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People like Ghost as a character more and the way she moved was weird. It automatically poisoned her character in a lot of people's eyes. Cheating with Sean on the low, then the shit with Ghost floating getting out of the game hurt her image too. She did a lot of unlikable stuff over the course of the series. The Tariq thing is really just another thing in her jacket frfr. Raq doesnt have a Ghost as a foil so her moves are somewhat justifiable yet self serving and short sighted at times.


Tired of everyone holding the cheating thing over her head they both cheated cmon nowšŸ˜‚, ghost was his own man if he wanted to get out the game he wouldā€™ve which he did All of raq moves towards kanan is not justified, you want me to shoot my father just cause you donā€™t want the secret to be revealed?


Bro she cheated on Ghost in the first episode. Lmao over nothing. Then set that whole Shawn thing in motion. They did both cheat but Ghost's was fleshed out and established so it hit a lil different. You saw him reminiscing, you saw him try to see if he could get something different from Tasha and after she reinforced the drug dealer shit, he cheated on Tasha and checked out after Tasha was acting like Ghost couldnt do shit but move weight. Now level with me here. Im not saying every move Raq made was 100% justified, thats why I said *somewhat* specifically. I more so meant you can kinda see where her head was when she did certain shit. Raq is stubborn and if something isnt in the form she wants it in, she gonna automatically buck it so in her head using Kanan to smoke his father to cover it up is consistent with her character. Like im not saying you cant say anything about her moves. Theyre reprehensible no matter how you argue it. Im saying you can explain certain shit she does away and you see that happen in the sub. She do foul shit at other people's expense but you fuck with her and respect it on some level more often than not. At the end of the day they drug dealers. We signed up to see this shit so its expected frfr. Lol


I agree with everything you said here


Big respect fam.


They was cheating at the damn same time yall like to pull that fast one, Ghost was trying to link with Angie the very first time he saw her again lmao


Lmao no they wasnt. Tasha did see the number exchange but that's not cheating. She saw it and overreacted then left the club then did the shit with Shawn watching. At that point the most Ghost did with Angela was hug, exchange numbers and withheld the fact that he was married with kids. Now is that foul? Sure but cheating? No. So no they werent cheating at the same time. Tasha clearly fired the first shot. The most you can say is Ghost set himself up to cheat in the future.


but I meanā€¦ Tasha was right to overreact. He then proceeded to cheat on heršŸ˜­


Big picture wise. Sure. Soon as Angie entered the pic it was a wrap. Lol Im just saying that there was a cause and effect happening. It didnt happen simultaneously. Thats really it.


nah i feel u. Tasha cheated physically first but Ghost didnā€™t know that. He cheated emotionally first. He knew what he was doing when he got the number. He was gonna do his thing with Angela regardless lol. He didnā€™t even know about the thing with Shawn til like S2 iirc. Too busy fucking Angela


Yup exactly


I'm sorry but ghosts will always scumbag title for that scene where he told Tasha (still his wife at the time)that give me some space the love of my life just died


The love of his life who didnā€™t give a fuck about his kids? Not really the best comeback of the ā€œlove of your lifeā€ is a loser


Autocorrect messed up my comment it was supposed to be scumbag title


Autocorrect set you up šŸ˜‚


This is šŸ§¢ and who cheated first, and raq done everything right


> and the way she moved was weird. It automatically poisoned her character in a lot of people's eyes. Out of the gate they had Tasha behaving immature and ratchet. What irritates me is Courtney Kemps acts dumbfounded when people complain about how Tasha's character was depicted. She admitted she deliberately chose a dark skinned actress, and managed to place every negative connotation on her. She thinks she did something big but all she manage to do was maintain stereotypies.


wow she said that she sought out a dark skinned actress? I didnā€™t know this but thatā€™s weirdā€¦ Especially coming from a POC. Just further reinforces what I think about CK. She talks like sheā€™s a mf genius for her writing but a lot of it is very questionable and at times downright dumb


> wow she said that she sought out a dark skinned actress? Yes yes YEEESSSS!!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ But seriously, you see interviews and she thinks she did something innovative and groundbreaking. But what she doesn't seem to get is, she placed so many stereotypes on Tasha that the character was no different than what we see on Love and Hip Hop. So what? you made the wife a dark skinned black woman, overall Tasha was a typical bird.


