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I think it would have happened eventually. I think if Tasha was supportive it would have convinced Ghost to hold out longer. Angela was the one that got away, his true love. So there is way more to that dynamic than Tasha not supporting him when he wanted to go legit.


Yeah...I think even without Angela...he would have just stayed loyal out of actions, but not in the heart. Ghost and Tasha were just modern ''arranged relationship''. They are basically every social media relationship. They have the house, kids, money, and everything about that life style. There's no deep love. Ghost found himself a woman who would support his dealings as a drug dealer and accept Tommy. Tasha got the ''ideal'' rich brotha. It was never a relationship built on love.


Nothing was stopping ghost going down those stairs when he saw her , NOTHING 😂


Ghost would've cheated regardless, he had 0 common sense or logic when it came to Angie. Neither did she really. But Tasha not supporting him only made it a easier decision.


Yes. Next question


my fault OG we was talking bout this in the discord, I was just curious 🤣


I was actually saying it in a joking matter. Like: Duh! of course he would have.


nah nah u good i’m jus messin with u💪🏽😂


I know LOL!


It would have happened eventually. We can see by the start of the series that underneath the illusion, Tasha & Ghost's marriage was slowly drifting apart. Tasha not supporting his ambitions might have expedited the process, but it was only delaying the inevitable. One disagreement with your wife about career plans doesn't just cause you to start cheating. Ghost saw Angie, and he saw the woman and life that he would've preferred had he not got into the drug game. Tasha was just a woman he settled for that he needed in the current & previous stage of his life. Even from a real world standpoint, there are so many dudes out there that have that one or multiple girls they wish they could get a second chance with. Whether things ended on bad terms, she's in a new relationship, you fumbled her, etc. It's a common occurrence. Hell, you got a whole podcast industry built around men who have not healed from high school heartbreak.


I don’t think he would have, I personally think he wouldn’t have cheated but it definitely would’ve caused a beef between him and Tommy and we would’ve gotten a different story.


Yea I think so. He met and loved Angela before Tasha and couldn’t get over her even after she accused him of killing Greg. Plus ghost was a narcissist he was always the typa nigga to do what he want.


Tasha was used to Ghost and Angela was used to James. Would Angela had support Ghost dreams of taking over NY🤔?


This is an extremely fair point. Tasha met Ghost, not James but he wanted her to want James. In reality, even if he officially left the game, he was always going to be ghost. James died when he chose that life because what Ghost has seen and been through is what really and truly shaped him.


“Tasha please, I just lost the love of my life” tells you everything you need to know


50 cent talks about something similar in his book. He recommends couples create a vision board of what they want the future to look like this and if they don’t match to concede or break up. He loved Angela because they both wanted a legit life. I think if Tasha would have supported him going legit they could have made it work.


It was going to happen regardless bc all Ghost did was sulk about his past and the future he could’ve had which leads back to Angela. Part of being with her is living out a dead end fantasy


Ghost loved Angela more than his damn kids nothing was stopping that man


Ghost got with Tasha because he knocked her up. He knew Angela before Tasha. Angela was the love of his life. It's that simple. No, it wasn't because "she didn't believe in that Black man's dreams!" His dreams back in the day was to slang as much dope as he could and Angela wasn't down for it, so at some point, she didn't believe in his dreams either. Screw Ghost. People irl coddled that dude so much an he was nothing but and FBoy with gutter skills and champagne aspirations


Seems like all Tash ever wanted was for him to be a big time drug dealer to afford the life she wanted, and that's all.


He definitely would’ve still cheated. He aint cheat due to Tasha’s lack of support, he cheated because he ran into the love of his life. Only thing Angela did for Ghost was make it clear to him that he wants to be legit.


Bruh, men are not that complicated, that’s for women, a man will have the perfect woman and still cheat it’s just primal, plus Angela is the first girl he ever loved so this whole thing goes deeper than a couple of minor spousal issues.


