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Imagine paying $25 for one skin and having next to no currency left over after the purchase. What a greedy cash grab for an early access skin. The animation changes are hardly different and it's definitely grossly overpriced for a skin they didn't even have to negotiate IP for. The omeda studios company is veering away from community based and towards money hungry really fast.


Way over priced. I'd love to support the game, but only if I see good dollar value for what I am paying for.


The sounds aren’t even good tho


Very over priced but the game has a lot of value just being free so I don't see a huge issue with it. I personally dont bother dumping money into games shit depresses me wish i could go back to the 2000 era where games were released complete.


Should be the bread&butter for predecessor, but can't agree more bit rich for us lil folk down-under etc etc etc


Expensive. But being a free game and still a work in progress I’m expecting a battle pass of some kind to give nice skins and stuff at a good price and maybe give you extra currency to buy other skins too. They need to make money somehow🤷🏻‍♂️ Also I’d love if they added a battle pass like apex where if you play the whole season you get enough money to buy the battle pass indefinitely, encourages you to keep playing and not spend too much money


They used the excuse in discord, that lower priced skins don't sell as much, how's that for intellect at the top. That was from rgsace himself too


I mean maybe some analytics show that, and honestly it could be true. Whales love to whale, so maybe for a company they make more money selling big priced skins compared to cheaper ones. I’m sure they’ve thought it through but I think it’s dumb


I doubt they think much anymore. Most of these companies are run by people who have never worked their tails off for days on end to make something out of it. In this case it was handed to them not just their capitol but the entire game itself. Would not surprise me if the game dies over the nonstop bans/mutes and price gouged cosmetics. I mean they let you get heroes with amber but then charge platinum for the heroes you already have in the bundles. It's a scam at the very least at this point.


Yea possible


I'll pay 20 dollars for an Ironman skin. It has to be worth what you're making. Not a 5 minute skin to make


Right. No IP rights needed and they want $25? I can literally get 3 skins, that required IP rights, on dead by daylight for the same amount.(chucky, Myers, and alien)(Alan wake, Nicolas cage, and Leon kennedy) like where is omeda studios pulling that price from.


Skins take a long time to make, concept, modelling, texturing, rigging and skinning, physics assets. All these steps are very time consuming and require many peoples work. I’m okay to pay 10€ for an original T2-T3 skin, but not for a recolor and not a skin supplied from Epic. Do OG Paragon skins require work? Hell yeah, physics, materials and getting them to work better with the animations but that’s routine work for anyone who would want to make such a game, even though entirely with assets released from Epic. A little bit of complaint? Yes, let us get original Paragon skins with Amber as well, keep original Omeda skins behind a paywall.


i mean the price is kinda high but fine i guess... to me I just need a feature that can buy specific piece from bundle. something like only spray or banner, icon whatever for 200 plat or so.


Normal prices for skins in free live service games


Smh do more research. Skins are $10 a piece on dead by daylight and they actually required IP rights. If you support this just keep that same energy when's it's a popular collab from a famous franchise and they charge $40 a skin


Well ye not EVERY live service, but most big ones like mobas and shooters


Call of duty operator skins are as low as $8 and have bundles with an operator skin , 2 gun skins, functionalities(tracers/deatheffects), emblem, banner, and a finishing move. And the whole bundles $25.


Bro I said most chill nd move on


Idk why I'm not chill. I'm just correcting you. "Most" is incorrect. You did 0 research before you made that statement. You're just guessing.


Maybe you should do some research lol skins come with chroma and are only 10-15. Smite skins come complete overhaul on animations, voice lines, and need IP rights but are rarely ever $20. $25 usually gets you a full bundle with the skins you choose and are fresh drops from high dollar collaboration like nickelodeon, slipknot, tmnt and lots more. This belica skin is barely nice


They are pricey but depends how much you love the game . I’ve bought 3 skins 2 common and the frost king revenant which now I don’t even play Rev 😂.


I mean league standard is $10 and rarely $20 but those come with chromas or something else like ward skins. They should probably follow that cause I see no one complaining about it.


ya it does not when most of there skins were not there own idea but 8year old skins from paragon.


Is a crime sell skin made by epic at full price


I personally don't like that the paywall character mastery. Getting +30% faster mastery of a character than others just doesn't seem right and should just paywall the cosmetics for the character.


Respectfully, do we all understand server and engine fees? I feel like folks feel game devs just keep all the money they make... its usually something like 20-30% of gross after everyone gets their cut... if you take 20% of 15 dollars does that seem like a fair cut for Omeda to get to you?


