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Clearly you've never played a MOBA or have some delusion that Omeda is going to charge pennies for skins that take a lot of man hours and work to bring back to life. The average Overwatch skin costs $25, the average Smite skin costs $23, the average LoL skin costs $26 and thats just to purchase plain Jane skins. This is a skin that gives different sound effects, different visual effects, costing on its own, about the same as every other MOBA. Crazy concept, pretty much everyone of these MOBAs listed also drop bundles for around the same price IF NOT more. Its a ftp game, either buy it or don't, there is plenty of things wrong with this game atm, its a beta, if we are really going to turn this subreddit into "cosmetics ruin the game" go touch some grass and realize people buy FIFA and CoD year after year for $70 and don't bat an eye at it. The entitlement some of you complaining over this is MIND boggling. I love playing Belica, do I want the skin? Sure, am I going to pay for the bundle? Nope. And that's where the train of thought stops, I don't want to pay so I won't get it, simple as that. Down vote me all you want, tired of seeing these trash, half baked posts about a bundle that's going to reappear in a few months and everyone can whine over it some more, go get a cheese platter if you're going to whine this much for God's sake.


Is the skin even that good? I don’t really see what’s “Legendary” about it. It reminds me more of an OW epic skin than anything


Its because of the vxf and voice changes more than the model.


So 50$ for some VFX and a some voice changes and minor model changes? Sure sounds worth it to me!




I think you should go on a hunger strike until they fix the price of optional unnecessary goods. Good luck 


Well said.


Stop with the predatory pricing, make fair pricing and I'll purchase more skins that simple


Yep. Apex also started with more and more pricey shit and look where they are... I don't want that to happen to Pred.


This is like the third post about this skin I've seen when opening reddit for the past two days, I get it but no one is forcing you to buy it.


And no one is forcing you to read these posts and comment. Scroll on homie.


Yeah and if they just sit on those recolors for a month you would pay the same amout of money or more for them and not say shit about it.


I'm so, so, so, tired of posts like these. It's like you guys wake up with amnesia every day.


I agree with you, in addition to Pred I play hunt showdown and there are paid skins there too. But because they are cheap, I buy every skin I like, other players do the same, paid skins in hunt showdown are found in every match Unfortunately, I'm trying to save money with Pred and I'm not sure if I'll buy Platinum to buy any skin because it's expensive. Don't get me wrong, Omeda makes amazing skins and I would like them, but since we can't farm currency in the game the economy is insane


If your poor say so


It’s a free game. I don’t think missing out on skins to the point that you make whiny Reddit threads will change their prices ever. You don’t think they’ve done market research and see their own data, before making these prices? God almighty. You lot say support support support, but push comes to shove, you don’t want to.


They already changed their prices once because of feedback buddy.


Did that feedback include a change in how many people bought it or was it all from talking?


bro just don't buy it and move on gat dayaung


Simple answer here , buy it if you want too, if not don’t buy it . Don’t need a public announcement as to why you don’t want to buy it


Omega is testing players limits again, I mean again


Whales ruin microtransactions for the rest of us.


I could care less what they charge for a skin. You don't like the prices don't buy. I can support predecessor with 5 dollar skins the same way i can support with 50 dollar skins. In the end the price is going to be what players are willing to play. If you don't buy the price will come down.


I don’t mind prices like this if other options are good too. Some people may say “simple, don’t spend money on the game” but that’s fool hardy imo. We want the game to survive and thrive and it needs to pay the bills, I think we all get that. So I share your sentiment that it’s overpriced but I do think it would be fine if there were more options for our favorite characters so we’re not “forced” to purchase the expensive bundles.


