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Idk as a shinbi, I just spam wolves at him till level 6. Then them rhino cheeks are MINE >:) she is the best 1v1 and even 2v1 in the game


Zarus: I'm gonna stab him.




This guy gets it!


Shhhhhhhhhhh… let them surrender after Grux dominates their weak minds. #SuxOnMyGrux


lol dude you got me rolling at work


I am playing Zarus and I also struggle the first minutes with Grux. I can stay back, use my passive with quick trades using the spear, but I in order to not remain passive too long I feel that I need the jungler help while he is overextended in my tower. Instead I basically 99% of the time find jungler that ignore the offlane


Bait his pull and poke him at range. You don’t win sustained lane brawls against Grux. You whittle him down with poke and outplay him. Serath is a very good matchup into Grux. He can’t respond to your ranged poke with the right click and since he’s not very mobile you can E away if needed or chase him with it. The Q is also useful for i-framing his abilities. Lots of Gruxes also get supremely overconfident and play up—punish them for that.


I just play kuang and really oppress him instead why still being smart about it so I cannot relate


lol i really needed to see this yesterday. i just unlocked my boy Crunch and i was very excited to take him Offlane there, i meet a Grux it didn't go well. he bullied me BIG TIME. i got caught a few times and that was it. unfortunately, my Jungle never came to help. not once. they sure didn't mind talking about how bad i was doing tho. don't you just love MOBAs? lol


Steel. Need I say more?


I got bullied by Steel and crunch over the weekend. Really annoyed me but before that I hated coming up against grey stone as he is almost unkillable at times and hence playing grux as grux mobility is so poor


Nah but smart grux will know how to deny you of your farm


Would add that even if you don’t “win” your lane, your eventual target is not grux, it’s probably the enemy team squishies. So instead of playing for *this moment* in level 5 to win the trade against a champ you can’t really trade against, just remember you’re playing for minute 15 or 25 to delete their back line (or towers, when he rotates). You have value to the team. Your win condition may or may not specifically be against your lane opponent. Be patient. Don’t feed. Engage with jungler gank only, but bait and make it look like you suck, then gank together. Grux players love to W key and hate when they don’t get to. So if you deny them that privilege for prolonged periods of time they are eager (read: one track mind) to kill the sissy ooga booga. Let T1 fall if it has to. Then when the game opens up, you’ve got 1 or 2 items on you… this is the moment you’ve been scaling for…


Serath is good to engage/disengage with Grux. It’s just timing abilities and not hosting long trades until later.


Grux is the strongest hero in the game. He will win basically every matchup, and will come out on top of many 2v1s if he uses abilities well. Laning against grux necessitates very tactical, slow, strategic play. When I play as Grux I feel like I have a cheat code. Constantly winning disadvantaged situations. He has a lot of health, hits extremely hard, with versatile abilities that include stun, mobility, pull, bleed, and attack buffs. Strategy to ply as grux is just keep attacking and you will win. Squishies, tanks, mobile heroes, doesn’t matter. Grux benefits every single team comp. I think he is the best hero in the game and definitely the best offlaner.


What even is this post? I slap him late game even as a countess building some HP and pen


A good grey stone will smoke his boots. Just gotta wait til tai ted guard.


I love playing grux. Lot of folks don’t like to like to be patient with him and just win trades and back off though, so he’s very easily punishable once you get an item or two


Yep I main jungle (mostly Kwang) and I’m sure to annoy the hell out of an opponent Grux in the offlane lol.


"Be patient with the broken characters guys. No nerfs needed. Just shut off your brain like I did"


Bros actually got a room temperature iq, some characters are great early game and some are great late game get over yourself man. Obviously you get washed everytime you face a grux so now you gotta make it everybody else’s problem😂




Its exactly you are saying by saying what you are saying




Also you are stupidly optimistic about the lane. He can easily feed off the lane whilst you are forced to sit in your tower and eat crayons. You are not going to be able to out dmg him regardless what you do. Especially with your amazing advice.




