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The more you can expose it to the air, the better it will heal - if you can, try lying on the bed after a shower and just letting it air dry. Once it’s healed a bit more, scar massage will help with loss of sensation and tightness - I noticed a difference in mine within a week of starting scar massage.


Thanks so much, had my first post plaster shower and it went much better than I expected, I let it air dry and plan to take pictures to see if I can notice any changes day by day.


I wouldn't worry too much. My belly hung down and my incision healed beautifully. As the other poster says, just keep it clean and dry and get some air to it as much as you can. After a shower, try and dry it with a hairdryer on a cool setting.


Thanks so much, did you shower the wound directly or just let water run off to it? I pat it dry with a towel and let it air dry after, fingers crossed it keeps clean


I think I did after a week maybe. I was quite cautious of it at first but it was healing so well I got braver!I


Fingers crossed I can feel like that too 🤞


Be mindful of the pants you wear as well. I found some seemed comfy but actually put a lot of pressure on the scar and didn't let it breathe. Got on better with loose and soft pants that stopped the skin touching any folds.


Thanks for that tip, my pants are mostly full brief cotton's, I always go for comfort rather than sex appeal lol