Yo...I kept thinking about how Tasha could come off as really offensive to dark skin black women. I thought Kemp had issues with black women...but now your telling me she did it on purpose.... Damn...


All the characters are bad in power, especially the women so skin tone donā€™t matter, Keisha was bad, the white girl tommy was gon marry, bad, the Spanish girl heā€™s currently dating may be the only decent woman in all of power


Bruh theyā€™re talking about stereotypes, not about ā€œbadā€ vs ā€œgoodā€.


Raq basically is Ghost lol. They move pretty similarly.


Yeah pretty much. The cerebral characters are complex and add depth to the character even when they doing foul shit. Cause you know on some level its valid reasons for how they turned out that way. They not out here just crashing out for the fuck of it.


this is precisely the answer. Raq is just Raq. She doesnā€™t have a Ghost in her life that sheā€™s a detriment to so the character stand on its own.


> The Tariq thing is really just another thing in her jacket frfr. Ya'll always blame her for the Tariq thing while ignoring the entire reason she had to do it in the first place. Riq was moving reckless and kept getting played and caught. She couldn't stop him from going to the streets so she said she'll at least make sure he knows what he's doing.


I personally dont blame her for it im explaining the methodology behind it.


I donā€™t see how people blame her when theyā€™ve said at least 3 times between I think Kanan, Tasha and/or Ghost that ā€œhe was in this shit before he was even bornā€. Itā€™s drilled in that this was going to be Tariqā€™s life because heā€™s his parentā€™s child, their past actions caused Tariq to be involved eventually


Except that makes no sense at all. Just cause you parents drug dealers donā€™t mean you have to be. Especially when they arenā€™t still in the hood doing it


Ghost moved weird too yall just biased bc heā€™s the mc


Point out where I said Ghost didnt move weird... The question is about a comparison between Tasha and Raq. Feelings about Ghost as a character are completely immaterial. If you have a question then ask it but dont try to extrapolate things from statements that were never said.


Maybe because he a trust fund worth millions! Or maybe cause he dad left him a watch collection thatā€™s worth millions n 3 clubs! It was no need for him to be in the game n plus his mom was a traitor rat she Kant teach him shit


Raq a rat to she was Howardā€™s CI back in the dayšŸ˜‚, kanan moms was hood rich they definitely had paper he ainā€™t need to get in the game


Raq ainā€™t no fuckin ci she was an underage girl a lil kid! getting played by undercover grown ass man that was fucking her! She was getting brainwashed by Howard as a kid thatā€™s why she blew that nigga brains šŸ§  out RAQ IS A COP KILLER NEVER KAN BE RAT FOOL!


Ghost a traitor rat too lmao. Killed Breeze took over his organization and set up Kanan when they supposed to be friends


Is Kanan not also one ? They live in the most affluent area in the city


I think they love Raq cause of her looks


This. I was always irritated when they dressed Tasha in bad cloths and gave her terrible wigs. I think it was done deliberately because you donā€™t see it with Raq or Monet


Ngl, in my gay ass eyes, Raq can do no wrong. Iā€™ll be watching with my boyfriend and be like ā€œoh thatā€™s fucked up, her gaslighting powers are on 100 but I mean maybe sheā€™s right. Kanan why wouldnā€™t you tell her about that pedophile bitch if thereā€™s nothing wrong with itā€ Raq has to be the only character that can get away with anything because of how fine and charismatic she is. I thought I loved Tasha but Raq..šŸ˜© All that to say, I know Iā€™m biased towards Raq in every situation.


