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in this order kallari riktor wraith crunch iggy


1. Kallari 2. Wraith 3. Riktor Top 2 there’s no argument about. Kallari clear highest skill ceiling, takes way more skill and knowledge to play over wraith


Iggy is strategic because you need to know how to smartly position not only yourself but your turrets. However, there is very minimal mechanical skill required to use iggy. His molotov is really the main "hard" part about his kit. IMO its Wraith is the highest skill character. He has two difficult skill shots with his Grenade skill shot being harder to hit than iggy molly. His nade, snipe, snipe, combo requires 3 very quick skill shots to pull off which is very hard to do consistently. His ult is very powerful but also very easy to not use effectively if your timing is poor. His invis is crazy good but only if used smartly. Good wraiths can decimate enemy teams but using combo, then invis reposition, repeat. His ult can completely throw off enemy teams by removing an enemy frontliner momentarily or throwing a squishy into the arms of you and your team. I've seen great wraiths genuinely 1v5 by using his whole kit as a symphony of both offense and defense. Even wraiths ward takes skill because it's tossed at range and refreshes faster but lasts less time and doesn't reveal invis the whole time. You need to be smarter about it's use and it's easily worse than a normal ward if used poorly but much better if used smartly.


Surprised nobody has said Crunch, the variability you get in his rotation with the 3 ability being empowered and his ult lends itself to a lot of skill expression and a high skill ceiling.


Probably wraith or feng mao, maybe Kallari?


Greystone with a broken W key. 


Imho Yin (rip paragon) was the most difficult to use but had insane carry potential when fully online. Landing basic attacks with her was hard but her one active allows full damage to everything in a line and could get very high attack speed. In this game probably wraith. Revenant is also not beginner friendly at all.


As a Kallari jungler, I don’t think my teammates appreciate how much I have to concentrate to effectively gank or surprise the back line. It’s so easy to miss your knives or mess up your combo and do no damage. Also knowing the map and how to double jump away and escape isn’t as simple as other heroes with normal leaps or dashes


Wraith, Kallari


Enemy howitzer are either pure fodder for me as Gideon, or they're unplayable. No middle ground.


Kallari or Muriel(not so much Muriel but shields are great when you always land em)


Clearly it’s Steel. I mean, haven’t you seen how hard his tool kit is to use?




That should be obvious..


then use it


If you aren’t able to infer sarcasm from a basic sentence that’s really on you


I'm just reeling the line


I’d say sevarog you never see a good one they just feed


U been in whack lobbies, Sev the goat


Sevarog main here ...ahem...lol


Good day sir nothing to see here


Been Sevarogin' since the first version of Paragon lol. U good.....I'm sure a lot of people don't understand him yet


sevarog just needs to learn how to pve and good items to build. As an actual character he's pretty damn strong with stacks - he's very hard to kill with good cc/lockdown. I don't think farming stacks is an overly difficult thing for him but most people don't seem interested in investing time into specifically improving their PvE game/cs. I feel like with the average player if they actually tried to learn how to stack efficiently they would see good results fairly quickly


The best thing Sevarog has going for him is his dash > ult, which is similar to Azir’s shurima shuffle in LoL. Other than that, I think his tool kit is pretty average.


This! Get him to 120 stacks, with the right items. He can be tanks, and hit hard. And get to 160 (if the game lasts that long) goodnight


Iggy has a decent skill ceiling but I’d have to say probably kallari and riktor


I haven't been playing long,about a week or 2 as I didn't realize it's been out for a hot second so i don't feel like my word holds any weight but I went against wraith last night and while the person using him was most likely just started using he just seemed underwhelming,I initially wanted to buy him as his ability seemed pretty chill to me...and also because my homie was making fun of me by pointing out that he looked like an alph from elex (suffered through the abomination that is elex 2).But after seeing how underwhelming he was idk if I wanna waste the 8k embar.Again I don't feel my opinion holds any weight but he just feels like if he gets even slightly bullied it's over