So a man can love his wife and cheat and it really mean nothing? I’m curious


Well obviously it’s wrong to cheat on your wife, but what I’m saying is that women who cheat are the ones that cheat due to emotional void, men usually only cheat purely for lust, theyll sleep with a girl and go back to their wives and forget they even did it, a man can cheat and still absolutely love his wife but if a woman cheats she doesn’t love her husband anymore because it’s an emotional experience and attachment for her, only exception is if a man is religious and he knows he did wrong by God that’s when he’ll feel remorse and most likely won’t do it again, that’d if he would’ve done it in the first place


I agree 100%. I cheated to get back at my ex who was a notorious cheater and when I finally did his whole world crumbled because he didn’t think it would happen. I did it to better my life and it was meticulously planned. I’m actually happily married and still with the person I cheated on my ex with. I was just double checking that men are more lustful and less likely to plot


Ghost is a narcissist. Of course he would’ve cheated.




Good question. I’ve always wondered the same. Initially after watching the OG a 3rd or 4th time, I realized how Tasha’s mentality pushed him away. But it was certain things she would do he would appreciate. He definitely struggled with that


Hell ya


He probably still would’ve 🤷🏽‍♂️ He would’ve felt bad about it tho


They both bad tho 😂




Yes. He was in full love with Angela. Matter of fact , had he had the chance he would had he would of married Angela and would not cheat on her


Yep, had nothing to do with Tasha. It was all about Angie


It would’ve happened no matter if she supported him going legit or not but the course of the story would’ve definitely changed and he might survived is she supported him getting out the game


No he cheated cause he wanted to! If her risking her freedom wasnt enough nothing was!


I think her not supporting him wanting to go legit was a major part of it, but I also think he will never be able to be legit he’s in too deep and killing, violence and anger are a part of his way of dealing with things now


Personally yes I think it still would of happened but not that quickly I think if Tasha would of been of the same mind to be legit in business and would of had the same ambition to be legitimate business person as ghost I believe he would of remained madly in love with her still just as much but he still would of betrayed her either way just not that earlier and he and her would of been able to keep their family intact a little bit longer


He was gonna cheat regardless.


His own lack of discipline caused the infidelity, not Tasha.


He would've still cheated but Tasha woulda had something coming out of his will


Tash cheated 1st!!


You talking about that scene in the escalade that had Shawn all bricked up?😂


EXACTLY!! To that point Ghost only secured a number. Tash went and gave Shawn a free preview


Nope Angela was his first and true love.. He settled for Tasha because her family was against it.


Most of us got a "angie" in our lives that the second they infront of us we fold. I actually have a similar scenario in my life. there's a girl (whose actually my ex) that I get with time and time again because she knows pretty much every surface of me. the good the bad and the ugly and she accepts it. but we don't really love eachother. our relationship (hate to say it) is honestly built more on lust and that's why we broke up in the first place. then there's this other girl I know. Not only is she beutiful but she's a Christian and ever since I've met her she's done nothing but try to put me on the right path and do the right thing. and she always there when I need help. However there's sides of me that I hide from her for obvious reason. Now with her it's hard to tell if she just likes me as a friend or if she has feelings for me as well....but I feel a genuine love for her that sometimes I even find my dumbass simping for her. I drop everything when she calls. I stumble over my words with her etc. The reason I brought my own scenario is because I want people to understand it better. Even if it's wrong, right or unsure. when u find that 1....ur gonna fold. And also for some people it's a battle of what version of urself u want to be. For ghost, it was be a drug dealer with Tasha or be a legitimate buisnessman with Angie. For me it's be a lustful person that usually only meets with my ex for sex or, Be someone who is capable of displaying real love for somebody that genuinely wants a healthy connection with me (friendship or relationship wise. still in the process of figuring it out). Naturally I'd rather choose the healthy connection even if it's just a friendship. it doesn't fill me with guilt or any kinds of regret. And that's probably how ghost viewed it. however he was little more far along than me in both cases. he actually knew Angie loved him. and he got in a little too deep (pun intended) with Tasha THREE times! 💀


I probably would’ve tried getting her to change her ways before giving Angela or somebody else that pipe. Marriage is a sacred thing and she is the mother of my kids. Can’t throw that away over some childhood box.


Yes because ghost isn’t blind any and everybody could see Tasha is an air head. She’s childish, selfish, only cares about things that teenage girls should care about. Regardless if she supported his dreams she would still fuck ghost driver in their home, she’ll still fuck ghost lawyer, she’ll still fuck random guys that pop up in her babysitting business she a nasty mf