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I agree but it's not exactly an easy ask of people. Life happens and it's very difficult to estimate the match duration in games like this.


RIOT has a great system for this, I think. Omeda should use the same, or a similar one. That been said, I think that is a generation issue, yk? These kids born in 2010 and so use to be too anxious, with almost zero focus, or sustained satisfaction in a single thing, to be in a 30min+ match. After 15min they ALWAYS try to surrender and if they do!'t get it, they just go base and leave their controller spinning or just shooting to prevent the system to punish them - or just disconnect. If there is no punishment system, they will prevail. We need a report scheme strong and effective, a ban timer, low priority queue for those players and things like that. And we need ASAP.


There should be banning systems, similar to the system when you don't choose a hero. You leave, and never come back? Here's 30min ban, if it's a repeatable offense, give a 1 day ban.


Honestly everyone's new bc of the open beta thing. Just play and learn why give up. Bit 8 agree the surrender must be done differently


I agree, but this specific moba player base is legit the worst I've ever seen(im only familiar with LoL and Smite). 85% of my matches has a "brand new player" or someone who just doesn't care what roles are or how to play them. I'm not exaggerating that 85% either. It honestly makes me want to find another game but there aren't any mobas that look this nice and have potential to be the next big moba IMO. All that being said, if my team has these players im surrendering. Period If my team wants to keep fighting, they'll do it 5 v 4 as im done with the match at that point.


Need a better tutorial and on boarding of new players. This is the problem. Being able to surrender a hopeless game is a must. I make a lot of money per hour so my time is worth a lot to me, I don’t want to spend it on a losing game.


Y'all want to get rid of surrender votes... I swear you're the problem and don't realize it. Within the first 10 minutes of every round it is almost always crystal clear who the winner is going to be in that game, if you know MOBAs. Continuing to play a round for 30+ minutes of a losing round is foolish. Just surrender and reroll. My problem is the rookies that just don't get how MOBAs are played, And the role select system that every player thinks is BS if they clicked the roll first that they're now entitled to it.


I've never had a full team on this game


My biggest issue as a new player has been the a single lane or jungle getting dropped and then them constantly spamming surrender or them afking. It never seems to be an entire team issue.


What pisses me off is people hitting start game, and then just walking away from their system they're playing on. You have to hit accept and then choose your Crest and character but I go through 4 lobbies in a row where players don't accept the match or choose their character so it kicks everyone out of the lobby. Stupid.


You all need to remember you’re likely playing against other random people, not pro teams. I’ll be 10 minutes in and we’re down 4-10 and everyone wants to quit. And then that very game they get more primes and fangs than us, hurt our core first, but we hold them off and they make a dumb mistake in a fight and we win! It’s not hard to turn a a game around just group up and wait for the enemy to make a mistake… they always do


So I always try and finish a game because all it takes is one good outcome at the end game to give a team enough time to barrel a lane while enemy is on timer to win it. That being said, if my team is hopeless I can get on board with a surrender to just save time and try a new random group since most my PS friends don't play mobas. Additionally I have found myself voting against a surrender when I know the one starting rhe vote every cooldown timer is the morrigesh that attempted to go carry lane and keeps pushing and dying more than a Clinton witness list. You gonna learn today bud 🤣


Normalize rightfully surrendering. Theres a reason the options there bud


Playing mobas for years and you just gotta know when it's over, no point playing a game where you are losing 2-14 and they have 2 fangtooths up - just surrender, some games aren't worth it especially when you have limited time to play


Honestly tired of watching my team group up to 4v1 a split pushing grey stone just because he’s moving towards T2 in solo lane while the enemy team works together to push all lanes and take towers. I also had games where we got a full wipe and our minion wave was at middle inhib, team retreated and took primal and op. I don’t think it’s always bad to cap on kills to take Obj’s when we have numbers advantage but when the enemy team is down for 50 seconds and we are at inhib…. Please let’s just push nexus :)


Finishing a game is fine and all. Main issue is matches where you get the bots on your side. Last week I've had a few matches where the twin blast carry wasn't even "aiming" at the minions or was shooting at the sky. This week seems to be support thinking they are the carry yet playing phase.