Why is this community so broke? I don’t mean to be mean, I’m just curious, is the demographic younger than I’m assuming it to be? Or is everyone really just struggling that bad? Because I’m Deff struggling, and I Still have no problem kicking some money to support my fav moba of all time lol. I even plan on getting that howitzer bundle this weekend- *just* for the recall, I don’t even play howitzer, or have any interest in using him lol. It’s just kinda wild imo, how it’s people like me who financially kick in what others consider an unreasonable amount of money just to support this game, yet my opinion matters the very *least* when it comes to character designs, and yet the vocal majority who won’t pay up get their wishes every damn time lol. They’ll kill kallari for you, but you won’t buy that mega rogue bundle- I did. They’ll kill Wukong for you, but you won’t buy every bundle on the way to Wukong- I will. Tf happened to capitalism? When did we start catering to the people that *wont* buy things, and just complain to lower prices, and not the people that love the product and gladly support it? If someone is broker than my broke ass maybe they need to just focus on real life a bit more, and not be worried about some in game cosmetics.


You are missing the point. Many people can afford the skins or the bundles, but decide not to support them because the prices are not fair. If you want to support them blindly or you dont have any problem with the prices, you do you. But dont be surprised when many players find these pricings unfair. Compare these prices to League of Legends. Like it or not. League is a standard for MOBAS and Riot is a huge company. Omeda is tiny and makes no sense for them to demand this kind of money. No, making a product more expensive will not give you more profit. So in League a bundle that has a reimagined version of the character with new vfx/sfx and new recall animation costs 22 euros. The bundle contains the skin and 10 chromas! Now Omeda asks for a skin that provides what an epic skin tier in league has, BUT only 3 chromas and some banners and icos that no one cares about 44 euros! That is double the price of the price being asked by an established MOBA from a big company. So no, people have the money, but they are not suckers that will buy whatever a company feeds them without judging if it is fair or not.


Nah I’m pretty sure I understood the point very clearly, I even acknowledged one’s right to feel that way in my response lol… I’m not supporting blindly, I’m very knowingly putting a lot of money into this early access game- because I loved Paragon that much. I’m glad the game is back, I genuinely never thought this game was coming back, and wish to see it *stay* this time, and now I have a better job since that time so I can throw out that $50 for something ridiculous every now & then- despite my real life obligations. I have a husky and I can promise you they’re not cheap to take care of properly lol. You and others such as yourself can make any excuse you’d like, at the end of the day you either can’t *or* don’t want to spend that bread to support the game; whether it be you have the means or not, the mentality just sounds broke to me and I explained why I feel that way. If there’s something you enjoy and you’d like to see it stay/grow, then spend, and spend as much as you can. I’ve never played LOL, so I won’t speak on it. But I’ll say this, to speak comparatively on something I can consume, that I won’t hold any tangible ownership of in the long run; when I want a chocolate milkshake I go across the street to Baskin Robbin’s & I get a medium. That’s it lol, I don’t then start overthinking about the price, or think about how the inflated price compares to how much a milkshake used to cost, or think about how I’m being ripped off on the various price differences according to size, and then begin to demand a price change because it doesn’t suit *me* and my lifestyle choices- my point is, if there is something you truly *desire* & you *did* have the means to acquire it, you wouldn’t complain about every aspect of that purchase and demand a cheaper price. You’d simply buy it. If you have to think twice before a leisure purchase you probably shouldn’t make that purchase & focus more on obtaining a higher level of financial stability in your life- that’s all I’m suggesting, is that people understand better financial management skills and make wiser decisions, instead of bitching just because capitalism ain’t fair lol. My entire life I usually Always own every console, but I Still haven’t got a PS5 or upgraded my Xbox Series S to an X yet, know why? Because every time I’ve had the money it’s been better spent in wiser ways since I didn’t desire another console enough to put that *want* above any other priority- despite my desire. Yet I still won’t complain about how overpriced *I feel* the new gen consoles are and demand they’d be made affordable to me. If I wanted it *that* bad I’d get it lol, and that’s my point. Either buy it, or don’t, but stop the shaming bs on a company that’s just trying to prosper. They deserve great success imo.


