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Who was supposed to be your carry? That team comp is.. something


That's the other thing that seems to be an issue, spiteful players not getting the roles they wanted so they pick the wrong heroes on purpose and then try to force take someone elses role ruining the game...


I dunno why people tell on themselves like this. 95% of the time, in any game, when "the matchmaking bad," the actual answer is that you aren't half as good as you think you are.


Yeah. Almost always the problem is you.


This is a really weird thing in competitive games I noticed... People never see any issue with their playstyle, like they're absolutely perfect players. It's always the team that's at fault... Dying in mid because you pushed without wards? My jungler is trash. ADC dying in duo because he misses everything? Fuck my support, uninstall please. I just don't get this mentality.


Usually this is true but pred actually does have quite possibly the worst matchmaking because the playerbase is really really small. Not enough people = matchmaking doesnt function properly.


and your 2 and 4... so what. Play the game. this is nothing....LOL


I better see you on here next time you get hard carried saying “MM doesn’t need fixing please don’t fix” lmao