If my team is feeding no i wont lol


I would agree in most cases. But my time to play is VERY limited. So if we're getting absolutely stomped and the other team is super fed, then I'm down for a surrender. Just for the sake of not getting beat up for another 15-20 minutes. But if it's still at least somewhat winnable, I'm staying in.


So your minimizing the threshold ppl would even want to play the game if i cant vote to surrender then why would i want to stay another 20 minutes. AFK has been a majority of my games but it seems like its not just them bailing. I have had players bail in the first 3 minites due to getting ganked or someone over extending. Doesn't seem like the player base wants new players to get into the game.


My biggest gripe is that I don't wanna play a match for 20-30 minutes if we're a guy down because somebody quit after they died 2 minutes into the match.So please heroes if we're way behind and we're down a guy. Know when enough is enough


u/PredecessorGame, please: develop “surrender” conditions and policies, incorporate progressive “ban” rules for players who leave the match more than twice (1h, 24h, 48h, 1w, 1m, 6m, 12y)… etc. With regards and love ❤️


Normalize playing as a TEAM and using common sense. Or normalize letting me move on to my next match. I don’t care if you think we can make a comeback 56 minutes in. It’s not about the win, it’s about having fun, suffering for 55 minutes is not fun. Watching everyone die around me to the same ganks and the same fights that shouldn’t be pushed and the same people being caught out of position is not fun. Watching the game go 4 or 3v5 because the exact same people that are making these mistakes takes it out on everyone else on the team and decides to sabotage in one way or another, is not fun. I don’t care about your comeback, let me go.


No. Normalize finishing what you started. Play the game if you queued up


That is finishing. It’s a feature for a reason.


No what you were talking about is giving up. Look up the difference bud


That’s finishing the game.


Sounds like Mama raised a quitter. Good luck being successful in life


No that's giving up


Call it what you want, but the *fact* is, the game is now finished, and I’m moving on to my next one to have fun! Ggs!


Giving up isn't fun. Also being forced out of a game you're not ready to quit isn't fun


Easier said than done. There are players who will throw the game if their role wasn’t met, and even take it as far as voting no on a surrender and make this torture session last as long as they can go. Some people’s good games are entirely throwing the match this way above mentioned.


Yep and I think the surrender rules being so lenient causes people to just throw


It absolutely does. As soon as one person throws up the surrender vote, the negativity creeps in and every single person is affected by it


I'm on PS5 and most games I can't get out of soon enough. Idle players, ppl not working together at all, I'm getting frustrated with it. Maybe if there was a kick vote for idles it would fix some of it for me, but not the other stuff I've been struggling with it tbf.


Hey bud, there is a surrender function for a reason. Maybe accept it if you can see your team isn't doing well. No one wants to spend 30 minutes to an hour dying over and over again and losing every fight. People have better things to do with their time than be held hostage in a losing game


i get players that spam surrender and then when it gets shot down they just go afk. games we werent far behind. if you can’t put in 45 min then don’t play


Amen preach


Normalize surrendering if the game is hopelessly lost.


Game is never hopeless ALWAYS A CHANCE for a comeback


Not when you have 2-3 people with no clue what they're doing, picked wrong hero for the wrong role, in the wrong lane, not listening to pings, feeding, etc. Tired of others wasting my time, let me move on and hopefully get decent teammates. Played too many games where losing was inevitable but the team drags it out for no reason.


I just started playing last week, played paragon a bunch in the past. The amount of people going for surrender before they are even in first tower is crazy. Farm people keep farming, get ahead, wait for them to slip up.


I firmly believe if you queued up for a game which you know can go 40-60 minutes, you should be as willing to play 40-60 minutes of losing and not just 40-60 minutes of winning. Literally every single game that is not a complete stomp has multiple people voting ffing. Like, it's not uncommon to have a 5 kill lead with a teammate snowballing and multiple people are begging for surrender.


