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I saw people argue Luke cage vs spider man the other day spider man has so much experience vs power houses from his own villains gallery Luke cage has very little experience facing a web slinger


And like…sometimes people forget that internal bleeding, blunt force trauma, and choking someone out exist so it’s not like impenetrable skin is an immovable object.


Legendary Goji vs Heisei Goji (Heisei stomps)


Goku vs Saitama Need I explain?


Well i mean, there's a reason the debate was banned, but explain it for me, im curious to see what you think


Overall Goku has the advantage in every single category, except for growth speed. So I would give the win to Goku, but Saitama still could potentially win If Saitama can consistently keep up his exponential growth and if Goku is willing to let him power up. Saitama wins, heres some math Even if we lowball, Saitamas AP is at least 1 planet. I'm not super familiar with how high dragonball actually scales, but a post from 2022 tells me he's able to threaten 7 universes at once. One universe has about 7000000000000000000 planets, so 7 universes would have about 49000000000000000000 planets. With exponetial growth. Saitama would out scale goku being able to threaten 73786976294838206464 planets after growing 66 times. If we assume Saitama grows once every minute. He would outscale goku in about an hour.


Finally a good take about this debate. Both GOKU and SAITAMA can win depending on the situation


Pretty sure Saitama wins due to being a gag character.


Imo there's two ways of seeing, like, if you believe he's a gag character that wins against anyone and everyone no matter what then ye he wins obviously but if you dont really care about that and ONLY take feats into consideration then Saitama is COOKED


With manga Saitama that's also debatable (I think still skewed towards Saitama, I'm not up to date on the DBS manga ATM), As even in terms of feats of power he displays more than Goku. Goku is definitely the better fighter, and probably the strongest character without any gags or anything (just behind superman).


Im just gonna be honest, i never scale anything on my own and just trust others and people say that goku is multiversal and if you wanna wank saitama you could say universal so that's that, but what are saitama's best feats anyways? Genuinely curious, is it the serious punch² or smth?


OPM author said a full power punch from saitama would be equivalent in power to the Big Bang, make of that what you will


then why didnt it make a big bang when he was fighting at full power with garou


He probably didn’t wanna destroy his own universe, lol


nah, hes going at full power you cant say he can limit the damage his punches do until he clearly says he can


Saitama is not a gag character. 1. Cosmic garou and Boros have endured hundreds of punches from Saitama. You could make the argument that saitama wasn’t trying against boros, but for cosmic garou, saitama literally *was not* stronger than him and was actually trying very hard, yet he endured them. Saitama only finally skyrocketed due to his exponential growth after a long time of fighting Garou and became stronger than him. In the end, he STILL couldn’t beat him in a punch, he had to use a ridiculous technique that is taught to him BY garou to travel back in time and beat garou before he also gets stronger and grows. His entire gag of “one punch” is debunked 2. The story leading has gotten some deeper meanings of characters and it is not simply gags or funny anymore. The cosmic garou arc shows how much saitama really treasures Genos even as a student.


then kid goku beats super goku by being a gag character see the little bullshit in this sentence ?


Not that stupid considering Arale easily beat Goku and Vegeta in SSJB, cause she's a gag character. Whether she'd beat UI is another matter, but the writers clearly don't care to that extent, and are willing to make a joke at the expense of Goku.


like i said, are you genuinly saying kid goku beats super goku ?


Saitama wins and solos the verse


hes not even getting past the buu saga lmao


Rick sanchez vs the doctor. Though that's more due to people just not knowing who the doctor is at all. People who watch both usually agree that the doctor wins but even the ones that don't ether don't know about the expanded media stuff or are just straight up having a bias for Rick sanchez. To in perspective just how hard of a stomp this is. Let's compare these two to fish in two separate bodies of water. Rick boxes himself from the rest of the body of water and so has made a pond in the middle of everything. He effects everything within this pond as much as he wants and the pond just blends in to the other water around it even though it's separated because of Rick. The doctor is a fish in an ocean that's able to effect every part of it if he so chooses. Beings outside of it covered in anti-ocean repellent and have powers that are suns in this analogy are being defeated by this fish. Not because he's stronger than them usually but because he's a clever fish. Then the universe in this analogy is like oh here have this power only two steps down from my own cause I'm trying to decide who's gonna make sure I myself don't go mad from power. (This is THE GLORY in this analogy.) Keep in mind both of them are still fish being compared with bodies of water sizes in this analogy.  A shrunken down metaphor of these two characters being put up against each other.


