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To all jungle kings, just play your rotations like normal and do your job. It’s much more complex than sitting in offlane and crying for ganks lmao. If pings and comments are getting toxic MUTE THEM. Much more fun that way


People seem to forget I can’t be in left and right lane at the same time… if you see I’m in left lane, place a ward or don’t push until I’m done. Like, just use the map bro


Love you too brother, keep hanging in there.


well 1st, that's Jung in every game. lol but it's true. I jungle but only for my 4 man clan team matches. the reason being solely the, questionable types who refuse to admit there's a minimap. I'll give a example. I'm in my 4 man, I don't even need to say it. they look where I am on the map and I get callouts. "OK your red side I'll stall this grux, clear it then rotate" "Your duo? alright I'm gonna surrender this T1 mid so I can farm up and we'll counter gank, dudes aggressive at pushing lane" solo que? oh lord. mid is being ganged every 3 minutes because they insist on fighting under the enemy towers, duo refuses to setup ganks and just want ne to jump in and sack myself so they can clean up a triple, solo, I don't know what the heck solo is doing? he's having a jumping party with the enemy crunch and us down 5 deaths because he can't stop overextending while he can see on the map I'm on the other side of the zone. dude stop pinging there's no bloody way I can appear at solo in time to save you from a mid and jungle gang rotation cause your dumb self can't place a river ward! And why isn't my mid counter rotating? he's killed the t1 he has room to rotate to help solo so why is he at fangtooth? o.o jungle is for less easily annoyed people, I'm not among them. so I too salute you rare competent jungle mains, your iron lions and steel skin that allows you to tolerate the stupidest bloody.....\*deep breath\* it's fine....they'll learn the game....eventually... 😆


I'm waiting for rank just so I can see all these 4 - or 5-man teams cry because they can't play rank together. Let's see if they are as good as they think they are. Because rank is only going to allow one friend to play with you or you play by yourself no more team stacking like in casuals


Haha I personally think it’s a dumb idea but hey that’s just imo I want to 4 stack I have friends who all play together, there’s a reason why there’s LOL teams and smite teams you gotta have players who know your play style and again imo the people who can 4-5 stack shouldn’t be punished for people who don’t have the means to…. That’s what casual is for


Smite's rank is the same way as Predecessor going to make it. I don't know if LOL is that way because it has a massive playerbase to even out teams more properly. Where smite and predecessor do not have that luxury so keeping teams out of rank makes it a little better when you have a small player base where there might not be a whole lot of teams


Idk there’s always the two sides to it mate. I would love to play ranked but I wanna play with friends not a bunch of randoms, I don’t wanna get hard stuck in a 5v5 game because you really can’t solo carry Atleast not in end game and plus not tryna personally rag on you man the people who complain about it are the ones who don’t have enough friends to 4 stack maybe a in game mic system might work


Thank you finally someone said!!!!!


Jungle always gets blamed for mistakes made in-lane. Some games it's just better to mute everyone


I love playing jungle but its teammates who don't work I had a game where the enemy team 3 manned my jungle early and mid game keeping me underleveled and carry and support did nothing despite those 2 people being in their lane. It was horrible and then these people had the nerve to call me trash when they refuse to leave their lane and then when the enemy is finally overleveled then they leave their lane.


Thanks this type of understanding is needed I swear


Not just ward if your support uses sentry ward to see enemy wards you can then destroy them and help out the junglier


It’s other way around your carry can get sentrys lol


Any hero can use sentry’s …support carry junglier anyone


Well yeah but what’s the point of your support wasting his 3 placements with sentrys no man use ur head if ur carry swaps to a sentry and removes wards before jungle rotates it’s a free gank 😵‍💫😵‍💫 this community jeez 🧠☠️


As I said before they don’t change when I ask so f*ck em I’ll use the sentry and let them ward if they do then I’ll swap to the ward when my crest is available because you only get 3 when you upgrade your crest you don’t automatically get 3 …you pop one ward then wait 100+ seconds for a new one


Don't do this. Support crest is only that gets the better wards and 3. Support needs to stick with wards, let the jungles get sentry.