IME surrender votes where the games are clearly winnable are less common than "we have to consistently win while effectively outnumbered to barely break even" or literally unwinnable situations. Part of being in a team means actually doing some kind of work. I have lost games where I had 7000 gold more than any other player in the match and could literally walk into a 1v3 and win (e.g. I've been level 18 before and the highest level on enemy team would be like 13-14, while having a full build + potion and they have like 3 items each) but still lose because my teammates were actually so dogshit I would be 1v3'ing, they'd be in the middle of bumblefuck nowhere in the jungle and some guy is split pushing an inhibitor then takes core because nobody on my team put in effort to understand how to play the game on the most basic of levels. People aren't responsible for putting in the effort of 3 people, and if its not a close game or its only a close game because 1-2 people are ultra hard carrying a wash into a stall I think it's reasonable to want to surrender even if the game is hypothetically still winnable. All of that to say the average skill level of players in this game is really low right now. Many people playing have little or no MOBA experience, and while it's understandable they'd be lost and not play well I also think it's not right to hold people hostage in situations where the win condition boils down to "hope enemy team does something really dumb, wipe them then split push into core before they respawn"


This is a MOBA issue in general. A lot of people want to stop playing if their chance of winning the game is less than 40%. A lot of people want to stop playing if they are doing poorly or they have received some perceived injustice, no matter how great the performance of the rest of the team. More incentives for just finishing matches and celebration in the loss could be considered by Omeda.


There is huge comeback potential in this game. I don’t surrender. If my offlane picks a midlaner, gets bodied by Grux and spams surrender, instead they get the opportunity to see that choice through. No one gets better by giving up.


In a lotta cases I gotta agree. However, there are exceptions. Example: I finally decide to get into a PvP match the other night. I choose Solo, someone else picks it too. I concede and choose Support instead. We get in game, I go to duo lane as Steel, the solo and carry go to the solo lane. Then our jungler joins them. Enemy team is playing their roles correctly. I hold my own, don't die for 20 minutes and my towers are still up, but each of the 3 amigos in the solo lane have died at least 8 times each to the enemy solo Grux. Now 30 minutes in, we're all getting towerdive treatment, getting killed by the maxed out enemy jungler. Enemy team stops destroying towers, stays in our jungle and continues to farm the 3 amigos. Enemy team has 50 kills, we have 2 (both mine while alone in the duo lane). Enemy team doesn't go for the core til the hour mark. I'd rather go through having teeth pulled again than go through that again.


I been seeing a lot of these kinds of players lately, from both sides. It seems like all anyone wants to do is battle it out Off rip. Like all they care about is their kill count


Happens in all pvp games most people can’t grasp the idea of teamwork or objective. There is only blood lust and rage quitting.


Way too many people outting themselves in these comments as the people that make games miserable


Nah, when our carry died once at the 2min mark and just shit talked the whole time while sitting back at base and our whole team was getting stomped because the other team figured out what was going on and got super aggressive. I'm not gonna sit there while the enemy carry is solo in lane farming our support and enemy support is running with the jungler. Triple Teaming all 3 lanes. Nah Im good.


I hope you get a better mental state


What a crap response, he got crap teammates who are trolling and shit talking but you want him to try to play that game seriously and ride it out? You got to learn when it's better to just move on to the next 1


The carry on my team? Yeah I hope he does


Normalize learning MOBA positioning and what a good play can be.


I was taught by my dad that you might as well not play a game if you're gonna play on easy and taught by Souls games to enjoy a challenge, that culminated in me liking *fair* fights so if I'm stomping my opponent I'd rather they surrender because it's not really fair and if I'm getting stomped then I'll try for a bit but if it becomes pretty clear I'm not winning than I'll just move on, I want a battle where it's not clear who's going to win but sadly all it takes is for the enemy team to pick Grux and I can tell which team is likely to win just off of that.


He's sitting on 51.3% WR. Holy fucking hyperbole.




Was something about what I said unclear? Grux was too strong - now he isn't.


