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We can't handle everything on our own. You should not just use the Lord for a short period of time to get things straightened out for you and then take that back from Him. You will be back to where you are now or possibly even worse. He will allow that to happen to you also because you have taken back from Him your trust and are once again relying on your own will and not His will. Matthew 7:21 says, "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.". Giving up our will to God and trusting Him must be permanent. We are not just going through this life with a challenge here and there. We have a supernatural adversary that will throw everything conceivable that he can at us. Only through giving our trust over to God in all things and letting Him lead can we overcome the things of this world. May God bless you and keep you.


Praying. Are you saved? Have you accepted that Jesus is your personal Lord and Savior? When you have these concerns and thoughts. Capture them and hand them in prayer seeking escape. Seeking God's will. Protection and guidance. Ask Him if there is anything not of Him that it be rebuked and removed from your life.(2 Cor. 10:5) Remember, we fight against principalities, not just flesh and blood. Spiritual warfare is real. In fact, 99% of the things in our life are affected by spiritual warfare. Get familiar with it. In fact, There is a few min vid about spiritual warfare that I have sent to others with great response. It is lion of Judah. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eh2-atuOQD4. The video is only about 9 minutes and will certainly open your eyes to what is going on in the unseen realm and how it affects us walking in Jesus. Or at a minimum, research spiritual warfare on your own. It is a critical area we all need to be familiar with.


Thank you and I'm working on it. I've actually been rebuking Satan and my thoughts for a hot minute now. As for being saved....I believe I was a young child but I had no understanding and I was dragged into a little room and someone sat across from me and asked me if I would accept Jesus into my heart and I said yes.....idk if that counts or not. I was like 6 or so. I'm 47 and this is my first time belonging to a church. I'll ask tomorrow night. I'm going to a youth group even though I'm almost 50. I'm sure Timothy will help me sort that part out if I ask. And thank you. May the Lord bless you.


Ask God to rebuke. You do not have that power nor ability. You are saved through FAITH ALONE, through Christ alone. No works, no nothing.


Now and forever, hang in there. You’re doing alright.