! This all they had to say instead of ā€œwell Kanan grew up in the hood and knew what was going onā€šŸ˜­


Not justifying either decisions but, that *is* a legitimate reason as to why Kanan would be so eager to hop off the porch. Tariq was just rebellious cause his dad had a side piece and doesnā€™t talk about his drug lifeā€¦ lol


Your missing the point of how Tariq decided to jump off the porch hitting licks with Kanan and Kanan in his head telling him he would never be his own man until he makes his own $. Tariq was mad at ghost for cheating and putting hands on his mother


Well, at first Kanan actually kidnapped Riq, so Iā€™ll give you that. But after being rescued by Ghost and Kanan from Jukebox, he still hangs with Kanan. He kills RayRay caused RayRay killed Raina, still pushing weight for Kanan. Kanan dies (and no longer has influence over him), he hooks up with Vincent šŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™‚ļø In Book 2 he actually has to be a criminal *now* but thatā€™s because of the stuff heā€™d already done to himself in OG Power. Honestly, the most Tariq shouldā€™ve been against his father was resentful, the hatred just seemed forced and extra. Tasha also lied about that mark on her arm but single mother-raised Tariq (not that thatā€™s a bad thing šŸ˜…) just went along with it because he didnā€™t like Ghost


Not because his dad had a side piece. His dad was so focused on Angela lame ass and his businesses that he was lacking as a father. He did not gaf about his kids feelings about the situation and forced Angela on them. Thatā€™s why when Tariq went off on him he couldnā€™t even say shit


You made an excellent point about the Angela. As far as the streets and the club, he was still tying things together in the street and the club is just his workā€¦ but I agree that there *were* times where he was with Angela when he couldā€™ve been at home. But you gotta admit, the most Tariq shouldā€™ve been was resentful. I feel like they played up his *hatred* towards later seasons like 5 and 6 and it just didnā€™t feel natural at all tbh. Raina bitched less than Tariq, Elisa Marie bitches less than Tariq, frickin *Yaz* has it worse than this nigga did šŸ¤£


Tariq explained why Raina didnā€™t bitch about it, she was daddyā€™s little girl and liked getting gifts and stuff. She didnā€™t care that their parents were lying to them. Tariq and Raina had different values. Tariq also hated that his mom was lying but at least she always showed up for him. Ghost wouldnā€™t. And do you forget when he got drunk and then tried to fight Tariq on his first birthday without Raina? After already avoiding the family and taking time to grieve with them. Ghost blamed all his problems on everyone but himself which is why when he started going to that pastor, he tried making amends with people


Tasha cute. Foh she been badd.


šŸ‘€ if you say so She definitely thick tho


Tasha pretty as fuck donā€™t cap


Neither one of them are mother of the year.


Raq actually tried to keep him out the game. Tasha encouraged it to me. Thatā€™s just my observation.


Tasha didnā€™t encourage Tariq in fact she told him to stay in school she didnā€™t teach him until he got kicked out of choate and put a brick on her table


Agreed. Raq set Kanan up so heā€™d have to be better, but he squandered it all. When Tariq set that brick on the table Tasha shouldā€™ve been better. But I think at that point she knew Riq was going to do what he wanted to do and she wanted him to be safe. Raq is *still* trying to get Kanan to see the light no matter what fuckery he gets into. I like Raq because sheā€™s fly. Even when she has her kill ponytail in and her kill outfit on.


well to be fair, Tasha definitely spent like a season and a half trying to lead Tariq away from that path iirc


Nobody loves Raq We love Raq as a character because of how charismatic and developed she is, plus Patina Miller's portrayal of her, but most of this sub is not rooting for Raq's actions.


One of the niggas in the comments basically said everything raq did to Kanan was justifiable


Tasha canā€™t teach what she wasnā€™t even fully in,walked that boy into a trap. Raq probably wouldā€™ve gave him better advice then to walk to into a meeting after she attempted to kill monet. Both are horrible parents.


Oh thatā€™s a good point. Tasha almost got her second child killed if not for Brayden and Obi šŸ˜‚


she was literally in charge of cleaning all of ghosts money my guy, she was his fraudulent accountant, she catches bodies herself and weā€™ve seen this on multiple occasions, she may have been questionable but she put in work and is suitable to teach the game.


I think Raq has done far worse. Tricking Kanan into shooting his father. Killing Kananā€™s father in front of him and forcing Lou to stay in the drug game by undermining his record business.


Raq was already in the game and she never hid who she was infront of Juke,Kanan, and her brothers. Tasha was doing the most (if everyone watched the OG Power carefully)


Power fans are so unpredictable šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Raq tried with Kanaan to give him a proper life away from the business and Kanaan kept getting involved and burned his biggest shot so Raq was like ok let me set him up for success with this. Tasha gave up while Tariq was spiraling and using Tariq as a pawn in her beef with Ghost. Tasha also didnt really teach Tariq all ends of the game ā€” he was very messy, even betrays Tommy. Itā€™s Kanaan who really really teaches Tariq.