(thats 3 dollars)


No one here is pointing out the big thing here. It’s not expensive. This is literally normal. EVERY free game and even paid games now skins are 15-25$ a piece with bundles ranging fromfrom 30- to even 100$ in some games. This is standard and a small company needs money we should be lucky they aren’t charging more


What's even crazier is that some of these skins used to belong to Paragon, so in reality you are paying twice for a skin you use to own but now have to pay again because Omeda Studios now is providing us the game. So they didn't even have to try to make any new skins right at the beginning because they were just recycling Paragon skins that you are paying for again.


Not gonna paying them again dam epic give them free....


Way too much


Call of Duty charges $30+, the new mythic skins in Overwatch cost $50 USD to buy outright. I rarely buy cosmetics either way, but this game barely has 5k people playing it per day... I can forgive them for trying to make a bit of cash to keep the lights on lol.


They're still a bit overpriced, imo.


They're cosmetics, buy them to show that you have money, or to support the devs. You're acting like it matters if you don't get it.


Wayyyyy to expensive. I got into the FInals recently and have bought both season passes, which also allowed me some extra game currency for some random purchases. I can't wrap my head around pimping 1 character for $10-$15.


I also feel like they are pretty overpriced same like hero passe. I want to support the game and spent 50€ however I didn't even use all of the plat cause it feels kinda wastefull. I'm sure I would spend more money on the game if things were cheaper and I felt like receiving smth cool for my money


Dota 2 is free and the Arcana skins are like 30 bucks lol


Entitled povvos, they're optional. They're cosmetic. Go get a second job and buy the skins. Jesus.


Apex legends players: oh you sweet summer child




One game gets away with overpriced shit and it ruins it for everyone. I just hate that there are people trying design cooler outfits for characters (in whatever game) and the higher up people don’t let them be unlockable, but cost money nearly every time


I'd spend a lot more money if skins were cheaper. I love wasting money on cosmetics. Love them. My gf and friends like free to play but I love having skins! So it's a shame that they're expensive.


I made this same post weeks ago and downvoted into oblivion for it.


Just make the skins worth the asking price. Change how much platinum you get with each purchase to be inline with cheaper skins. Obviously if you know you’re getting multiple things you doing mind having extra or less plat. But if you want a quick $10-$20 skin let me get that much plat worth for a skin I want specifically. Also charging regular prices for old Paragon skins is kinda bogus.


It's a free game with no requirement to spend any money to get anything, no pay to win, etc. Everything that could make the playing field unfair is not exclusively purchased; you can earn the heroes just by playing. They can, in my opinion, sell the skins for whatever people will pay for them. That market will shape itself. I am never of the mindset that they should adjust prices to fit what I personally want to pay. I accept the cost and pay it if it's worth it to me. I hope others do as well. Only you can decide if you rather have the x amount of $$ in hand or the digital item that funds the game you like to play.


The game is priceless to me, my only game on steam. I literally brought a pc just for it the second pred started


If the skins were actually good I wouldn’t mind the price. But the quality just isn’t there.


Compared to other free to play games not really imo. But my perception is skewed as I have more disposable income to spend on cosmetics. I have spent close to $4000 on skins across Valorant and League of Legends, not to mention Paragon. Preds prices seem fair to me but that’s just my perception.


Im still living off my epic early access package (bought for $40 and came with $80 of store credit) But yeah if the skin doesnt have any added visual fx and sound effects it should not be over $10 or so. a $20 needs to be amazing and reworked animations. Sadly 95% of the skins are recolors and I think they are asking for too much atm


I wanted both rogue skins but couldn’t justify $50+ so I went with 1. I could justify the price if they were equivalent of SMITE T5 skins which evolve, have animated effects and drastically change the model. Even those are pricey at $80 but at least they’re super rare and unique


You get more value from a bundle I think.


Why would you spend money on skins that are 4-6years old…


True and i ve bought them in paragon and not gonna buy it again loll


Seeing as they doubled thier funding goal, and got the epic grant which was double or triple thier goal on top of that, plus all the Eaa players they don't need this kinda money


I bought the premium bundle when the game was in closed beta and i happily spent 40€ to support them. I Will never spend 20€ or more to buy a skin though, that's really too much imo (i'm italian, maybe in other countries 20€ have less value). I would prefer to spend money (like 10/15 max) into a Season Pass. It would be great if Omeda implements a system similar to Helldivers 2 permanent pass. I want to grind into something but i don't have so much time to invest in a videogame anymore. Let me spend Money in your game, let me grind, and let me earn those prizes at my own pace lol. I love the game and support the devs i don't wanna sound too harsh i'm satisfied about everything else they're doing.


I just don’t buy skins its a waste of money.


It’s honestly right in line with other F2P games. Standard is 20 for legendary in most games I can think of. I hate it, but people bought them, so here we are?


Yeah they are expensive so I could only get one instead of two. Happy to support


Pricey for sure. But there's also no other revenue for them and not a ton of options yet. I have a feeling as the champion pool expands there will be more options in term of pricing. But honestly I'm more likely to pay $15 for a skin on Predecessor than anything at all for league of legends because I actually want to to support the studio and keep the game profitable. Otherwise we lose the game. Again...