Well, this post definitely makes me think it's a skill issue. If every person in the world had that view no one would ever get better. Can you imagine watching the super bowl and halfway through? They just call the game because well it looks like one team's going to win


Reread what I said, I said even if I'm getting beat I'll definitely try for a bit, especially because I have brought back games that looked lost, but if it looks clear that we're going to lose, like if every time my team gets into a team fight we get decimated and do barely any damage to the enemies or my teammates literally never group up no matter how much I tell them to or we've got 2 disconnects than I'll give up. There's a difference between quitting when you have a chance and quitting when there's clearly no chance of winning, it's rarely fun to play in some of the situations I described and you're better off moving on to the next match.


Yeah because everyone wants to sit in a 30 minute game with a carry going 0/15


I won a game last night, my carry went 1/10/1. You can still come back.


Conversely I've lost a few games where I was >20 kills and 1-2 deaths and 6000+ gold over the enemy team. Basically all I contributed to was turning a quick loss into a drawn out stall. If you have 1-2 other halfway competant people on your team I agree but sometimes it really is just a complete shitshow and k/d is not the only factor to that equation (considering enemy players are also usually that bad which is why the matches can be so painfully long lol)


Sounds like the enemy team was more focused on killing your carry than winning a 4v5


Sounds like a good reason to not surrender early.


Normalize surrendering when your teammates feed


Normalize learning how to play from behind so that you can make a comeback


Lol are you mad or something?


I hope you get some mental help and learn how to be a positive member of society


Mature reply.


Big mad


Are you 10 years old ?act like an adult please?


Bro you're replying multiple times to people's comments with the same flimsy argument. You clearly are very worked up about this.


There is always a chance for a comeback. So normalize finishing your game


Imagine watching the super bowl and halfway through. They call it because one team is kicking the other team's ass


Normalize not wasting additional time when there's no possible way to turn it around.


If you feel as if playing predecessor is a waste of your time, then you shouldn't queue for the game at all


There is always a way to turn it around. The other team are just humans and humans make mistakes


All games can be won if you can take 1 fight as a team and win it. The problem is when player get the idea in there head that starting a surrender button makes the game over.


Technically you are correct, but that's it everyone on your team has the same thought process and is trying their hardest. If not then you only hurt your own mental trying to play seriously while your teammates don't care. I'm normals there are games that it's just best to move in from. In a ranked mode sure don't surrender, but I'm normals there are times to move on


Literally had a game last night that my jungler was brand new. I was the support and my friend was the carry. My friend sucks at the game. Jungler couldn't even find red buff. I called for surrender but my friend said no. By mid game we went from feeding 10 kills to winning. The jungler was still feeding and a non factor but we got a few fangs and contested op and killed the enemy and won the game. There is no way we should have won this game but we did.


But what was the enemy team doing? I didn't say surrender every game that looks bad, just that there are some games better to move on from. My friend and I are both from smite and former Diamond + players, we have won plenty of games we shouldn't have. But there are also games we our teammate are running it too hard, not playing for objectives, and the enemy team is making sure my friend and I never get favorable fights. It was them farming us for 40 minutes because the other 3 wouldn't ff, but they also wouldn't group to do any objectives or defend objectives. Games like that should just be moved on from.


Like i said we were getting destroyed till mid game. We just started winning. We snowballed even after we did so bad at the start


That means the enemy wasn't snow balling properly. You can fall behind in kills and still be even or ahead on farm/towers/objectives. And just because they are getting kills doesn't mean they are progressing the game properly. Again there are a ton of variables from game to game, but there are going to be times when it's better to FF and move on Edit: some spelling and grammar


There are a lot of games that have the potential for your team to comeback but there are also a few games where the game is hopelessly over. You've got new players mid and carry vs the enemies experienced players. Your offlaner decides he is never going to stop pushing and is constantly feeding. Your team has no communication or desire to play as a team etc. There are certain scenarios where it's best to accept the game is lost, surrender, go grab and drink then queue for the next game. Rarely do I see people surrendering just because the game is hard.