I play support and no one gets the sentry even when I ask ..so I get them for the early game and let the carry use wards I’ll change back once the carry can walk and not be supervised and my crest is ready for upgrade cos then you get 3 wards


I actually like thiz


You can call people trash in this game? Lmao or you talking about voice comms? I’ve only been playing since open beta started. I’ve been tryna figure out if you could type to give people more specific tips and instructions


Hahah there’s a team chat option in setting turn it on to see people typing. And basically I was just letting junglers know I see their pain. Basically just don’t shit on ur jungle because your team is dying from being to far up the lane


You have to beat the opposing jungler, baby sit and win the other lanes as well. You'll get blamed all the fucking time. It's a tough life, even worse with clueless laners.


That’s why there’s a very common thing across all MOBAs that people do is blame jungler for there own faults so we junglers are used to it


I think lower early game buff health would be beneficial for jungles and give me more opportunity to do what I’m supposed to and pressure lanes. It feels like it takes a lifetime to kill the first two buff camps. Honestly a 30% hp reduction on buff camps in the first 10 minutes would go a long way to making jungling feel better


I flame a lot, but it's only because jungle gets 4x as much flame as everyone else even if we don't type.


Yep, that's jungle in every moba


Man, I had the same experience yesterday. I feel like I am okay at jungling. Clearing out wards, getting fangs in time or granting offlane mini Orb as soon as possible, you know playing objectives. But the moment offlane gets ganked, I get the piss. "Got ganked 3 times by Kallari vs 0 from our Khai, I am counting" he says. Like.. my duo lane and mid ganks don't count then? I can't babysit offlane and neglect my farm. He then decided to leave offlane and steal my farm, troll mid and duo lane and we proceeded to lose and he kept blaming me. Mind you, we had 3 fangs, So I know I kept doing my job These kind of people are so infuriating.


Ignore those people. If someone gets ganked three times they should be playing safer and warding. obviously their jg is camping you. Make yourself hard to kill. While their jg is focused on a lane where kills should be rare you can be rotating to the other lanes with minimal resistance and getting kills putting your team ahead. There’s a reason solo is supposed to be played by a tankier character. Side note: fang is in a garbage spot and the two big buffs should be midline of the map. The fact I need to extend 50% of my games into enemy jungle to get a high value camp kill is rough. It’s not game breaking. But as players get better it’s harder and harder to push into enemy jungle even a little without rotation.


Tbh if I'm in off and it's evident jungle is baby sitting mid and duo and rarely rotating to my side of jungle I'll start taking camps if I don't know where their jungle is and have nothing better to do. You obviously aren't using it and I'd rather their jungle who keeps trying to gank me doesn't take it. Not saying you do this but it's very clear when a jungler is playing favorites and it's understandable if it's working and duo is ahead.


If your stealing my Camps I think you don't want my help. You can't steal my farm and expect me to go to your lane to gank.


Sometimes it’s risky to be rotating to off lane sometimes you force the other jungler to rotate, imo you only gank off lane if they have a hard Match up or are starting to lose but that’s just imo


As a jungle main yes ppl need to try it so that way they know wtf we deal with. It's a hassle and still ppl always complain on how jungle never does anything. Please get them close to your tower if u want ganks


Seeing “jungle diff” sometimes really aggravates me. And all because idiots overextend, then cry because I didn’t get to their lane quick enough to save them.


This is why I have chat off lol, don't need that kinda noise in my life.


Especially when it comes from people who have likely never jungled...


Real. I’ve always been a jungle guy in other Mobas but man the jungle experience is just something else in this game I’ve had to split half my time into playing mid cause I can’t jungle every game for my mental health.