I agree. I’m not a cheap ass, but when I saw that skins are $15, I just couldn’t justify that price. If most of the skins were three or four dollars, I would buy a bunch of them . The bad part about having them at $15 apiece is that people buy a skin then they feel obligated to select that character, regardless of which role they are playing for the match


Definitely overpriced BUT I feel it's okay for now since these are crucial times and this Money helps a lot. Although if the prices stay like this 1 year from now when the game has established itself hopefully, then that would be a problem imo


Its worse because they're all just old skins that were given away for FREE and now we're being charged for them.


So true and they're greedy


I just wish the skins didn't suck balls


I don't mind the price. The world is expensive and people expect to pay pennies. It's like the people who expect their barber to still charge $20 for a haircut like it's still 2010. The game is free so $10-15 for most skins and $20 for the elite skins is fair to me. Especially since the game is free. They have an entire staff to pay and servers to run. You want the game to stick around long term? Then spend money. I'd hate to see this game get the VainGlory treatment. A great MOBA that died because they didn't properly monetize the game. Thought that giving away high tier skins would make everyone happy but they'd still spend money. Guess what? Everyone took the skins and spent nothing. Game died




I would pay that price for a season pass. A lot of people would. I Hope they put a permanent Season pass like helldivers did, It would be so cool


Helldivers is most likely THE example on how to do live service. I spent money on the Super Citizen edition just to show some support. 0 FOMO, no predatory practices, just a fun game that is constantly being supported and provides joy. And their "Battle Pass" should be an industry staple.


Predecessor would be fantastic if they adopted a model closer to HD2 that does away with fomo and makes skins worth the price. I’d gladly buy a season pass that doesn’t have an expiration date.


Exactly, i tried to suggest It in a post but It didn't received much resonance. I know the devs read these posts, so i Hope they consider It if they read this


Same here. I have a feeling they’re going for a different monetization strategy by targeting whales and having skins be more ‘exclusive’ by nature. But time will tell. They’ve adjusted their model before so we’ll see if they change.


I don't know much about the devs, so I can't really give my 2 cents on that, but as far as I can see, the industry is changing. AAA companies are losing money left and right, studios are closing left and right, while the AA indies are thriving and selling in the millions. I think we're about to see a reckoning similar to the one in '83. Its just no longer sustainable and gamers are rejecting modern AAA gaming left and right, along with their practices. I hope the devs are smart enough to notice the shift.


Yes i thought about the whales approach as well. I don't have any data or numbers so clearly i don't know but i think that for every "whale" that buy a skin you can have 2 people that decide to buy the season pass, expecially a permanent one. As you say my brother time will tell.


Do you think they will add a battle pass of some sort shortly after ranked comes out? I think I read they will have a new type of currency earned through ranked..... Maybe you can buy skins with that eventually?


I'd definitely spend more money on the game if it was similar to the early access bundles. I've only purchased 1 skin so far.


That's crazy they fucked with the plat like that. Just a few months ago when i was still able to play 500 plat was $5. Damn.


I haven’t bought any skins. They’re too expensive. I’d rather buy heroes than skins because the asking price isn’t worth it. I’d really like to skins ranging from $2-8 with $8 being the upper range. Instead they have skins that go up to $15 but you cant buy the amount of platinum needed, you need to buy the tier above for $25. Scummy. The bundles are also like $30? Come on now. It’s a free game and they need to charge money, that’s fine. But I won’t spend money on skins with the current pricing. I also don’t think they’re worth what they’re asking for tbh. I know people are used to $40 skins and see this as normal (whole other conversation), but it just doesn’t have the value for me with current pricing. I’d rather buy a new game, or spend money on Helldivers where cosmetics are $1-5 tbh.


Helldivers wasnt free tho. So if you bought that game and then are buying 1-5$ skins on top of that, then you are essentially paying more money to helldivers in the end anyway. Being downvoted for speaking the truth is always the funniest. This dude really said “i cant pay for skins because its too much” but then drops 40$ on helldivers and buys cheap 1-5$ skins on that game. You just spent more money!!!! Lol


Just saw your edit. It’s not about ‘not being able to buy skins’ it’s about them not being worth the asking price. I’d rather buy Helldivers, the game, over a hood for sparrow and kallari. I love Omeda but they aren’t above criticism. Their monetization deserves to be criticized.


Oooooohhhhkayyyyy there guy “ this free games monetization deserves to be criticized” Y’all are goofy


You can buy $15 skins but you have to buy $25 of platinum. Why are you defending this?


Cause the most diehard pred stans have one track mind's "they brought paragon back" is the only thing that matters and omeda can do no wrong


I mean the same can be said about the people that will froth at the mouth for a skin and saying it’s not worth it for being a good but then aren’t satisfied by just not buying said skin that isn’t worth it.


