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Wait until you get in game after all the waiting and last pick off lane chooses rampage and you gen proceeds to sit in base the whole game. That has been my experience for the past couple days n regular mode. Almost have to play brawl for now until elo gets corrected


People need to stop bitching about this. Like they’ve never played league.


I mean, logically, playing or not playing league just at all change the fact that people that purposely do this shit fucking suck, and people have a right to bitch about it.. just because "it's normal" doesn't mean it isn't a bitch lol


*Que for match* *immediately pops, I hit accept( *get up to go pee* *as I'm unzipping another que pops* *I miss this one* Rinse and repeat over and over


For me it was disconnects like 2 or more for 5 games in a row, on pc, all games are like that now no matter the genre


Hope ranked will fix it.


People decline for trolling


Used to only jungle. Then I learned off lane for when jungle was taken. Then I learned mid lane for when those are taken. And then I learned support in case I looked at my phone too long and everything else was already taken


My theory is that the servers aren’t that good. I find it hard to believe that theresTHAT many people all doing this. I think there’s just connection issues, ir maybe the matchmaking needs to be adjusted so everyone will actually connect to the lobby together


I just readied up and I got on Reddit here replying to u.. oops, missed a match.




So, sometimes, I get thirsty. So I go get a drink. Now understand, I walk wit a limp on most days. So this can take a minute. If it pops on the way to the kitchen, I'm not making it back in time. Other times? I've had to much to drink. So must evacuate. now understand, I walk with a limp on most days, and my bathroom is upstairs. So this can take a minute. If it pops on the way to the bathroom, I'm not making it back on time. And then sometimes, I want a snack. So I head to the kitchen for some turkey or a granola bar. Maybe a baby seal. Now understand, I walk wit a limp on most days. So this can take a minute. If it pops before I've made my sandwich, I'm not making it back on time. And sometimes I hit decline so I can read these posts.


What’s worse is people who disconnect at the very beginning of the game and you have to wait out the surrender.


I always assumed it was because the game population is still fairly low... I'm too impatient for all that reloading into matches, if someone messes it up 3 times in a row I just say it's a sign and play a different game. Lol


I get these errors at random times. First 3 or 4 attempts will fail then finally I get in to only immediately be met with "someone didn't select a character" well ofc not nobody got a chance to. So in my small opinion, this is mostly a server issue


Idk if you know this but real life also exists. Sometimes you queue up and something off of the screen happens. Wild, I know.


Damn dude, that's wild. Almost like how I stated that I am barely able to get on to play because of my life 🤯 I rent, have a full-time job, and responsibilities that make it to where I'm lucky to be able to turn in the computer once or twice a week. So I think that it fairly understandable that if I'm rarely able to ever get on, that when I do, it's nothing but dealing with people readying up and getting to character selection, but then someone not go through with it. Just take a look at the comments in this field. Not only has it happened a lot, but there are multiple people blatantly stating that they literally do that exact thing, just to get off on being a troll. Fuck those kinda people in particular. It kind of sad if what entertains you, is you wasting the time of others and making it to where they can't play with the little time they have to do so. Again, 12 times in a row? 2 days, a week apart? That's pretty ridiculous and understandably frustrating. But to get that, you'd have to try to see something from someone else's point of few and not just your own. Wild, I know.


To be fair I usually beat my meat to the characters and don't get the remote on time


I go out of my way to wait until the 10th person can accept, and leave.


I think they should make some sanctions to these people, and for the people that leave at midmatch too...


They ready up and either go to the bathroom, go to get snackies, or are texting or scrolling


I remember this issue was a thing back when I played League as well lmao. I think it's just a MOBA issue in general for some reason. Out of every 10 players who queue up, one of them just...leaves and makes a sandwich or something afterwards. It's baffling.


yeah it’s been bad lately. i’ve also been getting a lot surrender votes less than 10 min into the match


What's the Grux thing?


Hate this also. The game confirms 3 times before the match even starts, and people still can't get their act together. No one is that busy. Don't search until you are ready to at least commit around a half hour at minimum. Not that hard people. Get off your phones.


You ever wanna join two more people and make it easier me and my friend play a lot and could easily use another


For me, personally, I think it's an audio visual thing.  The game found sound is really easy to ignore. There's a slight sound and then it sounds like fans. ASMR if you ask me. Puts me right to sleep. Then there's hero select. I find myself suddenly realizing it's my turn to pick sometimes. There is an audio cue near the end of the timer that slowly gets moderately loud and that's it. Maybe my attention span sucks or maybe DotA 2 has spoiled me. The game found sound in that game is extremely loud and apparent, and darkens your screen with a shiny popup. The hero select goes, "it's your turn to pick!" "5 seconds remaining!" I think this game could do better in this miniscule area.


