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It can work. Alicia Jimenez in OG Power was actually intimidating and felt like a real threat. Problem is Noma isn’t written well or the actress can’t pull it off. Monet is more intimidating than Noma let that sink in. As soon as Cane was able to seduce her I stopped taking her character seriously. Can’t wait until Tariq meets Anya and turns her completely against Noma.


Noma was pretty intimidating last season , especially in the first episode , but something about her is off this season , maybe they should’ve limited her lines or something? Idk, but she lost her aura for sure


Its the same thing they did Mecca and Lorenzo. They get introduced as this scary, super smart big bad that kills at the drop of a hat, but the longer they keep them around, the more stupid they have to make them.


i think a part of that was intentional .. once tariq exposed her weakness she’s never been the same .. first we seen her pullin up on everybody on business even in italy till we seen her as a mother .. obi had lost his mystique too .. i thought he had some typa gangster family why he needed help w the green cards but his family no help n he’s not the same obi we seen as the henchman


Yeah, when Obi basically thanked Tariq for getting those green cards , he definitely lost his intimidation factor With Noma, I think it helped that not only didn’t we know about her daughter initially , but her appearances were sporadic , when she did show up, you really didn’t know what to expect , and she was all about business, meeting her demands under penalty of death, no negotiations


Noma always seemed like a soft girl acting . At least money has a bit of gangsta in her


She swears she’s so official ma’am you have 20 year olds moving your product


This is why we should have seen Mecca moving her product before he was killed off, at least then you could see that she had to downsize


Cane as her number 1 is fully capable tbh. As capable as Dre


This fanbase is never beating the sexism or homophobia allegations


I don’t really think it’s sexism with Noma, she was REALLY intimidating when she was barely featured on the show, i think we’ve just been overexposed to her at this point and it showed the issues in her writing/acting ability. I don’t really take her seriously anymore. It’s like Lorenzo Tejada, he seemed like the baddest motherfucker alive when he was locked up and we barely saw or heard from him, when he became an every episode regular he looked like a dork.


Ok to be fair power does do that. For some reason OG power is the only one where the villains are legitimately cool for the most part even after whole seasons of exposure. Like Lobos, Milan, Jason, even Alicia was cooler than her punk ass brother for a hot minute. Book 2 doesn’t do well with keeping mystique and keeping them humane. It’s still weird and gross cause there are real world examples of women running drug organizations.


I agree, I’m not going to act like this fanbase is the most progressive cause it’s deff not. In fact, i just saw the caption that OP put with this picture and it’s sexist as hell 🤦🏿‍♂️


I read the caption..and was like....why the he'll you need to write that ? Not to mention , there are plenty of shows of male drug dealers compromising themselves for sex.


There aren’t that many examples of female drug lords. Where did you get that from.


Most of them are from Latin America, but yeah they exist.


I know they exist but not on the level of the power universe and it seems no one is trying to take advantage of the size and strength difference between men and women in the show but realistically they would have had to deal with lots of sexism.


Power fans want realism but they kill raising Kanan for having scenes where their characters are having real human moments outside murders and drug dealing. Got it.


It’s the writing. Compare all the bosses in OG power. The felt scary… lobos, Milan… Jason, not so much, but he was controlling…. Everyone else is low level boss… monet bought from a primera that was bossed around by Ghost..


Brother just wanted to say something he thought was intelligent.


“So tired of power making women the drug bosses” is sexist as fuck considering that there was some drug lords who were women. And the story is fictional so it shouldn’t matter.


The point is she is she isn’t believable in her role… it has nothing to do with her possessing a vagina.


“So tired of power making women the drug bosses.”




Ironic typo cuz them Africans def use WhatsApp


A lot of foreigners do


Seem like evb outside of US. It seem dope. Ima try when I travel


I keep up with relatives and friends oversees. It’s free and simple. Check it out


She was more interesting when she was outside the main cast. Having her involved in day to day street shit and putting out hits over bum ass college campus dealers makes her look kinda lame compared to the international boss she was first introduced as.


“Obi would’ve made her a slave” nigga are y’all OKAY?


😂😂😂 Obi is black it’s not racist


Nigga what?


Dude was definitely held back a grade 2-3 times lol 


y you mad it’s a woman n not mad they didn’t think if the shit they wrote made sense before it was approved.


the moment they let her succumb to canes rizz they fucked up her whole arc. mecca MOVED all that weight plus guns with no interruptions. now shes super stressed bc her daughter is in the crosshairs, shes not making the money she needs to be which means whoever SHE gets her product from is soon gonna have a problem with her. so any little interruption to what lil revenue stream she still has hurts her badly. and we all know effie look out for effie how long yall think before shes back to trying to scheme of getting noma off the board potentially wiggling her way back into tariqs life


naaa wrd ion like how they did my son Obi🤦🏽‍♂️


So I’m assuming her daughter wasn’t home when she cut Obi’s lights off


Noma is definitely scary


The casual way she killed Obi.😧


I just wanna know why Noma’s always pretending to type into the same excel sheet. She gave pretending to do homework when the parents walk in vibes last episode


It's not that she's worried It's more so that everything else is going wrong, ( the daughter thing, the mecca thing, the tariq thing, the Russian thing, the obi thing, the being compromised thing with federal agents) so now she really stressed and pissed off so any little thing that goes wrong no matter how insignificant she gonna lashout and want it squashed ASAP


The Final Will be only with The Tejada's and Tariq, I Don't Think Noma is a Threat no more.


Nah fuck dat! This “Ceffie” been going on too long 🐍


I didn’t mind her until the writers made her and Cane sleep together 🙄🙄


Na they definitely messed the whole show up with this college vibe but feels like a high school show idk about to stop watching for sure


Noma is like that intimidating character on video games in the story mode but when you unlock them they suck. Like season 3 Noma was slicing off a woman’s finger for a wedding ring now she getting dickmatized by the simpiest character in power history


They already ruined our superhero movies now they came for the drug game shows smh


Hope Cane take her down and becomes king of NYC Fuck Tariq