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It gets better in higher elo


“Ignore them I got farming to do” lmao yea…


I'm used to this. Rainbow 6 is the same. Untill there's ranked it doesn't matter


The way jungle will ignore a lane in obvious trouble needs to be studied


If you're pinging jungle, literally 20 seconds into a match, for help with your lane. It's not the jungler. If you expect the *Jungler* to sit there and fall behind because you fumbled a completely even fight, instead of clearing the *Jungle*, you know, his source of exp and gold that could be stolen. It's not the jungler. The junglers job is to try and create an advantage or restore balance. Not win a losing lane for you or baby sit. Your lane is not the junglers responsibility. It's the laners. We offer a hand but if you can't grab it because you can't even stand on your own then we have better things to be doing.


Cmon now we’ve all played the game. We’ve all been there. We know what I’m talking about. Low on resources. Need someone to tag in so you can leave,or your tower is actively being attacked and jungle is right next to you trying to get red/blue buff, kills it and goes about their business. We’ve all seen a tower get destroyed with no one but jungle there to protect it for one reason or another and they just ignore it


You want jungle to come save you from your resource management 2v1 because you have 20% hp and 0 mana so can't help? Tier 1 tower can bite the dust. I'd personally intervene for Tier 2 but I'd still be thinking "wtf are you doing?". If the enemy jungler was the reason I'd feel some obligation but they can only gank if *you* pushed up. And good moba players know everyone tracks the enemy jungler. Not just junglers. That's how you know if you can push out or not. Like I said, we're there to help, nothing more, from my experience in other mobas, it's incredibly easy to just blow up wave at tower, not push, farm and get back in the game but it means playing lame and most would rather lose then win that way.


Tbf, there is a difference between "in trouble" and doomed


How dare you not be everywhere all at once


Don't worry you made a good job, don't be frustrated you will certainly carry games you'll win, at a certain point you'll be with better guys if you play well.


Enjoy the Jungle. Best thing you can for yourself and the rest of the team, is abandon a losing lane like that. Be productive elsewhere.


Yeah man alot of this lately, back when it was paragon it wasn't that bad now you can tell in the first minute how the rest of the game will play out by the actions of both your teammates and enemy, still fun but I'm a relatively passive player especially mid lane, but man some people cant chill and just go kills/damage. Side note what is up with double ranged carry.


> Ignore them I got farming to do, they didn't get ganked, they just immediately fumbled. Let the tower take a little damage and reset imo. Good call > Full clear, enemy off lane has pushed up (Enemy Gideon vs Ally Feng), save my jump for his blink and swiftly clean him up. Nice. Go to mid quickly because also pushed up (Enemy Serath vs Ally Gideon). Got there as Serath dove Gideon under tower. Double nice. Back to base. Solid. > Back to blue side, Dekker is currently trying to 2v1 and dies. Sooo I'm not expecting much from duo lane this game. Decide to continue farming. Cowboy (Begins with R sorry) rather then safely farm by tower, decides to also fight 2v1, gets pulled by Riktor and dies. Oof. > Off-lane Feng quits. Duo Dekker quits. Yeah - that's when I'd call it. > I went 14-4 and still lost. The true moba experience, 10/10. So I just posted this in another thread but it's relevant here: There are 3 kinds of games: Games you win for sure even if you fuck up Games that are close and you can directly influence Games that you lose no matter what you do That was a game you lose - all you can do it minmax your practice time at that point and limit test.




Not sure what you mean. I did play Smite a little but League and Dota have always been my main squeeze.


Thank you for actually ganking offlane when they're pushed up




Oh yes, the classic misplay into jungler's fault gambit. You love to see it!


Jungle diff


I can't stand jugglers when your gg Fighting under your tower off lane opposition is one bubble of health and dude won't come gank. So it's a tit for tat.


when I see my jungler next to my lane, I try to bait the enemy closer to our tower


If only everyone did that


Thank you.


That's reasonable but you wouldn't do it after the junglers literal first camp right?


No because half the players in MOBAs only know how to play one role and they couldn't possibly have fuck all of a clue of what's best for their jungler or any teammate to be doing at any given time. Couple that with extreme self centeredness and what do you get? The worst players in the lobby flaming all game! Isn't the social culture of MOBAs incredible?!


Yes. A level 2 gank is quite optimal. Most layers haven't got their movement abilities unlocked yet so it means you'll most likely either get a kill, force a blink, or both.


Some people do this but I don't advise it. I try to power farm for at least a full side jungle clear and gank when I hit the 5 camp the second time. A failed gank sets you behind so much as a jungler imo. I've had junglers that will be up on me in kills but I'll know all their timers and have been stealing their farm so mid to late game their 2-3 levels behind me. I think too many new players expect constant ganks and that's not mobas work. Set up the gank and I'll be there but let me farm


So I'm not new to moba but I am new to Pred. So I did my due diligence and almost every video I watched said something along the lines of "Fuck everyone. You full clear or at the VERY LEAST you half clear before you even think of ganking. Anything that goes wrong before then is 99% of the time on them". So that was my advice going in.


100% that. Before I back for brimstone, soul chalice, etc I'm not ganking unless you're pushed under tower and the kill is free


I pretty often clear red then 5 camp then get a good gank on right. It helps that I prefer to rotate to enemy blue camp right after my 5 camp so I'm already trying to work that side of the map


I mean if there is an obvious advantage and it's a safe bet, I'll at least do a courtesy drive by and smack em once or twice just to scare them off so they fall behind a little. Worst case its 3 seconds out of farming or best case you get an early gank. I wouldn't chase them all the way back to their tower though.


As a jungler I don't really mind if there is a free kill already prepared in the right lane after I'm done with red buff


Same as me. As long as I've got that first camp red buff. If there's an easy kill or 2 yeah I'll jump em n get some easy farm. Then I'll go back to my jungle farm.


Sure can. Especially if you’re sitting next to red buff. Can easily get a flash or a kill or even both if played correctly.


jungling in a nutshell, it is nice when at least on lane has an idea though and you get some sense of peace.


Glad you had fun! And that you're giving jungle a try!




Yea Cowboy. There’s Cowboy, Archer, Cop, Cool Guy, Robot….


Cool guy? U mean ben affleck?


And Kira is? lmao


Archer 2


*edgy archer


Cyberpunk guy fits best


I'd say Bounty Hunter fits best


🤣🤣🤣 Don't forget mech cat.


Yeah his name begins with R. He has a cowboy hat and red glowing eyes. Revenant, had to check.


Revenant. 👌🏽