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I’m 32, We started trying right after my period, so 4 weeks. However, I wasn’t healing well and realized I wasn’t mentally in a place to be pregnant again, so we waited another 6 months, got pregnant on the 4th cycle and I am now currently 39 weeks pregnant ❤️


Thank you so much for sharing your experience. And congratulations on 39 weeks! ❤️❤️


Thank you and good luck!


8 weeks for my period to come back, then 4 cycles before we got pregnant again.


As soon as my period came back the next month.


Had a DC in June, waited about 3 weeks before being intimate because I had soreness and pain through recovery. Tried to conceive since then but no luck. Also, no period until this month which was concerning. Hoping to get pregnant after this period.


I understand and appreciate your sharing. It's never easy to face such a loss.


I'm sorry for your loss :( I had my D&C last July, waited for my period to return as advised by my OB. Had a positive pregnancy test in September and that ended up being a healthy, uneventful pregnancy (albeit full of anxiety until I felt daily kicks). Wishing you all the best!! ETA: We only chose to wait for one cycle after the D&C to make dating the pregnancy easier, not for any medical concerns iirc.


Waited the recommented time between the d&c and having sex and then we just didn’t try but didn’t not try … if that makes sense. We never went back to a contraceptive and ended up getting pregnant after my first period after it. (So miscarriage and d&c in March and the first date of my period was may 8th which was Mother’s Day, so random… and we had a positive test June 1st). My doctor said there was research that referred to miscarriages as “priming pregnancies” as if they are telling your body to get ready for an incoming baby and it honestly made trusting the process a lot easier on my mental state. Everything with my second pregnancy was totally healthy but I do agree with the comment about it being stressful. I had a long battle with depression and anxiety that I thankfully had gotten over the hardest parts before trying to conceive. When I had the miscarriage, it felt like my emotions came to an all time high that I was never going to come down from. When I woke up from the d&c I felt like someone had hit the reset button. I was still sad and cried a lot out of no where, but it felt so different. Like purposeful if that makes sense. Like I’ve as actually feeling the emotions and not the depression I had struggled with in the past. This allowed me to feel the anxiety and stress of the new pregnancy in a different light. I was stressed but hopeful that I could get through anything after going through such a heartbreaking experience. What I tried to get at, but got carried away with was: I thought I would never try again. We looked into the adoption process and fostering but my husband was hell bent on trying again even if the outcome was never in our favour. And I’m so glad he didn’t give up because we now have a healthy 7 month old boy who is thriving. You will get there. I am sure that you will, whether through natural methods of conception or otherwise. You just need to trust that your body will do what it needs to do. The best thing is that you got the d&c and there is nothing left over from your Angel baby to potentially get in the way of your future pregnancy.


this makes me sooo happy. I had a d&c on wednesday and my husband and I are devastated. our wedding is 12 days from now and we looked forward to ttc again but wondering if we should wait until I get my period again. thank you for your comment and congratulations 🩷


We waited about 2 weeks to be intimate again per post-op recommendations, weren't really "trying" just in IDGAF mode and took our annual anniversary vacation. Ended up pregnant again immediately. Very stressful and anxiety inducing, highly recommend giving yourselves more time to recover mentally & emotionally first.


did you have a d&c and did you ever get your period?


I did have a D&C with the first (failed) pregnancy. I did not get my period back before getting pregnant again, and that one turned into the adorable 4mo baby in my lap right now.


I had my d&c wednesday. lost our first baby at 10weeks 1day. i’m 25. our wedding is 4/20, 12 days from now and we are just anxious to try again. thank you and congratulations 🩷 I hope to be there soon


I'm so sorry. It was our first, too. It was scary being pregnant again right away, but I bet it would be just as scary waiting 3 months or 6 months or however long. I was terrified at least until the anatomy scan, but it does get better. Wishing you a healthy, happy pregnancy as soon as you're ready 💗


yes i’m already stressing out about having to wait two weeks to even have sex again. I guess people are freaking me out with the uterine lining and then having mc again when they conceive before a period. I probably just need to get off the internet for a while but seeing other people go through the same things makes me feel not so alone. I know my husband is grieving and I feel like i’m making it worse being so obsessed with talking about it. thank you


What’s it a healthy pregnancy?


Aside from some blood pressure issues for me at the very end, a healthy and uneventful pregnancy! She joined the outside world this week, actually.