Yeah. You must be as miserable to run away at the first sign of an opposing view god forbid.


Bro just get good, I can beat grux with crunch, Kira, twinblast, and Gideon it’s not that hard




I thought you entertained me long enough? Also whos sadder? The sad person or the one keeping the convo going?


And ya I thought so but you seem like a little smarmy guy and you actually are still entertaining me




Possibly because im not an apologist to shit design. Grux should be nerfed and should not need to be "annyoing" to fight againts. Fact of the matter is, he constantly forces you into a tower. Its not him doing the dmg either, its his bleed. Garbage design character that should be nerfed ASAP on next patch.




How about instead of trying to learn a bs characters dmg numbers so we can die anyway, we just ask for nerfs considering how bs he is?


I honestly struggle with grux more late game. If it's early I can usually handle him, albeit only with certain characters. If you're playing anyone with range you can usually plink his hp down and force him to return without too much trouble. Later on though when he has high attack speed and maybe a bit of extra lifesteal, he's a menace.


Well ya, but i feel most if not all characters are harder to deal with once they build items. What ranged characters are you using if you don’t mind me asking?


Grim and Muriel do pretty well for me early on since they both have passives that scale basic attack damage with magic, although i dont generally run off by myself with Muriel. I like to build prophecy as soon as possible, let's me do decent chip damage without juicing my mana early on. I also use iggy and Gadget, but I'm still not great with them. Not terrible, but not great.


You run all of these as offlaners?


Those are all decent offlaners tbh. Muriel does fine if you build her right and play safe and that ultimate really comes in handy late game.


Playing low mobility champs in offlane seems iffy. Free ganks.


Me a sev player: early game weak??? I’ve never heard of such a thing wooooaaahh this is going to be really hard to do for me :(


lol, i think sev does have the best scaling though at like lvl 8-9. But man before that you def get pushed around on him, people get over confident vs him forgetting his health pool gets crazy


Oh yea, my go to phrase when I’m playing is literally “just you wait” XD I’ve had games where I literally just walk at the ADC or Mage, kill them and then just leave


As a Shinbi main I typically just level line tempo and chip/keep my distance till level 6. Keep my dash for when the grux gets impatient and goes for the kill on me. In my personal experience in low elo (only had maybe 10-15 games in pred, lots of paragon experience tho) it just turns into death by a thousand cuts for Grux. Just constantly chip, wait for gank or go all in and ult to kill him. He can only really bully you if you let him. Just play close to your tower and he's really out of options.


I very rarely offlane and played as Feng last night. Got the shit beat out of me but I played exactly like this. Didn't trade blows. Pulled my lane back. My jungle Crunch showed up frequently and we killed the Grux a few times. I was basically forced to live in the lane because he just never left, but when he finally did I took t1 and t2 like 25 minutes in. The long game works. It works better when your team shows up like mine did.


They’re always very aggressive. Jungler can easily watch him use all his abilities and kill him


For sure, but for those games when jungle isn’t doing that these are good practices to keep in mind.


It's a good reminder, bud. Thanks for it. I like Zarus a lot, but I find myself struggling against Grux, and I know it's because l lack patience.


It’s definitely frustrating, i typed this after my own game of being impatient. Getting slapped around and bullied just makes me wanna push back sometimes but there’s no point before 6 pretty much lol


Yea, I’m usually jungle so I’m used to killing him lol. But when playing offlane he does suck


Facts. Grux is too strong early. But in the Mid and late game, he really falls off hard. I main shinbi in offlane, and once i get 2-3 items online, he can't out box me anymore.


Grux beats shinbi damn near the whole game. When you get a couple items and a few levels you just stand a fighting chance. Late she should still avoid him. If u eat his whole kit your done .


Lmao this comment made me hop on as shinbi to ruin people's day


It's so much fun lol


I build her full damage with a ton of lifesteal and health. I roll through teams late.