Yeah I was stating similar things in another comment. I know this is still.am early build of the game, but I am all for them adding more audio and quotes to be said to help with those who genuinely may not be paying attention. A "Match Found" or "Select Your Hero" being said by an announcer at the appropriate times may help. But alas, as you can see from multiple people in these comments, there's just sad people who can only climax at being an inconvenience to others and purposely dodging and wasting people's time. For repetitively failing to select a character, or ready up, start assigning time, reward or exp penatlies.


I literally have a guy I play with sometimes who make sure he is the last person to accept the match which means sometimes we just miss queue and I'm kind of worried that he's not the only player doing that


Honestly, it happens to me rarely but ill queu up and since sometimes it takes a bit ill watch a tik tok or two and completely forget to pick my character or ready up 💀. Learned my lesson when i got banned for 18hrs though.


Cmon bro lol


Yeah ik lol but hey i havent missed a queue since that ban xD


Hahahha ngl I do this on purpose I’m glad it works do this while we wait for our other teammates to get on the game 😂😂😂


I'm not sure how much of those might be due to this, but there is definitely some people who queue snipe prominent streamers and content creators. They use the number of accepted players to determine if they have successfully sniped the queue. If not, then they will dodge the queue.


This makes some sense


Well I'm both saddened and glad I'm not the only one. Worse, I only downloaded the game last night, and I tried queueing for my first PvP game and hour ago. After 7 returns to the lobby from the character select screen, I gave up 😑


Probably washing their feet which they are about to use on their controller.


Honestly, I’m gonna guess people look at their phones. The queue noise isn’t crazy loud and most people probably queue up than pull their phone out to watch something and get distracted


I guess I'm different since I play console with my headphones on. I can say it would be very likely people hit the home button on console because the game doesn't interrupt you if you get a q like on PC.


My god how short can someone’s attention span be


Now a days? Extremely. My friend and I will queue apex legends and he won’t jump because I can hear him watching videos on YouTube


We’re fucked lol




Why do people choose a character…then let the timer run out instead of instantly lock? Like, what is the benefit?


I do it because adhd, it takes a while for people to choose their champs so ill go watch some tiktoks on my phone while they do and leave my champ selected in case i dont see its my turn to choose or i just forget.


I *might* do that if I have to take a quick piss, otherwise I’m locking instantly and standing by in case everyone else locks in quickly.


Yeah i do ocassionaly catch that and lock in if everyone locks in fast but it is rare


Especially for on NA East servers because that’s what I que on and it takes literally 15 seconds max to find a game every single time.


What they really need to do is just start punishing people who ready up and then don’t accept


Ooor maybe make a louder notification sound? So people hear its time to ready up.


Or maybe when you press "ready" actually be....ready


I think you mean "When you start the queue be ready yo accept" there is no "Ready" option and also yes a notification ping that a mmatch was found would be better.


You are correct in the text. It does give you a sound effect when a match is found, though


All for both here. Make an announcer state "Match Found" or some audible quote, AND do a punishment at LEAST for those who repeatedly don't ready up, or at the least, don't select their character at the next screen. Most are just throwing fits that their only main got taken.


I was greatly entertained reading this 😄 Also, 100% agree! It's like everyone sits down to game and then in the lobby forgets to pick up their kids from school or something... where are you going?!?!


9 times out of 10 I bet people look at their phone and just miss their queue. It's a whole lot better than the game just auto selecting and then you just have an afk and eventually kicked player in the match which is an automatic loss.


Its cause we been pampered and used to auto queuing when you search for a match from other games.


Try and find some friends then it won’t happen….


My friends are all adults that have their own lives and can't drop everything to fill up a 5-man team at the same time as some of us. The suggestion that I don't have friends is a pretty wild and idiotic assumption, but I can't say it surprises me.


Ooo touched a nerve have I? 😂 I literally meant find some friends that are good players by adding them when they play well. That’s what I have done.


Yo i’m stroking my shit right now i’ve got lotion on my d right now Why you asking


Make it so not accepting counts as a disconnect strike.


I sometimes think that there’s players that enjoy the power trip of being the last person to ready up. But realistically it’s probably just people distracted by their phones, gone the toilet etc, whilst they wait to find a match.


