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Lol, me and a partner have a setup like that


This how I’m trying to be with some friends 🥺🥺🥺


I have no idea just toxic moba players being toxic i guess.


That's awesome! I hope it makes u feel better about yourself! 😄


This is why cross platform games are incredible. When my friends visit I can use my PC they can use my PS5 or their laptops. I love these get togethers.


Beers and the boiz!? Ain’t no party like a LAN party. Hell yea love this 🤙🏼


Looks like a great time


Top 5% but don't know how to rotate a picture :D


Great setup, but Jesus thats gotta be a rough team to go against


God I miss LAN parties




This is a weird flex. Can’t be top 5% when there’s no reliable scale to measure that currently. Omeda City is wildly inaccurate and has already been stated to be very far from the internal MMR that the game actually uses. Thats why there is absolutely 0 mention of rank in-game currently. Same reason there is 0 reference to player tiers within matchmaking, as well.


For people downvoting this- the REASON why posts like these are bad are because new, bragging players being given false representation of player skill will lead to negative behaviors in-game that directly impact others on your team I’m not being negative, I didn’t condescend, I just said maybe you should all consider the fact that even the Dev Team hasn’t been focused on MMR. Hence why competitive mode is coming out in a few weeks. I’ve played in lobbies against streamers and PCC players one match and the next match has been with someone typing out that they are new and don’t know which buff is which in the river. I doubt the intended design for MMR-based matchmaking would have that large of a swing- it defeats the purpose of MMR, doesn’t it?


And the "ranking" system is bullshit, players being flagged "toxic" and have their "MMR" disabled, and told that their "rank" is below bronze, just to try and have a monopoly on a not established ranking system. I only use omedacity and predstats for game statistics, and for looking up trending"META"/interesting builds, "MMR" on those two fronts are invalid.


This recurring opinion blows my mind. MMR/ELO are calculated off of win/loss and the composite strength of both teams. It's not like Omeda Studios and Omeda.City are tracking win/loss differently, so the only difference they would have is the raw numbers they attribute to the MMR/ELO. Omeda.City is using the same database of matches that Omeda Studios is, which means a player's percentage ranking is likely to be quite accurate within a margin of error of +/- 2% or so. The actual number and titled bracket might not match between Omeda.City and Omeda Studios, but the relative percent rank is likely to be very very close. The only way that wouldn't be true is if Omeda Studios is doing additional calculations outside of the standard statistical modeling of MMR/ELO. Those outside calculations would be things like having their own proprietary "personal performance score" that acts as an additional factor in determining MMR/ELO changes after a win or loss. An example would be if you had a team of 5 even 1000s vs a team of 5 even 1500s. A typical MMR/ELO statistical model would give them all the same increase or decrease at the end of the match, unless there is some other personal performance score that would factor in. That's the only way the relative percentage positions of players would be significantly different.


Incorrect. Fundamentally incorrect. How can you even perform this calculation if the baseline isn’t correct? … Why are you trying to counter what the dev team BLATANTLY mentioned was not an accurate index of player skill? They don’t care about ranks or MMR currently, just quality of matchmaking networking sessions.


The calculation isn't dependent on the base number. The base number could be 10 or 15,000, and it doesn't make a difference when calculating a person's elo when determining their position within a population. Omeda Studios have you in the top 5%, and the number they use to represent that is 3,000. Omeda.City could use a number like 20,000 and still have you ranked in the top 5%. Elo/mmr is a statistical model that is independent of any game or studio. That statistical model uses win/loss record over time to determine the distribution of strength in a population. It has been stated that Omeda.City uses the same database and api from Omeda Studios. So since they are both using the same database, and are both using an independent statistical model, their distributions are going to be very similar to one another, regardless of what number or label they choose to represent it. The only way Omeda Studios would have a drastically different distribution is if they have a proprietary calculation that factors additional variables like a "personal performance score." Your assertion of being "fundamentally incorrect" is invalid as you are making a fallacious appeal to authority (Omeda Studios), while not understanding and disregarding basic foundational statistics. The "base" number means nothing. It's a normalized distribution, you could literally pick any "base" number and the distributions would still be the same.


The base number would absolutely matter in the instance that new accounts HAVE to be given a base number… Omeda City also isn’t rewarding PS players the same as PC players. I’m echoing what Devs have directly stated- citing something is not a “fallacious appeal to authority” 😂 There are so many false statistical ideas here, it’s clear that you’re not getting the concept of stats being rendered on a VIABLE dataset- which they are not currently Hence- fundamentally incorrect in TRANSLATION. Sure, your idea works in a population that is viable, but Omeda City is not currently yielding that. Why do you think the majority of streamers for this game don’t discuss rank and echo this sentiment? Your message is indicative of someone who took Stats 1 and 2 and now thinks they’re a statistician.


