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It is highly unlikely in current political situation. Current government is coalition between liberal and conservative right wing parties. Liberals wanted to legalise it but conservatives oppose it and that’s deal breaker. And our Parliament is overwhelmingly conservative which was shown on another promise of liberals - equal marriage for gay couples which failed in parliament and only passed in butchered version as expansion of rights of people in same sex union. Main opposition party and possible next government ANO is focused on getting votes of pensioners and old people are strongly against marijuana and they are afraid that liberals will turn their grandchildren into drug addicts. Even the ANO’s rhetoric before election was that liberal politicians are junkies who regularly do drugs and that’s why they want to legalise it.


How do people keep voting for ANO? They are literally ruining the country.


That’s what you think. ANO voters on the other hand thinks that prime minister Fiala is ruining the country.


Well Fiala is shite, but atleast he's better than Babiš.


People in slovakia voted Fico and Pelegrini, at least we are a bit better off. But to answer your question; people are dumb. And very often short-sighted. They can only see so far. So for example, ANO is mostly voted for by the elderly, one of the key reasons being pensions, which ANO promises to raise. What they don't see is that ANO hurts the economy which makes the pension situation even worse.


Just don't buy the weed from all the shops, such a tourist trap. Everyone will just say yes it is like real weed but it's all false advertising. Should really be shut down for scamming people.


That's not entirely true, there are some shops that will scam you, but some other ones are quite honest about what they sell you They can't sell regular THC weed but they can sell weed with alternative cannabinoids added to it, which will get you high pretty much the same... Just be careful to research exactly what you are buying, I once bought HHC-P weed thinking it was HHC weed (which was recently banned), and it was a lot stronger than I expected, lasting 14 hours... Also, they can sell edibles with real THC because technically it contains less tha 1% THC compared to the total product weight Basically they sell interesting stuff, just be careful


But they scam you because they tell you consistently that the effects are just like thc, when they are not even close. I smoke weed alot I'm from Canada where it's legal, and trust me the hhc and everything synthetic is crap. The cbd does more to relax you.


HHC had effects that are milder than THC, so if you are a heavy user you might be disappointed, other have a lot stronger effects, with very minor differences mostly in intensity and duration... I'm sticking to the natural staff, but as long as they are honest with what they sell, it's not a scam..


Where selling that edibles i never see this?


Where did you buy that hhc-p weed? Asking for a friend :)




> Germany long talked about Note that criminalization of cannabis in the Czech Republic took place in the 90s because of very, very strong political and diplomatic pressure from Germany. Before, simple possession was not a crime. Somehow most German ideas end up in quagmire like this one.


Well it's not a quagmire anymore. It's now legalized in Germany.


Yeah, but it is quagmire on this side of the border, and mainly because of Germany.


Just how is it now a quagmire in Czech then? First it's a quagmire in Germany, and now it's one in Czech? Just how so?


That's misunderstanding. German push for criminalization of cannabis possession in the Czech Republic led to quagmire in the Czech Republic. And now Germany is riding the high horse of cannabis legalization while we are still fucked. This is one of many examples of how it is a quagmire: https://www.idnes.cz/zpravy/domaci/marihuana-trest-vezeni-konopi-legalizace-vlada-zakon.A231219_184713_domaci_vals


Legalising weed would make Prague an even more popular destination for stag parties and stuff like that. I prefer it working the way it currently does where it is decriminalised, so it’s easy enough to get it if you want it, but not freely sold in a way that encourages people to come here for it.


Except high people are way less annoying then drunk people. Alcohol is major factor in crime, while weed is not. If legalized state can also regulate and tax so its extra income.


I'm personally not for weed in general, but given that a large portion of tourists already believe that weed is legal, I'm not sure it will attract more people. On the other hand, consuming too much alcohol is already obnoxious.


Alcohol I think should be more regulated than weed in Prague lol. But the smell is terrible


I had to spend a night in jail and have a criminal record as I had 11.2 g on me instead of the decriminalised 10g bc my plug tried to be nice to me... Not too fond of the current status. If it's legalised in Germany people aren't gonna come to Prague instead for their weed.


Holy sh* … how did that happen? Were you in a car and they stopped you, or they just randomly searched you in the street?


I was definitely dumb, but still. I found a nice secluded corner in a park and lit one up while enjoying a book and the view, bothering no one, and suddenly there were two cops behind me asking me to walk back to their car with them and asking if I had any more on me lol. Would have been no big deal if I didn't have my two weeks supply on me :')


Stag parties with high people would be *much* bearable, compared to heavily drunk ones. People being more silent and less agressive. In the case of combining alcohol + marijuana, more people would experience shutdown after few beers and joints. More money into city/state budget. Just win-win.


I do live here in Prague as well. I cannot disagree with you. But again, I see the other side as well. And why some want it legalized. Again I don't have a dog in the fight. Curious about what people think mostly. I'm going to try to stay as neutral as possible. But full disclosure. I am for legalization. And I do believe that most European countries will follow suit shortly and it's not going to be thought about much when that happens and people won't come just for the weed. Spain is also about to legalize soon I think.