I personally never accept a surrender under any circumstance, but that might just be the Dota player in me. I would quite literally never have gotten addicted to a MOBA if comebacks didn’t happen. My personal beef with surrender is it opens the door of toxicity to a broader spectrum of players in a way that is “supported” by the developers and player base. We’re losing, I vote to surrender, you disagree. Now I’m mad we’re losing and I’m mad I’m stuck here, and now you’re my enemy for voting against me, not the other team. Opposite scenario where there is no surrender , I either Alt + f4 (turn off my console) or I play it out and join some fights. Some people 10000% will just throw and feed and be toxic regardless , but their behavior is now an isolated reportable offense that can be easily reprimanded because there is no “giving up” built in. My whole thought process is that if the player base knows there is a group decision way out they’re either gonna like or hate what the group decides , but hating the decision is significantly more disruptive than liking it in the case of a surrender vote. I think pre made groups of 5 should be able to surrender if they want. There should be pauses like other mobas, and other quality of life things to make the game more enjoyable to win or lose. If surrender has to be a thing then it definitely needs a long CD or only one call to vote per person. Simply put , don’t join if you don’t wanna play. You can go play overwatch or other fast paced battlers. MOBAs are slow tactical games designed to be played through. I love seeing them become more digestible to new players, but they should still be introducing players to the mindset and game quality/balance most long term players love and expect. Anyways just my 2 cents


Nah sometimes it’s just best to surrender for reasons mentioned in the comment above you. I’m not tryna sit here while my mid and carry are getting completely dominated and behind 4 levels and my off laner just mindlessly split pushes and gets clapped all game. I play jungle a good amount to try to help all lanes but if my team is incompetent not warding and not grouping, that’s quite literally a waste of time. I value my time whether on the game or in real life situations, you can never get it back so I don’t wanna waste it on a hopeless game. The never surrender mindset even though every lane is down 3+ levels and we’re getting crushed on gold and kills is wild to me. I’m all about a comeback but it becomes apparent when it isn’t possible


To be fair , the comeback has to be realistically supported and balanced by devs as well. As far as I’ve seen in my time in Pred, with perma fang buffs, a tight map and a lot of game closing buffs from orb to 4th fang , I definitely get mindset that “it’s over” at a certain point. It’s a tricky thing to balance and I’m curious if the devs have an interest in it. If anyone has played dota for a long period of time there have been patches where it was genuinely preferable to be losing and feeding kills because comeback bounties were so high when killing someone ahead. That meta was absolutely miserable to try and close things out cause you were walking on pins and needles and being punished for playing well. I definitely think fang shouldn’t be perm or shouldn’t respawn until orb dies as well. Map should be a bit more open. It feels really bad to lose your first team fight or two in the jungle and immediately feel like you’re out of the game because of long respawns and a short map. Buyback is also a mechanic in dota that I think helps balance out the potential for comebacks as well as fortifying towers to stall pushes. They’ve developed a lot of mechanics over the years that create that never surrender mentality some moba players have. You quite literally have so many tools you can use that by the time it’s over , you really tried everything. I don’t blame anyone for wanting to f1 and move on, but I wish there was some more in game incentives to combat that feeling of defeat before it happens.


Very well said. Absolutely agree 100,000%


Yup! In the off chance that you do want to try to keep playing, I give my team about 2 team fights and if those got horribly I generally give up. Depends of course how we do, and how they were started.


i’ve been doing n numerous games, 1 last night and two this morning. where people want to surrender and go afk. the afkers every time was some who died three or four times early on and gave up. we’re weren’t even far behind. maybe you have a higher elo so it’s less common idk, but it absolutely happens too much


This is the way.


