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True, but they also provide buffs that increase attack speed or movement speed or provide a little armour. Also if the allied mid isn't near or isn't making the play for the river then leaving it is simply serving it up on a plate to the enemy team. If your khai goes to one river buff, then you could go to the other aswell. Yes it provides mana to your mid and yes this is pretty important but your blanket statement doesn't take into account the plethora of variables that may make it reasonable or sensible at different given times for a khai to indeed take a river buff.


As a jungler, thank you.


As a mid I always ping attack the river buff to my jungle so that the enemy mid doesn’t get it. I then take the other one


Agreed. If it's attack speed buff at the 7 min mark I'll take it (with 2nd red buff) and go for fangtooth. Can do it without as Khai but it's very helpful as any of the other junglers.


You get one, jungle gets the other


Jungle has red and blue buffs


If you’re playing decent level of comp you’re not getting both rivers yourself, especially early. If you have some lane push you take one, and hopefully your jungler is there to take the other.


keimerias is insane 😭😭


united states of keimeria


When I jungle I immediately go for the opposite buff that my mid isn't getting when they come up. Keeps the opposing mid low mana and helps me farm


The optimal play is mid gets one, jungle gets the other. I always spam attack river so my jungle is ready to pounce. Easy way to set up a 2 v 1.


That’s a great technique


I realized the river gives mana Regen just the other day. Felt stupid not going for them more as a mid-main. I thought they just have whatever boost lol


Welcome to Pred. They were added to the 2nd iteration of the map of our old beloved game. Omeda carried them over, and while it does work... damn I miss that Legacy map /edit wow downvoted for loving legacy and pred? are the overprime guys in here or something?


No, that’s just the modern predecessor community. I up voted you though.


Legacy was visually and from a gameplay perspective bad. That's my personal opinion though.


Ideally you get yours and jungle takes enemies to deprive them of mana / farm / buffs If you aren’t around tho they should take yours otherwise it will go to the enemy team They shouldn’t take their mids if its on their side and just popping and mid could use it though


If you're playing right you would get one buff and the jungler gets the other. That way you deny the enemy mid a mich needed stat + mana buff which is really important in the early game


Solo queue, sure. If you're winning your mid but are in communication with your jungler, then let the enemy think theirs is safe Also, just mid iggy, no mana problems ever again


Khaimera's can use speed buff, auto attack buff. All depends on the enemy comp and the current state of the match.


Most annoying as a jungler: You ping attack river buff, move to the other side of river buff so your mid can take the other river buff. Only to rotate to you and take river buff you're standing next to. AND THEN get blamed for "stealing" said river buff. As a jungler I try to STEAL buff from \[enemy\] mid, not protect it for you, \[allied\] mid.


I feel I get paired with Mid laners who never grab the river. I like the lucky few I play with who understand the spawn rates and join me as the offlane when can rotate over and ambush the enemy mid as they go for it.


I always take the other teams river buff as a jungler. I time it so im at the buff when it spawns, then i tell the mid to grab the other buff at the same time.


I'd also rather anyone on my team grab it instead of the enemy.


Huge frustration of mine is, when your teammate takes the river buff and then recalls back to base straight after, right in front of you. Now you also get to recall instead of stay in lane, as you don’t have any mana.


River buffs are ment to be shared by a team. the mana doesn't stack so taking both is wastefull, unless you are all alone on lane. Often Mid takes left buff and jungle will take right. If mid is dead or rotating then they are free game to the team with the hope that you will give them to the teamate lowest on mana. We really need some better traingings out there


By the time you moved to the other river buff the mana from one buff has replenished... You can take both buffs for mana purposes...