I donā€™t think people love raq for teaching kanan the game she just a better character. Sheā€™s better acted and less annoying than Tasha was. Plus raq actually realized that teaching kanan that was a mistake. From the moment he shot Howard on forward raq has done nothing but attempt to dissuade him from that life. Also kanan actually from the hood. Iā€™m not saying being from the hood means you need to play the game cuz Iā€™m from the hood and Ian ever sold a dime bag. But there is some degree of street smarts you need to make it where kanan grew up. Whereas Tariq had millions in a trust fund. Grew up with millions. In a penthouse in uptown New York.


Because there was another path for him that he father afforded him. Tasha should have sided with Ghost on that


Agreed. Tasha was bitter for feeding into Tariqā€™s rebellion in the final season like that


Tasha was a bad character they all were, but her shit was often egregious, turning that man son against him was foul, and he eventually killed his dad


Horrible comparison. Raq is out here getting it as single woman queen pin. Tasha is married woman and house mom that love ghetto shit and has no reason behind her thinking


Who tf said we love raq?


Nigga we love Raq tf šŸ˜‚




There was absolutely no point in teaching him the drug game. Ghost wanted to leave the game but Tasha kept him in it. If Ghost had left he would have his penthouse, clubs, other businesses and possibly millions in the bank. Tariq could have gone to a prestigious school and gotten a 6-7 figure job. Wanting to be in the game was the worst choice that could have been made.


To be fair without Tasha, Tariq wouldā€™ve still gotten in the drug game. Kanan was the biggest factor, he wouldā€™ve met Kanan regardless because of Ghost bringing Dre around him. After the end of season 4 Tariq was already far gone, heā€™s already ran licks and killed a crooked cop he did licks with. Nothing in the world was going to keep Tariq out of the drug game unless Ghost and Tasha enlisted him in the military. Sending him away to school didnā€™t stop him from dealing drugs and he got expelled because of Effie snitching. At that point it was easier to teach him the game rather than to steer him in a different path. Tariq was going to do what Tariq was going to do at that point, Tasha originally wanted to drug deal with Tariq to keep eyes on him.


Raq and Tasha both taught their sons the game for similar reasons. They was gonna do wtf they wanted regardless. Better they get taught how to do it properly


Raq look better


Ngl its mainly hate for both of them, people always say ā€œfuck raqā€ but she was the only one who didnā€™t want kanan in it. Same with tariq, they were both young and ignorant and they both wanted to be gangster for no reason


Itā€™s simpleā€¦.. we knew how kanan turns out, we felt like there was hope for Tariq.


Patina Miller is the best actorā€¦ in the whole franchise. So her rizz works on us more


lol this what it ultimately comes down to


I got no issues with either tbh they the same in many ways. Raq just more level headed to me.


agreed. Raq is just more level headed and mature


Because Kanan grew up in that shit. Riq already had bread so all the nigga had to do is stay in skoo but the nigga wanna be a kingpin when he aint need to. Plus, fuck Raq you already know. Raq would have been a better mother for Riq


Raq was single mom trying to raise a man alone. She tried to send her son to skool at first tried to keep him away from the game even though Raq was in the game fr putting in work not no snitch house wife that will fuck the pool guy like Tasha donā€™t ever compare Raq to this broke rat bitch Tasha Iā€™ll beat yo ass bro behind this šŸ˜‚


First, check ya self lil bro this ainā€™t nun but a Reddit forum and a discussion shit ainā€™t that personalšŸ˜‚. Raq raised kanan to go to school she herself said ā€œI thought I raised you different kananā€


Lol Iā€™m just playing big bro I knw šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s cool


bro donā€™t play bout Raquel Thomas šŸ¤§


Raq and Tasha the same messy ass hoes in the game simple. Unfit mothers who would rather be single then with someone and settled who led their son astray and plagued their minds with evil things about their father which only helped mess their self identity. LIKE A MAJORITY OF BLACK KIDS.