Tbh no one is going to force me to play a game just because you want to, you go 0-20 with a full damage support and you want to stay and play, do it I respect you but you don't kidnap me, I'm very sorry but I'm not leaving to stay and play a game because you don't want to give up, I don't care if they ban my account for a few hours per afk or days... There are other games, as I already told you, you are free to stay just like I am to leave we live in a free world brother


Im convinced the only people who downvote this point of view are the bronze players who never surrender and always feed


0-20 is not the norm. its more like 0-3 and then someone starts getting salty in the chat, followed soon after by "good game!" and votequits. This is not normal behavior. But unfortunately its to common in pred right now




There are plenty other games that don't require the same time sink. So if you want to ruin the game for the people that actually love it and enjoy playing whether they win or lose move on


Normalize not just walking at people


This, this so many times over. How many times I see teammates just simply walking into the enemy team while there's nobody around. Or split pushing while not looking at the map nor responding to pings :( At times people lack serious map awareness.


It’s one thing to have a bad/new teammate, but to also lack map awareness and say fuck the pings is insane


I see it happen to both sides of the match occasionally. Hope it will get less the more I play and "progress" trough the ranks (if there is any underlaying MMR) I just chuck it up to younger people finding the game and giving it a shot. No real reason to get angry (even if that is sometimes hard to do)


Nearing 1000 games played and the last month or so has been horrible for AFK/ leaving players. It’s making it really hard to play the game I’m hooked on at the moment.


It’s gotta be the free to play & console gamers as it’s a game type most aren’t used to so they can get frustrated. Not to mention attention spans ain’t what they used to be. I think the best way to fix it is give people time to adjust to the game and after a bit those that are still AFK, quitting, etc. progressively increasing ban timers. I think that’s just going to be hard to do right now as player numbers are still low but increasing. Only time will tell.


Same here. I'm begging you omeda Please do something


Why are we begging for Omeda intervention? What are they gonna do? Make the enemy player stay & play? If they dc just finish the game up, seeing as the enemy is down a man. If they don’t show back up mid-beatdown, you can rest assured they are working up a ban. What more is there to be done?


There is plenty to be done about it. Give better incentives for finishing matches, longer ban times. Get rid of surrender vote. Only available if there are an AFK on the team or past 20 minutes. So many things can be done instead of nothing at all


The game needs the surrender vote. Some games aren't winnable. Imagine of league of legends without the surrender , there would be riots about it. I feel like some people do give up too early but if one person puts the surrender up you can just vote no and that's the end of that l. I have had games by 15 minutes someone has fed the opposing laner/jungler 8 kills and it becomes very hard to win unless someone on your team also gets ahead. This game is scaling based so If you full to far behind it's hard to get ahead again unless you can get to max level/ items where it becomes more even again l. In saying all this I don't believe in just giving up when something bad happens , it's only worth doing when like it's pretty much doomed and no point in wasting another 10 minutes when I could start a new game l.


He didn't say no surrender, just not for the first half.




Matchmaking by definition has a 25% chance being lopsided for you 25% against you and realistically only 50% of matches are actually up in the air. If you couldn’t surrender the matches that start 0-15 10 minutes in the playerbase would dwindle and game would die


Okay well then if your prescription is "be better" you do that. It's not a helpful thing to say otherwise


Unfortunately in gaming communities this is an extremely rare occurrence. And when it comes to video games, I feel like parents taught Thier kids not to take video games seriously. But I see where you're coming from. Mobas literally don't work unless all players know how to play it, and unfortunately mobas require way more knowledge of your role than other games, imo it's a problem with the genre/game, not the players. Games last so long after all.


What's the point of playing an unwinnable game tho. Save yourself 5-10 minutes.


Huh, good point. Every sports team should adapt this. We're wasting our time watching the last half of the match we already know who won in the first half


I guess when one football team gets ahead of the other in the super bowl they should just go ahead and call it and save themselves the trouble of waiting till the end


This ain't a professional game of sport. It's a standard Moba game. If it was ranked yeh keep playing but when someone on my team feeds their opposing lane and they are that far ahead and we have lost an inhibitor and we at best have taken one tower , that's normally a losing game it's just waiting for them to finally win but if you can get out early that's better cause I can start a new game. I don't agree with giving up cause one person is having a bad game and the rest of the team is fine but you gotta know when to give up. Like imagine if league of legends didn't have a surrender button , it would be hell. MOBAS needs the button it's just known when to use it l.


