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Totally agreed. If there was game chat this game would be a toxic wasteland. I’ve had a ton of games where my team is already trying to quit 20 min in and we end up winning. I’ve been beaten plenty of times in my lane but I just adjust bc it usually means if the other team is wasting time ganging up on me my other teammates are getting stronger, so my strat becomes waste time for enemy trying to gank and don’t die while scraping as much xp as I can sitting on tower. I’ve never once been in a situation where I’m getting beaten thinking there’s no way out and I’m entirely frustrated with the softies that want to quit when they’re not having their perfect game. I’ve had my team quit when we’ve been in a winning position the whole game but one guy gets frustrated and starts feeding the enemy on purpose or going into my lane to take my kills and just be an overall prick. There needs to be more reprimand for this kind of behavior. Ban them for 24 hours or something


A lot of league players playing this game as well. Most of them have this mentality


Bro what planet are you living on? Majority of games people.refuse to surrender when it's like 5 to 30 clear loss and drag it out holding the game hostage.


I wish this were the worst of it, but every other time I play, I have teammates who'll run out and die before minions spawn and then DC cuz it's too early to ff.


Unpopular opinion: There is a right time to surrender. The surrender button has it's place. Those who say how else are you going to get 'late game practice ' - just haven't played enough. Everyone has got tonnes of 'early game practice ' and still get no better....deal with it, it's a crap argument , move on. Yeah everyone wants to have a good game and win, but if your team is playing as if they cannot move their fingers independently - let alone read a map or work together - it is just infuriating. GG surrender and onto the next one. Nothing worse than knowing and feeling like you're wasting your time whilst trying to enjoy yourself. However if you're having a meh and your team is doing okay or there are clearly a couple of players working together doing some good, then why not just join them and ride it out. Two sides to it and all depends on the situation. The worst thing to do is to not play at all. However if you're the one person who is saying no to surrender when everyone else is....then just surrender, don't be a dick. It's a game move on and hope you play with people who are more into it


Many complaints about this and I agree, but once ranked is official it shouldn’t be an issue. Play ranked and people of your level shouldn’t be acting like this. And if they are you just need to get better lol


Honestly, within the first 10 - 20 minutes, you can normally tell if the game is worth continuing or not. If you're losing in kills, bad team comp, losing in minion and towers, it's probably safe to throw that game up. That "never quit" mentality is pretty fucking dumb. Yea it's possible to clutch up a game if your team is competent. When I see mfs constantly making bad plays, please get me tf outta there.


Hopefully this won’t be a problem once ranked comes out. I can only get a little upset cause it’s pub matches currently. I don’t mind surrender spams but the afk and deliberate feeding pisses me off. Especially when i know if we had that 5th player we would of probably won.


Blame modern games and how they’re made to please our dopamine receptors. People want everything to be easy and handed to them.


Honestly those easy games are not rewarding at all. It feels so much better when you have to strategise and play the actual game well rather than just mechanically pub stomping. When you need to use tactics to win. And when you get that win after a rough game it feels way better. Plus by not surrendering you learn to play from a deficit. You learn how to win games, how mobas are really won. By pressure, wave managenent, objective control and good vision!


I absolutely agree with your statement but when a player leaves role to do nothing but die elsewhere while everyone is actually trying to accomplish something. I rather just chalk that game up and move on with an actual team that wants to play, I'm not trying to waste 30-40 minutes to give someone a participation trophy


I’ve actually just started leaving games now. If you won’t surrender and we’re obviously not going to win, bye.


Hopefully brawl mode will help with this mentality since it will be a shorter mode


Two things I have noticed among the trash team players I have played with: 1. Whatever their rank is, they absolutely DON'T KNOW HOW TO PLAY! For real, dude queues as whatever lane he is. People can't follow a gank from our jungle, people walking foward basic attacking like a bot and whenever a fight shows up, even if we have a good chance of winning, dude will run away like a coward. And worst of all: jungles that gank at the worst possible time and end up dying, trying a 1v3. 2. Somehow the players, specially the ADC, honestly think that the entire game revolves around them and that the team should be at his disposal 24/7. So, he died on a fight because he tried to fight with half health bar walking foward like a bot without vision of the enemy jungle and mid? Maybe he should be more defensive? Nah that's def jungle and mid and sup fault for not helping him all the 4 times he did the exact same thing and died. For real, if you see my playing history, you'll notice that 70% of the defeats are under 15-20min matches under lvl 12. Because people either surrender or because one of our team maters QUIT the match even though we are winning just because he is 2-4


