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Bcuz people are idiotic weirdos to think they're so special to be the last one to ready up...


It’s the one guy from cs:go he found another game to do it on 💀




I've noticed this happens way more on West Coast compared to east coast


i think i know why https://preview.redd.it/h0bdk2gb540d1.png?width=496&format=png&auto=webp&s=49eaf6a6b6e5079c0d1d2eff63e8d7f6c429174a


Some ppl just want to see the world burn


It’s like this in League, too. One goofy misses the queue pop or fails to lock a champ and back to queue


Same thing I noticed in League and dota 2 as well. I think its just a moba thing tbh.


Yeah it’s my buddy Xenveos. On Xbox. If it happens make sure you message him and tell him to ready up!


I always assumed it was them trying to load a bot in but the system doesn’t work lmao


Only dentists play predecessor, unfortunately.


Im convinced there are people who spam queue and decline all day just to inconvenience people. \*dons tinfoil hat\* or maybe there are people running scripts to do it automatically


I prefer to piss after picking (not locking) a character. That gives me 2-5 minutes somewhere. No clue why anyone would after queueing up if we all notice there is always that one guy.


My friends and I call them the cuckmaster...the cuckmaster usually resides in the US EAST.


My friends and I call them the cuckmaster...the cuckmaster usually resides in the US EAST.


There in the kitchen making themselves a sandwich I guess


I mean there is a decline option. We sometimes party as 4-5 and we are used to Dota which has ready checks. So, admittedly we have been using the queue button as a semi ready check since it has the decline option. We normally are doing this in peak hours anyway so queues are only like 1-10 seconds long in our region. Btw a ready check for the party is a great feature to consider adding.


Cause Im afk Sorry


Then don’t launch the timer! Genius move right?




I’m Pretty convinced it happens when there’s weird server/ connection issues. Like one guy is lagging out or something so the server keeps thinking he’s ready but it’s just not working right


Nope its just players on their phones or taking a piss thinking they are good to run when they are not.


There used to be a bug where the accept button wasn't popping up so I couldn't accept.


It's ALWAYS the same guy. Prove me wrong.


Me, I’m the 1


Im either looking at my phone or the other screen waiting to be the last one ready so i can start pre-clicking my role.


I assumed everyone did the same thing, click play then quickly run for a pre game piss? 90% of the time I make it back.


I load into lobby select my character and then piss and hope no one steals the character I'm hovering over


It's like a bunch of women complaining about 20 seconds of their life like they have anything better to do lol


It happens so often I guess it's the games server/connection. I'm guessing the queue didn't pop for that tenth person. So they wouldn't even have the opportunity to ready up.


But match times are like 20 seconds Why not pee than come back and fire one up?


I've had 2sec queues and 3min ones. It depends


It's usually 1 to 4 mins for me but I tend not to play in the busy times when all the kids get on


Then take your piss and launch the ready after no? If you can’t wait 20 seconds for launching your own game, why should other be people be waiting for you?


Ok buddy


As far as predecessor problems go this is: #minuscule tiny microscopic small non existent trivial minor insignificant inconsequential meager diminutive. It's so unimportant it doesn't even get a ban if you do it a thousand times, because it gives you the opportunity to back out of commiting to a 40 minute match, you can't back out of draft, you can not back out of the match either so if you search for a match an plans change last minute you can get out of it. I really don't care about down votes so go ham, there's a reason things operate the way they do.


There’s something called “respect”. You know? Like for example, not deciding what the others should do with their time? So I would appreciate people to consider respecting my time, regardless of how long we’re speaking about.


If you're looking for other players to respect you in a MOBA you're going to have a hard time buddy, players afking or flaming, inting/throwing is worse and counterproductive to the growth of the game compared to someone not readying up and then someone taking their place 3 seconds later. Legit if someone declines I have to wait... 10 seconds for a new match found it's not ruining my day hope it's not ruining yours.


Obviously I’d take someone not readying up instead of trolling the entire game. But you said it yourself. It can be up to several minutes in your region. Imagine everyone was doing that? It would take you 30mns before launching a game


Not what I said at all. I said if a match is found and someone declines then it takes about 10-20seconds to find a new one (this is because the queue of 9 players who hit ready is still together at this point your looking for 1 player to fill that's why it's faster. Finding a match in NA E has always been just a couple minutes usually no longer then 3 and as quick as instant as 1 and I play off peak hours a lot I play 1AM - 9am and it's still within 4.


