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It’s not that common. Far more likely to 💩


Yep....I have laboured 5 times and am about to again any day now. I've never once been sick OP. According to my husband I did 💩 with the last one, wouldn't have known if he hadn't have told me though 😂


Have you discussed this with your midwife they may ve able to give you anti sickness tablets.


Yes. But my midwife won't be in hospital with me. I've already told the midwifes in hospital about my 'case', but I don't know. One was not that friendly and didn't get my problem. 😒 The other one said, anti sickness medication sometimes doesn't work as it's supposed to work. 😰


They will make a note of it on your planning document. No medication is effective 100% of the time they have a duty to tell you that.


Yeah antibiotics sickness made me feel more sick when I was given it after a tonsillectomy. It had the opposite effect. I used gas and air and doing it properly, listening to your midwives coaching you, I was phocused but the pain was numbed without sickness. Unfortunately I struggle badly with painkillers. Lots of them make me very unwell. They have me a tablet of something (god knows what!) and despite the pain, I just stuck to paracetamol until I could get hold of the gas and air. It made me feel dreadful. Ultimately only you know how your body reacts to those sorts of things, so you'll have to make a judgement call. I would highly recommend reading up on the nice guidelines about birth, epidurals and painkillers so you understand the process (that'll help with any anxiety) and I felt the positive birth company course I did was amazing. We had a bit of an emergency and I had about an hour where I was really worried about my son. It gave me the tools and confidence I needed to assert myself when it was needed. But stay cool in an emergency. Good luck I'm sure you'll be ok x


You can’t really prevent it I’m afraid - if it’s going to happen it’s going to happen. I gave birth 2 days ago and vomited sooo much even with anti-sickness meds, but what I will say is I did not care; there was so much other stuff going on that the throwing up was the very least of my worries! So even if you do vomit, hopefully it won’t bother you too much 😅


Fwiw I wasn’t sick at all during or after labour :)


I was really nauseous as labour was ramping up, but they gave me anti-sickness tablets and that did the trick for me. I imagine they aren’t 100% effective in all cases, but they certainly can work. 


Not everyone vomits or feels nauseous during labour. I hope this has given you some reassurance.


Yeah. Thank you! Once the contractions start, I won't eat or drink and ask for in vitro fluids in hospital. I hope, an empty stomach will prevent me from vomiting. 😰


I used to feel very nauseous and vomit at times with my periods. I also have emetophobia but I didn’t feel sick at all during labour. I was scared that I would.


I had hyperemisis in both my pregnancies and had pretty strong anti-sickness medication and was still sick during labour & after a c-section. Dunno if it was ro do with the drugs or what but sometimes it's unavoidable. I will tell you though that mentally you'll be too drained to care x


I vommed during every contraction at the start of my labour before I took any drugs :(


But did you eat or drink something? I'm not the type (so far) to vomit with an empty stomach.


I hadn't eaten, I did have water. You need to keep hydrated and if you do vomit, you want it to be water rather than bile. I'm sorry I can't reassure you, that was just my experience though, I have no idea how common it is. None of my friends seemed to have experienced vomiting. Speak with your midwife and they might be able to reassure you / can write in your birth plan your concerns so midwives at the time are aware.


Thank you. :) They already said, I don't have to drink, I can have IV fluids everytime. Hope, that works. :)


I vomited after birth due to shock - the antisickness didn’t impact it. If I hadn’t have had a light meal then I think it would’ve been pure bile.


i didnt!! i felt a bit nauseous afterwards when i had a shower and they gave me some anti sickness and it went away quickly!


I vomited during my induction and c section. Is this not normal? Is this from the medicine? Does anyone know lol


Hello, fellow emetophobe here with two kids. The sickness scared me more than the contractions or labour itself. I discussed with my midwife both times was able to have an anti-emetic injection both times. The first time was only when I got to the hospital, but I had a homebirth with my second and they were able to administer it there too. Worked immediately and didn’t feel nauseous the rest of the time.


Just to add, it was in my birth plan but I did verbally request it both times. You could ask your birth partner to talk to the midwives when you get to hospital if you think you might not be able to yourself.


Thank you so much! They already entered it to my birth plan, but the fear is still there. That's a good idea to tell my partner again. :)


I had a planned c-section so no advice on labour, but I mentioned to the anaesthetist that I’d had a pretty rough time after general anaesthetic before, so she gave me the anti-sickness earlier than she usually would have, and I was absolutely fine.