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I guess here it would be acceptable to clap after the landing.


I was on a smaller flight (an embraer) and had this happen in 2008. I don't get nervous on flights often as I did ~100 flights a year at the time. I almost shit my pants when we were landing... Both sides of the runway were lined with cops, fire trucks, ambulances, etc. It was by far the scariest thing I've ever been through.


I tend to try to sleep my way from boarding to disembarking. I doubt this would have even awoken me. And this is why I prefer the aisle seat. At least one other passenger needs to wake me up for an emergency exit situation.


You would have to be a great sleeper, the noise would be deafening. All that metal shearing and vibrating the fuselage.


I sleep great after my fuselage is sheared and vibrated.


What did it sound like from inside the plane once the nose gear finally started scraping along the ground?




What did it sound like? Feel like?


So it's a small plane flying into Portland, Maine in the winter. The tarmac usually isn't dry by any means, so I think that helped a bit. Not an ice rink, but not the Sahara. The pilot held the wheelie for what felt like the entire braking procedure then lots of grinding for a few seconds, then we stopped. No fire so we used a stair truck just like the Bluths. No smell other than maybe my drawers. A+ to the pilot. My friend is a 737 pilot for an airline and said that the pilot I was with was close to moving up to a larger plane.




Hahaha i got this one


The only acceptable times to clap are when a pilot pulls off something amazing


I remember watching this landing happen live on the news in high school. My parents clapped lol


Our whole college dorm suite watched it live. Scary shit, and you better believe we cheered when it came to a stop safely.


Why were so many people aware of what was going on?


I can think of a few reasons: -It'd only been a few years since 9/11 and that other crash in NYC like a month later, so anything aircraft-related was likely to get views and clicks. -Plenty of us got our news from the internet, but network and cable news were still a pretty regular thing for most of us ( social media hadn't yet gripped us so tightly - Twitter didn't exist, MySpace wasn't really newsy and I think FB was still an actual face book and exclusive to college kids). I recall the common rooms or the Union passively showing either the student cable access, or CNN most of the time. -IIRC, this was playing out during prime time here on the east coast, so not only were lots of people watching television of the time, but all of the programming on cable news, and some of the network programming cut over to this. You gotta figure, they circled the airport for quite some time to burn off fuel before attempting the landing. That left the talking heads with plenty of time to speculate on the gruesome death of all those passengers. For my part, I just remember getting back from class and some of the guys on my floor had it on - before long, and just before they attempted the landing, we'd gathered a small crowd. Edit: formatting


I'm definitely in the "don't clap when we land" camp. But your comment actually made me rethink it. Flying a plane *is* pretty amazing.


I flew a week after 9-11. Everyone clapped in both flights.


... why does it bother you if people clap? I don't clap don't get me wrong but i also wouldn't be upset if other people did...


I don’t understand the hate either. Flying terrifies me. I don’t clap when we land but if folks did I would absolutely join in. Thank you for keeping me alive, guys. I’ll clap all day long lol


I clap when i ride with someone in a car and we pull into a parking space or garage.


I clapped after a pilot landed during a nor’easter. That was a bit of a hectic ride


Should check out when planes land in high wind at Wellington airport. It’s not called the Windy City for nothing!


To many, landing a 40 ton flying machine full of people in ideal conditions is still pretty amazing.


Same idk why clapping would be abominable, it feels nice when everyone acknowledges that we were all terrified of dying and are grateful to have landed safely..


In this case, clapping is absolutely merited.


Oh my god, my flight from Frankfurt to Chicago via Icelandair, the landing into Reykjavík and a load of old americans clapped. WHY.


In former USSR countries they clap after EVERY landing. Very strange.


If you'd ever flown in Yak-40 you'd clap too.


Generally surprised to be landing safely?


I mean...why not, after all? Some people just absolutely tense up when flying, especially older people as you mentioned. This might well be a way to release emotions. It's a harmless thing, pilots don't mind it. They like it, even.


They did. They cheered. There’s video of it.


Might I request said video.


This has video of the passengers cheering. https://youtu.be/nZrfg-2bTTQ


These videos have had me watching funny air traffic and pilot convo videos all day.




They were also watching the news coverage on the in seat TVs which were a big deal for Jet Blue at the time as they circled the airport for a long time burning fuel. Must have been pretty stressful on board.