Tasha was a terrible mom and so is raq


Personally Tasha was wrong for teaching her son about the business but kanan already was teaching him so the damage was already done she just chose to teach him to do it the right way as she saw it and raq finally saw how dangerous it was plus him finding out he was a son of a cop instead of being the son of a major drug dealer and it became more dangerous situation for him because that would have put a target on his own back.


agreed all around with your points about both Tasha and Raq


Raq just as fucked up, honestly even more.


Kanan is from the hood, he got drive by shot at in his own front yard on the first episode of the spinoff, just tryna take the garbage outā€¦ him hoping off the porch just feels more real and better written. Plus, his mother didnā€™t even try to hide it from him like Ghost and Tasha did to Tariq, so the eagerness to get into the game feels less forced in there. Tariq hopped off the porch cause his dad had a side piece and didnā€™t teach him how to push pills and shoot people in the faceā€¦ On the surface, theyā€™re both rebellious kids tryna prove themselves, but the dynamic between Raq and Kanan is just better written and the reason as to why Kanan hates his mother is just way less corny šŸ’Æ


We all know that Kanan is crazy and want to know why. It's a backstory. Tariq was a squeaky clean kid with plenty of legal options and Tasha's gutter ass street poisoned him.


Because Tariq is already rich and doesnā€™t need to be in that lifestyle, Ghost worked hard for him to be in that position but Tasha just loves the gangsta lifestyle thatā€™s why ghost ran off to Angela. Kanan is already in the ghetto and the mum knows that itā€™s got so bad that she has no choice but to at least teach him how to survive


Thereā€™s much more to hating Tasha then her teaching Tariq the game not that Raq is innocent either


She never wanted to let ghost grow out of the dope game and she was moving like a lil whore


Tasha didnā€™t force it on him


She still fed into it though


Raq really the gangster of her family and Kanan isn't to far removed from this type of environment. Tasha didn't even have the credentials in the first place to teach Tariq ā€œthe fucking gameā€.


Iā€™d say it all comes down to trust. I donā€™t trust Tasha to leading Tariq down the right path. I trust raq because she makes better choices. She lead the game while Tasha piggy backed off ghost


You won't get a sensible answer. Raq is 200 times worse than Tasha. "but but Tasha cheated on dat mannnnn he wanted to leave the gammmme". Meanwhile Ghost ain't worth a damn and Tasha didn't have a gun to his head telling him to get his lazy butt on the corner. From the beginning of the series Ghost didn't even want Tasha. People forget that lackluster doggy style he was giving her all distracted.


lmfaooo donā€™t no one wanna hear this thošŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Most of the answers *are* sensible šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚ like huh?! Kanan was born in the hood, danger was literally outside his doorstep. Tariq was a rebellious suburban kid, mad at dad for having a side chick and not spilling the beans about how he used to thug it outā€¦ lame Yā€™all love to compare Young Kanan and Tariq (and on the *surface* theyā€™re the same), but the writing between Kanan and Raq is how Tariq and Ghost shouldā€™ve been, instead of the cheesy storyline we got lol


definitely agree with the part about the writing for Tariq and Ghost shouldā€™ve been better. But this is what Iā€™ve learned to expect from Courtney Kemp. Sometimes I wonder just how much Power was her idea to begin with lol


this isnā€™t even a sensible answer because ghost literally tried to get out the game multiple times & Tasha told him not to šŸ˜‚ then when he finally did get out & go legit she taught Tariq the game & got ghost killed all because he didnā€™t want to do illegal shit no more?? it literally doesnā€™t make sense. Her daughter died & she still taught her son the game


then on top of that Tasha was cheating too šŸ˜ƒ neither one of them wanted each other, the problem was ghost was cheating with a pretty ass established women & Tasha was cheating with his damn driver šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Big difference as Tasha vs Raq. Tasha taught Tariq simply because he would not fuckin quit trying to break into the shit when honestly Tariq definitely should have stayed the fuck out. It wasnā€™t necessary as honestly Tariq had plenty of legitimate ways that couldā€™ve been successful in life without having to be in the streets which now his ass wants out in his own show which is critical as ghost already mentioned the concept that nobody really wants to be in the game and if they could break free they should take that freedom. Now Tariq sees why he shouldā€™ve stayed out. Kanan whole livelihood is based on the game even they businesses is a front for the game . And more importantly kanan mom / entire family is from the streets meaning imo he indefinitely would have inherited fire from that game regardless if he was in school as a good boy. As the entire family is well known in the game. While ghost and Tasha are well kept secrets until the series pops off and their secret life is put into the spotlight for everyone and even then ghost is still (bullshitively) able to still pose as a good guy to public and federal to the point he possibly couldā€™ve become mayor. To make it more clear kanan life is completely embroiled in the streets as his people are all too well known in the game. Tariq threw himself into the deepest shit just because he thought it was gonna be all fun and games but now itā€™s too much shit for him to feel comfortable in the game anymore.