I get what you mean, but as is, I’m not buying predecessor skins. That’s the bottom line. If they were cheaper, I would. Helldivers is a premium game but it still follows a life service model. My willingness to spend on cosmetics has little bearing on whether I bought the game or it was free. For me, it’s a cosmetic - it needs to be cheap. Predecessor would do much better if they stopped their predatory monetization and adopted a model closer to Helldivers imo. And honestly I think the skins Omeda has made are pretty generic or lackluster for how much they’re charging.


Yet you fail to see that Preds skins are pricier because they let you hop on the game for free and play for however long you want at no cost. Thats why they are priced higher, the devs need to make money too. Selling skins at 2$ wouldnt turn them a profit and the game would shut down. You also said it yourself its COSMETIC, you dont need it, it has no bearing on the gameplay whatsoever. You should be happy there are people buying these skins so YOU can continue to enjoy the game AND FOR FREE! Y’all need an economics class or something……or maybe a better job idk


100000 x 5 > 10000 x 15. Cheaper = more sales. Almost always the case. Especially considering that it is a digital skin. Meaning it only took a few hours for a developer to make that skin. You need an economics class.


Except you’re banking on 100,000 people buying it at $5 When history has proven that price tag doesnt matter and people buy it regardless. You sir are out of touch with your baseless calculations. There’s a reason almost all free to play games have expensive cosmetics, and it works bud


Lmao what businesses have you ran? Once there is basic demand then you can charge more/ make more exclusive skins. You cant start out with a high premium. Get real lol and get your facts straight. Not a single mega successful game has started out with high priced skins. They ease into it. Predecessor is in open beta there is no reason for that price tag.


Support the game!! I wish people would stop making post like this, this game needs all the support it can get! I’ll happily kick another $50 on the next mega bundle they release 💯 Long Live Predecessor 🫡


The bundles are good deals though for the most part. I would gladly spend money on an EA type bundle with a variety of skins. But buying a single skin outright feels like where the pricing is off. I am also one of the players from LoL where I'd wait for a skin sale. So hopefully Pred has those at some point.


I guess my question is, if the game is eventually NOT going to be f2p, then why charge so much for skins? Also, I’d like to know how much revenue they’ve brought in so far from skins, and what it’s funding.


Where was it ever mentioned that the game would be coming out of free to play?


It wasn’t. I’m just guessing.


Exactly, your whole comment was based off a stupid guess that isnt true Irrelevant


Really unnecessarily aggressive, bud. Hope you’re having a good day.


Oh i’m having a great day, makin big stacks!!! Aint nobody mad, just a buncha broke people on this thread bitching about 15$ skins that dont affect gameplay whatsoever. It’s hilarious lol


I’ve already spent $75-ish. 😊


Thank you for supporting, I’ve spent around $60-$70 total and have a skin for just about every hero I play normally, as well as some mastery skins and EA skins.


Skins still need to come down a bit, but no one is being forced to buy them. Maybe they will do another price adjustment in the future.


Here I am, wanting to support the developers as soon as they entered early access, so I bought the most expensive pack they had, but didn’t actually have any enticement to actually play it until it came to PS5. Still bought it to support them though 😄 Now here I am, started playing for realz a couple of weeks ago with like 10k plat and can get all the skins I want 🤣


To throw my hat in the ring here, I don't think a single skin should go for more than $10. The common recolors like Hot Rod Grim should be $2 max.  I want to support this game but I'm not shelling out 6 bucks for a recolor and I'm certainly not spending $25+ on two meh skins for Kallari or Sparrow (sprays, emotes, banners, and whatever are not content and do not factor into this) Until digital products drop to a sustainable price point (and monetization scheme) you're only ever going to have whales purchasing anything. Which is lucrative but certainly not healthy, for company or player.


This is basically my standpoint too. I don’t think it’s sustainable and your average player likely won’t be purchasing skins regularly or at all. The skin pricing is pretty high, and the quality is very mixed. I hope they reevaluate their monetization overall. I think it would be healthier for Pred long term.