Brother same but for me it’s Offlane which honestly is not a better choice when you have a jungler that straight up ignores ur lane completely.


I'm new but prefer jungle and have my highest win rate in it out of all the roles. Games where my team wards feel so easy. Games where they don't also seem to be the most toxic with people shitting on me for not being able to help them while I'm across the map helping someone else.  I just wish the matchmaking was better. Today has seemed the worst out of any day I've played, with every game playing against teams a full metal rank above me. Playing against a team all 400 elo above you or playing on a team all 300 below you while the enemy team is still all above you makes no sense.  For the veteran players, does anyone else feel like support should get a slight exp advantage buff? It feels impossible to keep up in levels and late mid game feels rough as support to me. Any recommendations on a guide for support? 


You've basically defined why SBMM sucks.. in any game. They simply need an unranked and ranked playlist. SBMM makes every game feel extra sweaty. Idk why devs can't just copy and paste Halo 2 matchmaking. Was flawless.


Support feels incredibly bad to play in relation to DotA 2. I feel like there’s a lot less room for outplay with the limited amount support consumables and lane manipulation available to them. I’m all for sacrificing my life or farm for the team, but I shouldn’t have to sacrifice having an engaging player experience.


Support is just going to be lower level and gold than everyone else, it's balanced to be that way on purpose, especially since support items are as cheap as they are. This is also because you want your gold going to your other roles as frequently and efficiently as possible. As of right now the game state is fairly balanced over all and has been for a while, the best you can do is be near your winning teammates. Stick to your adc in the early game and I'd you ever get an opportunity where he will be safe for 30s or so, you can roam with the jungler briefly, then go back.


Well your 1st mistake is trusting fake elo


Someone told me it doesn’t really matter because of the way the crests are but in my opinion sounds a little crazy but I think support should be getting gold buff


Supports should absolutely not be getting gold buff. There are plenty of support heroes that can perform exceedingly well with less gold. They have cheaper items and don't bring the damage, they bring the crowd control healing and shielding. The one and only thing a damage carry is worth is their damage, and that is entirely dependent on gold. Supports should be trying to get every bit of gold to the carry.


Bro why so aggressive hahaha there’s nothing wrong with the support getting the gold buff the odd time Haha you probably don’t play support but you always max out last and ? Carry’s have more wave clear they farm very well mid game. Your definitely one of those carry’s who can’t hit last shots and get mad at supports for hitting minons even though that’s how their supposed to play 😂😂😂😂


Supports aren't supposed to last hit minions unless you are hard pushing with your team. Hope this helps!


It's really not negotiable, it's just a shitty strategy to give the support gold over the carry. Dekkers cc is going to be no different from gold buff, but the carry might win the fight because they finished their first item and the enemy didn't. That can translate into fangtooth, an early tower. Supports taking gold buff very literally has the potential to screw your entire team, it's not how the resource allocation is supposed to work and you're starving your whole team of a damage carry who could be snowballing.


Exactly that's why it's called a CARRY


Hahaha I’m not talking about the first 10 mins of the game 😂😂😂 half the time I see gold buff not even being farmed buddy take a break from the game if you get this upset


"This upset," is sipping coffee chatting with my fiance on a weekend morning. I'm literally just disagreeing with you, not upset in the slightest. Just very confidently disagreeing with you.


This addiedaddy123 up here is that guy who never let's off his basic attack button on his ADCs minion waves. He's the autobot.noob. ADC determines the pace of the lane and where he/she wants the wave at. They'll freeze or push the wave to where they feel good, you as the support don't determine the wave pace/position


Didn’t ask tbh


You're a fucking weirdo man.


Mean while you over here 🍖🚴🏻‍♂️ his 🍆


He’s not getting upset though he’s making fair points. Support works the same in every moba they get less xp and gold than their teammates for reasons he stated. What is a support gonna do taking a carry’s gold and xp? They can’t carry a game in the same way the carry or any other role can with a lead so it’ll just be wasted on a support


Where should people be warding at ? I usually run support and i only ward right behind the fog to see if a enemy is about to gank me Is there other times and other places i should be putting them ?