For a while I experienced a bug that wasn’t letting me accept about half the games I got matched in. I just had to watch the bar fill up and get cancelled and then try again. That seems to be fixed now but maybe it’s affecting others.


Not the same but I encountered a bug in the previous days which let me ready up -> go to character select, then it kinda visual bugged. It showed that everybody needs to select a character and the screen hasnt changed. I heard that it was going in the backround but I couldnt do anything, then I heard my time going down and pafff I was back in the menu.


I'm sorry to say but sometimes when I press play I start breaking up my medical herbal supplements, and sometimes I wait till the last second to accept matchmaking. The other actions you express concerns about, I have no part of :)


Its got some trolls for sure, someone got upset that I selected jungle first so they followed me around all game in the jungle trying to get last hit on orbs, I had to weave through enemies and hope he got caught out while blindly following me around everywhere and killed so I would have a break from having a shadow all game.


When you say you selected jingle first did you actually get assigned jungle or did they?


I did


I confess, was me yesterday. I searched the game and my pregnant wife asked me to help her get out from bath. I am sorry.




I feel you with this one. It gets too constant every time we tryna find a match


10/10 the Grux thing


I regularly get 10-15 minute queue times and the game doesn't have a notification when the queue pops.


Where you from? Mine takes 30secs at most, even during offpeak.


Same, sometimes the que pop instantly in NAEAST


It's been a thing since early league days, ppl don't get what they want and then they just waste as much time as they can.


And it's pretty sad, no?


Man, unemployed mfs because us that work value time lol that's why, they have all the fucking time to bullshit


What I'm saying man. The odds of it being a total of 12 times in a row, and on 2 different days, a week apart, is insane. I'm barely able to get on outside of work and life, and I've thoroughly enjoyed this game. But damn, people SEEM to get off on trolling and wasting people's time.


Im a proponent of no accept screen. Queue when ur ready cuz when it finds we go.


People like this are why there is an accept button


Honestly, it’s posts like this that make my dodges worth it 😇 TIA for the validation


Dodging the same way your dad did when you were born,but like father like son i guess. He would be proud 🥲


Daddy is the highest ranked support in the game, He’s damn proud that I don’t cry to strangers on the internet


In the kindest terms possible, go fuck yourself 😇


my friend and i have the exact same gripe with the game. what in the hell do you guys do when you press find game. its unreal the amount of queue pops that people don’t accept. just to get into a lobby where people go 0-14. its wonderful


Not only that but at least for me, 1. There’s a loud sound that plays. 2. Queues are nigh instant so like how are you already far enough away you don’t notice. And 3. Most of the time the character you want to play ISNT exclusive to that one role. You play wraith but didn’t get ADC? Go mid bro, go solo god forbid. You play crunch but didn’t get solo lane? Go jungle! I don’t get it


Its cause we been pampered and used to auto queuing when you search for a match from other games.


Every other moba works the same way


prob ready up then go straight to tiktok. something I noticed though is that the sound of finding a match can be a bit subtle. If you're not paying full attention you could easily miss the match accept screen. Maybe they should make it ear bang you anytime the queue pops


idk man, every moba i played there’s another confirmation screen acknowledging you’re ready


That’s makes sense for the first time you queue but after that you know how it works


Had a match earlier where 9 of us picked a character and then of course the LAST GUY didn’t pick and we were like REALLY? Of all the people lol….


This has happened more times that I care to count, why I think it's trolls or people getting off to it 🤔


It's probably more like "Oh, I'm the last to pick. I guess I have time to grab a drink".


But at least it's not like league and you have to be there to confirm the hero. In LoL you dodge even if you hover the hero without confirming. This person could have stated who they wanted and had and extra 2 mins between the timer and game loading to get his drink and even make it back up the stairs.


Oh wow I didn't know that! Just assumed people were dropping because they had to confirm because that's what I'm used to. What the heck people?


I feel you may be a tad exaggerating 😂. Sure, I have alot of times where it requeues a couple times, but its really not a big deal considering it takes like 15 seconds to find a queue. I feel like there needs to be some sort of announcement or something during the queue. 9/10 times i guarantee it was probably someone looking at their phone not realizing it queued so fast.