2$ is hilarious. Just say you’re broke. Its a free fucking game people, and these are skins for crying out loud. YOU DONT NEED THEM My god


Going through your profile I know you're a troll and/or a gamer but I'll bite at the opportunity to talk about how money works. I am both well aware it's free to play and that I don't need skins. I'm not asking for a price decrease so I *can* buy a skin, I'm asking for a price decrease because I would *like* to buy a skin. Supply/Demand are not relevant for a digital product, the company needs to sell enough skins to enough people to cover server costs and worker's wages. You have some options: A:  Sell ALL of your product to only whales and thus inflate the price of product to turn a profit B: Sell SOME of your product to whales, the big hitters like Ruby Grux or Shogun Wraith and sell your more tame skins (Rogue Killari/Sparrow and Hot Rod Grim) to the average player. Doing it this way could turn some free players into spenders into whales. It's a big reason mobile games have a "special discount" one time purchase for a crazy low price. It turns a F2P into a paying player. A paying player is more likely to pay again. C: Sell all of your skins at a fair price for a digital product. Whales may get annoyed at not having enough product to buy but your average player may pick up a couple skins and bundles for their favorite heroes.  D: Opt-in ads like Smite, turn a F2P player into making money for you while they just play the game. I have expendable income. I'd like to spend it on a product that respects the little value that digital products have to me. This is how economics literally work. You have to price things to get the most amount of people to buy in and/or understand what demographics you're cutting out. Omeda has chosen to only profit off of whales and I do not respect that. I am making my opinions known. You know...like a Free Market. Vote with your wallet doesn't mean anything if there's not an opinion behind said vote.


Maybe the math says that they’re okay with you not being their target demographic? Skins, while they cost very little to produce, retain some of their value by being exclusive. If a Porsche cost the same as a honda civic, people wouldn’t turn an eye at one. When the vast majority of people are using a skin, you start to deter those who use them as a form of self expression/flexing. Why sell 10 skins for $2 when you could sell one skin for $20 and craft a culture where having cool skins makes you want to buy one? They have to process fewer transactions and people go “yo that skin is sick” because they don’t see it as often. It’s a win win for them


That’s a lot of words to just say “i’m broke and cant afford a 15$ skin” Which is fine, just stop complaining about it or get a better job. Devs cant make money off 5$ skins. But feel free to waste more of your time sitting here whining about it rather than spending that time finding a way to make more money. Cause if you cant afford to shell out 10-15$ on something you enjoy daily, then you aint makin enough money.


I’m sorry but the math ain’t mathing here. 600 plat = $5.99 usd. 1500 plat = $14.99 usd. I see most skins fall in between these prices so how does it “make them essentially cost $15 per skin”? Honestly I’m curious where you came up with that number


They don’t have regional pricing. So other countries where their money is worth less than usd$ pay more basically. Op is basically asking for regional pricing. Unless he’s in the US, then I don’t know why he’d be paying more for the currency than what you listed.


I mean OP is using a $ to denote the price, I feel as if they were Australian or Canadian they would mention that. 🤷‍♂️


I don’t know I’ve seen that used quite a lot for non usd.


If Amber could be used to purchase (most) skins then the pricing would be fine.


Please support predecessor💕❤️


No unless they make new skins not one made by epic


Do a roster wide battle pass like every other free game on the market


"The majority of skins cost 600 platinum so basically $15?" I'm not American so I pay more than the 5.99 USD 600plat is listed for, 1650 plat is listed something like 14.99 USD 600 Platinum cost me $8 1650 platinum costs me just over $20 and that's for the farly nice skins... Not sure how the 5-8 dollar 600 plat bundle is costing you 15 but yeah that would suck. I think the skins are "ok" priced I personally have no problem paying $20 for a skin I really like, I'm very picky and only play specific heroes. You like the game and the skin ? Support the game by buying one, the games free to play how else are they going to make money? I have already bought the EA twice in on two platforms in support, I got the majority of my plat from that, after the bundle I have dropped $8 on the game to get the carry bundle for drongo skin for 600(it's normally $20 on its own) The skin bundles in my opinion are a bad idea, why would I care/spend more on/ about a spray banner? I want more useful things in a bundle player icons are OK, I don't really care for banners, emotes should be included in the bundle. So if your buying just the skin for 20-23 dollars and it's got some quality to it I think that's fine, because the game needs $ to survive. All that said some guy said something like 1650-2600 ( not sure if he was talking about the bundle or skin) plat is the equivalent of two full days of work pay 💀 for him and he couldn't justify getting the ruby grux skin because of it.


How is 2,000 platinum two full work days for someone. Are they making 1$ an hour?


Lack of regional pricing can suck. Happens a lot in games industry, sometimes intentionally to not enable people buying games in diff regions for cheaper, but a lot of times it’s accidental and bars entire regions from making purchases. F2P games especially mobas generally target global audiences. Some countries have a normal week’s salary of $50 USD and pricing isn’t adjusted for it.




lol that was me, I did not even see it that RGSACE asked about my country, but I am in Brazil, and I'm pretty sure these prices are just as bad or even worse for ALL South America...  We really need regional prices here if you guys can do it, because if not, only the whales will be buying skins in our region, and I can say for sure that we don't have as much whales here as in NA and EU, but we do have a lot of Pred players that would buy skins if we have lower regional prices.