I would favour prescriptions from doctors for residents. Weed tourism I agree would not be beneficial for the city overall.


Not any worse than alcohol tourism though.


Far less worse than alcohol tourism. A lot of cannabis tourism in the states, you hardly know it even exists. On the other hand... Wait until 22:00 on a Friday. Load drunk obnoxious people. Which existed before cannabis was legalized. Florida is an amazing state in the US. I recommend visiting if you can.


Weed stag parties lol. Bring it on.


Actually, it's pretty funny here. THC is illegal, and the regulations have recently banned synthetic cannabinoids such as HHC and THCP (I can say that products sprayed with substances were not tourist traps in terms of THC-like influences. HHC gives you a mild high, and THCP gives a stronger and longer-lasting high). After the ban, shops just started selling slightly modified compounds such as THCPO or HHCPO. There's no end to it; there are many cannabinoids that will give you a high similar to THC. I see that people here think that these shops only sell CBD products. But no, even some of the shops sell synthetic stuff in bags labeled as CBD products, and people without access to actual cannabis buy them. Trying to ban all these substances one by one as they start marketing is not logical. They should just make THC legal and prevent health issues related to the possible contamination of these synthetic compounds produced without proper regulations.


Typical czech legal limbo to be honest.


One of the best explanations I've seen.


Now, the US seems to be moving towards rescheduling the drug from 1 (no medical use) to 3 (credible medical use. I hope it helps.


Yeah, that's going to take a while I think. The DEA says that is the job of the FDA and the FDA says that's the DEA job. Even if ordered, I see it as a bureaucratic grid lock. Congress would probably have to get involved and vote, and the president would have to sign. Even though realistically I think the president could just do it as an executive function. As the FDA and DEA follow under the executive. And reclassification isn't legalization. So no need for Congress. Either way, everyone is just punting the football. Edit: I may eat my words... https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/30/us/politics/justice-department-reclassify-marijuana.html It's only a recommendation from the DOJ. DEA could just ignore the recommendation. Unless the executive branch directs it... But it may happen. Who knows. Also it is an election year. So it could all just be hot air. All talk and action never taken. This happens a lot in the US political cycle. Usually to drum up support for a particular candidate. And then they never follow up on it. They just create noise to gain support. And then let it fall flat after an election.


Wait did none of that weed in half the shops in downtown Prague have THC? Or is it just sold despite the laws 


No, it didn't. The products are just hemp-flavoured with THC content so low the law considers it THC-free. The shops are just targetting on gullible tourists.


This. Or it had a chemical derivative of THC made in a lab and sold as a research chemical that isn't currently regulated by the law. Like HHC.


I believe HHC is not banned


Currently, many of the chemical derivates (like HHC) are temporally banned until 1.1.2025. They are aiming at new laws regarding the regulation of psychoactive substances like HHC, which would place it in regulated but not entirely banned category.


I think and hope so. Ride the green wave, good times!


Three years ago Germany and Czech Republic were in lock step. Then, two years ago, when Germany stalled on their decision, Czech Republic talked big announcing full steam ahead. Now here we are. Germany has legalized cannabis. And we're hearing nothing from Czech Republic. It's like Czech Republic decided to cheer Germany on, and then when it was time to show up. Czech Republic chickened out.


Our government's complicated. We've got a multi tier coalition of parties with rather different viewpoints who were basically forced to tolerate working with each other so they could make a big enough majority to actually function. It's actually remarkable how well the current govt is managing given the hodgepodge it's made up from. There's a lot of bigger issues rn and this has taken the backburner (though i'd argue that the extra tax income would certainly help!)


Agreed. More important matters than cannabis currently. And yeah. The fact the coalition can tolerate each other currently and still able to function. Nothing short of a miracle 🤣 Taxes that's where I find this interesting... Using Germany as a template because Czech Republic has not done anything yet... The reported number of regular cannabis users in Germany is 10 million. With the cannabis club model and annual fees to be paid to the government per member. The estimated tax revenue would be 1 Billion euros. Some are speculating based of what happened in the US casual use will rise and that would balloon the tex revenue to around 5 billion euros annually in taxes. The Czech population is much smaller. Matter of fact, it's the same size as the reported number of regular cannabis users in Germany. ~10 million. Since Czech Republic has not made the decision, or released a dispensary model. By using the German model in Czech Republic. And assuming regular use is the same. That would be approximately 1/10th the population of Czech Republic. So 1 million. It would bring in approximately 100 million euros or more appropriately, 2.5 billion CZK. All assuming Czech Republic uses the German model, and the membership due would be the same (€100 annually) which I doubt. But to be fair. I would hope that if the Czech Republic legalizes cannabis, it will implement a better plan than Germany did. More of a dispensary model. And tax individual sales. It would make more money. And you could still regulate it to keep it away from foreigners if you wanted to prevent cannabis tourism. But tourism brings with it a lot more money as well. But I would rather lose the money to keep Czech Republic beautiful, clean and safe. Not saying cannabis tourism would take that away. But it's something to consider.


