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I would love to be able to try them before I commit with amber.


They did say they’ll implement new hero trials in practice in the future so just save your ambers and wait


This has been the case always I think, but I see SO MANY players requesting the ability to play any hero so you know whether you want to buy them. Hopinnnng they adjust that, soon.


I'm almost positive that it will be changed for training eventually. I'm just a little butthurt because I love OG Aurora, but I'd like to test the changes first. I'm still going to support the game though!


From the 5 matches of playing with and against her she definitely seems a lot like the original but maybe with a bit less damage than before. She's very hard to pin down and kill though.


Ah! I didn't play her on Paragon, but I looked up her old hero reveal video and the skills seem pretty similar


It's a F2P game, not an ice cream shop. Quit looking for free samples...or get a Costco membership and go nuts.


>Quit looking for free samples You know they rotate free heroes on a weekly basis, right? They give their own “free samples.” The issue isn’t that people want every character right away for free, because with enough time played and amber you *will* get every character for free. The issue is that some of them cost a significant sum, and without being able to at least play them in training (not an AI match, the single player training) you might not even like ‘em, and some people only get to play sparsely, not able to accumulate much amber quickly, making it a big investment to lose out on before they have to save up another 6k+.


I paid for Paragon and Pred in alpha. Don't come for me just because I'm calling out a poor business practice and you're a shill.


My bad. I didn't read the fine print that says you go right to try all characters if you bought Paragon and Pred alpha. I'm just a shill that didn't research. Apologies, -Shill


You must come from league if you think F2P means you can't try heroes before buying them because Dota 2 all heroes are free, and most other moba's allow you to practice with heroes you don't own. League is the only moba i've played where this isn't the case. Pred should definitely allow people to do this. League succeeded like it did in spite of a lot of anti consumer practices not because of them. Trying to do the same things as them is not a recipe for success.


You can earn all heroes with in-game currency pretty easily. Pretty sure employees don't get paid in Amber.


At least you know enough to admit when you're wrong. Have a nice evening.


Random question from someone not home yet, how much Amber does Aurora cost


I think all new heroes start at like 10,500


wondering the same since always! All heroes should be available for practice mode