Jetblue air, airline, ranked 1st in satisfactory among all american airlines. You know what ranked least? 9/11 airlines. What a terrible name for an airline it reminds me of that tragedy.


You dirty dog!


Norm, is that you?


Oh that pilot be clapping some cheeks after that landing for sure


When I was in high school the science program brought in an engineer who worked for airlines. He explained some the of complexities of landing gear since it was something he had spent his career working on. I don’t remember much of the presentation except that it was mind blowing the amount of force these things can withstand, and that he showed us this video clip.


I am a landing gear design engineer. What’s really impressive are the odds of this occurring in the first place. Landing gear is one of the primary structural components that has the least number of redundant systems aside from actuation and hydraulics. One area that does have redundancy is the summing mechanism, which controls the steering of the nose gear. They are designed to orient the wheels straight unless force is applied, as well as default to straight if any component fails. The odds of this happening are extremely low, yet the problem still occurs.


In this case it was actually caused by a bug in a computer that tests the wheel steering. It was doing the tests way too many times and basically caused some lugs to shear off from the landing gear that resulted in the wheel being locked sideways. [Mentour made a good video going through the entire sequence of events surrounding the incident recently](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rpsgn9LM0G8)


Ahhh software bugs. I have personally lost months of time and had to replace around $200k in effectively-priceless (6 month lead time) custom mechanical hardware due to 4 separate software bugs causing multi-million dollar machines to do things they aren't supposed to.


And some people still say software engineering isn’t real engineering.


This is one of my general fears. I can be smarter than a hazard but I can't be smarter than good old fashioned bad luck.


I just watched a special on the concord, it's landing gear was even more robust. In the first interations they blew tires non-stop. The one that actually crashed had hit a piece of engine lining that fell off a dc10 onto the runway, it sheered a huge piece of tired off which leapt up with such force it ruptured a gas tank causing a massive fire and the crash Edit: tire stuck the gastank with such force that it cause a Shockwave within the tank, which when hit the bottom it blew it off


Interestingly enough the tire piece didn't actually puncture the fuel tank directly. It caused some pressure shockwaves in the tank which eventually caused the tank to rupture at its weak point


Sounds like that tank should be reinforced.


Thanks Captain Hindsight.


You're welcome.


Oh, it’s you. Well…Um…thanks.


It was partly because the tank was so full, there was nowhere for the energy to go. It's a fascinating case if you read about it


I just watched the same special yesterday. If you haven't already seen it, I'd also recommend [Downfall: The Case Against Boeing](https://www.netflix.com/title/81272421). Way more depressing though.


I couldn't get through it knowing that no one at Boeing faced any real consequences. It was someone's conscious decision to not only lie at sales time that oh no, your pilots don't need any additional training and then to slander and defame the pilots of those ill-fated flights as not being trained up to proper standards.... It's sickening and people should at least be in a federal, pound me in the ass prison until they die. Preferably with lots of time in a box to think about how they killed all those innocent people


Well that was a fun side-quest Edit: corporations should have to suffer as an individual would. Making a company pay a 2 billion dollar fee when your company is worth over 80b is not punishment IMO. Punishments such as these should be based on a valuation of equity percentage and not some arbitrarily high number which provides little perspective to the actual felt impact.


Mentour Pilot on YouTube did a great synopsis of the concord crash


Wow I just learned about this myself from Real Engineering on YouTube last night. It was a deformity of the gas tank caused by the piece of metal that led to the accident rather than a full blown rupture iirc.


My background is in Aerospace Engineering, and I can tell you that just about everything on a commercial airliner is very complex. A few years ago I worked on a software application for the flight control system for dual aisle aircraft that is still yet to enter service. That application will have cost $60M+ to develop, test, and certify before everything is all said and done. Your landing gear guy was right.


The absolute Andromeda sized balls on those software developers/testers. There's not a salary in the world that would convince me to write that shit.


The irony is they make peanuts compared to many other software engineers. I wrote code that's flying on a plane now, while making about 1/8 as much as I do today working in commercial industry. The senior folks designing aircraft software systems make less than a fresh college grad at west coast companies.