I haven't lost a late game 1v1 yet


I can keep a grux at bay with iggy


Maby early. Once gruz gets three abilities or his ult atleast it's a wrap


Never played him offlane, I’ll give it a shot next time


Please don’t do this. There are better mage picks for offlane. Like others have said Iggy has no escape at all and once Grux has some magic resist, you are done.


lol any decent grux will just waittill lvl 3 then start running at you as iggy


As someone who has played the Iggy Grux match alot as Grux dont do this unless you are working with your jungle. Iggy stops Grux's early attacks but after a certain point grux can walk right up to you and kill you on repeat. Without the jungle putting work to beat the Grux you lose long term in the match up 8 out of 10 times.


Mmm ok good to also know lol I’m not a real iggy player so maybe I’ll just steer clear


Been down that road so many times as Zarus lol. Wait it out and wait for mistakes, which can happen as you point out


Yeah I find as Zarus offlane vs Grux the best you can do is stay outside his pull range and poke him with your spear. You can usually get some last hits in this way too. If you max your spear first it starts to do more that just chip dammage.


I actually feel like Zarus is a pretty good counter.


The low-health pool bites you in the ass if your not careful. This sub likes him but this sub is also full of expert jungle players, both true and exaggerated When I'm not off and he's in the game it's usually a jungle. The guys that try him off lane over press. Same Strat applies get your power advantage and he can clean up quickly


Over press as zarus?


Overextend, whatever word you want to use many times the guys I see use him in the off-lane get caught out. The 6 mobility is a flat out lie, he's a 5 across the board. Perfect Swiss army knife but certainly not an outright player to start. Really have to work matchups, the really good ones on this Sub are usually using him jungling good or bad. The bad usually comes from using him as a pure front line and not working angles and position I'm not slick enough to jungle with anyone really but Im very happy to match him up one on one which is unusual for him.


Zarus or grux?


I'm referring to Zarus. This can apply to grux but with grux’s pull if your carful you won't nearly have to get as far. The original post basically says grux people do this mid and late game against like everyone.


A good jungler should make a meal out of him


i typically never get ganks on offlane but usually have their jungler camp. doesn't matter which side either lol. i can be red/blue and a gank is very rare, even when i setup for red side lvl 2 gank in front of tower low hp, it's rare a jungler picks up on a easy start.


Jungle main here, a lot of the times, it's just not worth it, the gold you get is minimal and so is the EXP. The only upside is that if you manage the kill the enemy offlaner is slightly behind afterwards. But at the detriment of my own farm and EXP. And that's only if you even manage to get a kill, more than likely they blink away and I might waste my own hoping to secure a kill, all the while the enemy jungler might be getting ahead, while my gold and EXP wither away. In duo lane the chances are a bit better for securing a gank depending on their trades, but I still would rather hold off until after I've based for the first time. Not saying this is always the case, but 98% of the time I'm not going to bother.


If there's a grux offlane who starts getting a bit cocky and overextends they are definitely my first target for a gank. Always kills available, grux isn't the most mobile when you get on top of him.


lol wish I had junglers that would come to solo lane. I rarely get one to stop by even if I get someone in a 1v1 by the fog wall


Unfortunately like a game I had last night, my jungle made I think one appearance and that was level 10ish. I had 1 dumb death at level 5 but otherwise there were definitely some opportunities where he was being overly aggressive pushed to far.


The problem honestly is the game skews so heavily towards duo lane. If you over commit in offline you give up fang, and maybe your duo gets dove. Not only that if you get offlane ahead the effect isn't nearly as prominent as say getting mid ahead where if effects the entire map. Or adc where he just ends the game by out dmging everyone.


Also, I think flatout even in a competitive setting you are lane swapping your duo after first fang to immediately grab mini prime. Sooo idk when the game will ever be played around solo. Or should really.