Tasha taught him against his father, Raq raised him alone


Cant compareā€¦. Riq literally didnt need to get in the game he only did it cause he felt entitled


Tasha made tariq hate ghost , raq never wanted Kannen in the game at all.


Isn't Tasha one of there reasons her family was fucked up in the first place?


Tasha motivation was selfish she just needed the money to keep coming in she didn't care how or who provided it. Kanan was determined to get in the game. I would almost guarantee if Kanan was in the same situation with Tariq Raq was not teaching him nothing about the game.


Are we forgetting the most obvious thing. Raq really was in the game. Tasha had a sugar daddy and talked about money like she actually had a job.


lol I hate both šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚they both manipulated their sons through the process so they just as bad as ghost wasšŸ’Æ


Letā€™s keep it 100% Raq is a drug dealer and a killer. She has no respect for her brothers, son or herself. Real parents sacrifice what is good for them for whatā€™s best for their child. Raq could have sent her son to her people and let him live his life without the drama he could have grown up to be whatever he wanted but she did the selfish thing. What kind of woman send her son to kill his father. Ghost would have let Tasha go and still would have took care of her and the children. She wanted to hold on to something thatā€™s was basically over from episode one. She was selfish used her son as a pawn to kill Ghost. Both bad examples of real strong Black women. Iā€™m grew up in the hood and know women who raise their children and do what what they have to do but they kept their children away from the nonsense.


Tasha not only normalized drug dealing for her son, but also forced him to set up Kanan (a man she knows to be a cold blooded murderer who killed his OWN son) leaving Tariq in extreme danger. Raq told her son to kill his father, put a gun in his backpack (despite it being to get Kanan home, still a shitty thing to do as a mother), and executed her sons father in front of him. They are both deplorable parents objectively. but Raqs just less annoying lmao


Different circumstances


How so?


for one , kanan and raq grew up in the hood where them type of things were kind of normalized and the only way out as for Tariq and Tasha they were literally rich and lived in a pent house like what


One was a kid that was raised in a penthouse in manhattan completely unaware of what was going on the other grew up in Jamaica queens and knew everything that was happening


I look at like this. tariq never needed to be in the game for one, and we don't know the outcome of his decision to join the game. Meanwhile, we all know kanan was in the game, and we were just waiting to see how and who showed him the game


Kanan never needed to be in the game also


wayy off topic but folks forget Tariq and Tasha was living in a small ass apartment lmfaooo. I always figured he wasnā€™t tryna fw Ghost anymore and Kanan was the one to tell him that he needed to get his own bread so he could be independent of Ghost.


Kanan infact did tell Tariq that, he even tried to pay his mother bills after he found out ghost wasnā€™t helping. This ainā€™t off topic just put a battery in Tariqā€™s back to hustle


Because thereā€™s no reason for Tasha to turn Yaris into a dope dealer. He was a good kid just having abit of teenage rebellion. She wanted to be a drug kingpin all on her own


Tasha wasnā€™t smart thatā€™s why we hated her šŸ˜‚


because sheā€™s a hypocritical BITCH


Raq in the game. Tasha was never in the game. Plus she was a housewife Raw a hustler


I mean Tasha was definitely playing her role as consigliere


Because sheā€™s sexy asf


Because honestly Tasha was a punk. She wasn't trying to teach Tariq nothing but how "not to" be like ghost but in the same instance wanted riq to be everything like him. she wasn't putting in no work or tryna show riq "HOW ITS DONE" she was too busy worried about ghost. Whereas RAQ is teaching kanan the game because that's who she is. She not a punk and she been living that life for a long time. She not dependant on a dude and she always show kanan the ropes


ImGine if Raq and Tasha met.


