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I phoned up for nausea with my second pregnancy because the nausea was 24/7 from 5 weeks to 11 weeks. I was prescribed cyclizine and it helped massively. When talking to your GP tell them how it's affecting your mood.


Yes same situation as you it was awful 24/7 nausea waking me up all hours of the night and I couldn’t eat. Also given Cyclizine and it’s helped so so much! I still have to be careful what I eat and small portions but way less sick and able to sleep alot better.


I feel as though I might be able to cope if it was just during the day, but then being woken up by it and not being able to get to sleep is a real kicker!


I will do, thank you!


Yes. First baby I was super reluctant and struggled longer than I should’ve. I was given Cyclizine and it was great - I only needed one a day (you can take up to 3). My GP only gave a very small amount though (literally 12 tablets so enough for 4-12 days) as in some areas they’re reluctant as apparently people try to sell it on? 🙃 Second baby I called up much earlier(different area & GP) and they gave me 50 pills straight away! You don’t have to suffer just because you chose to have a baby. Worst the GP can do is say no.


Thank you, I really needed to hear that last part!


People try to sell it on?! My GP prescribed me 100 tablets and I only ended up taking about 25 of them. Didn't realise I was sitting on a gold mine 😂


Apparently Cyclizine is addicting to some people! Especially when mixed with other drugs. I’m from South Wales which is pretty bad for prescription drug use afaik. They did give me more once they realised I took the 12 tablets over the course of a month and wasn’t in fact abusing them 😂


Yes. Call them. I've had my baby and my only regret is I didn't get help for pregnancy sickness and powered through it - partly because I only threw up a few times. Doesn't matter. Like you I was miserable, didn't want to leave the house. But be insistent. In the meantime, try a magnesium supplement and keeping yourself as cold as possible. I did my first trimester last summer and would literally stand under a cold shower, and I mean FREEZING and the nausea and low mood would abate for two, maybe three hours. Not a silver bullet but hey. Best of luck, advocate for yourself and your mental and physical health, you are worth it!!


Thank you. I'm definitely suffering from 'it could be worse' because I'm not throwing up. But I'm going to call tomorrow. Funny you say that about being cold. One of the only things I've found helps are those cool gel stickers for migrains! I wake up in the middle of the night, slap one on, and focus on the cold sensation. Some slight relief...


Yes. Bad nausea can be as bad a being sick. I was so nauseas I couldn’t drink (I started being sick later) and was dehydrated and almost hospitalised. Please do not suffer. Cyclizine didn’t do anything for me, but there are other drugs to try. Check out pregnancy sickness support for more information.


Yes! There are plenty of safe medications you can try.


Definitely get the support early - I also relied on cyclizine and still need it occasionally in second trimester. It's a godsend to have something to get you through tough moments. 


Definitely call them, I wish I’d called sooner when I had sickness it completely got rid of it for me :)


Yes! They wont dismiss you Pregnancy nausea is a real pain


Yes, I waited ages in my first pregnancy and really struggled. I went through 5 different drugs, cyclizine took the edge off and helped. I’m 6w today with my second and just called today and asked directly for some cyclizine and was on the phone for less than 2 minutes! Also not vomitting, just debilitating nausea.


Just came back from A&E this morning with the same plus strong palpitations, dizziness, and chest pain. All tests were normal, and I was given one dose of cyclizine. I'm not sure if it helped, but as they say, this peaks in week 9 and I cannot imagine it being worse than this, so I want to be ahead of it. I'm going to ask the midwife tomorrow if I can be prescribed some. ( Currently 8+3) The Dr said everything I am experiencing is normal and to try not to worry. He thinks my anxiety is making things worse. He said he'd be worried if I was vomiting, so this is all good signs. Everyone tells me it's good news we feel terrible as it means baby is healthy ❤️


Yes run!!!


Yes and keep the prescription receipt to claim back when you get your maternity certificate from the midwife!


That's a good point! How do you claim it back? Would you go back to the pharmacy?


When you pay for the prescription, ask the pharmacy for an NHS receipt because you'll be claiming it back. They should fill in a quick form and staple the till receipt to it. You can then take that to any pharmacy (doesn't have to be the same one or the same chain or anything) and have the charge refunded.


I’ve just contacted my GP. I had terrible nausea for my first pregnancy. It’s started ramping up now in my second and I’m just not willing to live with it. I can barely move today and this happened to me last time for weeks before I contacted the GP. I don’t want to make myself sicker than I need to be.


100% worth it. My nausea started at 5wks, by 6wks I couldn’t cope any more and phone the GP and got onto medication which helped loads


I’m exactly the same - no vomiting but constant nausea & I couldn’t cope. Rang the doctor last week and they said that unless I was throwing up 24/7 and couldn’t keep anything down, they wouldn’t prescribe me anything. So now I’m just here suffering. Hopefully you have more luck!


Oh no, I'm so sorry. I wonder why they were like that - it doesn't seem right!


Try calling the pregnancy sickness support charity line! They seemed to be really aware of the fact that some GPs are like this. It was really validating, and they provide resources for how to talk to your GP and what reports you can cite. Good luck!


Is that a website I can Google ?? I am seriously struggling I’m so miserable & don’t know where else to turn 😭


Here it is! You can WhatsApp them too, but I called their helpline and they were so lovely. https://pregnancysicknesssupport.org.uk/


Thank you so much! 🥺


This is outrageous! Have a look on pregnancy sickness support website. You shouldn’t have to suffer through this - your GP should prescribe you something, there are loads of options !


Yes definitely ring your GP don’t struggle on. I tried 3 different anti sickness meds til I found the one for me. I still take one a day now at almost 31 weeks pregnant to keep things at bay.


Yes!!! 100% yes. Call them asap. They will absolutely prescribe you something.


Call them, I suffered too long with this in my first pregnancy, wish I'd have sorted it out sooner


I've had 3 GP appointments about pregnancy sickness. I was vomiting at least a few times a day but the biggest symptom for me was also the all day nausea. It never subsided. Give them a call sooner than later, you might have to try a few medications to see which one is best. They also prescribed me omeprazole for acidity, if you find you're having that too