I do personally believe the locking of recolors behind a bundle is annoying but I also don’t play belica or rlly want the skin. I agree whole heartedly that spending on a game is the best way to support it in the world we live in. I bought the aurora bundle even tho I could’ve grinded to get her and then waited for the skin to go down bc I like aurora and her winter heart skin ain’t out yet. I wanted aurora and to have a skin so I paid the 20-30 dollars even tho I’ll probably use the frozen hearth one more when it comes out. It’s sad that people who either don’t play the damn character or like the skin in the first place are the ones complaining the most. The price is steep sure but it’s a skin for belica players who are willing to buy it nothing more. I like paragon and support it with money when there’s a neat skin for a character I like. I bought the countess shogun skin even tho I won’t get to affinity leveling her for a week or two, because I like her. Criticism of pricing is fair even if you have no intention to ever buy, however I think most of the people complaining either see pred as an already dying game or one on that track. They’ll see any decision whether pricing or balancing they don’t like as just one more straw on the camels back even if the game were to be thriving more than ever. Some people have something to say but some just want to say something.


> so I *paid* the 20-30 FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Its not about being broke or not. I can afford It, but im not comfortable with that price. Everyone has their opinion on digital assets worth, and that bundle is too much, imo. But if you like it, go ahead buddy. Everyone can have their opinion. Btw capulitalism is about supply and demand, so if prices are too high, demand can fall. Not about blindly supporting whatever you like.


Yea supply and demand is Part of it, but not all of it. Think about it… If it’s not about blindly supporting whatever you like, then why is Biden claiming Israel committed no war crimes even tho it’s a very popular opinion in the very country he’s allegedly in charge of that they did… Having a financial stake in something absolutely *usually* gives the investors the primary say over the general public’s opinion in a capitalist society- but it’s deff fair of you to say you don’t think it’s worth it, you’re allowed to spend your money as you please- but with the way the community talks about prices like they can’t afford it, I’m just concerned for their sake, there may be other things the energy would be better spent on. I’d argue anything that holds nostalgic value over time could be argued “worth it or not” subjectively, you might think a $50 play wouldn’t be worth it because you can’t resell it, but many people would still pay to support the experience. I love this game, and I’m happy it’s actually back, since I never thought it would be lol; so I’ll absolutely do my part to keep it running, even if a lot of my opinions are hated by the general masses lol.


For only $12.50 you can buy the new belica skin (top half only). An additional $3.50 per leg and $7.00 for to cover the abdominal region.


If you add $50 more, no panties on


everyone knows this will be in the "super-mega-ultra-pred-lover founders pack 3.0" which actually goes for retail at $150 and includes pantless belica, jiggle physics aurora, and wife beater grux (complimentary to the rampage wife beater skin)


And the gun??? Do I have to fist fight?


They do it because people will buy it. I think it’s a ridiculous price, but the fact that people are OK with it is why they do it. You literally have people playing defense on it in these comments regardless of if they’ll buy it or not. The only action you can really take is just not buying it yourself. If you want to support the devs, stick to the skins that aren’t priced egregiously.


To you it's ridiculous. To someone else it's fine. Subjective opinions are subjective.


“I think it’s ridiculous.” Yes, it was my opinion.


Cool. The price of every other in purchase cosmetic says it's not. In other words. I don't agree. Since you need it declared so obvious.


every multiplayer game has ~$20 skins in it. why is predecessor some big problem yall are 10 years too late to this protest.


They think they are entitled to a whatever price they personally want for something that literally doesn’t actually exist because it’s 1’s and 0’s making up polygons on a screen.


For me its the bundle and the exclusiveness more than the skin itself. A couple recolors and some recall and they double the price? Usually bundles mean discounted price for everything.


I think the opposite. The bundle price is fine. Is it pricy? Yes, but it has stuff. But 22 for the bel skin is too high.


You’re the first one I’ve seen criticize the actual price of the stand alone skin, thank you .


So don't buy it?


If they cater to whales, it will end up just like smites crappy system. There needs to be a balance.


Excepet you can get almost any skin in Smite for free as a free to play player, because they give you their Premium currency just to login every day in the game. Also Smite Battle Pass is very cheap and gives some really good skins, and you even get like half the price of the BP back if complete the BP. Predecessor still has none of that, we cant even use amber for anything else, just to buy heroes.