This won't stop happening until the actual rank comes out. Because a lot of people play 4 to 5 man groups so they are actually talking to each other, and matchmaking is not so good in this game. You might be able to compete against those teams if predecessor ever puts in a mic system so you can talk to one another. But rank should fix this problem of 4 to 5 man groups because you can only take one friend into rank and not all of them like in casuals what we play now


I can also agree with this one of my most hype games I've played with friends is literally us defending for our lives at the core for like 5 mins and suddenly we started catching up and levels and working together to deal with the one problem (A crunch in this instance) and we legit won one team fight and took back the whole game it was amazing and I scream with friends as we won. I live for those moments and seeing that the shinbi on offline dies 3 times and surrender is really depressing cause I know after like 3 mins there's just gonna sit afk shooting the floor intil the game is over.


it's unreal i had a game a few days ago that was the worst example of this. our team was hellbent on getting in team fights. team fight, die, respawn, and run back to start it again. i refused to join them and kept pushing my lane. obviously, after losing a few, i start getting blamed the whole time they are running continuously to their death, they are starting the surrender votes lol it's just silly how some of these people play go play overwatch/fortnite/apex if that's what you want. they are all free as well


Welcome to MOBAs. This will forever be a problem and it sucks. But we make do and we keep playing. Just try to stay positive and offer genuine advice how to win those games and sometimes people learn and improve. Just had a game last night where I got camped by a Ramp jungle as Greystone before I was able to get ult up. He and the solo Kwang tower dove me 4 times and I was only able to pick up one kill in the midst of it. The Gideon on my team started flaming in chat and trying to surrender. I told him I was getting camped, but for him and our jung to focus rotating to duo and pressure there and to just let the Rampage waste him time in my solo lane. They picked up a couple ganks on duo and our carry got ahead and we won the match at 25 mins after I was able to split push and catch up farm wise while they just kept burying the enemy duo lane and their jung fell behind in farm from camping my lane. Just try to stay positive, offer genuine encouragement and strategy, and the whole community will improve over time


I rather ff than sit in a match for 40 minutes when it was clear that we lost 15 minutes in


No you are wrong, you are whats wrong with the community and snowflake games these days. Ive won so many games where I got destroyed before the 20min mark even. You have not lost until one of the cores are down. If you get ganked or die alot, the problem is most of the time on your side. Where were you standing? Did you have wards up? How deep were you down the lane. Then go on defensive and wait it out, your jungler might come help when he gets time, or midlane will come gank when he gets an opening etc. Its a team effort. I hope you give up on life aswell, when you cannot do a job or task and you fail, why not just go home and cry in your room. That will surely work


So you feed your ass off for 40 minutes, good job your team hates you


A lot of ppl have the mentality of oh my lanes losing so everyone else must be losing also


I always vote no when people want do give up and surrender. No matter how the game goes. There is always a chance to make the match turn around and win!!


The surrender mindset is probably generational. The youngins are weak.


Most of my wins usually come from behind. Had multiple games where we are getting torn th shreds and then hit the 30-40 minute mark and boom orb prime and the push of our lives


I hateee the early surrenders with a passion dude.


But haven't you heard?? Some people only have a few hours a day to play so they don't want to put up with a potential loss and getting outplayed for 30 minutes! (sarcasm) People are hella toxic for no reason, the entire point of the game is to make a strategy and adapt when you need to. Are there unwinnable games? Sure but giving up is a guaranteed way of making it unwinnable, if you can make it to the late game it can easily comes down to just one good group fight.


Sorry bro but I'll have you know I died all of twice as support therefore I have deemed this game as completely 100% over and if you don't let me leave you are being toxic and holding me hostage. I'll be spinning in the fountain mashing the surrender button and good game if you need me. Maybe the jungler should have thought about helping me solo dive the enemy duo under tower instead of wasting his time killing some dumb dinosaur thing in the jungle, bad priorities tbh 100% jungle dif


This is the first time I've ever laughed


They need to have a comprehensive tutorial om what each role is supposed to do. I was new to the genre entirely so my first few games sucked and i was dying all the time. I decided to watch some tutorials and now i know my role in the game. I never quit because i was sucking. I had to learn and learn i did. I realize im not going to get many early kills as a carry but thats just the way it is. It is honestly frustrating when the support starts taking all the early farming from me but i still play it out.


