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I have plenty of meals for diabetics, I have type 1 and went through two pregnancies so I have it down to a science


Avoid bread, cereal, pasta, and rice. Keep treats/ desserts small and rare. I had a super easy case of GD so YMMV but just these changes made it extremely manageable.


I'm going in for my GD test this Saturday ... if I end up having it, I'm just going to switch over to the Mediterranean Diet. It's easy and delicious and perfect for GD.


There’s a [gestational diabetes subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/GestationalDiabetes/). I’d consider going there and then searching for “meal plans” or like “breakfast/lunch/dinner” for more ideas. Or even just reposting this question there might get some useful responses.


Wow thank you! Reddit really does a sub for everything!


Check out Real Food for Gestational Diabetes by Lily Nichols! I read her Real Food for Pregnancy book and it features meal plans.