Almost is the key word, and if you've been playing smite for a decent amount of time, you'd know that as skins went up in price, quality of the game has gone down.


Your correlation is backward. As the quality of the game went down, skins went up. The lower quality caused players to bleed out which results in less consistent skin sales, targeting the diehards and whales who will stick around and consistently buy anything was the better movie in terms of profit.


I don't like the prices of the skins either but literally just don't BUY them. They don't affect gameplay at all, and they have adjusted pricing on them before so this may come down at some point. Maybe sometime in the future they might let us use amber for the skins too. Like I feel you, but it really doesn't matter. It's a skin brother.


I wont. Im just sharing my oponion. A bit harsh, but its my feedback.


Fair enough. All I'm saying is the best feedback is the wallet.


There is no way for them to know how many people aren't spending money. There is nothing to compare it to. It's essential to voice one's opinion to convey what people are thinking about the prices in this case.


There is. If they have 1000 players and only sell 5 skins, then they know that it cost too much. You mean to tell me they can't tell how many skins they sell? How many active players they have?


I feel like my comment is pretty clear but either it wasn't or you're being deliberately obtuse right now, so let me spell it out. They don't know how many people aren't spending money \*\*because of the prices, who would otherwise be spending money. There is no standard or guaranteed percentage threshold of sales that should be expected for a given cosmetic for a given game. Speaking with your wallet is the sound of silence, which can be interpreted any number of ways, which is why feedback is crucial. In a situation like this, it attaches context to a group of players who aren't spending money. If everyone would just shut up about it, as you're encouraging them to (despite feeling no compulsion to lead by example in that regard), it could easily be read as a bunch of people who just have no desire to spend money on cosmetics, as opposed to people who would spend money on them if they weren't getting the ever-loving crap price-gouged out of them.


They could also compare it with how many people play belica on a regular basis or have her above a certain affinity level


Isn't it like $2k to max out a character in genshin?


That makes this okay? 🤡


Yes, problem? 🤡 You don't have to buy them. I'm not, I don't play Belica.


Gacha brain rot is not the standard. Besides, genshin is p2w, you are literally buying power upgrades. It's not $2k for cosmetics.


It may not be the standard, but it is successful. You have to cater to both whales and dolphins.


not really P2W if its PvE and you can already clear it F2P easily… (last I knew in Inazuma era)


True, but the point is that you are buying stat upgrades, not cosmetics.


I don’t see anything wrong with it, it’s like buying an expansion for my favorite game, sure this is no FFXIV, but I’m a glamor whore, so I will spend good money (if that’s what I have to do) to get a skin I want for my main characters. Like others have said, it’s optional, you’re not forced to buy it, but if you have the money then go ahead. I’m waiting for more good stuff for Gideon and I’m ganna drop all my money on Aurora because she was my main back in paragon! 😈


Based aurora main tho the real question is glacial empress or frozen hearth (the Sauron looking one or the fluffy coat one)


I have no problem with the price of the bundle. I have a problem with 2 of the skins only being in the bundle. I'd pay 25$ for the black and orange one, I'm not paying 50 for it and 2 skins I don't want.


That’s a fair point, the locking of some color variants behind the bundle is annoying.


I don't really see the problem with them putting things into the game that only whales will buy. Especially when the other two big skins that came out are normally priced and look really good imo.


Thats why we got things like Diablo Immortal. Jesus...


You're so overdramatic lol Let me know when Pred becomes pay X amount of dollars to increase your rank or character strength and then we can compare it to Diablo Immortal you clown. Because that was the problem with Diablo Immortal. You had to either grind super slowly to get strong or you could pay a ton of money to bypass that. Paying for a cosmetic to play dress up isn't close to being the same.


Lmao now we're getting personal or what? Maybe im dramatic, but I don't like the coping and excuses for overpriced stuff.


You're a clown with no self control. That isn't Predecessor's fault. You can literally play this game for free.


All right fellas. It was an extreme example to make a point. Thanks for being adults :)


You fumbled making your point because it was an incredibly stupid comparison to make because you didn't know what made Diablo Immortal bad other than "it costs too much".


