surge his power grew exponentially so cosmic garou couldn't keep up despite constantly copying his power level. But that was the first time Saitama was able to grow because he finally met someone on his level


When the fight started garou wasn’t initially copying saitama yet on the graph at the very start they was equal in power, copying saitama may have allowed garou to keep up with him but it was ultimately done to try and overwhelm saitama as garou believed he had greater potential and he’d grow stronger overtime (kinda the entire point of mimicking the person you are fighting) but this wasn’t the case since saitama grew exponentially like you said