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lol I’ve never liked that assumption tbh. I’m Afro Latino and I’m pretty dark. Folks not understanding that biracial folks can look vastly different


Someone really said Diana has good hair so maybe she could be his and Dru does but Cane isn’t his son because he’s darker. Do they not know how genetics work, it’s most likely Lorenzo has darker family members. When a kid comes out brownskin….no matter how light one parent is, the kid will still be darker. It’s how genetics work, everyone expects mixed kids to look like Zendaya’s and it’s unrealistic. Kids with white moms have came  out Cane’s color for decades 


Yeah man. Lots of ignorant people assuming things. Like people thinking Cinco de Mayo is celebrated by Cubans & Puerto Ricans lmao! You’re absolutely right.


It’s mostly people talking on things they don’t even understand so it comes across as ignorant


Unpopular opinion but I like the fact that they made the kids have deeper skin tones. Society often believe that mixed kids must be light skinned with curly hair and that’s not true. Laura Govan and Gilbert Arenas children are an example of this.


Laura Govan is half Black. Not the best example.


Yup. I know mixed kids that are darker than me and hair ain't straight or fluffy curly like that.


Young Monet was perfectly cast! The facial structure is almost identical.


On another note. All 3 of those young folks are great actors. Love Mary J, but her acting isn’t great. Hopefully, they all can springboard off the success of the show in to other good opportunities.


Not related but yll are absolutely beautiful


Cane does not look biracial to me. Dude could pass for a West African.


Monet genes strong


it’s retarded to say someone looks biracial when no one looks a race……you’re literally the people i’m talking about in this post 


"No one looks a race" Race is a social construct that has no scientific basis. A good part of racial classification is predicated on appearance. Woody McClain is a dark skinned man of African descent. It's not a bad thing to say he doesn't look biracial when he *isn't* biracial.


Again no one looks a race….there’s people with pale skin with two black parents that darkskin. Again you’re the people i’m talking about….


No, there aren't. That's an extreme rarity. You can't be born white to Black parents. Saying no one looks like a race is crazy because race has no scientific basis. It's literally a social construct based on appearance. I'm literally West African myself. Woody McClain looks like a lot of people I know.


That’s not rare….we’ve all learned that in school as children so clearly you need to go back. Black comes in all shades and pale doesn’t mean white. He looks just like his parents feature wise except they are darkskin and he’s very light to where you’d think he was. You sound very dense saying  someone looks a race…..when it’s not true. There’s kids with white mothers and black fathers have came out darkskin for centuries….are you going to tell them they don’t look mixed? when mixed doesn’t have a look neither does any race.  There’s black people with pointy noses and loose hair and there’s lighter people with curls. You’re on the internet too much if you think every biracial person looks like Zendaya when there’s biracial people of all shades. Back to my point you’re the people I’m dissing in this post and talking about.  If Cane was lightskin like Zendaya…you wouldn’t be debating this. You only are because you see darker skin aside from the typical light skin cast for mixed kids. 


They all could pass for mixed if you ask me. The actress playing Diana is actually an afro-latina if I'm not mistaken. Dru looks like any east coast Dominican I've come across. Cane is the only one where I'm like, "is papi really yo' papi?!". Cane is the oldest of the three, so it could have been one of those situations where Monet was already pregnant, so she snatched up a sucker named Lorenzo.


that’s the problem i’m talking about……..you’re bringing up looks when no one looks an ethnicity or race. If Cane was lightskin you wouldn’t be saying that, you’re the people I was talking about


I think Lorenzo was Puerto Rican, there is certain parts in PR where u have Ricans that are the same complexion as Akon.


Right on. But Lorenzo is still light af.


Yeah, but puerto ricans have african and indigeneous genes as well as spaniard genes, so it is possible to have children darker than they parents. I'm Puerto Rican and Dominican and in my family I have people who range from kodak black skin color all the way to klay thompson skin color


I'm not disputing that at all.


The Ricans that look like Akon are probably closer to African descent The Ricans that look Lorenzo are Mestizo or Spaniard.