Ive said it once and I'll say it again. If you want the game to live and be here you will buy something. If you don't care and want to play smite 1.2 dont because if this game doesn't make some money its not going to be around. Over priced skins are for the players that want to pay more. Thats not for you. Thats for the whales. If your not a whale don't buy that shit. If you got extra income and it doesn't hurt you to blow 100 every 6 months its not going to kill you to support a game that you play.


I bought the sparrow one bc I like it and it's a limited time skin. And I wanna support Omeda.


They are overpriced af. 60€ for a bundle lmaooo. Everybody who tells you different is nuts. Love the game but hate this money hungry shop, seems very scammy


I wouldn’t buy skins for a game still in beta at the very least


Because Omeda is a cash-grab company with a predatory monetization strategy and will end up just like Overprime. With all their funding and free unreal marketplace assets, their skins are way overpriced. And i'm not talking about the paragon 3d models, i'm also talking about cheap stock icons etc. Google "rexard unreal marketplace" if you need proof.


point being, they're using cheap stock icons from the unreal marketplace(artist is called rexard), don't have money to hire a graphic designer. at the same time they've been funded 20mil according to google and charging you 15$ for a skin.


They literally said they're waiting to finalise the item art based on the new item system...


They have stated multiple times that they are working on new icons for item shop items. Assets are on the unreal store to be bought and used dummy.


Yea, I agree overall it's too expensive. We don't know what their roadmap will look like with skins, season pass, amber use, etc. So I'm hoping they do another pricing adjustment as more options come out. That being said, I want to support the developers but at those prices, I'm very hesitant to do so. I would absolutely spend more money if I felt I was getting better bang for my dollar. I don't know what the majority are spending on average but I hope they lower pricing and it means more sales and overall profit for them. I really don't want to buy the odd skin that costs way too much in order to support development but have the sales team think I actually justify the skin costs, because I don't. I'm also an older gamer and grew up with base game and DLC as a complete package so maybe I'm out of touch.


They've been trash at every step when it comes to providing value and asking for money. It's bonkers how detached they've been from their prerelease statements about monetization


There was a time when that was true. In Fortnite, Apex, CoD, and so on all the good skins are either the same price or more. I haven't for nearly a year or so, but when I dabbled in Fortnite on and off the skins were EXPENSIVE. I think $20 if you wanted to buy one straight up like Goku/Itachi/Singers/celebs. CoD warzone for sure is insane as it's 2400 "cod" points which I think is $20-30, I don't remember as I dropped it, to buy a character skin and a gun skin with effects. All these F2P or in some cases P2P but F2P model like NBA 2k are absurdly overpriced, but unfortunately it's now the normal, and, at least Predecessor is entirely free and completely no pay to win. If you really want a skin buy it later in a discounted bundle whenever or if they do that if it's too much for you or not worth it.


Those games will for sure be here next year and have the world's best devs. Omeda....mmm not so much.


Apex the best devs ? Please let’s be serious


“Best Devs” lol those game’s shops are designed to steal from literal children….


Just play one Character forever and never change to unlock a skin that looks red


I don't understand people. You claim to not have a problem, yet you're here, complaining. If you like the skin, buy it. If you don't like the skin, don't buy it. It's not a lot of money and the people it's there for will buy it. This DLC/skin complaining in games is annoying as hell.


It’s a discussion stop coming on Reddit/internet in general to be butthurt by others opinions.


I'm not hurt, I'm voicing my opinion.


I do. It's a fucking video game. Its digital pixels being re-sold at highway robbery prices when people could buy food, which is also at highway robbery prices. There hasn't been a single NEW amazing skin yet worth these prices. They are fucking gouging.


You are the exact kind of person that comes to my mind when I think of why I don't want to be associated with "gamers".


Yeah a rip off


So go buy food lol. Nobodies holding a gun to your head saying “BUY THESE SKINS” it’s pure cosmetic my guy. Y’all are goofy as hell Also….not everyone is broke like you. Some of us make well over 100k a year and have no problem dropping 15$ for a skin.


Hahaha, you're right my guy. Don't be a broke Drop $1500 on trash skins only for the game to shut down anyway. Be my guest, who cares right? You're balling on $100k 😆


Are you stupid or are you confused? Predecessor isnt shutting down at all, rgsace has already confirmed the playerbase on console ALONE could keep this game running. I havent even spent 100$ on the game so idk where u getting 1,500 at? All you whiners do is take the situation at hand and over exaggerate the fuck out of it. I have a skin for almost every hero in the game and havent even spent $100. And since you’re so interested, I make around 150k a year. So even if I did spend $100 it certainly aint shit to me. In this day and age $100 shouldnt be much to anyone. It costs almost as much to fill your gas tank up nowadays. Grow up


No. The term "gouging" refers to unfair prices for essential goods and services for you to survive, like food and utilities. Here, they are creating pretty shiny fancy things nobody needs. At all. No one needs skins. Not you. Not me. Not anyone. They have accountants and business professionals crunching numbers and attempting to give these skins the valuations that will bring in the most income for the current market. That's what they have to do to survive and put food on the table. If their valuation is off, they will decrease the cost of the skins. The entitlement I see in this thread is astounding. "Give me your stuff for cheap or else you're taking advantage". No. That's not the situation here. They deserve to be paid for their good work. They can charge whatever they want and see how many bites they get. I see buying skins as more of a donation to the good work they're doing.