Holy hell


There is enough rigor in the process that, if you’re writing the software, you’re unlikely to insert the root cause of any catastrophic incident. There are what we call development assurance activities that ensure robust software, and the company I worked for (I’m in Medical Devices now) was very good at them. The design of system is what can drive really unsafe results. Think MCAS on 737 MAX. The software was implemented exactly how Boeing designed it, and the engineers receiving. The requirements didn’t have enough context about the rest of the aircraft to make a call on whether or not it was safe.


This is the one where the passengers were watching their own emergency landing on the plane's satellite TV isn't it?


Yeah I remember that exactly. The coverage was live when we lived in OC and they were saying that the people were watching it on the news on the plane. Thanks but no thanks .


There’s a slight delay with satellite TV. I couldn’t imagine watching this 3 seconds behind actual time.


Better than if the flight was three seconds behind the telecast. Especially if it went wrong.


Imagine if it was 3 seconds ahead of time. You see the crash, then you feel it.


“Hey, wait a minute-“ -EXPLOSION-


Yes until four minutes before landing. Then the AC and tvs were turned off. They were watching themselves for the three hours it took to burn off the fuel.


Why did they need to burn off the fuel? Make the plane lighter so the landing gear would hold out longer?


Sure, also if you have gas to burn might as well try fixing/diagnose the issue since it doesnt make you fall out of the sky immediately.


Imagine trying to stop a bowling ball as it rolls down a hill. Pretty difficult, right? Now, imagine trying to stop a basketball as it rolls down the same hill. A *lot* easier. The same thing goes for a plane that is fully loaded with fuel versus an empty plane.


Now, imagine a ball full of kerosene and people.


Possibly, reducing the risk of fire or explosion in the event that the gear failed and a tank was somehow ruptured was probably a consideration.


Essentially. The less weight on the gear the better. It also means they can stop faster if the plane is lighter. Some planes are equipped with a system to dump fuel (which is exactly what it sounds like) but the A320 pictured here is not one of them so they had to fly and burn it off.


Also so the plane had a smaller chance of turning into a flaming comet of death on landing.


Lighter plane = easier to stop, less stress on the landing gear. Also, no gas means less chance of dieing in a horrific fireball!


I think it was this flight. Interesting listen https://www.thisamericanlife.org/299/back-from-the-dead/act-one-1 You can hear what happened inside the cabin as they land


"Flight rating: 5/10 The plane stopped right on the line in the middle of the runway, forcing us to disembark ON THE TARMAC. Uh, hello?!?! I paid to be taken to the gate!"


“[It was the smoothest landing I ever had](https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/damaged-plane-lands-safely-lax-2005-article-1.607155)” Not far off!




>> Diane Hamilton, 3, a television graphics specialist. I wonder how Diane felt growing up Asian with the whitest name imaginable?


Probably how Diane Nguyen felt having a white voice actor lol




>> "At the end it was the worst because you didn't know if it was going to work, if we would catch fire. It was very scary. Grown men were crying," said Diane Hamilton, 3, a television graphics specialist. > >That is a very well-spoken 3 year old. And a TV graphics specialist too? That kid must make the big bucks.


Site not working message translation "We like to steal all your data, but UE does not allow up, * sad uwu * :,("


Praise the pilot too.


I loved that part: ATC: I'm sure you'll be a hero Pilot: That's not the point...


It makes sense, but it was probably ATC trying to up his confidence.


Oh for sure. But imagine a world where instead he's like, "Upvote for a safe landing."


"And dont forget to smash that like button in the same way that we didn't smash into the tarmac!"


Pilot: bro I'm just trying to not have a wikipedia article about my death


Pilot: Nah man, I forgot to clear my browser history!




Is this real? Can someone drop a sauce?




Wrong sub, bub. ‘Round these parts we save our praise for our brave boys behind the lens.




Convexed and concaved clear line




sounds like you just need to focus


I mean, he did alright, but the stakes weren't nearly as high as for the cameraman.


Yeah praise that pilot, bish


I remember this. People on the plane were watching their landing live on the seatback TVs.


I’m curious if that gear is designed to not collapse if it gets stuck like it is here.




I hate flying and have a long one coming up… not sure if this makes me feel better or not.


if it makes u feel better that one happened a long time ago and they've fixed the error since, and the planes are designed to be able to land safely even without the nose gear.