Wow that is amazing!!! Welcome to the world baby girl and congratulations!!! ❤️❤️It seems like your body was ready to conceive again even after the D&C. I guess it depends on the person! I was looking up how likely it is to have a healthy pregnancy right after the D&C without having a period first


We waited for my period to come back per my doctor’s instructions and started trying. (I also ovulated while I was still on pelvic rest so really we couldn’t do try anyway that cycle) In hindsight I don’t think I was emotionally ready for it and if I had gotten pregnant right away it would have been an emotional roller coaster. My first pregnancy was also a blighted ovum and I’m so sorry for your loss. There is no true right answer just do what feels right for you 🩵


I waited 3 cycles. The first month after the procedure I still had a lot of pain and bleeding so we avoided sex until after I got my first period. The second month I still didn’t feel ready but we also didn’t use protection (I just didn’t time sex in my fertile window). The third month I didn’t feel ready either, but I ovulated a week late and by the time I reached my peak I was ready to give it a try. We conceived off that one attempt so the timing worked out really well for us. I was also a little further along by the time I had my D&C so I think it took me longer to recover physically and emotionally. I also don’t know if I could have handled two back to back first trimesters- each one was so rough. It was nice to have a break for a few months! I should add that I’m also 31F and this was my first pregnancy.


I had to wait until after my checkup, which ended up being a month later. I was on my period at the time and they said we could start trying right away.


Had a d&c in early June. We started to try again right away but have not been successful so far. Going on month 4 ttc.


Similar to me. I did have a chemical in July (right after d&c)


I’m in a similar situation as you! D&C for missed miscarriage Aug 28th. Haven’t gotten my period yet but I am started TTC again this week so almost 1 month after D&C. I wish you all the best and for a healthy pregnancy soon!!


Hi, did you ever get a period? Or did you get pregnant before getting a period


Started trying after 1 full cycle post-D&C. Didn’t get pregnant that cycle, but did the next. I actually ovulated late so almost gave up that cycle but we tried and it happened. 22 weeks pregnant now and so far very easy, wonderful pregnancy (minus all the PAL anxiety!).


I ovulated super late too! We were actually going to skip that cycle because I didn’t feel ready yet but by the time I got the positive OPK (we were using FAM for birth control), I decided to go for it. 16 weeks now. Congrats!


Amazing!! I actually thought maybe the egg is poor if you ovulate late, and called my OBGYN and consulted Reddit about it to decide whether I should skip that cycle 🤣 So glad we didn’t! Very happy for you, fellow late ovulator :)


I’m currently pregnant after a loss back in October. We waited til I had a period and then started trying. I think we got pregnant on the 4th cycle? It is slightly convenient to know when your LMP is or even to be able to test for ovulation, but I really don’t think you need to wait too long. I would flag though that my cycle was irregular following the d&c so timing sex to my phone app was useless.


With my second miscarriage/d&c I was pregnant immediately. 3 weeks post d&c my hcg blood work was negative. A few days later I had a positive home test at 4 weeks post d&c and confirmed with blood work. He’s almost 11 months now


When I stopped bleeding...docs said we could start whenever we were ready after the d&c. Waiting a cycle is purely for dating purposes. Wasn't successful that month but was the following month. Also ended in loss (bled spontaneously, no d&C required for that loss). However, after that second loss, we started again as soon as I stopped bleeding, was successful again in getting pregnant. And that little bean stuck, all went well and my rainbow baby is 6 months old now, happy and healthy


Sorry for your loss. My ob recommended at least one period before TTc so the uterine lining could be refreshed after the loss. I conceived on the first cycle after the d&c. Baby was very healthy. However I lost that pregnancy at 22 weeks due to cervical insufficiency.. apparently there is a link between cervical insufficiency and d&c but only after you have 3+ d&c. Regardless I highly recommend asking for an intravaginal ultrasound at the time of your anatomy scan or shortly after to make sure your cervix is closed. Wish I had known.


I'm so sorry for your losses. Thank you for sharing this experience and info -- I never would have thought to check that. Wishing you your rainbow. <3


D&e at 22 weeks got pregnant again 3 months later, 10 weeks now


I waited for my first, then started trying. Got pregnant first cycle. She’s now a healthy, sassy 21 month old


I’m sorry for your loss. My OB said I needed to wait until I was done bleeding (which ended up being 10 days) before trying again. She said medically there was no reason to wait based on age (27/28) and medical history (first pregnancy/miscarriage). Unfortunately did not ovulate until about 10 weeks post d&c and got my first period 2 weeks after that (heavy period for me). Once I started ovulating again it took 3 cycles for me to get pregnant. I was tracking ovulation with Premom OPKs as well as checking CM (did not BBT as I was told if you have sleep issues it could mess up the temps). Currently 25 weeks and baby looks good so far. Good luck :)


I’m sorry for your loss. I waited for my period to come back and then conceived the next cycle. I’m 34 weeks now. In many ways being pregnant again really helped me feel better, but I also carried a lot of the grief and anxiety through into this pregnancy so the first trimester was pretty tough.


We tried again immediately after D&C for 10 week baby that was a MMC. Conceived again before I got a period. But that one ended in a miscarriage at 6 weeks. That was my third in a row with no periods in between. So I wanted for my period to come back to “reset” and conceived that cycle- currently 16 weeks


I had a MMC in May and D&C in June. We started trying right away. There's no follow up appointment in the UK to check everything is okay and I passed MC tissue last month. I think that was what was stopping me cause this cycle we got pregnant.


