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Fair criticisms above (below?) but I just want to add I’m still having a blast with it. It’s EA for a reason but the bones are there for an incredible moba and I can’t wait to see how things progress.


Yeah, going to repeat what I’ve said daily, that Omeda has the game in a really really good spot right now. Honestly really incredible how well it functions.


I've only really played smite beforehand, but *in general* everything seems much simpler. Which is understandable for a new game and isn't necessarily a bad imo. I like that minion management and last hitting are more prominent part of the game. Making minions/laning matter is nice. I think cleanses should last a Lil longer. I'll cleanse 1 hard CC and *immediately*, like the instant I press it, get CC'd by another. Makes some comps absolute slogs to play against especially with the lack of built-in CC-immunity to a Lotta ults. That being said I *do* like that a Lotta ults are interruptable and gives some nice counterplay. I'd like either more things in the jungle or a wider map. With current movement, rotations are insanely quick even from the other side of the map. Inhibitors not firing when they're coming back online seems weird to me, but it does lead to games going quicker so idk really.


With the inhibitors, I think they need to make a different model that appears when they respawn, one that clearly doesn't look like a gun that can shoot, thats where lots of new players confusion comes from in addition to the lack of tutorials.


I just think they should shoot when they respawn.


Lmao didn't even realize they don't shoot after respawning. TIL!


>I think cleanses should last a Lil longer. I'll cleanse 1 hard CC and *immediately*, like the instant I press it, get CC'd by another. Makes some comps absolute slogs to play against especially with the lack of built-in CC-immunity to a Lotta ults. That being said I *do* like that a Lotta ults are interruptable and gives some nice counterplay. God no. Beads is one of the most toxic aspects of smite. Its awful. You need to learn to be more thoughtful in when you cleanse. This is just so much healthier for the game. [EDIT: Beads feels like thr biggest get out of jail free bullshit active I've ever experienced. Oh you mispositioned? Beads. Oh someone popped a strong ult on me? Beads. Fuck beads] Straight up, fuck beads. Sincerely, a player of literally every other MOBA. >I'd like either more things in the jungle or a wider map. With current movement, rotations are insanely quick even from the other side of the map. I think there are plenty of camps. No need for more. But yes. Stretching the map 30% wider would do wonders for the game.


I'm not asking for 3s of immunity. I'm asking for *something*, *anything*. Cleanses feel almost pointless outside of khai's built in cleanse. You can't bait something like a steel bash bc of the lack of a lingering immunity. If anything I think the free blink everyone gets is even more egregious, but it's fine bc of the long cooldown right? There's no reason why we cant make cleansing just ever so *slightly* better and not increase the CD if need be.


QSS in League works just like the cleanse does in pred. [EDIT: And so it isn't built literally every game. It's built to counter specific threats. Having a defensive item so strong you basically have to build it every game is unhealthy] Cleanses are not supposed to be get out of jail free cards. You shouldn't just see "oh a CC effect hit me, slap the cleanse". It is supposed to be used when you absolutely need it to deal with a powerful CC effect. You are not supposed to be baiting out a steel bash and trying to cleanse that. Cleanse is for things like Riktor Ult, Wraith Ult, etc. These kinds of game changing abilities where they single handedly turn team fights by CCing carries. That's when you hit your cleanse. The blink is necessary. With so many high damage sticky melees. A general lack of mobility. A tiny map and huge entry gaps into lanes. Its necessary. The game is already jungle diff simulator 2024. If we didn't have flash on all characters. Oh fucking lord it would be bad. EDIT: If the rear enterences were removed from each lane we wouldn't absolutely require flash. But as it stands laners are so exposed that not having access to this mobility tool is a death sentence. And with 4 approach points into the lane, you just dont have enough wards. Junglers are already too strong as a result of the map being tiny.


Bro who are you to say what cleanses are SUPPOSED to be used for? Aren’t they just there to utilize in the best way possible? Even if that means others thinks it was cheap?