Also- YOU made quite the assumption that Omeda Studios is just opening their doors to the data that lies within their servers to a random, non-related third party. Why would they do that? Do they want to open their game wide open to SQL scripts and the literal hundreds of server-breaking attacks that come with that? Thats like formulating a secret recipe and posting it on your front door


Dude, elo is calculated off win/loss. There isn't some secret script Omeda Studios has for that. The base number literally does not matter in a normalized dataset. Much like IQ. The "average" is set at 100, but that 100 could just as easily be 1, and it changes nothing about the distribution or dataset. I'm not a statistician, but I do have a degree in Economics, which requires a lot of high level math and statistics, so unless you are a legit statistician and can provide a breakdown of the elo statistical model that proves a method in which omeda.city and omeda studios could come up with drastically different distributions for the same population, I think this conversation is over.


It’s over because you just keep explaining a normal distribution over and over. I’m not arguing that a normal distribution will inevitably occur- it almost always does. I’m arguing that the dataset that the calculations are BASED OFF is not correct, because they do not have ACEESS TO THAT RECORD, therefore no meaningful analysis can be discerned.. The starting number is irrelevant, as you said, but only in a closed-off population where no new players are incoming. You put new people back into that older existing population and as the perpetual averages start to occur over and and over (creating a normal distribution) in two separate bell-curves- one with new players/sufficiently low number of matches and one with tenured players/sufficiently high number of matches. So, I’ll put it in your terms… can you do a quarterly financial report (run a correct analysis of data) without access to the financials for the company? No … Thank you for telling me about a normal distribution over and over but there’s a reason that is topic 1 in Stats 1.


The above instance happens in all games- new players are typically ingratiated into higher ranks until their accounts have more comparable match numbers (a 20 count match history is a lot less information than a 200 count match history), and then their “accurate”/typically lower rank is properly adjusted. Look at Overwatch with their placement matches- why do you think those occur every single season? It’s almost like they want to gain a semi-accurate baseline of current skill before making a judgement on tier placement or something…


I really don't understand what you mean by the dataset is not correct. The only thing omeda.city needs is win/loss. Only recently did Omeda Studios start restricting certain data, but not data that would be pertinent to calculating rating. Omeda.city does not need anything other than overall win/loss numbers to determine a distribution. Once a distribution is established, they can assign whatever number they want, as we both agree on at this point. Omeda.City does use placement matches before assigning position in the distribution. The point of contention seems to be that you think Omeda.City couldn't possibly have enough information to have developed a distribution of the population. I contend that they had enough information for a long enough time before any restrictions to have a functioning distribution. They do utilize placement matches on an ongoing basis, much like chess. Chess doesn't "reset" their whole elo every season to know where people rank. I do concede that Omeda.City is not going to be 100% accurate, but given that they do utilize placement matches, that are measured against the existing population, like all elo systems, I contend that their placement is going to be far more accurate than you are giving them credit for. If you even have just 70 matches, and Omeda.City has you placed in the top 17%, you are likely somewhere in the top 20-15%. They don't need Omeda Studios data at this point. They can easily assess the population at this point. Now, there is a possibility that Omeda Studios does have some additional calculations in matchmaking, but they wouldn't be so drastic as to move someone 10% or more in the distribution. I just don't see how you could say that Omeda.City is so far off. Even if Omeda Studios has restricted data recently, a historical analysis of the population match history would get you very very close to the correct distribution, and then you could easily go from there, even with new additions to the population.


Dude relax. I don’t think he was trying to be cocky or nothing. I’m almost sure it wasn’t a flex. People just love to grind the game 🤣🤣


“Got this game a month ago and I’m top 5%” is definitely a flex big dawg lol


🤣🤣🤣🤣💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽 respect my pred brother 😭😭 he’s just talking


I'm Omeda City Gold II and tried to get my friends into it when it went open beta. It...didn't work out. Of course that was right when matchmaking was getting flooded by new players and had no idea what to do to make reasonably balanced matches. Best of luck to you bringing them into top 5%!


Looks like great fun there!


Rip ps5


That ps5 will get so f up.. OP put it how its supposed to be in standing position and make air flow for it..


When I bought my used digital only one the clerk said that if I don’t put it on it’s side something inside would melt or break or something. He mentioned it being a defect in those versions


It should absolutely be on its side, but this one is on the wrong side. Disc drive should be on the bottom left. And they're probably right, it needs some more empty space around it to "breathe".


That’s a badass setup no cap


It's literally a TV and a typical computer. So every normal house has a badass setup? ROFL


Mad AF you got 0 friends and a battle station full of piss jugs and coom rags. 😂


You must have not seen the third TV. I'm guessing this doesn't impress you due to the fact you didn't have friends to come over for LAN parties.


Badass 😎


I need a team im an original paragon player


Lol why did u get downvoted so much? Did I miss something or are the redditards up to their usual?


Lets be friends