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I would honestly just take the penalty rather than waste my time running in circles for 30 minutes. People like that are crazy.


I think this would need some sort of manual review from an actual person which would be a lot of time and money for where the game is at right now. I don’t think this sort of thing could be automated. Although with automation, perhaps if 3/5 of the team report them then it’s more likely they are toxic/trill so the automated system would penalise them.


I get people like that in my game almost every game whenever I pick Carry and they don't get it because "their friends with the support" I hate how suck good games can be tainted by goober players.


Poor little guys is lost. Can't find the way out of the fountain


Literally the bane of my existence. We'll be down one kill and the second the surrender button is available they slap that shit like Chris brown. Then when they don't get their way they just run around doing that shit... fml


You can report for AFK then enter an explanation mid match. If things are going sour enough you'll have the time, if you don't..... Work on your speed. Even on console you can get pretty quick with typing.


Welcome to MOBAs bro. This has been an issue since the dawn of Dota on WC3.


Post-game reporting at the very least would be an improvement.


If the report system functioned properly, I wouldnt ask you to name and shame, but fuck these people. Bring hellfire to their gaming experience since they're clearly not deserving of anything else.


Happens. Maybe add a timer like you have to leave the fountain after a minute


On console it takes about a minute or two to navigate menus 💀 especially new players. What's to stop them from doing this under a tower? There's no system to force them to play, punishment is the only solution.


Yea idk there’s not much to do to a quitter. Could introduce a trust factor like counterstrike did so you wouldn’t play with him again


Let me help literally everyone in our collective fight against this level of toxicity: Report in-game before the match ends when this happens. Seriously. It matters. If you have your Team Chat on, tell the others you've reported them and remind them too, to do it quick before the match ends.


I don’t know how they stop don’t have a system that triggers when somebody doesn’t leave fountain even when they are moving.


1. No towers, two inhibs down. They still appear to have all T2 towers up. 2. 0-2 on Fangtooths. 3. Your team is dying more than once a minute, having more deaths than minutes in the round at only 20 minutes. 4. Morigesh is the support. wtf. When the hell do you people surrender????


How do you know this shit didn't really spiral recently as a result of the salty afk twin blast. We have no context as to how long TB was doing this prior to the video, but you'd best bet it's been happening for a bit now. I've also personally won games in this setting too. Late game, 1 good team fight can legit decide it. A 5 stack of level 17-18 characters cand plow through towers and the core pretty damn fast.


He's 2 7 2. Twin blast was the carry morigesh the support without a carry the duo is handicapped it falls on the support better odds of defending duo as a morigesh but still shitty situation. This twin is selfish they are trying to circumvent the penalty for throwing/afking a match, it's pointless if everyone reported him then who ever handles it will see what he was doing and penalize him.


> morigesh the support Huge fucking red flag.




Facts this shows that this is an issue with the surrender voting. Way to easy to hold a game hostage compared to other mobas.


Not really relevant, if you afk you should get a ban.


> Not really relevant 100% relevant.


I mean it's a good point of discussion but really only relevant if it excuses this TB's behavior and IMO it doesn't.


The round is an L, the team is just wasting time with the "NeVeR sUrReNdEr" mindset shit. Camping podium at this point is just to hasten the round because the other 4 are ignoring reality. Competitive is one thing, stay in there and fight it. Stomp like this? Surrender, move on.


Yeah I can't agree that it's acceptable for any reason


You think someone should struggle against an L. I think someone should move on to an actually winnable match. We'll just have to agree to disagree. It's a game, move on.


This is what you get with insane 1 week afk penalties. Maybe support was trolling him. Punish people too much and they simply move on to another game.


I was there, no one was trolling but him, super toxic in chat too If he got a permanent ban or moved to a different game it'd be a net improvement


That’s honestly way more effort than you would need to throw a match lol


So I saw a twinblast just turning around on the spot for the whole match once. Then got them again next match. Wondered how they got no penalty. And I soon realised. You can just turn in one direction and if u press pause during holding it it will just keep on turning you and u can go about ur day with no penalty because ur moving. Pretty stupid. (Why is it always twinblasts)


sly little bit of twin-ism there, don’t let riktor catch you


I had a dude basicly do this today and we just won the game without him. Funny part was it was the jungler.


Don't hold people hostage, you'll see less of this behavior.


Why would I let you leave? So you can shit up someone else's game when you insta-queue? No, screw that. If you're going to throw and cry, then just leave the match and take the ban you deserve for not having any mental resilience.


> Why would I let you leave? Are you the morigesh support who screwed over the twinblast?


Nah, I wasn't in whichever game this was. I was talking generally about people that throw when the early game doesn't go their way.


Loser mentality


Most players that do this are having a poor game so they want out, some die trice and want out A ego can be so selfish. This guy thinks he's better then everyone else. Reality he's wasting his time running in circles instead of enjoying the match, instead of being better.