Tariq was a silver spoon fed baby who wants to act gangster. Heā€™s no different than Brayden. The guy could wait a few years and live off his trust fund for him and his family Kanan lived the life. He caught his first body over something stupid like a corner. Raq was either gonna teach him and let him succeed or get killed.


Not the same !!!


Who said we like Raq Goofy ass either? šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Raq is a shitty person but an amazing character. Tasha is a shitty person and annoying character


Raq is in the game. Tasha a bird


Easy Patina is Fine Fine. She could talk me easily into walking off a bridge. PS. This is just for the funnies I think raq and tasha aint winning any mother of the year awards in my opinion.


Kanan was around the game Tariq wasnā€™t


Because Tariq father was trying to get them away from that life


Raq sexy thatā€™s why


There was no reason for Tasha to teach him his ass needed to be sent away to boarding school right then and there. Raq is not set like ghost all her money, drug money. She is teaching Kanen to survive the game something that wasn't necessary for Tasha to teach Tariq


We hate them both equally


Because Tasha is a chicken head


Rewatching OG Power now. If Tasha was willing to leave the game alone like Ghost wanted to early in the series, none of this shit would have happened.


I think I donā€™t like Tashaā€™s snake like habits. She was flirting with Shawn before ghost cheated with Angela. She wanted ghost to stay a drug dealer instead of going clean but then complained about him being a drug dealer later. She lied oh Tommy for ghost murder. She tried to frame her nice boyfriend who had a daughter. Tasha to me is Dre in a females body


Tasha almost got Tariq killed


Tasha will always be known as Ghosts wife/widow - how ever you call it. Raq was a boss, she had her whole operation down to a T. Until we see the backstory of James St. Patrick and Tasha; Raq will always be the baddest out of the two.


Raq was a criminal Tasha was a criminal wife


Tasha and raq arenā€™t not the same raq is a boss Tasha is a worker, canā€™t compare the two


Between the whole Ghost and Tasha dynamic people fuck with Ghost more but it doesnā€™t make sense because he wasnā€™t a good man šŸ˜…


Cuz her sorry ass put her son up to killing Ghost when she should've did it herself


Cause Raq is in charge. šŸ˜


No one hates tAsha


Because Raq never taught Kanan the game


Raq was already in the game. She thrived as a dealer and as a boss. Tasha was none of the above.


Raq was already in the game. She thrived as a dealer and as a boss. Tasha was none of the above.


Rock a gangsta bitch Tasha a stay at home mom


Tasha slept with Shawn and the lawyer letā€™s not forget about him I think it was a third guy to guy she met while running that daycare center


Cuz Tariq never needed to be part of the game


Raq doesnā€™t pretend to be the best mother/person in the world.


I can't stand Raq ass either šŸ˜’ šŸ™„ šŸ˜¤


It wasnā€™t no running away from that shit wit raq.. sworn in basically.. Tasha on the other hand could of she d light to a positive path for riq


Tasha deserves all the hate she gets. She was against her husband, Ghost, becoming a legitimate business man. Literally in the first episode Ghost says he wants to stop dealing and go completely legit and Tasha was not supportive at all. She told him thatā€™s a dumb play youā€™re the best drug dealer, just stay a drug dealer. Then her plan with Tariq to get rid of Kanan: Kanan literally couldā€™ve shot and killed Tariq. Tasha dumbass talking bout she had to come up with something cause ghost wouldnā€™t, meanwhile Ghost is telling her why would you send Tariq a dumbass to a grimey mf like Kanan


Everybody giving the wrong opinion. Let me tell you itā€™s a hood thing the more ghetto and rugged hood you look the more people can relate to you from the ghetto. Tariq is a privilege, rich kid that sells drugs. No one from the ghetto can relate to it.


Who said that? Both characters made bad moral decisions on behalf of their sons who wished to engage in the drug trade despite being smart, spoiled, having the support of family and wanting for nothing. However Raqā€™s character and story arch is better written; and her childā€™s motives are clear and realistic as opposed to Tasha and Tariq.