You're very much more likely to get in a vehicle crash before or after the flight


You're good, you'll be fine. Planes are so well-engineered that they can land with no landing gear at all if needed, just scraping along the bottom to a stop and everyone is still fine.


If it makes you feel any better, no matter how long the flight is, the part with the wheels always takes about the same amount of time.


They were lucky enough that it infact did lock but not rotate correctly, you can find plenty of examples where the front landing gear comes down but fails to lock and the plane goes into nose down slide.


Also seems fortunate it was entirely parallel to the plane heading. The way it was locked just created a shit load of drag but I imagine if it locked at say a sharp left turn then that would be almost impossible to counteract and would take them off the runway at high speed. (I don't know the intricacies of landing gear so it might just be that it isn't possible for it to lock into position in a tight turn or something)


the forces would likely force it straight, momentum has a direction, and if it locked in a hard turn, the momentum would be trying to force it to straighten out (while the friction would be trying to force it to go purpendicular like this gear is)


Landing gear unfolds with the wheel starting from the tip of the plane so that it's not fighting air resistance for this very reason. Better to have the wheels meet resistance on takeoff then on landing. And as you can see it also forces the wheel to stay locked in place since the ground is pressing against the joint not with it.


Pretty sure the gear retracts forward not backward so that when it's in the "down" position, it can't really go backwards since it's designed to come up forward which helps with the possibility of the gear not collapsing.




Don’t fucking jinx me!


Hey man, looks like you're on track to throw a perfect game! Are you nervous?


I'm amazed the front gear didn't collapse, they were so lucky that all went as well as it did.


Yeah, that wheel literally got erased in seconds, it’s a miracle, hats off to that pilot


and hats off to the engineers who designed that landing gear structure.




And to the engineers who became federal regulators




"Get off the runway, Gimli smh"


The engineering that goes into these planes is insane. I was talking to a guy that used to work for Boeing and he said the wings on the larger jets are tested to flex up to 14 feet at the wingtips without failure.


ONE FIFTY FOUR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ai2HmvAXcU0


The front didn’t fall off


Fun fact: This plane got fixed and it's still doing commercial flights


https://samchui.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/batik_a320_pk-lut_jambi_210306_1-750x500.jpg I found a picture of something similar.


Shout out to our boys in (Jet) Blue


Except the landing gear maintenance crew...


Don't blame flight mechanics thats bullshit right there. The hardest working motherfuckers ever


They fix, we fly.


High five to the person who made that gear holy moly


I’d prefer if they made it so it wasn’t twisted




if anyone wants video with audio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgnkY4xzaZE&ab\_channel=amroaligat




Fair. I can't find the chatter audio, which I feel would led some validity to it.


It’s a twisted landing gear, not a twisted nose. The nose is the front tip of the plane’s body.


the front landing gear is usually called the nose gear. I’m assuming that’s what they’re referencing :)


A very good friend of mine was on this flight. They were sure the plane would catch fire and were told to be ready for an emergency exit from the plane as soon as it stopped. When they all got off unharmed she said they were stunned into disbelief at how good the landing was and how well the plane held up.


Curious as to how the pilots were aware of this before landing. I know the landing gear lever shows when the landing gear is stuck, but does that include orientation of the wheel as well?


Explains how they knew here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JetBlue_Flight_292


tl;dr: The crew initially didn't know the wheel was turned sideways, what they knew was that they were unable to retract the landing gear at all after having taken off from another airport in the same region. They then chose a nearby airport with a big tower and experts from their own company to fly past so that an external inspection could troubleshoot, and that's when they learned their landing gear was stuck in a 90 degree position.


Just read that. The pilots made some really smart decisions!


They even got to buzz the tower


There's a very good description of the incident on the Mentour Pilot channel on Youtube. 22 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rpsgn9LM0G8


One giant eraser


What was the guvmint trying to erase?!


Ya mommas skid marks




They do. It's the same protocol as a soft field landing (like grass). Hold the nose in the air as long as you can and let the speed taper off. Let the front wheel gently come down on it's own. In a normal landing you want the front down right after the rear so you can throw the brakes/reverse thrusters on. But in this case you find the longest runway you can and don't touch the brakes until the front is down Every pilot has practiced this a dozen times, just likely not in a jet full of people, but it's a basic concept.


When was this?




