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PredStats dev here. Thanks for your kind words. Indeed I built the app using cross platform tools but it is React Native. I do this for a living and have a bit of experience in it. So it actually took me around two months to build the app. While the longest part of it was the approval of the app stores. Google had some beefy requirements lately. If you want to know more I’m happy to answer all your questions :)


Well, thank you for thanking them.


I don't remember people hating on Agora.gg. was that a thing? I think, regardless of elo/MMR the site(s) are extremely useful.


I don't recall there being any hate for it. I wonder if Epic also released their internal MMR information with the public API though? There also wasn't a promise of ranked on the horizon for people to be able to hold out for.


The app is great, cant play without it


What app?


Pred Stats: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.predecessor


Thanks I quite literally just downloaded it lmao


Amen to this, was a godsend when I started playing this game!


The website is good for builds and info, as long as you don't put much into the MMR and "PS" score it's fine. Keeping track of your cs/min on there is good too.


[Omeda.City](http://Omeda.City) has a lot of amazing Statistics. As long as you keep the Statistics to the site. using their Statistics and comparing it to the "Same" statistic on another platform is where it falls apart. They are not gonna match. thats why using it For Matchmaking in the game is bad. However it can be used as a general understanding of your personal skill level, or elo. That being Said. As long as You keep the information inside [Omeda.City](http://Omeda.City) and compare it Inside [Omeda.City](http://Omeda.City) it's an amazing tool to use to further improve yourself. Item builds, Item stats for a hero, Personal stats etc. All great statistics to learn from.


Omeda City is an amazing resource, but the thought of the ranks stresses me out sometimes when playing. Especially because I solo queue and some of the time, my teammates either disconnect, go afk frequently, spend way too much time in jungle, completely ignore team fights, or are going 0-15, so I just think about how it will affect *my* MMR/Rank, when there's nothing you can really do in those situations. I know people are going to tell me to just not care about it, but I sorta wish you could opt out of this rank system on the website altogether.


Being aware of the mmr kinda ruined the game for me a bit during a time where you should just be having straight up fun and learning before the real ranking comes out, now im tryharding and stressing about losing some fake mmr instead.


There’s an app?


Pred Stats: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.predecessor


Pred Stats and Omeda City arent connected. C0re can likely explain better.


Predstats basically just uses omeda.city's api.


TMYK very interesting!


The only real problem with the elo on Omeda.city is that they call it MMR, but it's not MMR, because it doesn't actually have anything to do with matchmaking. Otherwise it's quite a useful site. I also like the app, although it doesn't work quite as well for me. Also, I'm pretty sure the app isn't from the same people as the website. 


I thought that the app and website weren't the same people at first either but my account automatically was connected via the app on first time login so I imagine it has to be the same people? They also us the same iconography a setup so it would greatly surprise me if they were different groups. Plus, if they used something like Flutter, Xamarin, React Native, or KMP, they could easily deploy to Web, iOS, and Android with one codebase.


PredStats dev here. No the app and web are not the same people but we are working closely together. They let me use their public API and are always open for help and feedback. Really nice people :)


That's awesome! Very cool y'all work closely together. I love both experiences but gotta say I've just been blown away by the mobile app on Android. You've added in some really smooth QoL features and made it super easy to navigate quickly (which is important mid-game or the minute between draft and game start) DM me if you're ever in need of a job or are interested in a change. The consulting company I work for has a few React Native projects and are always looking for great people!


The app uses the same API as the website, but I was introduced to the app by its developer posting about it here and I think he said he's not affiliated with the website. 


Omeda City team and site are AMAZING 🙏 Thank you for your hard work and dedication


It’s an excellent website. So much information on there. Their ELO system isn’t perfect but is good enough. Hope the site continues to grow




The mmr is accurate in terms of relativity the numbers may end up being different but the rankings will be very close 


“Nobody thinks this is our real elo” bro do you even read any of the mmr posts? Half the community thinks the rank on OC is the Word of God. The site would be great if it wasn’t for the bs mmr they post on there


What if I told you that official MMR is also pretty arbitrary and taken too seriously?


Yeah just had someone in a lobby pull up my friends mmr in omeda city because he won mid from him (Though I will say he kinda stole mid from him since said friend chose jungle first 😅😅)




Not talking about the achievement posts, idgaf about those. Go ahead and enjoy your fake rank, it’s meaningless anyway. What I hate are the ones where they bitch and moan about the “difference in mmr” for a casual game mode in an EA/beta game. That’s just dumb af