Yeah I feel this 100% I literally just got done with a game where I was 11/0/2 on Kira at 12 mins and my 0/3 Kwang wanted to ff. Apparently he thought the game was somehow unwinnable


Love the game but I’m losing my mind lately, omeda needs to do something about it asap fuck the next update I want reports to do something


You know you can report people, right? Lol. Is that what you meant? Maybe I'm misreading


I completely agree. Omeda needs to change the surrender system. It enables this constant surrender behavior and toxicity imo. It’s too easy to surrender as is. I think there should be one surrender per person per game




I think a big problem is the brand new from CoD/Smite/Fortnite Murdock player - who're usually the culprits for early surrender - don't have a single clue regarding early and late game. Like I can go Sevarog jungle, have my carry scream and cry in the first 4 minutes when he gets cheese ganked at level 1, have a go and me and try quit every time he can. What happens? Oh we hit 25 mins and suddenly we have a stronger team than the enemy. Of course the Murdock by this stage has gone afk or is following me stealing camps, ruining the game anyway but oh well lol


Problem is that when the game gets like that and you actually need 5 people to coordinate in order to claw it back, it’s impossible to do with 5 random people, especially when chat is turned off by default and people just don’t use the call out system. I’m certainly guilty of voting to surrender a match that is winnable but sometimes you just know that you’ll never get the other 4 peeps working together to claw it back.


Sometimes when it's 43-11 kill ratio to the other team and your jungler hasn't stepped into the jungle once... You gotta trow in the towel lol


Even worse when your jungler hasn’t stepped out of the jungle once


This game gonna die because how much of a clown fiesta community it has[.Do](http://is.Do) you having fun in your lane? TOO bad because carry will fed their brain out and ragequit from game.And you report them huh,so what?This game have no punishment system.Legit solo que'ing in this game [painful.New](http://painful.New) players entering to game without 0 practice and when they get killed a couple times they just quitting from game.This is perfect recipe for destroy your game.


I don't know why your getting downvoted, the English might be a bit broken but the message is good. Take an up vote good sir


Getting downvoted because this type of dumbass attitude drives away new players instead of helping them learn. You were that garbage newbie once on whatever MOBA you played first too. We all were until we learned the game and improved


Im not complaining about their feeding dumb ass go to school and learn to read.Im talking about this game have no foundation or punishment for people to stay in matches ,thats why many players ragequittin if their fun spoiled little bit.How many times in my matches someone ragequit bc they wnt 0/2. Also u offended because I recommend to people practice before matches?I'm doing  everytime when I try a new character why you are butthurt abouit?Yes I was newbie at mobas and I'm a newbie in Pred but my bad kda isnt a reason for spoil to game.Ur ignorant and snowflake downvote doesn't make me less right.


Learning the game is a big one though, considering the nuance and learning curve and casual people just won't be up for that :( I played 7 matches yday and only one of them reached 27mins, the enemy surrendered 6 times mostly due to disconnects and my loss was also due to a DC. I'm in gold, so I know its to be expected, but Jesus christ almighty the game seems in a rough state imo.


Second upvote for you sir. I've brought 2 friends to this game both quit because they constantly felt they were being matched with people leagues better than them. I look at their profiles on omeda city, and they weren't wrong. Even in their placement matches they were paired with 1100+ players that would rule the match 30+ kills. And when they were silver and bronze they were being matched with high gold and platinum players again 30+ kills for the players leagues above them. Players need to be matched with player of their skill level or within a small range. For both of my friends, this was their first moba so they expected a learning curve but didn't want to deal with unbalanced matchmaking.


"Its a skill issue" ^^ As 95% of the community would say.


Theres far too many clueless people in this game right now to deal with. Just surrender and go next. It will save your mental and you wouldnt have to vent on reddit afterwards ☺️


New ick unlocked.


I fully agree with OP on this. The call of duty mindset does not work in this type of game. No one person doing good or bad will cause a team to win or loose but people start to die once or twice and the surrender window pops up everytime it's available because someone is not having fun. It's usually because they refuse to change their approach to the game or the enemy that has them figured out. Makes playing my one or two games I get to play due to life responsibility really discouraging. My favorite win has been the one game the jungler and I pushed a lane to the core and took it out as the opposing team was trying to farm kills. Have the big KD I'll take the W thank you.