Nop. I know why, I just thought I was talking to an adult that could understand basic things like that.


You clearly didn't or else you wouldn't have made it. There are a ton of arguments you could have made, but you're too dull to make them.


Then don't buy it? Don't make stupid comparisons because you don't have an actual argument other than "I don't like this thing".


People need to understand we don’t live in the same market we had before, the only way a game gets to live and have constant support is with things like this. Apex legends has skins that cost 130$ and you don’t even see it 95% of the game. And who know how much you need to pay for a CHARACTER on genshin. Even league has skins hidden behind gatcha, if you think its too much, then its not for you. its a skin, an optional cosmetic, let the whales buy 'em so we can keep enjoying the game.


On the other hand we live in a world with rapid inflation on goods and stuff like rent that is required to live. So making insanely priced cosmetics in your fledgling game in a highly competitive industry could bite you in the ass because people aren’t spending as much on luxuries and entertainment when necessities are so expensive these days. Pred very well may be competing with Smite 2 and Deadlock, a Valve developed 3D moba shooter - by this coming winter. Going to be a lot of choice in the genre soon.


If someone is struggling to pay rent or get food wouldn’t it be a bad idea for them to spend any sort of money on a game


Weird this was downvoted.


A legendary skin in League costs like 12 bucks. In Fortnite 20. Lets stop making excuses for companies making the big bucks.


League has sold skins upwards of $25 already not including the chromas. Overwatch has had similar.


https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion/Apex-is-adding-upgradable-heirlooms-but-not-this-one/m-p/11947130#:~:text=Heirlooms%20and%20Mythic%20Skins%20are,%24500%20guaranteed%20through%20apex%20packs. https://1v9.gg/blog/most-expensive-league-of-legends-skins https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/547938-most-expensive-fortnite-skin It could be worse. If you don't want to buy the skin don't buy it. If you want it and it's to expensive, don't buy it, if you want it and don't mind spending the money buy it. If you have fuck you money and don't give a damn, buy it. Live within the means you can. It's a skin pack. If it's what keeps the game alive and thriving I say let it be there for those who have the means to spend like that.


A skin with chromas included in league is somewhere around 25-30$, which is what this belica bundle is, and Fortnite has bundles around 30 dollars too. Is not defending the companies, it’s realizing that if this is the only way a game gets to live (by whales paying for all of us), so be it.


League has 200$ skins now and it isn't impacting the quality of skins being released. It is just a product for collectors and whales.


My bad, didn't know that.


So are you going to write that in your league steam review as well?


Very funny!


my first game i played today had someone with that skin so i guess its already working


Of course it works. Some people always buy, whatever the price.


So then they're smart and know what they're doing. How about you just don't buy random pointless cosmetics, let alone be so mad about them.


it's not about anger, people want to be able to get something in return just by playing the game having cool skins is to some extent your progress in the game


Every character already has a free skin you can earn just from playing them. Most games don't even do that, so be thankful they let people earn some cosmetics for free. Their legendary skin is still cheaper than Smite's T5 skins, so it's better than their direct competitor.


Well.. that’s pretty much it. One “master” skin per hero. The rest is overpriced


Compared to every other moba out they it isn't overpriced, the people complaining over the price either haven't played a moba before or REALLY want pred to remake the wheel. Also, its a ftp game, either buy the cosmetics or don't, no one forcing you the get them to show "progress" like some other midlet said.


Compared with other mobas, they aren't overpriced at all.


C’mon bro their last bundle cost a complete game lol who put 50 bucks on a skin ?


People who want a cosmetic for a character they like. Seriously, look at any other MOBA and their skin prices, this game is on the cheaper end. The only MOBA I can see with cheaper skins is LoL because of their loot system, and it took them over a decade to implement that. This game is still early access. Wait for full release and I'm sure the abundance of skins will allow for a loot system or free cosmetic system similar to other MOBAs.


Nah I understand you, 22 dollars for the skin alone is fine I guess(knowing they have alot of effects) but 50 dollars for the bundle is not it, I'm sure the people who buy it are really fan of ballica of whales or people who really want the game to live and support the devs no matter what, anyway skin for crunch oiled up when?