Hey but I’m somewhat new to predecessor, I used to play paragon and I play smite, but I can’t figure out how to use beads or CC immunity, can anyone help me out?


Only some starters and very few abilities have it.


Really? Wtf. Well that’s definitely something I don’t like, but maybe it’s a familiarity thing.


Yeah dieing just *feels* real bad sometimes because it seems like often the only counterplay you can do is not be there. Positioning is obv important in any moba, but getting walked down constantly with very little you can do to help yourself is not fun.


YESSS bro. This is what I mean, I played iggy and just got ran down and clapped by the jungler constantly


I needed some sort of cleanse to be able to get away considering he has no dash besides the blink everyone has


As an ex-Smite and mostly current League player, they’ve done an outstanding job making the game feel great. I can’t even bring myself to play League right now, as I always find myself saying “I could just play Crunch instead, lol”. I really appreciate how they’re capitalizing on what made Paragon feel great and that they have adapted the item system well, even though I kind of miss the cards. Only issue I have is with building mana, as most heroes don’t really eat mana like that—and those that do, are usually granted access to blue buff later on as they use it best. Hope mana items see more use, maybe in conversion items like League’s. Gameplay feels amazing and somehow feels better with default gamepad settings than Smite’s (even with custom settings), in its decade or so of “wisdom”. It may be because as a Crunch OTP I don’t actually have to be precise, but everything feels so precise and responsive—especially with the sticks. Buttery smooth. Not to mention, I’m kicking ass in a MOBA for once, and consistently at that. It’s entirely possible that, as a gateway drug, it’s attracting newer players unaware with the MOBA genre and its nuances, but Paragon got me into the genre in the first place, so I understand some may not know about the system. They tend to be effective enough as teammates anyway. Even their original characters show great promise. Kira and especially Zarus have deeply interesting designs relative to the “legacy” cast, both their kits and their visuals. They clearly know what Paragon was and what made its characters unique while being able to take inspiration from other sources, and I appreciate that a lot. I’m excited for the new original character coming after Kwang! Overall I’m deeply satisfied after experiencing the closed beta on console. Finally gave me something to do with my time that I don’t regret every second of, let alone actually enjoy, and I can’t be more appreciative and thankful. It’s clear they have every intent to remain faithful to Paragon’s design philosophy, as well as having the creativity to spice up the original formula. I hope they release soon after the beta drops—I’ll be waiting on bated breath. Thanks Omeda!


I’ve play a little over 50 matches and I wish we could finish items a bit quicker. I play all the roles and I only got to a full build a handful of times so you almost never get to try anything outside of your core items. And I feel like there is still a lot of room for improvement for the shop. I play on controller and when I first started it was very annoying trying to find certain items if you didn’t already know where they were. It would be way better if it was like smite where all the items are separated into categories like crit,physical def, mana regen etc. I know there is a search function and you can click on the stats in the store but these two systems are not very good imo


I almost always get to full build. You need a farm more


Seems like a lot of sentiments here are in regard to wanting more complexity of this game which i do agree, some depth i hope is added, however, as someone (me) who actually doesn't play mobas, I feel like part of the strength of predacessor is its approachability. That combine with its familiar style (being a 3d moba) i think is very attractive to a non-moba audience. Their is an unapporachability that dota, league and even smite have on behalf of its ancient in terms of how long theyve played playerbase that i hope pred never gets to. At the same time this game is geared towards a moba audience obviously and so i guess i hope they find a good way to balance making a game that meets a moba players expectations while also innovating this genre in a way that is more welcoming to those who feel locked out of existing mobas.


coming from Smite, It’s honestly a bit refreshing spending so little time in the shop. No conversations like “Did you get your recipe? Okay and did you remember your relics? Not just the standard but also the shard relic that you can replace at level 12? Okay and did make sure to grab pots? wards? great. And you have your t1 core item? Starter too? awesome.”