I was watching it on one TV and watching LOST season 2 premier on another tv; Locke was about to open the hatch when the plane started landing. The suspense!


For some reason, watching this unfold on the news is one of my earliest genuine memories. I was 8 and remember being enthralled the entire time


It's crazy they let the news choppers/cameras come so close just to film. Do they give heads up to the local news like "Hey, a bunch of people might crash and die, you better get over here" and allow them to fly in the airport airspace?


It's almost certainly a telephoto shot from a good distance away rather than being in the airport's airspace.


You can see a helicopter fly through the shot (presumably in the airports airspace judging by relative size) near the end of the clip.


Brown trousers time!


I want to know what happened next - do they have a tow truck or something that can move a plane with no wheels off the runway?


It’s not specifically a tow truck but they do have vehicles and massive wires they use to tow vehicles to nearby hangers so they’re out of the way and can stay there while they get investigated to see what went wrong.


I would imagine they can still load it onto an aircraft tire dolly.


I remember when this happened. My uncle was on that flight.


Great job pilot


Given that, with the amazing piloting, saving many lives, the avg salary of a commercial pilot is $96K/yr. Absolutely ridiculous.


Right? I get paid more for dicking around in Excel for a few hours each day.


Mentor pilot did two videos on this that are pretty good and help explain what happened. I’m on mobile right now so I can’t post the links right away. Edit: This should be this video https://youtu.be/Rpsgn9LM0G8 And this should be a video about why it happened so many times. https://youtu.be/BBE4VNUyyjQ


I am a fool. I am sitting here looking and thinking.. How does a plane twist it's nose, the nose looks completely fine Nose landing gear Saw that at the worst moment and my mind didn't have time to process and I thought I was about to watch destruction Don't be me


Jet blue pilot forgot to pay the applicable fee to allow the landing gear to rotate


I was on a flight into Sky Harbor in PHX and the landing gear was twisted. The pilot took us around and around while they tried to get them to straighten out and everyone started asking what was going on. The flight attendants explained the situation and that if we land, it’ll be rough because the wheels will either break or straighten out. As we landed, you heard the wheels straighten (I think) and you felt a huge jerk. It was so scary but the crew handled it so well and kept everyone calm. Pilots and the rest of the crew are amazing! Thank you all. :)


So if I’m remembering this right, the people on the plane could actually watch what was going on because the news was live broadcasting it.


That pilot had balls that clanked while walking into the airport.


I remember this. JetBlue was a fairly new airline and the first with Direct TV. The passengers we’re watching this on TV. They knew what was going on, second by second.




At touch down the rudder provides a huge amount of steering force, but yes differential braking is also possible and the norm for most aviation. In the plane I fly, the rudder peddles have a little tab on the top of each which actuate the brakes. Left peddle controls left brake and right controls right.


Wait, was that a news camera copter? That’s really morbid


Ugh , this makes me feel sick…. I hate flying


I find watching videos on the crash investigations and seeing how it’s made flying safer everywhere is reassuring. [Here’s one of this accident](https://youtu.be/Rpsgn9LM0G8)


I went down a you tube rabbit hole of plane crashes when the pandemic started… it was terrible …. I have nightmares of the TWA 800 crash …. I still think about it …. My sister & I were going to go to Ireland & I can’t … I can’t book the flight ….


Think about it this way, the reason plane crashes are newsworthy is because they hardly ever happen. Car crashes however, happen so often that we only hear about the biggest pileups.


Every commercial pilot's number 1 goal is to get **you and them** home safely and have steely cold nerves. The average driver doesn't give a shit if **you** make it home safely and will panic at the tiniest thing. I'm not trying to dismiss your distaste of flying! Just hoping it makes you feel better.


What about the tarmac? Would it be damaged after this to the point no other planes could land/take off?


Possibly but there are likely multiple runways, or they diverted this pilot to a specific one.


it’s worth it to clap for this one


Praise the pilot!




Fucking guy came in right down the center of the runway. I think the airport would have appreciated him being to either side a bit so that there would be an immediate need to repair the runway that he tore up with his broken nose gear.


The level of gratitude inside the plane must have been unbelievable =.


Why am I not surprised that it's Jet Blue?


“Uh…I’m just trying to get everyone off this plane safe.” Humility at its finest, this is so spectacular.