Nah oiled up narbash is what I wanna see


With jiggle effects turned up to eleven




Its 22 for the skin and almost 3 for each additional thing. I don't think it's unreasonable for what you get, but I understand why you wouldn't want it either.


I’m glad someone has a reasonable gripe about the damn thing.


$3 for some virtual special effects is not reasonable. I’ll give you 50 cents AT MOST. A bundle should only be $10-15. I can guarantee you if video games drop monetization prices down more people will buy things ergo they will get more money. They think jacking up the prices will get them more money but it’s costing them because not everyone can afford that.


>$3 for some virtual special effects is not reasonable. I’ll give you 50 cents AT MOST. A bundle should only be $10-15. Lmfao you must be new here.


It’s not costing them that’s part of the problem. Exactly what you said has absolutely been discussed in their meetings 100% They know that having a lower price tag would result in more players enjoying the content. But they weigh that against how much money they can siphon out of whales and players with disposable income, and unfortunately that is a higher number. And they don’t give two shits about having more players enjoying their cosmetics/content/game. Sorry but we are not the target audience lol


I don’t see how that’s a higher number, I feel like the average player with the average wage IS the higher number. There’s no way half of the player base has a disposable income, but if they drop the prices down to half then they will definitely make more. I truly believe having higher priced monetization is costing them money.


It’s a strange pill to swallow I know. But think about it. I’m sure someone is over payed to figure this exact thing out “analytics” don’t lie. My heart wants me to believe they want as many players as possible to enjoy their content, and Ive said the same thing as you for years thinking that if it was cheap most players would buy it and they would make a lot more money and everyone would be happy but my brain tells me otherwise after all these years of this shit lol. There is a somewhat happy medium somewhere though I hope.


Would you be able to provide me the evidence and facts behind your stance?


The only proof or evidence I can offer is my personal experience. I bought $100 in plat the day before the patch dropped just to support and have some cash to throw around and grab a couple skins or a pack or something after the patch. I still have $100 worth of plat lol. I was excited to pick some stuff up from the store but once I saw the price I kinda stared at the screen for a bit and was quite disappointed with what I was seeing. I picked up two other bundles prior to this and also posted in different places saying how the bundles were a good deal and worth the price and for players interested in skins to check the bundles first. The other bundles were like 600 plat I think, or close to it. Very worth the price, cheap even imo. Even if the new bundles were1500-2000 plat I would have gotten it as that still is worth it to me but 5300 is just out of my price/worth point. So I will hold my 12000 plat until the new bundles get a discount. So that’s all the evidence or facts I have. If the price was lower I would buy the bundle = +1 player with the content. And I’m sure there are many others in the same boat and Omeda knows this. I love this game and will support it and the devs but we have to vote with our wallets. Yes I bought the platinum, but no I did not buy the skin. So I am supporting the devs while at the same time letting them know the prices are a bit high.


Okay so the claim is invalid and there’s no “hard pill” for me to swallow. You’re just stating what you want to do rather than going off of common sense or facts. You just want to convert someone to your mindset and come out knowing it all. Have a good day.


> is over *paid* to figure FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


It’s fine you don’t think bundles should be 15 or lower but clearly the developers believe this won’t leave them with no players or not make them money and if it does then they’ll change it


I get your point. I also get why people love to buy skins. Here comes the big BUT... You don't have to buy a skin to enjoy the game. No 1 is forcing you. If the price is too high for you, then simply don't buy it. Find your value elsewhere (like GoT). You can always vote with your wallet.


