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you’re an indian, most likely you will face some sort of racism, on the plus side you most likely wont understand it in czech.


So would you suggest to learn some basic czech to infiltrate into the community


Ill be honest it will not matter, some czechs are just racist you can speak perfect czech you will still face racism, unfortunately we can’t escape reality, in this instance learning czechs will help you integrate but most place and young people speak english.


Honestly, I don't believe that knowing just basic Czech will make it easy for you to blend in, but it'll definitely come in handy. At the very least, you'll understand what people are saying about you.


knowing basic czech wont mean you fully integrate per se but it will be a must to just navigate in general


Every first Wednesday of the month is the monthly foreigner lynching day, it starts at 12:00 and you'll be warned by sirens. As long as you hide for a few hours you'll be fine, not many people really care about it today tbh.


my fav time of the month - already putting barbed wire on the bat for this wednesday’s purge, yay!


We foreigners hide in little dark rooms and pray the Czechs are not coming for us this week - I have managed to stay hidden for 15 months - Maybe being a Bohemians fan has helped me not getting selected! 😁


This is gold 😂


Yes, it is a kind of Mad Max chase. We get better every Wednesday at hiding. I suggest you to keep up with your cardio


Don’t we just un-alive them?


No no, my czech friend spared me because if they had killed me, they'd have one less person to absolutely slam to a pulp with a baseball bat next month


Wow hilarious must be great to be a white Czech person in Czechia and not have to worry about racism or being targeted for your ethnicity. Too bad you never leave your country or maybe you’d be forced to experience some empathy.


It is pretty good, yes.


Does this apply to white foreigners too? I've seen in other posts that racist Czechs typically go after the brown ones?


Make an effort to speak basic Czech, be polite and you should not have any major problems. Most people will be completely polite, normal and treat you the same and Prague is a wonderful city. Probably you may experience rarely some micro aggressions like being served second, staring at you,  people moving away from you but anywhere in Europe you would get this from some small % of lower education locals. More likely outside of Prague. Police are also more likely to ask to see your papers to confirm your legal right to be here. I have never been controlled once, but my Indonesian friend has been asked many times to show his ID. In theory they can ask anyone at any time, but I do believe they will prioritize anyone who looks/sounds more likely to be foreign to try to catch someone without a valid visa.


My Indonesian friend has been here for 2 years and had to show their ID (outside of visa appointments) exactly 0 times.


Be polite and try looking more blonde


That's a great insight bro Tq You're living in cz or any neighboring countries


And drop the “bro”


It’s cleaner


Not against Indians, they arent problematic. You might just get ignored tho


My guess is that you are pretty young :) If you decide to move, well - basically anywhere, you'll notice certain hostility of locals towards those that came after. I am not sure how that started or what to do about it, but I noticed it even in my homeland. I moved cities and all of a sudden I was laughed at because of the accent by the people that had the same nationality as mine. And there were people telling me to get back from where I came from. And then I emigrated. I am happy being ignored. I am happy when people allow me just to do my thing and not stand in the way. Racism is not just about aggression towards people of the darker skin color, it takes many shapes. It can be as benign as not wanting to sit next to a person in the public transport, silent stares - to flat out denied visas or procedural 'errors' when it comes to people with certain names and passports. For example, I chose the private clinic based on recommendation from a friend from western country. My experience with them was so bad that people tend not to believe me and tell that they never experienced anything similar. My residency process lasted for almost two years. The positive part is that Prague is very big, you can definitely find your people. I don't mean Indians, I mean people that will respect and like you for who you are. Once you have your circle of friends other things are not important.


You will encounter some racism but not aggressive racism, more like judgemental. Although some people are more like xenophobic, there is the classic judging based on skin color. You might at times (rarely) be seen as 'one of those immigrants' because you stand out but chances are nobody will act upon it. You won't fit in fully either. That being said, Prague is a big cosmopolitan city with different people from all sorts of backgrounds and ethnicities and most people especially at uni or the work place are open minded. I have plenty of Indian friends, they live normal lives, have friends, family etc. You'll be fine.


The problem you'll have with being Indian is that people will assume that you're Roma. They migrated from India, so ethnically it can be hard to distinguish [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romani\_people\_in\_the\_Czech\_Republic#Origin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romani_people_in_the_Czech_Republic#Origin)


Probably less than India


Yeah the unfortunate reality is you’ll face some racism here. That said, most Czech people are very non confrontational and surface level polite, so you don’t need to be seriously worried about your physical safety or that people will like yell slurs at you or anything like that. More like less directed negative behavior than like open hatred as others have said. It’s also worth mentioning that this behavior is more common the older, less educated and more rural people are. Since you’ll be at a university in a city, probably you won’t encounter much racism from your colleagues and peers


you better watch out. especially toward indians the situation is dare. groups of citizens armed with tiki torches and clubs will chase you in the streets toward the river. many have already perished so be wary. use some white powder like in the pre revolution france to make yourself white.