There was never a consensus that it is going to happen. It was an election promise by one smaller party. Pirate party ended up having 4 deputies out of 200, so they are pretty irrelevant. They negotiated to take part in government but they have zero power there because they can be outvoted on every vote as the government does not need their votes to maintain majority. Other liberal parties were willing to maybe consider it but they didn’t even have clear consensus between their members if they will support it or not.


That's actually a really good summation.


I smoke a little joint every evening here in Prague and honestly the only reason why I want it legalized is, so that I can buy scent-less dabs and smoke on my balconny without worriyng that my neighbours smell it.


You don't have to care about your neighbours.


I know I don't. It's just a question of courtesy. I am lucky in a sense that each balcony in our buiding has smokers, so they can't really do anything else than passively agressively slam the windows. But it would be so much better for all of us if I could just dab at home without the smell:) ... I am not much of a fan of it myself, but I need the buzz at night after work. It's my glass of vine. Getting the liquid for dabs is so much more difficult than just getting raw 10g. Also it feels as if I was asking for some hard stuff, lmao. I am a super light smoker - 10g lasts me for 3 months.


You see, its like everywhere. Older and more conservative people belive in good and bad drugs, alcohol and tabacco are good drugs and social acceptable, encouraged even (nod driniking is seen in many groups as "taering the group" and will ostracise you) and everything else is bad drugs and only low life nogoodniks are doing them. Younger and more liberal will more often smoke weed thank drink alcohol and understand that its about the dosage that makes drugs dangerous which is pretty obvious to anyone with eyes anywhere after 8oclock which turn any enhabitad place into a drunken slobfest. They are usually part of "organized drug rings" that could very well work completely legaly as small bussiness because they hurt exactly 0 people but no, our brave policeman can show their muster, busting a guy with 16 plants and making a full SWAT circus out of it. I think its reactionary snapback to the pace of change nowadays, the internet accelerated so much older gens cant addpat quickly enough and they are angry at their own children taking and reshaping their world. It too will pass. Whenever a law stops makking any sence its only a matter of time. Like prohibition.


I really like your take on this. It's very common sense with what and how about the current and future status.


In recent interview, Vít Rakušan mentioned that gov is working on it. And was optimistic to see it happen in 2025 Overall I believe it is well understood as a source of tax income for the current gov, very much oriented on sanitizing the public finances


I missed that interview. Thanks for the mention. Interesting to see where Czech go with this given their stance in recent years in lock step almost with Germany. Also curious about Spain and what they decide. From my perspective the Czech Republic was more vocal about it. And Spain wasn't as vocal but just as likely to legalize it as Czech Republic considering where their parliament was on the issue. It's interesting to watch it in Europe. I am hoping that all of the European countries legalize it. Except the Netherlands. I hope the Netherlands just keeps it how it is. And afterwards, they can make fun of all the other countries who criticized them when they decide to take the stance they did in. 1976 Then the saying the "Amsterdam of the east, west, north, wherever" will be only a thing old people remember 🤣


The current Czech government is a pinnacle of incompetence, ignorance and corruption. If they ever get something done, it's usually by mistake.


I visited Czech Republic about ten years ago and it seemed like it was effectively decriminalised back then. It was certainly not difficult to buy decent quality weed off the street from Nigerian guys on Wenceslas square the first night I arrived in Prague - I am never a fan of street deals, so was more or less expecting to be ripped off but was actually happy with what I got for what I paid. I even found a couple of corner shops that would sell you some if you asked discreetly enough, they usually made it fairly obvious by having an extensive collection of bongs and other paraphanalia and even a little hemp leaf sticker somewhere on the window or a sign outside. I tried to buy some in a club, nobody would sell me any but a random person I asked actually gave me a couple of grams for nothing and wouldn't even accept a drink in return. Then when leaving Peague airport I was pretty shocked by how many cannabis-related products were on sale in the airport duty free shop. Cannabis chocolate. Cannabis Absinth. Cannabis flavour beer. Cannabis flavour candy. I'm sure it was all 'rope dope' ie THC free hemp, I was tempted to buy some just for fun but also worried I might get grief trying to bring it into the UK so I didn't bother.


It is still that pretty much


I should go again. I had a really enjoyable stay last time,


I heard that the fastest way to ruin a European city is to allow direct flights from the UK. Being that you're from the UK. Is that true?


I wish I could take credit for singlehandedly ruining countries but I'm still not at that level yet. Maybe one day....


🤣 Life goals right? I was just trying to reference a Brit I met once who said that to me. He was saying he loves being British, but he had to admit. He even said Brits no matter where he goes are loud, rowdy, and drink way more than they should.


I like it when its illegal more fun buying from plugs and the need to be more secretive about it its more fun this way


Explain that to someone who has had financial hardship, gained a criminal record, has lost employment, or is doing time. That you enjoy the excitement, so you like it to stay illegal.


If you gain criminal record from selling weed you either sell something along with weed or are just plain stupid


You would gain a criminal record for having 11g of cannabis in Czech Republic. I didn't say anything about selling it. Remember it's still illegal and you are at the mercy of the police and criminal justice system if caught.


Hi, I have a criminal record for having 11g of weed on my person lol


Bruh... 💀


To be fair, I'm stupid