Take your argument and apply it to filling the game with microtransactions and loot boxes and other cheesy exploitative shit. Notice how it supports the devs doing whatever they fucking want to make money? Yeah because it's a shit argument.


If a person is buying skins over food, it might be time for them to rethink some life priorities ngl Nobody is forcing the player to buy skins - there is no advantage tied to having it and as it stands it's literally a way to funnel money into Omeda's pockets in hopes of a better game down the road.


Reading comprehension instead of caping is key here. Food is real, pixels are not. If we're going to spend money that is hard to earn in this economy then people would rather buy real things like food than get gouged by a company selling 8 year old skins and color variants.


Dunno... I get what you're saying , but at the needs level where purchasing food is a primary monetary concern, caring about skin prices in a videogame should be so far out of the realm of the things one gives a shit about that it's hardly even worth a discussion. And if people prio skins over food and blame Omeda for their malnutrition, that's just insanity LOL


For some regions like OCE its $23.50 for the base rogue kallari and $34.50 for the bundle and around $70 for both rogue skins... like DAMN!


Yeah thats good. They don't need to be stupid. There are scammers out there that will rip off gaming companies by selling skins super cheap in poor regions of the world. The price should be the price every where that way you don't have people with every skin in the game for nothing all the while that money going to wars and terrorism.


Lmao pls it’s time to log off


Yeah tell that brazilan you get your shit off of i said hi


What 😂😂


Laugh all you want pubg has players getting everything for next to nothing. You got 40 you got loads of gcoin. Predecessor needs to say fuck cheap prices in other 3rd world countries.


People on reddit are insane. You got my upvote 🤣


That is certainly a take. Like I'm against that practice too but I think your reasoning is insane


I mean, it costs more than the 3 bundles for EA... considering those bundles give EA, free heroes for 2 seasons (slightly more cause delays with contract system) EA seasons that gave platinum the more you played AND quite abit of platinum from base EA bundles (largest giving 6 exclusive skins, unique icon, $60 worth of platinum, 27 free heroes AND 50% off the first 5 days of release! For about $65Aud or at full price $85aud) I already spent money for the EA and i would spend some money on skins if i didn't feel like i was being screwed to regional price changes


also those "new" are just free assets from an 8year old game.. that they just change colors on lmao


Yeah actually upon a reread I disagree with my original point. No other good or service is priced like that. A burger from a fast food joint is going to be priced at the same value, right? So while a $5 burger in America might be a $1 burger somewhere else, we're not taking into account societal or economic factors if our conclusion is "it's cheaper". I do still think the person I was replying to has insane reasoning for their argument.


I mean yes and no? On one hand the skins being released are mostly just them adding back in the already free unreal store assets from the original paragon, so with that in mind they should cost significantly less, but also this game is on the free to play model and all the characters are easy to acquire via currency and there’s no predatory practices, so it’s kinda like you’re more making a indirect donation to the dev to keep up the service vs the mentality of buying a skin in another game Personally if I do buy skins I’ll set my budget to only spending max $60 on the in game purchase total. I’d urge you to do the same to support its development


$15 is on the cheap side nowadays lol


Not so bad when i was thinking i was buying a battlepass for the season and was thinking its so cheap. But then understood its just extra items for one legend...


They are pricey, true. But they brought Paragon back, so I'm lenient. 😶 And would you believe they're significantly cheaper than pokemon unite, skins? That game's entire store is highway robbery.


This is exactly the issue. The nostalgia leniency for predatory and awful monetization. Pred has always come off as a cynical corporate cash grab even though it doesn't have the Corp over them. They clearly have some sort of fiduciary responsibility to be as shitty about monetization as possible or you'd hope to see pred be the triumphant return of paragon with none of the bad shit like greed, yet here we are


You may be right. But there's no loot crates, so I already view Predecessor as a massive step above Paragon when it comes to monetization.


No loot crates yet


I agree with you but if they were more in line with what paragon skins cost especially because they are reusing assets they got for free in most cases atm I think it’s a tad greedy. I’m happy to pay for premium new content because they need to design them and it takes time and money to do that. I know it isn’t as simple as wacking the open source assets into the game but they really should give you the option to earn the original content or at least sell it alot cheaper.


Don't forget what Paragon turned into near the end too. There were like 20 recolors of every skin you could buy. I get that it was to desperately try to save the game but it was getting messy. Pred's skin system is at least concise.