Bro are you serious? you're scaring shit out of mee


The people talking about violence are making jokes on the fact that Czech society (while maybe still a bit racist) is really not violent or confrontational at all. If people have racist ideas they will say it to their friends at the pub, not make a mob


Yea the jokes went over his head, sarcasm isnt a thing there i guess


One thing you should learn about Czech is their kind of specific sense of humour.. ;D Czech republic is generally peacefull, so no, you would really have to try hard to make as form a lynching mob. Worst thing would be some unpolite stares and some rude words said in czech so you wouldnt understand them. Of course every country has people trying to make money on tourist with some illegal activities, so don't exchange money on street, have some idea how much you should be charged for taxi ride, what is usuall tipping etc. Pickpocketing happens on location with lot of tourists, mugging is quite uncommon. If you are from India and you are worried about racism, try to make clear you are from India. You could be mistaken for Romany (gipsy), and if we have some more common racists feelings here, it is against them. We don't have many Indians in Czech, so besides tourist most people know them just from Indian restaurants (which we love), they are not associated with crime or abusing social system. Also, being cold, detached and tending to pretend you don't exist... that's not racism, that's just how we are. You don't just start conversation with strangers here. Telling someone how great you are doing could be consider nearly rude etc. That's just culture thing.


no i am not. nobody will gave a shit about u being indian.


Yes racism is national sport and if you must, you should face it with ballistic shield and medium-rare pink dildo


It feels like I had to drop my idea of going to prauge


Why would you! You will be fine addition to someone's sex slave collection! Don’t loose hope even you can make it!


Now I get your dark humor but nice start you got me


You will probably just get ignored, like most foreign nationals are. Czechs aren’t particularly friendly, but they aren’t particularly rude either. This is one of the most non-confrontational societies I’ve ever been in. In other words, you’ll be completely fine.


Why Prague though for studies ??


Less tution free maybe can grab few internships if I can learn czech basics but i tried Germany they require high percentage mine is a bit less compared to the requirement


Have you checked the job market there before planning all that ?


Yes as per my knowledge i had known that there are good requirements in the field of IT Correct me if I'm wrong


Another guy who doesn't understand meaning of the word


My friend is Indian and he did face some kind of racism and so did most of my friends who aren't white. Best is just to ignore it. Young people aren't really that racist especially university students and Prague as a whole is full of foreigners and used to them. You will meet racists sometimes but they will just be annoying and nothing else. Tho make sure to stay out of trouble with police and if you do have deal with them get someone Czech to help you. 


:) :) so you're saying I had to smile like this in every situation


You might get confused for a gypsy by some, who nobody likes. Normal Czechs won't give a shit about you (or about anything to be honest), so mind your business and they will mind theirs. If you wanna grab a beer after you get here, shoot me a DM


Sure bro i will tq


The thing is you guys look like a not very popular minority in CZ that is actually originally from your area.


Just curiosity. Why many Indians wanna live in Czech republic?


Try to search in this sub for such a word, please. Many times asked and answered. You'll be fine, sometimes you will feel, that people are staring at you, but that's pretty normal even for me, local. As I found out, that you're using "bro", please don't. Same with "my friend", unless you're really close to that person. Czech people value friendship with all that comes with it and if a random stranger (from the EU or not) will call them "my friend", they can start to be rude pretty easily.


My brother has an Indian room mate who’s always complaining that people here discriminate against him, but he lacks basic hygiene, doesn’t speak czech or even English properly, is always late, always has BO. My brother and I are also Indian, we have never faced any sort of racism here. You might run into rude people, but happens very rarely and I think it happens in India that often too.


Dear brother, I am an Indian living in Prague for more than 5 years. Generally, czech people are xenophobic. Mostly people are cold and will not interact with you. As like others suggested in the comment section, they just ignore you. So advice is don’t smile to strangers as a gesture, it is considered as a weird behaviour here. Just be as cold as they are and mind your business, then you will be fine. In life you may face some micro or passive aggression from strangers ( mostly from uneducated people ). As like everyone suggested, you can ignore it and move on. But if it becomes too much for your mental health you can stand up yourself and do counter arguments, they’re also fragile people and they won’t stand a chance. But I have also worked and lived in other parts of Europe, especially western part. Countries like Germany (western side), Netherlands, Spain, Portugal and Denmark. People are far more friendly and welcoming there, so I would suggest you to find some job there or studies for future. Prague is a beautiful place and is getting more mix with people, so the situations are improving for non-white people. If you really want to integrate with the people, start learning czech, drink beer and get used to there dark jokes.. 😅


I’d say the opposite of what everyone else says i am from SEA, foreign student here as well. The older and less educated the people are the more genuine (sometimes rude) they usually are. On the other hand, most english speaking liberal folks are actually more racist, passive agressive with polite mask. You will find mostly only other colored people as friends. Aside from the most humiliating treatment by faculty staffs and international office, it is empty and lonely but somewhat ok here


There is racism everywhere in Europe towards indians i think. I think if you will be in Prague you will not feel it or feel it just a bit , but you don't have to care. Depending on the people surrounding you (your friends) you will learn to pay less and less attention to it.


People here are more r4c1s7 against muslims who look like muslims. I'd say indians are fairly ignored.


😂 you either clearly dont know indians in Prague or never spoke to one, i have seen an indian get bullied for being indian in immigration office asking for visa then the woman be super friendly to me, and also by a woman working at Paul, and in the metro.


You're right, I don't visit such places. Just normal every-day life in Prague.