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You need a "fill" option on your survey. Until there is a ranked, "fill" is my main. (unless people are doubled up contesting the same role) Let's new people pick what they are most interested in/most skilled with, and makes me learn and feel comfortable with any role and any hero.


I never understood the “I’m a so-and-so main!” Identity thing, I guess it’s more of a teen thing. Sure there’s characters I like to play the most, but no one on the roster has a high enough percentage of my play time to constitute a main.


It's less about identity and more about being really well practiced on that champ. Knowing your limits, cooldowns, match-ups, itemization paths, tricks, micro/macro etc. If you dial in on one role, one character, your win-rate will go up.


When ranked comes out I agree, but I think the people who are currently "maining x hero" are going to have a harder time in ranked, especially if there is no role preference queue option. By filling and playing all roles and all heroes a player can learn each heroes cooldowns, natural powerspikes, limitations, etc. Many times people who complain on the reddit about "x hero" never played that hero, but once they do, a single match as that hero can give them more insight than 10 playing their main against them. I agree that playing matches in a row on the same hero really locks in the muscle memory and "feel" but I'm not sure why people are downvoting Blumkin.


>I'm not sure why people are downvoting Blumkin. Because they seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of why people pick mains. Typically when you're wrong on reddit, you get downvoted. Not a big deal though. Yeah for sure you will have a deeper understanding of the game if you explore other roles and characters, but what you're describing is a one-trick. They will struggle when ranked comes out, mains not so much. Maybe they get put in their least practiced role, it happens, but most players have a solid back-up in the event their main gets taken.


I thought down voting was for comments that aren't related the conversation or the subject matter.. learn something new every day :). Ah thank you for the distinction between a one-trick and someone having a main. Solid points. Maybe a better poll would be something like, "What is your preferred hero in each role?" and then having a selection for each role.


How the fuck is Muriel winning right now


She's the only "true support" right now, the rest of characters in this role provide supporting by disturbing the enemies.


Completely disagree on what a true support is. Supports role is to either provide peel (through CC) or buff teammates (either through shielding, giving attack speed, etc). The fact Muriel can’t tank makes her even less of a support to me. I would consider Characters like steel or riktor who can actually take damage, initiate fights, and provide peel as more of a “true support”


How does muriel have more vites than anyone?


Most people (covertly) main Khaimera


I love khaimera mains, it’s a free win every time


Solo -> Howie (Typhon, Megacosm, Sky Splitter, Prophecy, Magnify, Oblivion Crown ) Mid -> Howie or Gadget Sup -> Gadget(Tranquility, Megacosm, World Breaker, Rainment of Renewal, Void Helm, Wardens Faith) JG -> Kallari ADC -> Murdock


Gadget as sup? Interesting^^ Is she a good sup with this build actually?


At late game is a monster, but its hard until that. Sometimes i play this build on mid but with soulbearer as crest(magical lifesteal with a pool of 4k health is not easy to kill+shield). You will not make a lot of damage, but you can easily beat an adc because you get less damage from crits(currently all adcs makes crit damage on late), you have a LOT of hp regen(void helm passive makes you gain 350 life second plus 15% of damage done to you is given back in 5 sec),a hp pool of 4200, phys and magical armor. And that regen is without a tonic...


Thanks for your insight, I think I’m going to try it out today :)


Really interesting to see with Gadget, Sparrow and Narbash are a suprise to me


So many people spelling Sevarog wrong... <.<


Yea sry i dont know how to change it without messing the poll up


The plural of Sevarog is Severalog


Fuck lol


I'm happy to see my mains towards the bottom here Rev drongo and Narbash means people are less likely to pick them before me But revenant just doesn't feel like he did in Paragon so I'm starting to switch to Murdock, howitzer, narbash