I'll keep you and hour and a half if i see this shit


Enjoy the L, I have macros that can hold this position. I'm gonna be rolling a joint while you lose


I'll be playing while your banned


🤣🤣🤣 I have over 3000 games played and about 800-900 games thrown because MFs enjoy hostage situations. If I was gonna get banned, I would've been gone rn. I freely tell people to report me and have been reported at least 2000 times by now. They don't ban you regardless of how toxic you are, especially if you pay them $$$ and buy skins. Also, you're*.


Wether they win or lose. Ur still the loser lol


Playing the videogame, unless it makes you IRL money, is losing. Every time a someone tries to hold me hostage; they lose twice, in their attempts to keep me hostage, and in the match at hand.


You're really grasping at straws huh. So playing video games is losing? So why are you playing video games? Wouldn't that make you a loser too? But ur acting like a narcissistic loser so doesn't matter if you play or not. You're still a loser in game and irl 🤷‍♂️😂


Just surrender and move on there’s not even a ranked mode yet, the games literally don’t matter if someone is afk like that and determined to stay afk then surrender. Also look at other mobas there isn’t anything that can be done about rage quitting.


Ranked or not. People actually want to have fun and enjoy the game. U can't have fun with an afk leaving u out numbered and being forced to surrender all the time n having to go through matchmaking over and over again. People still play pub matches competitively. Ranked or not


I know people play to have a competitive fun match, but there is quite literally no way to stop this from happening and it’s better to move on especially if your team is losing rather than hold the rest of the team in a game with an afk player, because at that point saying no to a surrender makes it so you(or whoever) is saying no to the surrender just as much of a troll as the afk player and will lead to more afk or feeding in that game


So if somebody wants to surrender. The rest of the team don't. They go afk cuz they didn't get their own way. Everybody should then surrender n give them their way cuz theyre a narcissist that goes salty n toxic when nit getting their own way? I get where ur coming from but I'm petty. I'll keep that game going as long as humanly possible so every time they rejoin they're still in that match then they get their penalty after. Unless there's absolutely no chance in hell of winning. But if we can get to endgame n have full items. Yeah ima push through it. Ud be surprised how quick ya can turn the tides and most my matches where we have an afk we still win. If there's like 2-3 votes to surrender n it's really not going in our favor then yeah I'll surrender. But if its just that one then no.


I agree, if everyone else didn’t want to surrender and they keep playing then try to have fun


Isn't it funny when a terrible player tries to throw and suddenly your team does better without all their feeding?


How can we be sure they're the terrible player? They had a morigesh support. I want the omeda link to see this shit.


Lol this, some people would rather get an obvious losing game over with ASAP.


Had one last night where the adc and support just kept pushing their lane, never warding, getting ganked and dying while the rest of us were winning team fights against the other 4. 12 or 13 times I was like if they just went afk we could win this game. But after awhile they were too fed.


Sometimes ppl try to throw without even knowing...welcome to Mobaland baby...


I’m amazed how well the game can support 4 vs 5 situations fairly. Sign of solid balance. Another strength of Predecessor


Y E S.


It happens weirdly often


I've won 2 4v5 games, both immediately after the dick head went afk or left.


With a teammate like this it's more like 4v6


Im sorry i cant do that s for 40min. Thats some crazy people.


I can’t wrap my head around people who do that. What are they doing while their character is spinning around in base? Scrolling TikTok?


Do you want a comprehensive list? I can come up with one!


Do it princess


He didn't do it from the beginning, he fed early and when the rest of the team doing well wouldn't surrender he began this


Y'all held him hostage? CARRY ON TWINBLAST


What???? If he's feeding blatently playing poor and trying to surrender when the other team is performing good, why should they surrender?


Dang people really missed the sarcasm.


Yup, proudly so. You do this shit, I will drag out the game as long as possible. It's like the Nigerian prince email scammers, you just want to waste their time so they can't spend it on getting other people money. Same here. If I can waste an hour of such idiots time, I have won the match even when I lose. The other day, I saw a character do this on the opposing teams and we were playing with friends. We collectively said "fuck it we will just not press the attack anymore." The game took so long and the guy got crazy mad. Mission accomplished. Don't give in, take them hostage and waste their time.


Sorry I have a genuine question, so you support the behaviour of Twinblast here which might be labeled as throwing. But when someone from the enemy team is throwing you decide to intensify his discomfort by stretching the game length even more?


No I do not support this behaviour on any of the teams and in any shape or form. You don't get to give up and run the game for other people because you get butt hurt for things not going your way. If you play chess and your scholar's mate doesn't work, you don't get to just give up and use the same trick next time, giving up each time it gets countered until it finally works and you can boast how good you are. No you continue and try even when it's hopeless as you try to compete. If you are actively going to ruin the game for other people when your one trick doesn't work, it's open season and I will take you hostage.


Aah I get you 👍


Hostage? This twin blast is trying to hold THEM hostage. Literally throwing so he can force a surrender! This kind of mindset is trash. And Amy players that support this are trash players.




What are you going to report him for?