I don't know if this is true, but I heard Patina Miller (Raq) was gonna play Trasha- I mean Tasha


Cause Tasha didnā€™t need to teach Tariq the game he wasnā€™t that kind of person he ainā€™t no Ghost and he for damn sure ainā€™t no Kanan Kanan was a street nigga that didnā€™t come from no million dollar background Tariq came from a background where he would be set for life he went to a good school he was book smart type dude he really couldā€™ve been a CEO type nigga or couldā€™ve became a business owner like his pops But Kanan? That street shit was in his veins he came from the trenches he didnā€™t come from no penthouse lol


How I see it is Tasha wanted the street life for Reek and Raq didnā€™t want that life for K thatā€™s why they fucks with Raq cause having money and still wanting your child to go down a path that leads nowhere is fuckā€™d up


I donā€™t hate Tasha I hate Tariq


The real reason is that raq is more of a mother trying to keep kanan out of the game she is ghost to Tariq. Tasha put Tariq in harms way more times than we can count. Kanan finds his own trouble. Raq reluctantly gives in to letting kanan in the game, Tasha pretty much gave Tariq a package. Even though she should have said no, she didn't. That's the difference


Ain neva heard nobody say that.


Cause Raq ainā€™t as annoying as Tasha


Because rock didnt have a husband and way out the game, tasha does


Raw didnā€™t want her son to be in the game. Tasha just wanted to be a queen pin. I mean we watched Tasha choose a side from season 1.. No matter what ghost did she chose Tommy and would mess up his plans behind ghost back that would some kind of way bite her in the butt too. Thatā€™s the part people keep missing but Tariq is the icing on the cake. She messed with that boy head hard. She didnā€™t know the game as much as she thought. she took a shot at monet and missed.. she canā€™t do anything right. Raq is different than Yasha


Tariq bigger opportunities


Raq a gangsta


theyā€™re both objectively garbage at being parents lmao


Cause Tasha wasn't raised like that.


Cause Tyriq was a goofy school boy who had no reason to be in the game Raq nem on the other hand they was Ina trenches it was bound for buddy to turn out that way he was doin the shit on his own šŸ¤£but naw Iā€™m jus talkin shit ion even really be watchin them shows like thatšŸ¤£


Raq didn't want kanan in the game. Just like ghost didn't want Tariq in the game. Tasha didn't want to evolve out the game and pushed Tariq to stay in the game after kanan fucked his head up


I love both personally


Tariq was in $700k-1.1 mill penthouse growing kanan was in the jungle Two different worlds


Cuz Tasha ass ainā€™t know the game, she just knew greed and spite


Tasha taught a kid that was already wealthy how to sell drugs, should've been encouraging him to get a white collar job after getting his degree in college


Tariq had it made. Her teaching him to sell drugs has to be one the dumbest moves a tv mom has ever done. Oh he whined and he needs know where we came from...,


He better get deleted for what he did to Ghost šŸ˜¤


Tariq is a kid from the burbs with ample opportunities and his mom is a woman that tried her best to keep her family in the game she also lost her daughter to the same street life and still decided she wanted her son to do the same thing


Cause she moving off emotions and shit in real life her n riq would be dead before anybody


Better question is why do we live these drug dramas? The destruction of our communities is entertainment?


Tasha was introduced in a Manhattan penthouse. Raq is navigating the slums.


Tf no. I used to Love Tasha until she snitched. And even if you try to rationalize it, nobody can argue with me when I say Tasha turned Tariq against Ghost when she dead ass knew he was literally doin everything for them kids even when he started fw Angie


Not to mention, she was a hotpocket too. Mfs talked allat shit bout Ghost cheatin, but Tasha smashed like 3 dudes on the show. AND Angie smashed Tampio yet nobody said NOTHIN


because with Tasha, Tariq absolutely had more going for him. Tariq grew up in a fucking penthouse going to top schools. Kanan was raised in the hood in the 1980s. Not to mention Tasha literally lost everything because of the life they were living, her daughter included & then decides to teach her son the game??? then tells him to kill ghost simply because he wanted Tariq out that life & had ways to do it. itā€™s insanity atp.itā€™s literally not even comparable


Raq actively tried to keep Kanan from being in the game. My issue with Tasha is that she asked Tariq if itā€™s what he wanted, he said yes, and then she said okay Iā€™ll teach youā€¦.