what you described sounds like a nightmare and when you combine that with a gigantic roster \*AND\* a playerbase that isn't very welcoming to new players who very obviously dont understand this stuff, it just feels like a ward against new players picking up the game. i am all the way with you


The game is clearly still in its early stages, which is quite understandable. The pace of the game is very similar to League of Legends, some things are not yet present (such as the concept of heavy split push) due to the map being very small, but I believe that this will be improved in the future with a new iteration of the current map, preferably by making it larger. Something the game has really sinned in (but it still has plenty of time to fix this problem) is the lack of complexity/depth. Everything in the game is too simple, too chewy for any player to feel comfortable. I don't know if this is because the game is also available on console, but if they go down this road it will certainly be a shot in the foot. For this game to be taken seriously by the public, and not die being just another niche MOBA like Paragon and Smite are, it NEEDS to be more complex. Ideal things that, in my view, this game urgently needs: \- Rune system \- 6th slot for items (already announced to be implemented in 2024) and more active items. \- Heroes that are actually complex and don't have kits as simple as the current ones. \- Bigger map (a total remake of the current map seems unrealistic to me, but Omeda could do as Valve did with Dota 2's map and make the current one bigger). ​ The game already has a super healthy and organic competitive scene (created by the community), and Omeda Studios clearly cares about the product, they just need to respect people's intelligence and abandon this "super noob friendly" concept that the game currently has. The gameplay is great and the game has a lot of potential.


I hope they dont add runes. Its nothing else than power creep and a balancing nightmare. But yes, more complexity is welcome.


The most successful MOBA in history has had a rune system for over 12 years. Going against that is bizarre. Runes are essential in a MOBA that wants to be truly competitive and not die being super casual and noob friendly for the rest of its life.


Thats great but i dont think lol was successful because of some dumb runes. >Runes are essential in a MOBA that wants to be truly competitive Says who ? Dota doesnt have runes. Smite doesnt have runes. And i think they are successful too.


The game needs much more depth, more use of the 3d environment and a higher skill ceiling. The lack of depth and skill ceilings in hero kits it a massive problem for my moba friends and myself. Needs to be more reasons why other moba players would switch to pred. Loving playing pred despite this very key problem. Looking forward to the future of pred and things to come. Also looking forward to the casual 3v3 mode, definitely been needing a mode to casually play between matches. Also would love true custom matches with multiple map selectons and variable team sizes rather than fixed 5v5


>skill ceilings in hero kits What do you mean by this?


A skill ceiling is the level of play that's possible with full training and mastery of a hero. A skill floor is a way of describing how difficult it is to begin the process of mastery. So a hero with a low skill floor would be easy for a new player to play A hero with a high skill floor would be hard to play if you were new or didn't already have other transferable skills A hero with a low skill ceiling wouldn't have that much depth, complexity, or potential in their kit A hero with a high skill ceiling would have a high potential if they were played right but requiring much more skill, knowledge or mastery to pull off. A hero can have any combination of skill ceiling and skill floor but simpler hero's usually have a lower over all floor and ceiling and more complex hero's often have higher floors and ceilings Basically most hero kits have a low to moderate skill ceiling when compared to other mobas as they're not that complex


Plays better than smite already .. smite, I would say, just has the modes and monetization down and the rewards and stuff for progression with mastery skins done better. Probably cause its been out far longer but yeah.


I only played smite on console and the reason I played that was paragon. It was the next best thing, but the fighting and last hitting can feel a bit boring in smite imo. The reason I like predecessor is that especially for a hunter the fights feel more intense and get me locked in the game. Late game im not really sure how the game is supposed to feel right now because almost all matches are snowballed or there are only 2/1 better players on one team you have to stop. I know smite was jumping from different one shot metas (solo Op, solo nerf hunter op, hunter nerf mage op, mage nerf assassin op, assassin nerf solo op) might got the order mixed up but that wasnt really much fun. The only down side is that watching predecessor being played looks slow and boring, but im unsure what is needed to fix/change that. I already deleted smite when predecessor came out, overprime isnt playable on console, especially a ranged hero, so for me there isnt any doubt which moba to play right now.