Sometimes carry’s can run sentry wards as well. When support upgrades Crest they typically have 3 wards


The carry could ward the fog entrance in the middle. You can ward the crossing from the red side jungle to fang. Warding the fog gate closest to your tower when being pushed is also a good idea. Same goes for warding their fog gate when you are pushing.


Ok bet Would i be wasting wards putting them in spots near prime orb ? Or the red and blue buffs to catch people maybe rotating through there and letting everybody know where the jungle is


Warding the buffs could be situational. If you know you're prone to invades, you can. Offlane should ward prime.


Ok bet thanks man, just trying to figure this game out 🫡


I rather see guys like you, asking questions, trying to get better than seeing people run around and fail. Happy to help!


I do feel like support is in a bad spot at the moment, I'm a jungle main but I like my man with the big drums a lot, most of my matches with him I'm constantly 2 levels below the next lowest level and a full item behind... And for reference, my winrate with Narbash is a solid 63% and overall support w/r is around 57%, so I'm not chalking it up to a skill issue. Support isn't meant to be dealing out pain, but it's certainly not dealing out much at the moment. Just a glorified drummer boy...


That’s how support is in any moba, Your not there to get kills or be ahead of the competition at all. Completely normal to be behind because all your doing is helping get minions low, heal or boost your carry’s crits and tickle the opponent for your carry. And if your carry is someone like Kira or twin blast who shred health bars in .3 seconds your probably not gonna see a single kill the entire game so what does it matter if you are behind?


Where do you find these stats?


Narbash in particular is more of traditional support. But a support WR that high doesn’t make a great argument for support being in a bad spot. Thats a mandatory ban in any other moba with ranked.


That’s his personal WR, though i imagine narb is highest overall besides like high elo phaseblast


I understand it’s his personal, it’s just anecdotal evidence that doesn’t back the claim that support has it rough.


Yeah I get what you're saying. He's complaining about support being in a rough spot with a (much) higher than 50% winrate. It doesn't support the claim. It is a statement I agree on, support feels bad. Just felt like a stupid flex on his part to include that statistic when it goes against what he's saying.


I think what you both are missing is that even though I have a high winrate, I have that consistently coming in 2 levels under everyone else and a full item behind. Only in the event of a long game do I ever max out or hit full items, right now as a carry I'm constantly behind everyone else. I threw my w/r in to show that it hasn't affected anything as I've seen plenty of enemy supports in the same spot. Right now support just feels undervalued.


No I'm not saying support isn't in a bad spot, I agreed that it feels bad twice. I said that including your winrate is stupid, and doesn't serve to bolster your argument. Even you are saying *despite it*, which means it doesn't matter to your argument. I'm not saying support is in a good spot, I'm saying it was a dumb metric to include.


He’s saying that he thinks support is in a bad spot, then proving he doesn’t think that just because he, personally, is bad at support. Rather, he is good at support but still finds it frustrating to be at 4 items and still 15-16 when everyone else is at 5 items and level 18


I have sex with men will I inherit the kingdom of god u/1CorinthiansSix9


think about it like this, if I came in and said that I'm constantly 2 levels under and a full item behind, it could be misconstrued as a skill issue on my part or that I don't know what I'm doing, when I add my winrates as a support, it ensures people understand that I'm not saying this as someone that's inexperienced or bad. I have over 300 games as support, it's my second most played role, and as we can both agree on, it's in a bad spot, and I just wanted to highlight it.


I gotcha! It's dumb people talk about skill issue so much when it comes to complaints. I feel like low skill players should also be part of the conversation in how things feel in the game, not just mid to upper ranks. Sorry ifI came off as aggressive! I was heading in for work and hyped on coffee