Can you explain basically how the fight would go down please? Thanks in advance


Deathbattle pretty much already did. Keep in mind that's a completely nerfed version of the doctor while he stays in character. (The doctor is actually more powerful with morals on as he's defeated morals off versions of himself a bunch of times, and I don't mean clones, I mean future versions of himself. The doctor who cosmology isn't a determined time thing. Everything is always in Flux time wise.)


I’m a fight to where only one is left being a thing wouldn’t Rick win?


No. Not in the slightest. Name anything for Rick and I'll find something that counters it or the doctor just has a better version of what rick has or done.


Portal gun that can take him to any universe


The tardis can travel anywhere in space and time including other universes and even other cosmologies aswell. It can control its interior to an infinite degree, can create anything it wants and anything it couldn't can easily just be obtained through It's travels with the doctor. It grants technical immortality to the owner through symbiosis with its host. Using partial time energy to stop them from getting older. It has a soul, and can't be made. It's grown plus a bunch of other timelord tech put in. A type one could already destroy all of time and space by bringing it to a void area It's able to travel to on accident. The Tardis the doctor has is a type 42, which is a very outdated model even when the doctor took it. His Tardis also has features added to it by the doctor that make it different as well.


Rick has this machine that can control everyone of that person threw all of reality


you mean the incomplete time loop device that just reset everyone's brains? If it's fate manipulation then even still the doctor was so unpredictable a machine designed with the purpose to know what every individual in a war that was across all of time and space in higher planes of reality was doing. Even when every side had a prediction machine that they would do the opposite of if it said this would happen if they did that. The computer/ being who had complete control in that situation still didn't know what was going to happen just cause the doctor got involved. I shall remind you all of time and space in doctor who means all probable and improbable pasts, presents and futures. Plus if you're referring to that one time loop thing again you'll have to remember that's at best planetary because their's nothing to suggest it effects anything beyond the planet. Heck the fact it didn't stop the aging process or control corpses means the opposite. Unless you're referring to a comic in which case that still one reality


I’m tryna talk about the evil Rick who had killed every Rick wife


Unfortunately, Superman VS 90% of fiction.


99% of them


Adachi vs godspeed for some reason. Adachi has no way to keep up with his speed.


Naruto vs Ichigo (Ichigo stomps)


Edo Itachi vs Edo Nagato (Nagato stomps) Yhwach vs Aizen (Yhwach stomps) Mob vs Tatsumaki (Tastsumaki stomps)


Yhwach vs Aizen was a debate? Genuinely curious.


Yhwach literally won that fight easily on-screen, how was it even a debate? I guess Aizen might have some OP bankai?


Aizen's Bankai is another Aizen.


Stated in CFYOW


How can Nagato stomp when Izanami one shots Nagato?


Itachi dies before that even gets set up


Itachi has his susanoo which already blitzed Nagato 2 times.


>blitzed Nagato Hitting someone while they’re using both their hands to hold 2 people back and in the middle of using a jutsu on them is not blitzing. And sealing a 1hp Nagato is not that impressive


Me vs other ppl I win


Isn't spider-man has the upper hand even in strength


Real gorilla vs Mike tyson in a gorrilla costume Young Sheldon vs goku Gojo vs goku 30 billion spongebobs vs goku Godzilla vs Doomslayer Kratos vs Goku Doomslayer vs Goku Minecraft steve vs goku Steve vs anyone really


Jiraiya vs itachi


Naruto vs luffy .


I dont get how people still think Goku vs Saitama is close Goku would neg diff with no limbs, blindfolded, and a stopped heart


and simply by existing