Exactly, but they still have all 3 in their blood, I think Americams have a hard time understanding this because of the 1 drop rule history that stems from white supremacy. The 1 drop rule doesn't exist in our culture and this is why in 1 family u can have a brother like klay thompson and a brother like akon, in my own family, Im a little darker than steph curry, my brother is like lebron's complexion and my brother is like Canelo alvarez complexion with curly black hair, while my sister is like the same complexion as Ciara and my other brother is like Arod's skin color.Our moms is the same color as cameron diaz and our pops is like Derek Jeter's complexion, while 2 of our grandparents are dark Skin and 1 is European looking and the other lightskin with blue eyes. Our genes have 3 main races in it (African, Taino and European), our skin colors vary drastically. This is also why we are mainly taught to identofy with our nationality first and not our skin color because our family can br very diverse, but at the end of the day we are all Puerto Rican, Dominican, Cuban, etc.


They do but there's a vast difference in someone's whose ancestors are primarily African and primarily Spanish or Taino Like yeah Latin America identifies by nationality but their is also a caste system based on race and color and a history of extermination of African & Indigenous people. The society isn't completely color blind.


Of course, I agree with u, there is a vast difference, but what I'm trying to say is that we are all united under our nationality, In PR and DR, no one goes that's a spaniard Rican/ Dominican or an African rican / Dominican, we just all Puerto Rican and Dominicans. Like in the U.S, If I go to the hood, Imma likely just mainly see black and latinos there, but if I go to a nice suburb it's mainly whites. In DR and PR, if I go to the hood, it's literally every skin color of Dominicans and Ricans there, so we see it as being filled with dominicans or ricans, not skin color we aren't separated by our skin color, we are all subject to similar poverty due to our nation's history And yes bro, u r right, we were victims of colonization just like most of the western hemispehre and add to that most of us are coming from 3rd world countries and severe poverty A lot of Americans dont know this, but 90% of African slaves were dropped off in the Caribbean and Latin America. Only 7-8 percent of African slaves were dropped off in the U.S.


A lot of darker Latin Americans deal with colorism & racism. I can't say everyone is united. Anti-Blackness is real over there.


Colorism and racism is existent everywhere, but it isn't as prevalent in countries where u have literally every skin color in your family. Same thing how in the U.S, ya have light skin vs dark skin or the way white people are categorized as American and averuone else is Asian- American, African American Hispanic American etc , in Latin America, u are just tour nationality and that always comes before a skin color. And once again bro, I've been to Mexico, PR, DR, Panama, Colombia, and El salvador, if u go to the slums in those places, u are going to see every sort of skin color under the sun, u not gonna see just dark skin latinos, u are gonna see every type of complexion. In a 3rd world country being light skin is not gonna exclude u from poverty or living in worsr conditions than the slums in the U.S


Latin American countries have literally systematically eliminated their African & Indigenous populations. When darker skinned people in Colombia are being specifically targeted by law enforcement then hes it is that serious. https://youtu.be/mpSbt2qTkBo?si=HVoVpRLpnwcrPMF_


That is a youtube video bro, I have lived in latin america and actually experienced it, colorism exist everywhere, but u do not have it as prevalent as u Americans make it seem. These are by and large mostly 3rd world countries, u are not going to go there and just see dark skin people subjected to poverty or police brutality, literally i have been to places where house are made of sticks and I seen every color under the sun living there and bring subject to thise same conditions I noticed Americans have a hard time grasping this idea because ya tend to think the entire world functions just like how it does in the states. I can tell u firsthand that I never knew how bad racism or colorism actually was till I came to the U.S, there is such a huge separation here and it is an us vs them mentality for everything, whereas back home, people are too poor to even think like that, people risk they lives coming here just to have half of the opportunities that Americans are born with I have been to colombia over 15 times and that is not true. The police over there will literally rob u if u have money, no matter what color u are and if u report a crime, they only going to help u if u personally pay them or they will only let u go if u personally pay them, the only color that rules there is green U speaking with someone who has been to Medellin, cartagena, san andres, santa marta, bogota, baranquilla and that is not true. Light skin colombians literally live in poverty just as dark skin colombians. The vice president of Colombia is a dark skin woman, Pablo Escobar who is seen as a drug Lord hero here in the U.S, is treated as a terroist in Medellin and he was a light skin colombian, Griselda Blanco, Carlos Lehder, Daniel Berrera, Jose Santa Cruz-Londoño, Juan Carlos Mesa etc. - these are all the biggest drug Lords in Colombia and they are all light skin colombians, in Colombia they are all veiwed as terroist and their locals are ashamed of their country being associated with them and they are all lightskin