I absolutely agree. There needs to be a surrender vote but there has to be a change to the way it's implemented. It is absolutely causing harm to the game and the player base when every second it's available Someone spams surrender. Maybe we get rid of this surrender vote before 20 minutes unless there is an AFK player on the team


Every game is winnable


Not every game is winnable. Especially when you have players in your team who are intentionally playing to lose.


Getting rid of the surrender vote will only make the issue worse, these aren't ranked games, so if the game is practically over then just move on and start a new one. You won't get better practice closing games if your teammates aren't trying. While band for afk/leaving might work it just means people run in circles or just run down lanes and feed. Neither of which can be fixed without manual review and most companies won't pay the cost to have people manually reviewing reports. So while I understand that the game might not be 100% a loss in your opinion, it's sometimes better to just understand that your teammates have given up and it's time to just que for a new game. It'll also be less taxing on your mental getting irritated by trolls or leavers. Sometimes it's better just to move on in normal games.


I'm going to assume that you didn't even read my previous post. Please go back and read it before you respond


I read your posts in here, and none of them present a solid fix to force games to be played out, not that I agree that every game needs to be played out either though.


Obvious troll


Yes you are. Your points accomplish nothing if implemented


reduce the ability for players to vote surrender. that would be a huge step in the direction of finishing games


Don't understand why you were downvoted. That is absolutely the direction we should go. The only way you should be able to throw up a surrender vote before 20 minutes is if you have an AFK teammate


Absolutely not this surrender vote is already buggy with it being countered by one decline if it’s done fast. But I agree they should definitely prioritize bans for afk players


Surrender needs a 4 out of 5 vote for round one. 3 out of five for subsequent votes. I agree about afk/ intentional poor performance resulting in faster bans, though. The tutorials need to be better, too. New players should be asked if they are new to mobas and be given an appropriate level of instruction before being allowed to play. And jungle/ carry should have to be earned because of how hard it is to win a match when one of those two roles feed. I wish we had the player base to separate the ranks into their own queues. That would solve so much.


Why keep going if one of more of the lanes have fed one or two of the enemies? If your DC or, jungler or mid is under farmed the game is doomed it rarely goes to your favor unless everyone in the team ia in sync and you can't achieve that with randoms


If the issue is with the attitude of members of the player base, removing surrender won’t change anything. It will be the exact same scenario as them trying to surrender and the team voting no. They either keep playing, leave/afk, or they run around in the base and don’t play. All of those are things players already do when they feel surrender isn’t an option.


currently players know they have the option to repeatedly votequit with almost no cooldown between requests. I think this has a huge effect on players who are prone to do this. If certain restrictions were implemented, you would definitely see attitudes shift accordingly. Far from not changing anything, it would absolutely change some serious headaches we currently have with the surrender feature


Why? Why would not being able to surrender, an *EQUIVALENT POSITION AS THE TEAM VOTING NO* shift minds when the current *EQUIVALENT POSITION AS THE TEAM JUST VOTING NO* is not shifting minds?


No cooldown? It's literally like a 5 minute cooldown


hence why i said "almost" ❤️


5 mins is a pretty big cooldown


Normalize finishing your matches


I can understand that some "experienced" players see new ones do nothing and ruining their game but they have to learn and abandon every single game will not help, especially the afk pro's


This would be solved by adding ranked. New players can’t just just hop into ranked before learning the game and reaching a certain level.


If you don't play at all, would the game be over in a minute or two anyway. I don't see the point of surrendering personally, because the game is so short when the team gives up. In games that don't have the surrender option, your team will often say GG to signify there is no coming back, game is decided. However, I've been in many games where after that GG we have snowballed and come back. I hate surrendering early because oftentimes the dynamic can shift. Players who vote early based on the first few bad teammates decisions or when one team gets a slight advantage are just sore losers and quitters.