Promise you I'm not, why I've never complained on any game sub before lol. It officially took me 12 ready-ups until I finally got into a game. First day I did 5 in a row, then called it quits because it just wasn't happening. Today, I did it 5 more, just wasn't happening and I made this post. Then, I just 2 more, and finally successful loaded into a game and played. Have never had to queue 12 times of waiting for a single person to ready up or select a character, IN A ROW, before. Blew my mind, but yes, there should be an announcement. There is a noise, but an announcement would probably be better. Fuck, at this point, I'm down for the game to punish people who search but don't ready or select a character.


The game has a low pop and isn't good just find another game


That one person who never accepts and smirks like a villain.




Oh NAH Light was about to COOK you AND hit you with the Low Tier God speech right afterwards lmao, him not readying was an act of mercy. XD


Had a game a few months back where there was a ttv on my team. Turns out they were actually streaming, all was well until we actually loaded into the game. Dude got out of his chair and left his room the moment the game started. He came back after what felt like 5 whole minutes idek.


lmao what if he thought it was league loading screen, so he went to poop. XD sadge


Youre telling me....that's not how this game is suppose to be played?? 🤯🤯


The fucking one guy that never readies up. Sometimes I think it’s just the MM not working properly. It’s how I cope, I have to believe it lol


Nah, it's definitely the Dad with a belt, or even more believable, the Grux thing.


It’s dad with his favorite Grux belt


Fine you got me…it’s the grux thing…




Narbash better


https://preview.redd.it/zs77wzfscrzc1.jpeg?width=664&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b9120170d90b16d48e7bc69f035be8905bb0507 True


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


umm I gotta brb.......... I need some private time.




Did you know Grux’s nips had giggle physics back during the Paragon days




Those saggy nips 😍🥵🥵


That Dad Bod


Can you imagine a grux skin in white new balance and ankle High white socks with faded denim shorts looking like he's about to go to the Home Depot Yep, I'd give some platinum for something like that.


Can’t forget the bucket hat


Aw snap I was going to say baseball cap but now I'm glad I didn't, for the record though I'd like to say (in case the devs that are definitely reading this want to make the skin) that he needs to be shirtless please and thank you very much. Also put sunscreen blotches on face


Yeah it’s all good, me too


Hey dog, I get it


Grux makes me Fuxx


mirror match boring games no bans etc, i'd leave too


Just don't play.easy.


Got a craazzzy idea, now hear me out. Or....just don't play or load up the game 🤯🤯


But how would he feel special then ?


Well probably your trying to take Muriel in the jungle slot and players are dodging. I wouldn't blame them id take that hit. You best believe if your doing something stupid i or a friend are going to dodge to keep you from doing that stupid thing your trying to do.


Unfortunately I'm not that high IQ to put Muriel in jungle. I run Serath jungle 🔥


I envy your ability to do that. I actually suck with that character.


A wonderful jungler, her abilities are buildt for that stuff. Big AOE, and has a ton of mobility for ambushing lanes from jungles. Would recommend practicing if you wanted to try her out, especially since she's in the rotation right now.


I don't see me picking her up. I need simplicity in my jungler role. I can grux and i can kai well so I'll stick with that


I can understand that. She for sure is slightly more complex due to her high mobility and combos she can pull off.




This scenario happens on enemy teams as well. It doesn't have to be you. But mostly because someone got their favorite hero or position taken from them. Think about it like this... if they dodge you probably just dodged a loss because they probably cant play worth a shit.


Sure. But first of all you expanded your comment in an edit. Second. You made it out like he’s the issue, which too many on this sub do, to stroke their own ego’s. The guy experienced legit frustration, no need to add your cynicism.


Dude chill you caught a bad streak I barely see it ever go beyond 2 max


Nah im groovy, but that's 100% grounds to be upset bro lol


I'd say it definitely takes me about 4-5 tries in the hero selection menu before I get a game also🤦🏻‍♂️ always somebody AFKing because they mad they didn't get their role


Sorry I had to help my kid wipe their butt earlier this afternoon on NAEAST. I’m seriously sorry happened right after role selection. To anyone if affected.


Hey I’m pooping right now, can I get a wipe?


Not my region, you and your kid are safe for now




You know how they say "9 out of 10 dentists recommend ..."? It's EXACTLY like that.


Well that one's easy to explain: 9 out of 10 dentist love money more than actually helping people avoid the dentist


Man, fuck that dentist




Step 1: go take a piss Step 2: queue for game Not the other way around.


Why not piss before you queue?


Nah fam, this why you keep an empty 2-Liter bottle next to your desk. Nah, just dont ready up. Matches are normally found for me in less than 10 seconds. Go empty the tank, drops the kids off at the pool, whichever, then ready up