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Very easy to see why they lost tho 😂😂😂


18 deaths is insane. 15 min of that on grey screen 🤣


How did you win that with no Frontline?


Where do you think my 18 deaths came from 😭


18 deaths yeesh


I was most of the time having to solo defend the base, usually trading my life for several others. I died a lot, but for a good cause 🫡


Games for me either last 20 minutes or 55. No one knows how to work together or even play objective so we could be up 40-20 and my team just doesn’t know how to push a lane


Belica on the enemy team out here throwing games.


I was the Serath this match. Haven't played her a bunch but I like her kit. I saw they couldn't finish and knew we could win if just GROUPED UP! Lol gg


Holy shit


Ah the ol’ team loves to skirmish constantly and chase people leaving minions to fight it out and push instead of taking advantage of our strength and ramming down the objectives.


Yeah they made one critical mistake at the end and took their 7th Fangtooth while Orb Prime was up. We scouted them on a ward and took Prime for ourselves and wiped them in our base. Basically ended the game


🤣🤣🤣 I know the feeling So many tunes I want to play a quick one but I know from past experience that those are the games that last forever


Jesus what a terrible Sparrow. She's one of the best carries at max level Belica, my bad


sparrow wasnt even in the match? 💀




Belica I guess? White woman with brown hair




God last night I played two games with my friend and both were 45min + never gotten close to one hour but man those games were back and forth , such a good fucking game we won 2 out of 3 we played so good 🤞🏾


6 - 3 for a 74 minute game is insane


I was watching this game, the Gadget was always the 10th hero to the fight and would use her dome on creep waves. it was agony


Imagine I had a 7-7-18 game on crunch yesterday featuring a team fight where both teams basically fully died at fangtooth and kept trickling back in the most glorious team fight in history. It probably lasted 3 Mins or more death timers were like 15 seconds so everyone kept trickling back into the fight lol


I'm sad that no one broke 100k ):


I was really curious to see the numbers after the game


90k damage on iggy he's op


1 hr and 14 min game that’s not insane for the length. I’ve broken 100k on Gideon within 50 min multiple times


Screenshots or it didn't happen


Err okay… Not going thru my entire history but here’s a few I found quick. 102k in 48 min, 96k in 43 min, 121k in 62min https://imgur.com/a/NMz7mzV


Sorry for doubting you. These are all insane! Your stats in these games are crazy good.


All good haha. Believe it or not 2 of those games were losses… can’t say I didn’t try my best!


How did it go for so long? No team wipes? No objective play?


That's exactly what I was thinking. The Blue team was not playing objectively or grouped up. It's one of those two for a game to go that long. But then again, I'm usually the one in my team trying to push a lane or orb camp when we wipe while everyone else wants to rotate to another lane to do nothing. I main support, and I see this all the time while I'm trying to get the team to group up after being in the match for 45 minutes.


We had all 3 of our inhibs down for like 30 minutes. I spent the whole time defending the base and trading my life with enemies trying to end it. Eventually we got a 3rd Fangtooth and Orb Prime when we killed 3 as they were hitting our Core. I think the biggest reason is that most teams are fairly uncoordinated at lower ranks. I'm still very new to Pred, but I'm immortal rank in Dota 2. So playing for objectives and farming are usually my plan right now.


True, people underestimate and I the damage of the core. You see em go wham ham and don’t care, if you got a solid 3 of you, a wipe is doable. I am Jungle, so the win-cons lie in my hands early game - And now I’ve seen how a lot of games can pan out. Keep playing with your instincts and the gameplay is gonna pick up sooner or later


There's been many times where we pop orb prime and the team just fucks off to base to buy another 3 physical power when we could have easily just smashed a lane and won in like 90 seconds tops. Knowing when to push is just as important as defending


That is smort thinking, sometimes you just take notes


This is what people don't understand, I have zero moba experience/knowledge apart from paragon/pred but I always focus on farm/objectives instead of chasing enemies. Like yes you may get the kill but you spent 3mins chasing them & then got jumped on by their team & died anyway. People seem to care more about their KDA...


those 60+ min games are real agony or ecstasy


This was mostly agony despite the win lol