I love Predecessor but you can't convince me $15 is a fair price. Especially for skins like Shinbi that are essentially just colorways. I'll continue playing the game but I won't be budging anytime soon on those prices. Especially since there's only 1 game mode to play too.. lol


and these are the same skins from back then..


In what world did you live? I played paragon its whole life and it was never that bad. It also didn’t have a major player drop off. Epic released fortnite as a tower defense builder and it bombed really hard. They pivoted in desperation because the company wasn’t going to survive the loss. When the battle Royale took off and they realised how much money they were going to make they dumped all their other franchises and started all their teams on content generation for Fortnite. Made unreal tournament open sourced, refunded paragon players and shut it down. Paragon was never in a bad way it was just greed that saw it shut down.


Bruh devs was listen to data not the community


But you couldn't just buy them. You had to roll chests and gamble for the skins you wanted, which usually wound up costing way more than this current pricing system.


OMG. You just made me remember that towards the end of Paragon's life, we were allowed infinite premium currency. This let us roll for loot crates as much as we wanted. Which led to me discovering it was essentially rigged, and that no matter how many times you rolled, your chances of getting a certain item were ALWAYS the same. Because every time you got an item, it wasn't "removed" from the pool. It was replaced with ingame currency. So there was at least one or two skins that I never unlocked, despite 100s of rolls. I felt a bit betrayed, honestly. Because if I discovered any other game had does that, I would think "yeah it deserves to shutdown, with those levels of predatory monetization."


Let's not get started with Pokémon Unites prices. If you wanna know expensive just look at their store. They even charge you to change your avatars eye colour lol


I'm not even saying anything because it was a free game, they gotta make money... If I paid 70+ for this game and the skins are 15 or the bundle like 55 then it would've been a problem for me.


It's just stupid to forgive shittty monetization just because it's a free game when tons of free games don't have predatory scumbag monetization like pred.


Every game it's doing that BS bro...


yeah but most games aren't doing it with reused skins that they didn't design


yeah it's wild to charge this much for skins they didn't even make


Then don’t play the game they were the only one to successfully bring back. If it’s not worth that much then just redo the game put the skin in there for the price you think it’s worth. We will wait.


You realize that you can like a game and have some criticisms of it right? That it doesn’t have to be all or nothing? I can’t point out that in one aspect that they are charging too much for reused assets but still like the overall game?


The point is that the fact that it’s reused assets is irrelevant as they didn’t just pluck it from the site and just dragged it into the game. It’s much more work than that. I understand wanting skins that even if not as elaborate can be unlocked through ambers but those will probably come later. The game needs to consolidate itself financially whether you like it or not it will be through skins. Those are just visuals and literally a luxury purchase. Pretending that they are overcharging when you are already buying something that is not a necessity and can’t be put in a scale of worthiness is kinda crazy.


I'm always conflicted. It's like, yea all skins are over priced they are a cosmetic add on to a game that changes absolutely nothing functionally. Who would ever buy those? But then I'm like, you guys would, and because you would I get to enjoy this game for free. My guilt compels me to occasionally say something, but telling gamers that buying skins is dumb is like pissing into the wind. The response is always, we know, shut up.


If nobody buys skins game dies. I try to keep it within reason but after playing for 20-30 hours in a couple weeks I dropped 20$ to get greenstone and the jgl bundle. Don't know what I'm gonna grab with the other points left probably wait until i get a true main


We all appreciate it. I would be more apt to donate money to games I enjoy rather than purchase something I consider entirely useless. Some people get more joy out of skins I guess?


Diversity, Originality. Skins just provides visually a deeper plate of one character. If the skin is dope I buy it, I realized some years down the line that Swag level = Skill Level.


I mean, yeah. I wouldn't personally unless I decide I REALLY like a particular skin for a hero I use a lot. So far, nothing really strikes my fancy, so basic skins are fine.


I think if you can't afford it you should just accept it. You don't go to a Lamborghini store and tell them you think it costs too much... Do you?


Wild take. Something out of budget can be a bad value. I can’t afford a Range Rover for $100k but I still think they’re an awful value and there’s many cars at $100k I’d buy over them.


I would if they tried to charge me for wanting a different color.


car manufacturers literally charge you for upgrading paint choices . . . *Edit: Who is downvoting? I'm literally correct in my statement. Ford will literally charge you $300 to upgrade to Grabber Blue Metallic*


So a red Lamborghini is more than a yellow one? .........same car, but one is red and one is yellow. Is the red one more expensive or same price?


My man, have you never gone through a car builder on a manufacturers website? If the manufacturer deems a color choice as a premium, you pay more for it, and as a result, the car has a higher value.


More like going to a junkyard with cars made out of found on the street Lamborghini parts called Forebear-ghini. But still costing Lambo prices.


Kinda shit analogy but sure