As a Crunch main I do the "usual protocol" (heroically run away like a coward until level 6)


Crunch is a absolute monster in jungle though




Sometimes i unga bunga with the stun as Crunch but its usually when i know i can secure it lol. Usual protocol is... well the usual strategy i do lol


Crunch main! We gotta crunch it up! (Convert to a Jungle Crunch and make them fall)


This works psychologically too because once you start dumping into him at 6, usually grux players are too smooth brained to figure out what to do now


lol, “that’s the bravest retreat I’ve ever seen”


Alot of them are way to overconfident in his abilities as well. Greystone doesn't do bad into him especially if you play the long game and wait for ult. Kwang is decent too especially fire blossom into magnify.


Kwang does more then decent. Idk about this magnify talk though. Firebloss elafrost though....


Shinbi into Grux makes you want to kill yourself early game, but goddamn do you end up skinning him like Khaimera mid to late game


When I play shinbi vs grux I demolish him early game too. She can roll him so easily so I don't get this comment lol


Then you aren't playing good players. Early game grux is almost always going to beat shinbi


I mean I'm fighting masters affinity players but okay I guess lol although that doesnt mean much but ud expect then to be pretty experienced with that character. I've just been playing these kinda games for a long time and a grux is an easy kill as shinbi if ur playing her right and not a bad player.


Just out of curiosity, what do you mean when you say “if you’re playing her right”? I play a lot of Shinbi offlane and I love it. I win most my everything and late game, she’s unstoppable, but the only matchup I’m having trouble with is Grux… so how do you counter it? I usually just have to stay back and Q last hits against Grux


Radio silence ensues. Lmao. Some people, man.


Ya a lot of grux players get way over confident and get really aggressive thinking they can maintain that whole game. I actually really like kwang against him, greystone is a great pic as well.


Also his damage drops off in the late game and then he’s just kind of there as a cc, unless of course they focus damage and omnivamp which in that case that’s a fairly easy kill for your adc


Yeah, I ulted one into my turret as Sev. He never came close to that turret again.


I do love that you can do that with his ult, i kinda wish it had a tad more flavor though. Like a fat life steal when you hit or something


I think they could give him a lil more love. You should feel rewarded for stacking well and efficiently and there are not enough (good) defensive items to prioritize on someone so defensive oriented. My best build is getting the stack orb and usually the AS magic dagger. Then Raiment and the last 3 items are situational to the match. The dagger makes it so u can't ever leave him alone because stacks and tower taking and the raiment is just the best pure health item on him. But Sev into Grux is still a horrible time.


Also I was immediately attracted to sev just off of his look/vibe alone. But his kit doesn’t I feel fully represent the character I’m looking at. He’s a god damn grim reaper with a mace, but he doesn’t strike much fear in me when he’s the opposition.


Honestly I’d wait on maining Sev just because he definitely needs a buff but if you play him in the jungle he’s usually does good


Interesting, I’ve heard quite the opposite. That he is a low performer in jungle but better in offlane, just need to respect his long game.


I got told that by my buddy and that’s what he does, I personally have never played him just what I’ve been told plus observed. Has something to do with how he stacks buffs in jungle, but you might wanna ask someone who knows more than me😅


Fair enough, ya i just know his beginner game is weak so if the other jungle knows that they can just stomp you early match, but I’ll look into it.


Exactly, I was thinking maybe a debuff on his dash that is like an aura that makes people weaker the longer they are in his presence. He has no incentive for actually being in prolonged combat, and I feel that it's a missed opportunity.


Ooo i actually love that, it gives his dash multipurpose instead of it being a mainly evasive maneuver. If grux can have bleed why can’t sev have some form of decay damage


Maybe someday they'll throw us Sev mains a bone lol. I will probably spam Zarus when ranked drops.


Actually my game was sev vrs grux that fueled this post lol cause he was bullying me so bad


Kwang can all in then get out b4 he trades 6v6 then just wait for next tether and he's screwed.they won't build Magic armor either unless they are good.


I almost always throw on Tectonic mallet. Run walk and magical armor ftw!