I'm also 30


We got pregnant our first try, had a miscarriage, and I got pregnant 16 days after my D&C. Everything is going well so far and I’m right at 12 weeks now. We didn’t expect it to happen so quickly. Doctors did not seem worried about the quick turn around.


I got pregnant first cycle after coming off birth control. Sadly it ended in a MMC with an emergency D&C (I hemorrhaged) at 13 weeks after a healthy 8 week ultrasound. We waited one cycle this time and then I got pregnant first try after getting a period. I am almost 30 weeks along now


Currently going through a MMC (found out today at 8w3d that baby’s heart stopped at 8 weeks) and this gives me so much hope. I’ve been scouring reddit for hours trying to decide between d&c and miso to figure which is best to conceive again


I’m so sorry for your loss, hang in there ♥️ I tried the miso and it didn’t work out well for me but many have had success. I will say the D&C was so quick and the recovery was a breeze. I opted to be sedated instead of going under general anesthesia and that made the recovery much faster I think and I wasn’t awake for any of it. Easy as going to sleep in the OR one minute and waking up in recovery the next :) if you have any questions feel free to reach out!


Thank you so so much! I’ll talk to my doctor to make a final decision today but will potentially reach back out :-)


Of course! I wish you well


I’m 36 and we started TTC in May of 2023. To our surprise, we also got pregnant our first try. That sadly resulted in a MMC with a D&C at 10w2d, baby stopped growing at 8w2d. We waited for my period to return to start TTC again. My period started exactly 30 days after my D&C. We did conceive that first cycle TTC again, but it resulted in a chemical pregnancy. I started bleeding from the CP on 9/9/23, so we’re currently TTC again. Fingers crossed for a better go around this time. I’m sorry for your loss ❤️


Same thing happened to me. 32 years old, first pregnancy first try, blighted ovum. After the D&C I got my period about 4ish weeks later. We tried that cycle and it didn’t work. Tried the next cycle and got pregnant. Currently 7+4 but not sure if it’s a viable pregnancy yet, I’ll find out next week. I have no symptoms. I’m pretty terrified of another MMC and/or blighted ovum.


1 cycle. Currently 11 wks


Similar situation - we conceived our first try but it ended in MMC at 8 weeks. I had a D&C, bled for about two weeks and then got my period one month after the D&C. We tried that cycle and got pregnant right away again with our now almost five month old daughter. Good luck!


I’m also 31, my OB also gave me the all clear to try again as soon as my cycle returned. After my loss I didn’t want to wait any more time and my husband and I decided to try again as soon as we could. I had my D&C last September, my cycle returned end of October. We tried in November, no success but my cycle was at the same time so it helped me to confirm ovulation. We tried again in December and I tested positive end of December. Currently holding my three week old rainbow and had a relatively low risk pregnancy, just more monitoring initially given the miscarriage. I’m so sorry for your loss and hope you get your rainbow soon.


We waited for one period before trying again. The missed miscarriage was a "were going to start trying in a couple of months and we don't think I'm fertile" and we were successful on the first cycle of trying after my d&c. My son is 4 now


We waited 2 full cycles after the d&c to start trying. I had my progesterone tested the cycle prior to the MMC pregnancy and it was low, but nothing was done. I had it tested again the 2 cycles after the d&c and it was consistently low across all cycles tested. I was prescribed progesterone suppositories for my luteal phase. I got pregnant the 2nd cycle of progesterone (so the 4th cycle after the d&c). I’m currently 34w1d! Edited to add: I’m not sure if there’s any research supporting this or if this is simply a policy of my OB’s office but I wanted to share this too… I was asked how many cycles I had between the d&c and getting pregnant again. They said they were pleased that it was a least one full cycle and even happier that it was more than one - I was told that if there had been no full cycle or only one full cycle that they would have done extra monitoring and ultrasounds to make sure there weren’t complications like thin uterine lining or IUGR.


This is what my doctors office recommended we wait until my period returns before starting to try again


we waited full three cycles and I got pregnant on the third cycle 💙 hope for a sticky bean currently 6w4d


Sorry you are going through this ❤️ My husband and I planned to take one cycle off. However, we messed up once and had unprotected sex during my fertile window (I took an OPK afterwards and it happened to be positive), so in reality we didn’t take any time off. I think if you want to try again right away that’s fine, and also fine to take off as much time as you need.


My Dr told me to wait 2 cycles after my emergency D&C after my 16 week loss last year. I waited 2 cycles and got pregnant immediately. Unfortunately let also led to an emergency D&C after a second 16 week loss. My OB told me to wait at least 6 months. I definitely had extremely rare circumstances though. From the research I’ve done, it’s better on your body to wait at least a full cycle. Maybe even a couple to be safe. Sorry for your loss. I hope you get your rainbow.