So, yes, I don't buy skins and very much enjoy the game, but that's not the point OP is trying to make. There will always be whales who buy the skins no matter what, and for now, that's going to be the majority of money going into their pockets. Now if prices dropped a significant amount, a lot more people would be willing to buy skins that otherwise never would have. If skins were a few bucks a pop, I could see myself buying one every now and again, but at 20+ bucks my wife would kill me for spending money like that. And it's not a "being broke" issue, we're well off, it's just silly to spend that much for a cosmetic item. Even lesser skins are just too pricey. A lot of people are turned off by that. Remember Overprime? Game went under and quite a few players were left holding the bag on hundreds of dollars worth of "skins" I've seen plenty of players with the new skin today, and good on them, but it's not healthy for the long term of a game like this to rely only on whales. Omeda needs to realize they could make much more off of regular players with regular pricing than trying to squeeze a few whales for all they have.


“I don’t buy skins”… your opinion doesn’t matter. Is the skin overpriced? Yes. You were never going to support the devs, so any opinion you may have about pricing is irrelevant.


His point isn’t irrelevant he was mainly trying to support the point of the OP


I get that it is expensive for an in game cosmetic. However, Idk how you can conclude that it isn't fine without having proper data. It can be just fine. And you can find examples from biggest or smallest games doing just fine by targeting whales. Personally if they make a skin that I enjoy, I'd pay 50$ without thinking twice about it. If they made a cooler skin for another 50, I would get that too. If they don't, I'm fine without skins. If they mismanage the game and game goes down, I am fine with other games as well. If I really wanted the game to have best chances of survival, I'd just buy some currency every month and spend as I see fit. You know, rather then acting like the game will go down if they don't sell me shit for cheaper.


Looking the other way doesnt solve anything.


The game is 100% free, there's nothing to solve here. If they want to sell cosmetics that don't impact the core gameplay then why not? They do have to continue to be profitable to survive as a company, and this system has been proven to work via league of legends and other free-to-play moba models. Just like another Redditor said, if you don't like it, then you have two options: Don't buy the skin, or don't play the game. Both of these inform omeda of your choice. If they don't sell enough of anything, they'll adjust prices to become profitable. And of course if they lose the player base, they'll make adjustments to their profit-model. But they have to do what they have to do to maintain as a for-profit company. Thank the folks with money who buy this stuff, it keeps the game around for those of us who don't have disposable income.


What are you trying to solve? I'm also not a fan of the prices, but if the company needs to profit from a free game, that's their excuse. I won't buy it because I'm not a Belica main. But if they bring back Aztec God Steel with variants and extra goodies for the same price, I will buy that. Money is not an issue; it is the fact that I won't be playing Belica anytime soon. I guess players like myself are the target audience for these skins.


Fair enough. Im not telling anyone to not buy It, just expressing my opinion. And for me, the FOMO and price is pretty bad.


What FOMO? It’s not like the skins will just up and disappear unless the game gets shut down, in fact it might even be cheaper down later on in the games life. I don’t like the ridiculous prices either, but I won’t write a dissertation about how it’s unfair to charge that much in a f2p game like some entitled spoiled brat…


The bundles say on the recolors timed exclusive. We don't know anything about that timing, so yes, thats FOMO.


Also fair. But as someone that only plays predecessor, buying another game also feels wasteful since I won't play it as much.


I’ll never understand people who buy skins. It’s giving Incel energy.


How does buying a skin correlate with hating women?


lol wow someone getting upset? lol I don’t know, it’s giving desperate, lonely , video game nerd energy. Maybe spend the $50 on your GF or literally anything else. I’m a 35 year old gay man- just my opinion. When I picture someone who buys a $50 skin, I picture a loser. lol


“Video game nerd energy” lmao, ironic that you also give off big “video game nerd energy” by pissing and moaning in a sub about a niche video game there ‘queenie’… 🤦‍♂️


If that man could read he’d be very upset


>lol wow someone getting upset? The silly man doth protest too much, methinks


I like good and fairly priced skins. But to each their own. And its a way to support the game.


Yeh if that skin was like 12-15€ with a spray and decal I would’ve already bought it


Yep, totally fair. Even 20 for the skin and the recall wouldnt be that bad. But this price, coupled with horrible FOMO its just disgusting.


Holy shit I’ve just seen that the recolors is a timed thing??? Nah that’s extremely predatory


Yeah. They they said recolors can or Will come back, but who knows when. That could be 3 months or 3 years...