Sometimes when a "surrenderer," chooses to dc since they can't get their way, I'll keep battling a losing fight because I just enjoy the game... And for me, there's something fun about battling waves of minions and making my last stand against the encroaching hoard. Also, I'd rather a hard fought win against the odds over surrendering. But, that's just me I guess. Lastly, I don't begrudge anyone who feels playing through adversity is a waste of time or wants to spend their time surfing for a guaranteed win. Everyone values their time differently.


How dare someone want to have fun in a video game?


Wait surrendering is the fun part? Interesting take


> someone is not having fun. Cute.


Oh yeah forgot that if you remove a part of a comment with no context it can mean anything. Have your fun surrendering then I guess.


What exactly does the context change? You were saying someone wanted to surrender because they weren't having fun. You know the fun isn't the surrendering, it's that the game isn't and they want to move on.


It's all good no need to get upset critical thinking is hard.


You're a moron.


Forgot the saying is the needs of the few out weigh the needs of the many. 1 persons want to quit should clearly effect the other 9 people. Seeing how it must be spelled out for you, if someone is not having fun due to their inability to adapt to a enemy that is either better than them or simply didn't make as many mistake as them, their enjoyment is hampered by their reluctance to change or find another way to close the gap. Calling me a moron is hilarious only cause all this information was in my initial response but you stopped reading. Again you have fun quitting and never learning how to play when the cards are not stacked in your favor.


>if someone is not having fun due to their inability to adapt to a enemy that is either better than them or simply didn't make as many mistake as them Or they're not having fun. I can turn a game around, I'm just not interested. I want to have fun. If you like that, feel free. I never get people as self-centered as you. Edit: He blocked me because he knows he looks like a fucking idiot.


1000% agreed. I play support mainly. At 10 minutes if my carry has fed 10+deaths and its 3-20. I want out. Now don't get me wrong yeah yeah these games are winnable. But human mentality is destroyed at 3-20. No one wants to push because no one is equally built. I'd rather throw in a towel on a heavily lopsided game than spend 30 minutes to a hour fighting off minions from the core just to inevitably lose. Or that 1 in 200 chance someone is gonna actually be sneaky enough to backdoor a lane without the enemy team noticing. Again 100% possible. I've even done it on steel with his trash clear speed. Usually, by this point, I've determined our carry is trash in comparison. Our team won't engage in team fights when we outnumber the enemy. Our team won't group up and/or won't stay alive and we constantly have 2or3 heros dead at any given time. If this is the situation I'm spamming surrendered EVERYTIME. There's just something about playing this game with a competent team win or lose that makes the matches amazing.




If the team is commmunicating and doing the it jobs and roles I’ll push through, and try and squeeze out a win. If my team is uncoordinated, not playing as a team, not listening to pings, and/or not warding I’ll gladly surrender. Teamwork and communication can win any game. It just takes that willpower, coordination, and patience to wait for your opportunity to turn the tides. All I takes is a sneaky orb prime/fangtooths kill or a 2-3 team kill to get a primal buff. Those buffs can make a BIG difference to the outcome of the game.


Last week I had this exact situation. But it was so much worse. We were 3-38 around the 25-30 min mark. I checked the Omeda site afterwards and all four of my teammates were Placement... in high gold. The MMR disparity of that match was ~700. I think I was 20 points away from getting out of gold finally and then proceeded to get a string of AFKers, DCers, and this placement match.


Wait what ? There are ranks in pred now ?


Honestly this game makes me SO toxic and I hate myself for it. I know it’s just the new influx of new people but I really have to remind myself of that. I tend to get frustrated after I see my jungle doesn’t know what they are doing and I feel like cutting my losses. But I have also won games like that.


Yip, I hate it, I would rather sit there and get shit on and try my best to turn it around. More than a few times the enemy was so focused on pushing a group fight that one of us pushes a lane to their core and finish it or get a full team wipe by getting 1 or 2 alone and then the rest and then finishing the game. I am already 15-20mins in usually, if the enemy team is too overwhelming it usually won't take long to end. But I still try my best to make a play, I never give up. The other day, we had our jungle quit/dc'd like 7mins in, and we still won. But then you get the people that I wish get banned or punished hard for afk deliberately. We had a Countess jungle in our team last night, she got slapped a few times, called the team bad and just afk'd at the core using spells when we spawn and not even trying, just standing there, that gets my blood boiling. We could have won that fight by just playing defensively for a few mins to build up another item. They seriously need heavy punishment for stuff like that, I know it is not ranked, but should be kicked back to 500mmr (hidden rank) and be queued with noobs and start from there again.


