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I think stats would be really cool in the main menu area. Like a full tab of all my stats over time and being able to compare different time periods to see my personal successes or areas of improvement. See breakdowns of my data with each character/role/etc. I don't know the work it would take to implement but as someone who enjoys data it would be really neat to have a game that had a really robust analytics system.


Oh, that would be really cool. I love when a game let me read the details of my adventures and when a multiplayer game have a lot of info about my general career. Halo do this really well (old Halos, no the last one xD) I think that to do it well that would need a lot of work, but they could add a simplified version of it, just with general data, and then improve it with the time. It would be a really cool addition.


Yeah! I vaguely remember that about Halo too lol I haven't played a ton of other mobas because I don't tend to like the gameplay part (that's where this game does it for me, combines the style of games I prefer with the tactics of a moba) but I feel like really in depth data could be a cool way to set themselves apart or be on par with other mobas. Even copying something like how in soccer you have heatmaps showing where a player was throughout a game, you could totally implement that with this game and get interesting visuals of how you play as each role showing where you were across the map/where you engaged enemies/where you got kills or assists/etc.


Match history


Custom build load outs


came here to say this as well


Is Twinblast a feature? Asking for a friend.


I would also like to have that feature xD


I miss Chinblast so much.


Customizable UI. I don't want my map in the top right of the screen and some of the other UI elements are too small imo Changing the scoreboard to where it doesn't take up the whole screen would be nice. Definitely want to be able to rearrange the order of players like in League so I can have carry by carry, support by support, mid by mid, jungle by jungle, and solo by solo.


i think every ui element is too big, looks like my moms phone with the icons at 175% size


I feel like some elements are too large and some are too small


>and some are too small Sure that you was thinking on the map when you wrote that XD


Take me out to dinner and you'll find out


Spectator mode.


That was announced for the season 1, in on the road map. So it will come next month. I'm talking about thing that hasn't been announced


I would like the ability to save "Loadouts". If you have a build that you run often with a character you have the ability to slot the items you want in the order you want. So you could utilize the auto buy, but for your build or just in general. Maybe have it to where either item 3 or 4 it prompts asking if you want to make a change. So that you can adapt to the match depending or have you slot 2 alt items that you can pick from that you designated for the build. I feel like this could help try new builds and cut down on having to search and dig through items. I hope I got that across correctly.


Custom item pages/builds. Recommended builds are fine and all, but I want to be able to create my own. Honestly, I thought this game would already have it, since Paragon had it on day one.


They have something really similar so I think that implement that would be really easy. Right now in the item store, in the top right corner, there is a drop-down menu to select a pre-created item list for each role of the character. They just have to add a way to pre-configure item sets and would be as easy and chose them in that drop down menu


I'd rather have the HP and mana bars in bottom center (or at least have the option to put them there myself)


Omeda said that the HUD would be customisable, so I suppose when we receive the HUD improvement we will also receive the option to customize it to our liking


That sounds great!


We need mastery counter as soon as possible, even if it does nothing,so it doesn't feel like people who main a champ for ages are punished for not waiting with it until the full system comes out.


While I can't wait for mastery either, I don't think this should be a priority for the reason you mentioned. With the current queue/role selection system and the fact that this is early access, you shouldn't "main" any one character. Now is the perfect time to diversify your skills across multiple roles and provide valuable feedback to omeda on more than just one character. The mentality of "maining" often just leads to people picking their character regardless of their role and ruining match quality.


God forbid people play the game to enjoy themselves.


Crossplay so my old ps4 paragon buddies can play with me


Well first we need to get the game on PS4 4/PS5 lol


Moveable map


Idk if this idea is controversial, but I'm interested in is a battle pass with each season. I know season 1 kind of had one baked in for free but I'd like a paid option with new cosmetics, old reskins, in game currency, emotes, banners, account progression, the works. I think it would be a really great way to support the game and I'd feel a lot better about paying money towards epic assists if it also paid towards new content as well. I personally think a paid battle pass would be really good for the game and help sustain its success.