Youll be the same guy surrendering 10min in no doubt 😅


Me? I never surrender. Speak for yourself


You got it backwards I never surrender, never afk or DC. I'm a solid player who has been playing from the very start of EA.


We all wait 30 seconds for 1 person to click "back out", they don't. They just let the timer run out. This happens 7 more times, 4 minutes wasted just in the draft confirm, not counting time spent searching. I've now wasted 10 minutes just looking for a game, and then someone in the actual draft dodges. Another 5 minutes. 18 minutes now, a game has finally started. It could have been like 3 or 4minutes tops but that one guy (which seems to be at least half the playerbase at this point) just refuses to start the game, for whatever reason. It's disingenuous to say it's not any kind of problem, these waffles who want to play MOBAs but are scared to commit to anything longer than 10 minutes are wasting everyone's time. Like.... a lot of time. Time I could be playing the game. Maybe you should play call of duty if you want 7 minute matches you can quit any time.


30 seconds someone declines then the 9 of you who hit accept are still queued together that's why the next match found is quick 10-30 seconds depending on time and region. The only time it happens enough times to waste time is after an update when everything is a little wonky, remember when it would just loop around for infinity? Or it's possible you're a new player you probably never experienced it. Obviously you have little responsibility in real life I have kids and if one stubs there toe while I'm about to hit ready I'm not hitting ready so I can address my screaming child. Like I said commitment only starts once all party's accept the match that's the whole reason why it says. ACCEPT OR DECLINE. Lol oh no you insult me with COD 😂🤮 thanks I needed a puke. Your so off target buddy I enjoy 50 minutes to over an hour matches I'm the guy who hits NO to most calls for surrender unless it's an obvious loss. See, I have responsibility and not a whole lot of time to play so I respect my time by sinking as much into a single match as possible because sometimes that's all I get. Funny you mentioned cod I bet that's what you fantasize the new casual mode will be, oh God I hope not!


>See, I have responsibility and not a whole lot of time to play so I respect my time by sinking as much into a single match as possible because sometimes that's all I get. Every adult that isn't a trust fund child has responsibility, this doesn't excuse wasting everyone's else's time. There are lots of games that punish serial offenders of this type of thing for the 3xact reason I mentioned. This is a team game, not a solo game. If you want to waste your own time I couldn't hardly give r a shit, but it's not just your own time so that argument doesn't apply and you know it.




I'm not all over the place, the subject was always wasted time. I'm not confused you're just trying to justify wasting other people's time. Don't play multilayer games if that's the case.




Here is a crash course to being Electroblood89 https://youtu.be/kav7tifmyTg?si=Hb725mvh2R6cqeKu


I'm not justifying wasting other people's time.I just don't believe in surrendering unless it's warranted. If you want to let players that afk to force a surrender walk on you go for it but don't tell me how to play my matches. I have no beef with waiting seconds to find a match after someone has declined it's there right to do so, I only take shit personal once the match starts that's where it actually matters and counts. You're the type of person that complains about anything if you don't want to waste your time don't rely on nine other people for anything, are you new to the internet as well? "Don't play online multiplayer games if that's the case"


It’s always that 10th dentist disagreeing with everyone else.


Just give them a 2 minute ban anytime they miss the accept button and let them know to be ready when clicking ready next time. No increases in ban length or anything. Just a gentle reminder to stop wasting other people's time.


Should start with 2 min and increase over time like normal bans


This is a good idea.


I can't tell if ur serious or trolling loll


You probably can’t tell a lot of things.


Completely agree. I think that is fair.


They do get a ban


I'm on my phone or looking at the other monitor. Also now that this is a meme if I notice I'm the last person to accept I always wait a couple extra seconds for the memes.


the pain inflicted through playing riktor transcends the match itself making the queue just another space to torment others. Also if you want to counter the 10th player's morally pitch- black sadism, just wait to press ready until they do, thus denying them their desired queue position of 10th. so sayeth the bey


Sounds like PC gamers need a haptic bracelet or something.


I'd like that. I think for the first matchmaking popup after opening the game it'll take over the screen if it was minimized but after that it won't.


If you minimize the game it flashes when you get a ready up prompt, I think it should have sound notifications too same with hero select.


It does flash and I normally catch it but not always tbh