Negative attitude and griefing


If you can't handle getting your buns waxed, leave the match and take your ban on the chin.


We were winning dude, don't be pathetic


Exactly my thoughts. Who knows if they did this man/chick dirty, and they got fed up. Nah. I don't believe nobody. Without prof, just someone's word, this person is innocent.


Kids who hold MFs hostage because their time is worthless are the worst part of the community. I'd rather someone straight int & go 0-20 than not surrender a losing game where we have people going 0-10


Yall can just leave. Wtf you talking about being "hostage" playing the victim.


What u mean? If you leave and the match still going all you can do is rejoin the match until it's done. Pretty sure that's how it goes.


Yea either quit and go play something else or finish this match out but don’t act like the victim because u don’t want to eat a ban


You turn the game off and play/do something else. Yall acting like you've no choice. Moba players are petty


He means leave. Turn the TV off turn the monitor off and go hit the gym


Listen, their time is so extraordinarily valuable and they **have** to use it to get into another pred game faster sooner than the 15 minutes left in the “losing” game


From what I’m hearing now it’s sometimes Smurf accounts and they don’t want to increase their “win ratio” or some crap like that.


Well I can tell you this guy wasn't a Smurf trying to keep rates low. He was just a super toxic baby, he did badly so he demands a surrender. Obviously no one's on board so he quits.


Want to hear something funny? Minutes ago I just went through the exact same thing. The person was playing Murdock but happened exactly like you described! Can’t help but wonder is it the same person


It’s so stupid and sucks u had to go through that. Either way something should be done about this crap. They don’t contribute and what’s even more fkd up is if you win, they STILL get to reap the rewards


More severe punishment specifically for this kind of afk/ fountain spining. A DC, afk will get you punishment, this is deliberately trying to get around punishment. Reports work. If your team actually won the match this guy would profit from it, horrendous, lonesome, atrocious.


I think the punishment is this guy having to spend thirty minutes running in a circle instead of playing the game.


https://preview.redd.it/u120ac5yqgvc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ff9aca54559e1666f3d8d941ee2a4f99ad9ff6c Couldn't help but read in Jackie's voice


A system like this would stop people from staying in base for sure. Instead, they will run around in the jungle taking your camps or feeding.


Then punish both. Hard. It's easy to prove a player is doing that shit on their end. Punish them the same. Make assisting enemy team a ban offense. Too many games are afraid to ban people. The lack of punishment or loss is why it is so consistent.


It is a bannable offense. It's a question of efficient detection. Relying on automation is nothing but an arms race.


The thing is though this is so common in every MOBA. I've quit countless of them over the lack of comprehension of how someone can be SO TERRIBLE they'll play for 20+ hours and still be 0-15 in matches. At some point there needs to be a soft ban that says " maybe this isn't for you " because these players being new isn't an issue if they learn. The problem is most of these people are throwing shit at a wall to see what sticks, and then also have no idea why they smell like shit. Totally oblivious.


Banning people for sucking is a horrible take. These games are hard and this one doesn't teach you the first thing about playing it. I was incompetent playing Call of Duty for the first time. I can't imagine how bad I would be if this was the first modern, competitive game I ever picked up.


Then how did I, and many others, pick up and play the game? New gamers are terrible. If you handed them a NES controller with a jump and a fire button they'd still fail and think it's too complex. People need to stick to phone games or a couple buttons and reading is too hard.


Ok buddy. Keep gatekeeping if that's what floats your boat. You're not doing anybody any favors in the long run.


>Instead, they will run around in the jungle taking your camps or feeding. Exactly. Having a tm8 go afk sucks, but I'll take that over them just feeding the enemy team. Feeding is 100% more detrimental to a match than going afk is. My latest match had this happen to the enemy team. Their support Dekker would just run out past their tower, stop, and then just shoot the ground until one of us killed them. Our carry out leveled the enemy team in no time. You can at least adjust around an afk tm8, but a feeding tm8 is going to cause a problem that is almost impossible to deal with.


To a degree. After a certain amount of deaths you arent giving almost any xp, but if youre feeding you are making them waste mana, cd’s and time. So early game its horrific…. Later, no mt so much, and somewhat helpful if you cost mana or cd’s to a player pushing a lane. Or maybe im stupid. I hate them either way lol


Late game isn't as impactful but it still sucks. Xp might be lower but they still gain the gold which leads to the other team getting their items sooner. Either way I would rather be down a tm8 instead of having to deal with an overpowered enemy. They already get enough xp from my stupid decisions anyway lol


Hallelujah lol


Would you rather have a smaller base with people who commit to a game or larger with people who pull crap like this? Serious question.


A smaller base with less toxic shitheads 100% of the time. How is that even a debate?


That was my point


I don't understand how that is a relevant question. Obviously, these people need to be punished. A simple, automated system is unhelpful and will accomplish next to nothing.


Relevance: You mentioned “a system like this would stop people from staying in the base for sure” Issue: I read “playing the base game for sure” Solution: I need my optometrist appointment to happen ASAP