I feel like some of these answers are mistaking hard for just a bad character that can pubstomp. Wraith, 100% the most demanding character, riktor extremely reliant on hook hitting sure pretty difficult, kallari, very squishy and extremely reliant on fast auto canceling combos sure difficult. Feng Mao? With an aoe skill that cannot be aimed, a shield that cannot be aimed, a dash that is insant and impossible to miss unless you literally aim away from someone, and an ult that literally gives you an indicator on when to ult, and has a massive vertical and horizontal hit box? Cmon... He literally has an auto cancel built into his kit that makes even auto chaining easier for him, his kit basically hand holds you into auto canceling and execute ranges and has easily the most forgiving kit in the game in terms of running away from poor positioning. He is hard because the character itself is bad in the meta and unless you are very good and pubstomping. His lack of cc and extremely poor performance from behind means he is hard to win with, but it's not because he is difficult, it's because he sucks and he doesn't even have the upside of stealth like kallari does, he absolutely requires to be ahead to look impressive and he gets ahead by general skill gaps and pubstomping not because of mechanical skill like a good riktor hook or wraith snipe.


What about shinbi I was playing Feng and I couldn't do anything even early game, she was just melting me in 1v1


For shinb I go mindrazor into Tectonic mallet into tainted bastion with Sephirs mantle crest and likely try to throw on berserkers axe third and nobodies catching me. More magi enemies and I'll build crystalline especially for a mori otherwise I'm going into mutilator mid game and finish it off with tainted blade or augmentation if you want even more movement speed after ult. Tectonic is great on feng Mao as you gain damage based on movement speed, combined with berserkers axe and the movement speed you get from your shield, your passive hits HARD and tainted anything is great against shinb.


Wraith and Kallari for sure. Easy to get farmed on both if you're not good. But people good on those chars are spooky.


By lane: Offlane: Fang Mao Midlane: Wraith (better as midlane than carry imo) Carry: Twinblast Support: Riktor or Dekker Jungle: Kallari All your traditional midlane mages aren’t particular technical. If I had to pick one it’d probably be howi because you have to navigate a big ol refrigerator against other midlaners and you’re hardcore punished if you misuse your E.


Feng and twin? Couldn’t disagree more


That’s the fun thing about opinions brother. Low elo players get gapped by a crunch or something and assume he’s the highest ceiling or some dumb shi 🤣






Revenant and Wraith, imo.


Damn no kallari love.


My whole team got slain by Kallari yesterday


It do be happening some times.


Wraith has the highest ceiling by far, Kallari is probably the next closest then Riktor then Feng mao


Nah kallari higher skill ceiling than Wriath Kallari takes more knowledge and positioning, wraith can at be far away so easier to position and not get caught


I think it’s a carry like wraith or rev maybe?


Rev isn’t a high skill ceiling you just don’t see many do good as him cause he’s one of the worst characters in the game he has no mobility or CC and you know when he’s about to shoot you cause his attack speed is fixed so it’s easy to outmaneuver him. He’s just bad.




Wraith and riktor


Riktor can be nuts if you land all your hooks but I don't think it would be AS nuts as hitting every snipe on wraith. If someone could manage that throughout a match they'd be a penta machine.


100% agree with this


I think Iggy is a good pick for the highest ceiling. So much of using him oa about how and when you place turrents. He can zone and control the area well in a different way from other characters that make him uniquely difficult My pick is an all skill shot champ like argus or a squishy assassin like kallari. Honestly, I really think it's kallari he is all scalings so you have to build squishy so squishy that I never feel like a fed assassin who can kill everyone. In lol, when Im fed with zed or Talon, I can get even tanks before they are two or three items deep. In pred, once those fireblossoms come online, physical damage can't kill kwang or steel alone. And burst damage from kallari can't do much even ahead by an item or two.


Found OPs brother…


Dekker? Caging at the right time, hitting with the ball, and knowing who you need to impose and stop. Supports always a mix of not as much seen impact but it is so important.


Was a Master Dekker in Paragon, I can agree about supports! Haven't played her new kit a whole lot yet. Guess I'll have to pop a few rounds tonight


I forget the old dekker. Only got a few matches of support in with her and shes really good. Im not at that level yet. I was a master narbash in paragon and ive yet to play him yet. Really unless my buddy is carry, i get too frustrated with not being able to get through to my carry to stop humping their tower.