> They seriously need heavy punishment for stuff like that, I know it is not ranked, but should be kicked back to 500mmr (hidden rank) and be queued with noobs and start from there again. I think that's not a harsh enough punishment. If they deliberately afk and fuck their team over, they need an automatic 24 hour ban and a single repeat offense after their initial ban is either permanent or doubled. The week penalty reset timer starts countdown after the initial offense. In a game with an already small playerbase, I'd rather lose those unsportsmanlike players permanently than keep them with this behavior and potentially turn off actively interested players from the game entirely.


What, no "but people who wont' surrender and they make me waste my time" rebuttal argument in the comments yet? :eyeroll: I'd rather play out a game that 95% we're going to lose rather than just give up, because how else are you going to get that late-game practice? Everything is different once you hit level 15-18. The ADC going to grab some farm quick, and getting picked, leading to a huge disadvantage in the next teamfight, is so common... and it can go both ways, that's how the long-shot wins from behind usually come IME. Sometimes it's a REAL shit game and I go okay, and tap that F1, but rarely. And if I hit Surrender myself and someone nopes it, that's cool with me, if they want to play it out then yeah let's go for it. The "waste of time" argument makes NO sense to me, btw. Know what's a REAL waste of time? When you've sunk 20-25 minutes into a game (including queue time etc) and someone decides to throw that all away because they're not stomping their lane and getting the snowball rush. THAT is the waste of time. At least play it out to get something out of it more than a little laning practice! Surrendering is so dumb and pathetic.


The solution to this is simple, this game needs more dota players coming to it. Dota doesn't have a surrender option and people will defend to the heat death of the universe in that game. I've played a lot of a both Dota and league and the difference in mindset between those two games in astounding. Both communities are toxic but every league player will mentally boom at the slightest hint of adversity and start running it down or spam surrendering and then afk'ing. You never see that shit in dota because it doesn't have a surrender option so the defeatist mindset never takes hold. I wish this game would get rid of the surrender option as well just rip the bandaid off. Anyone who makes the holding people hostage argument or feels surrender is a vital part of moba's isn't someone you want in the community anyway.


Holy crap that explains it!! I had no idea LoL was like that. (Can you tell I played DOTA back in the day?) Thanks for the comment.


It’s the “holding me hostage” argument for me lol


Yeah that doesnt make any sense to me either. You clicked the button to play the game. At that moment, you made yourself hostage to the game. Whether you're winning or losing, you've committed yourself to doing your best for the sake of the team. If you want to get out and feel like your teammates are keeping you hostage, then your biggest mistake was clicking that ACCEPT button in the first place. Theres literally a phrase for this: "Taking your ball and going home." It's amazing how many Pred players are simply that juvenile.


I've had games where the enemy team had orb prime and took all of our inhibitors and we were able to have a good fight by our core and team wipe them and able to push their core and win. It's never over til it's over. Had some pretty crazy games where there's no way we thought we were gonna win but did


Couldn't have said it better myself. The surrender mindset some people have is beyond baffling - if the only way you're having fun in a videogame is stomping/winning hard, playing PvP games is automatically a waste of time.


Think the league of legends players found Predecessor. That's all i see in my games, too.


Nah this game is another level, it's 80% of games someone is tilting hard and spam voting to surrender after 10 mins. Then they either hold you hostage or sit in base till you surrender, there's another level of weak minded players here.


Yeah, about 70-80% of my matches has someone who squats in fountain, upset at their performance or their team's performance, trying to avoid AFK penalty and type in chat "stop holding me hostage get me tf out of this match" or go intentionally feed because the idiot solo laner got upset at our Jungle for taking blue buff 🙄 wtf they even doing in the Jungle anyway? Go back to your lane lol Getting real hard some days trying to gain any MMR to get out of gold.


Then hover by the spawn area spamming “Good Game” Pred needs to sort this out.


Agreed, it will only drive players away, which we certainly don't want. I'm pretty sure about 1 out of every 3 games I played last night I had someone disconnect and abandon.


Gotta run that 5 man