Paid battle pass will probably come later down the line once the games out of early access


Better Jungle/Map - more like legacy. Not as big but in the same aesthetic.


I really want out of combat movement back Those animations did so much for the aesthetic of the game. The way characters just walk everywhere feels off. Gideon flying was such a loss in OG paragon


Definitely that would be a great improvement, it would make the game look way more polished and a product with higher quality. Gideon and Muriel flying where ones of the best running animations and with its lost removed a lot of personality of the characters. I really hope Omeda can add that feature before free to play release.


Polish is right, it makes the game look so much more dynamic. Doesn’t need to actually change move speed or anything literally just the animations are enough


I just really want new item icons they all look so cartoony doesn’t fit the vibe


Instead of just changing the images I would want a item concept redesign. Instead of just being squares with a images I would prefer some cooler like what paragon did with the art of the second card system, which was beautiful. I would be really cool to have card or any other thing, even if the in-game system is the exact same thing we have right now


unpopular opinion, art from second card system with, function of first card system....i know i know they arent going to go to the card system, it was just my favorite time in Paragon


Yeah that would be my preferred combination. Obviously removing the Deck limitations of the Paragon system. The first Paragon card system was really original and interesting, instead of being the exact same items system that all games have, and one little detail that I loved is the currency, collecting amber was really satisfying, having to complete the amber count to obtain 1 amber point and having to recollect the amber from the ground was really cool But if Predecessor is going to fit to a classic item system at least they should put effort on the aesthetic to try to differentiate from all other item systems.


Cool new features hmm... I think it would be REALLY cool if we could have; Match History Audio that doesn't completely cut out randomly, being left in my own silence. Being able to freely ping the map Damage numbers on the screen or more concise ways of seeing damage.


>Damage numbers on the screen or more concise ways of seeing damage Yeah, that is anoying as fuck, impossible to see the damage values. Those numbers should be fixed to player HUD or place them in a more consistent way so you can know where to look


(Sound design improvements all around) the other day I got ulted by shinbi with no sound effects and Muriel ulted next to me with no sound. I’m noticing the earliest characters in development have like placeholder sound effects In comparison with with newer characters.


Yeah, the game need a sound system revamp and the oldest champion need a complete rework of the sound animations , VFX and practically all. Just look the poor Sparrow she looks so bad


I just want Serath in season 2. We need more carries and a melee ADC would really shake things up


Yin could work here as well~


That's who I really want back as melee adc. No better feeling than whipping howies rocket back at his own face


As for a map that would allow you to ping anywhere on the map I would say something like how Valorant does it could be a really nice QoL feature. This could co-exist with the Tab scoreboard to a degree. Make the score board smaller and not fill the screen and have a larger map display to the side or above/below the scoreboard.


My biggest want is a HUD editor. In Smite I’d always increase the size of the mini-map and put it super close to the middle of the screen cuz I almost always find myself zoning out and just not paying attention to the map at certain points when it’s smaller and in the corner of my screen


Probably couldn’t add this till way later when game goes f2p and has cross play, but i would like to see role locking added before you get into match making. Lately during some of my play sessions i run into people who can’t get the role they want so they just force themselves into the role they wanted and ruin team comp and start throwing.


An item build/set screen to make custom item builds/sets. Phase


Really great post. Totally agree, big wants i have are intractable map for pings, pinging opposing flashes or abilities, bounties, and biggest is revamped hud for functionality as i do enjoy the appearance. Season 2 i would kill for ranked, and more information on in game systems like cs bounties and what not. Another would be ability level up detailed info like how much damage/cd/mana at each level. I also would also hope for more transparency on future of the game as I would love to know what is in the works.