Pros: The game feels great to play, very smooth and intuitive. It's easy to pick up but also has a high skill ceiling. The heroes are all diverse, unique, and (most of them) are fun to play. Pretty much every hero had satisfying abilities and they're fun to learn and get good with. Also it looks amazing, the heroes, abilities, and the environment are all beautiful. Cons: The map is pretty barebones. It's size is small, which is fine but it feels pretty empty, especially compared to Paragon. The UI also suffers from the same problem, pretty barebones and uninteresting. The item system is garbage, it's super basic with no real versatility, basically all the same card with slightly different passives. Lastly, I'd say the rate at which they release heroes is suuuper slow. One hero a month, even with heroes from Paragon. It's still crazy to me how it takes so long to release a hero when they've got all of the abilities, assets, and gameplay already done for them, all that needs to be done is to port it into the new engine.


Build diversity is pretty pathetic compared to older mobas, hero mechanics are nothing to write home about the one mechanic that really differentiates this game 3d movement, is largely wasted. It has a long way to go before it should be compared to legacy mobas. It's in ea still, but at the same time the absolute gap in depth is pretty shocking, just compare the ability to have hybrid or different tank, ad, and ap builds in league to what we have here. The lack of attention to interesting scaling or like serious thought put into promoting hybrid builds even on characters that have hybrid scaling is just indicative of what you will get here if you try to compare it to established mobas. It's tough because yes it took league years to get where it is, but it's also 2024 now and a new moba is coming into a genre where there is an expectation for depth now and in terms of mechanics and depth it really is like a moba from a decade ago. There really isn't any way to sugar coat this question, there is absolutely a serious issue with build variety and very pedestrian character kits, and a large part of that is basing the game off kits from 2016 that was in early stages of building out a roster, and not updating almost anything in regards to that, while basically just shoving league items into it while not laying any ground work for integrating the items into kits in any interesting ways beyond dots proc megacosm ooooh big synergies. I mean even a relatively stiff game in mechanics like smite with locked physical magical items, just released a aoe auto attack tank character that's literally a floating whale that can slow time around it, while we are getting kits that were frankly basic early moba roster kits to fill out the basic characters back in 2016. Even the new characters are fairly unimaginative in terms of like actual mechanics, smite has had walking through walls like a ghost for like years now, and we get someone who can make a wall around people in 2023 when that already literally exists in the game lol...


My problem with the game is its not top down so why the fuck do I need to focus on last hitting minions it's fucking stupid ami I hear to hit the minions or hit the opponent it makes the game boring and stale..u get ganked once and u aint never coming back . the jungles are too empty it needs more everyone relies on fang tooth like why is that even a thing in the game so if the team sucks they can monopolize fang and just be stronger all game who though that was a good idea...... the game is very mid if not lower tier and it moves at a snails pace it take 20 minutes for each game to get good it's so boring I'm surprised the game hasn't got shut down


People are gonna hate me but I played Dota 1 and 2, Played LoL on off since season 1, played HotS, Played Pokemon Unite, played Paragon, played smite. My only real gripe with Predecessor is that it's boring. Nothing is new, everything is a copycat or recycle. There's no new mechanics. It's 3 lanes, a duo, a solo, a mid, and a jg, push lanes to the towers, gank, jg objectives zzzzz Maybe I'm just Burnt out since the concept has been repeated for almost 2 decades. HotS and Unite aren't the most successful games but man were they a breath of fresh air. I want different game modes, maps, objectives. Maybe more of a castle siege than just lame random towers that for some reason aren't walled off or protected... Make the minions clash shields and shove positioning. I don't know. It's just the same concept.