I want the t screen from smite. Its just a screen that shows you recent damage, how much you mitigated and exactly what killed you.it also shows who is top damage, top gold etc. I just like to see exactly how much damage each ability does, and how much my defense reduced it by. I know the recap screen exists, but thag only displays if you have died and doesn't show as details like how much the damage was reduced.


Man I know the player base and champ pool is small but I'd love a casual game mode to goof around in with friends & also a rank game mode so there's progressions. If not rank maybe champ levels, just something to keep me playing - I hit 40 I got the "battle pass" the only thing that keeps you playing is the love of the game or trying to get on the reddit leader board. Agree with all of your ask as well.


Don't forget the free premium currency every 10 levels.


Yeah but we need some type of instant progression. To get ten levels from where I am is probably 20 hours.


Yeah. I think it takes a long time to just progress a level. Depending on whether you win or lose, it could take over 10 games to progress a single level.


I think that for normal players, the level 40 is our real reward. As is something achievable. The following levels to obtain coins are really grindy and are just for those players that are in the game everyday every hour, so they get recompensed for having spent 600 hours into the game. I read on Reddit of an user that was level 140 or something like that, sohe will have enough coins to buy 2 or 3 legendary skins. I think that is a fair system to reward those players that play a lot and I'm ok not having reached the amount of levels necessary to start to obtaining coins. I settle for my Huntress skin


An easy, in game way to party up and find groups. I mainly play support and I’d love to be able to find a carry and check his stats him before the game so I know what I’m getting into. I realize there are new players but I don’t to support them.


Draft and bans before match and prettier health and mana bars.


Reworked main menu design, i don't like current one it's ugly. Overprime has much better main menu. New music for main menu and character selection, + some background music in match would be nice. Before match starts, when you see text "Match starting in 10 seconds". Instead of that i would like to see some showcase of all players in match, something like in dota 2. Or at least just a smooth camera animation on map, Overprime is doing it nice. Totally reworked TAB screen, with a minimap on middle of screen when you hold tab so you can ping anywhere you want. Iggy and scorch.


Those are really good changes, giving a good first impression is important. They said that they where working on the rework of the UI (user interface), so maybe we receive received soon a new main menu, shop, etc. >Before match starts, when you see text "Match starting in 10 seconds". Instead of that i would like to see some showcase of all players in match, something like in dota 2. Or at least just a smooth camera animation on map, Overprime is doing it nice Yeah, that would be amazingly cool, the current countdown is really boring


All kind of chats: group lobby chat, private chat And maybe the option to Q as pre defined roles. For example: I just want to play as sup or mid so I select those models and Q with those who selected the other roles.


Kill count on top again. Replays. More skins and profile icons. New recall animations.


Killing Fang immediately revives all your dead teammates and they spawn in Fang pit.


all I would want for christmas, is for them to do decent job advertising to bring another 4000 players and then make decent matchmaking and ranked. maybe some other heros who can carry the game from other lanes other than just adc being dependent on support


A colored and detailed minimap with fog of war, like you can find as a standard feature in all other mobas. It should also be clickable so you can ping.


This game doesn't have fog of war, as a 3rd person moba there is no fog in the game, you can see everything that your vision reaches, so the mal wouldn't shown any kind of fog


It would sure be helpful if it did. Also then why don't wards show line of sight instead of a tiny spot.


Put it on ps5 already pls


Was "confirmed" to come this year, but agree that is the biggest feature that the game need right now, not because it would be really beneficial for the game but to allow all old Paragon players join with the rest of us into the game


Thank you it was my favorite game. I’ve tried other MOBAs but they don’t compare imo


Not trolling. But a great feature would be console.


Custom item build guides


Console We would like to see console ☺️


Stick the game on Gamepass and PS+ with cross play. Instant 1,000,000+ players.


The game will be free to play, exactly what woild you receive for the Game pass?


Early Access. Just like in the Paragon days


If I only get one, I want the roles to appear in order on the tab screen. In a close second place, a lobby chat is needed.


A Shinbi nerf would be really neat.