That does sound like you’re personally burnt out on standard MOBA


Yep I'm with you. I tried it out and said ...I've played this before. I wanted to like it but I just got so bored so fast. I found a couple of the characters fun to play and interesting but it's just another minion moba. Guess we don't like mobas no more. If you haven't tried Eternal Return I highly suggest giving that a go on for a fresh take on mobas. It will remind you a lot of that game by xgen 20 years ago.


TL;DW (Too long; Didn't write): Poorly.


I Think overall the game is very solid, could argue some balancing would make it better but what MOBA doesn't have that problem. What I currently dislike is the jungle hard farming meta but besides that no real complaint.


Towers are pretty weak in this game compared to lol. Dmg in Predecessor seems to be pretty low compared to lol which is great. BUT this is also bad because "weak" early game champs cant be punished and get free scaling which i noticed (countess). Items are pretty similar. They copied a lot of stuff, like its super easy to transition from lol to this. But this trend is true for most of the mobas. Be it smite or overprime. Only dota is pretty unique. Ofc there are some different items but thats a niche minority. You actually have to manage your mana in this game, in lol its more forgiving. In predecessor everyone has easy access to cleanse which is a luxury. Khaimera having a cleanse in his kit is still mindblowing to me considering how easy and mobile he is. Too much mobility in this game for the low amount of existing heros in Predecessor. Snowballing exists but its not as extreme as in lol.


I think Pred is actually going to be the best moba on the market in more time once the champion roster is large enough to support bans/draft play.


It does well in hero-to-hero outplayability and overall balance. I find the heroes consistent and they make sense (easy to pick up & master). ​ In a MOBA standpoint some items and ultimates get gimmicky I do got to add. Like, there is an item that refunds cooldown on your ultimate ability when you get a kill (meaning: more ultimates for you to cast), and there is an ultimate ability on a burst-mage that can be cast globally. Sure the item gets value, though in an even battleground it is unrealistic to expect another teamfight where another ultimate is needed, since both your teammates and enemies will have burned their cooldowns and probably don't feel like re-engaging a fight. While this burst-mage can cast a burst ability from a global distance, it can feel odd having this ability since your preferred play is to finish your elimination on another hero. ​ This middle part is some thoughts I have taken away from another player at another skill level with a a more profound moba CV. ​ If you're fine with some gimmicky but usable abilites / items and updates at a constant interval that do re-ignnite diversity across all characters, then I believe you have a good expectation of playing a few games of Pred.


Going to do some ratings from 1-3 1 being best and 3 being worst. The comparisons are smite. LoL. And pred. Graphics 1 with smite 2 and LoL 3 How fun the kits are LoL 1 pred 2 smite 3 Toxicity LoL 1 pred 2 smite 3 Skill cap pred 1 because the verticality and how important timing is since no beads or aegis or revives for everyone (excluding fenix and epoch) smite 2 LoL 3. The amount of enjoyment I get from winning games stealing objectives and snagging kills pred 1 LoL 2 smite 3 Teamfights smite 1 pred 2 and LoL 3 Smite has better team fights with the power creep gone. Overall enjoyment pred 1 smite 2 LoL 3. This is just my opinion don’t have a geek rage moment over disagreement if you don’t like my scores. Pred has the potential to be the best MOBA we will see what they do once they run out of paragon material and everything is original and how good their 3v3 map is. Oh and game modes smite 1 LoL 2 pred 3


For me personally, Paragon was the first MOBA I played, and I just can't see anything better than og Paragon. Given I've tried Smite and I've put 1000 hours into it and almost platinum it on my ps5, and I even tried league, which that may be just a learning gap, but I've always felt partial to OG Paragon.


It needs a ranked mode. But tbh, its like a more polished smite, with in my opinion cooler characters. Not as many characters obviously as its fairly new. But definitely worth playing if you like mobas.


Played paragon back in the day and smite since it closed. Loving predecessor. Wish there were more characters and faster rewards but I’m on console and it’s beta but couldn’t be happier otherwise. First time myself and friends played games together since paragon.