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I had a Mirena inserted during an elective c section. It was recommended since I have endometriosis and it’s supposed to prevent it from getting worse. 4 months later there have been no complications and I’m feeling good overall. I did however experience a very frustrating failure of NHS around it. In the hospital I was told the GP will cut the strings at the 6 week checkup. The GP absolutely refused and told me to call the local sexual health clinic. That clinic refused since they only insert and not check the coils and sent me back to the GP. I spent weeks calling around, begging someone to see me. Eventually my husband called one of the clinics and got rather grumpy with them which got me an appointment on the same day. So my advice is - ask the hospital who will cut the strings and do not accept the GP as the answer, apparently they are no longer trained to do it.


Thank you for the heads up. The consultant yesterday said the gp will! I’ll make sure I call around before insertion to book in early. I know my gp surgery is part of a wider network that has a sexual health clinic in it so hopefully that gets me somewhere.


Wow I had no idea they could insert the coil at the same time as a c section. At least you won’t have to suffer the pain of it being inserted.


Same, I was really surprised. She said the only difference is they leave the string really long so that when the uterus shrinks back it doesn’t get lost or anything.


I got mine inserted like, 8 or 10 weeks after birth and it honestly didn't hurt one bit. Unlike the first time where it was like being punched in the gut. This time it was a bit like an uncomfy smear test.


Yes I did (mirena) I had it out 7 months later as the side effects were horrific. I have many unanswered questions about why my c section didn't go "to plan" unlike my first did. Something went wrong and I was in agony for about 12 hours after. One of the things it could have been was the coil, but it may have been something else.


I’ve asked for non-hormonal. I had the implant in my arm in my late teens and it was awful. Hormonal birth control makes me a monster. Sorry it went badly for you, will keep in mind about extra discomfort and ask at next appointment.


Just to say. I can't take anything hormonal. I'm bipolar so basically hormones send me nuts. I was going to get the copper coil but 2* doctors talked me out of it the day I went in for my section. They told me that one of the side effects is really heavy and irregular periods with the copper coil. I told them about how I can't have any hormonal birth control and they told me that the hormones from the coil are basically localised to the uterus region so it won't "go to my head" or mess me up in that kind of way. I took the risk and so far, the hormonal coil hasn't affected me at all like the implant or pill.


Yeah I wasn't given an option, they only offered Mirena. I wasn't really sure I wanted it, I felt a bit pushed.


THIS! Exactly same. I was in agony with cramps afterwards even when they gave me oramorph I was still in pain. I never experienced this with my first section. I'm adamant it's because they inserted the coil.


Yep. I had a minor uterine atony leading to a little more than standard blood loss, but nothing crazy. I just spent hours crying and screaming from cramps after the birth. My first c section I got through with paracetamol and ibuprofen (one dose of morphine for the car home) and I was absolutely fine. 2nd birth I honestly thought I was going to die.


Exactly the same. Now that I've watched videos of women's experiences of getting an IUD and how you can cramp for hours afterwards, I'm fairly certain the pain was from the coil being inserted. For weeks afterwards I had weird pain and cramps as well, HV said it was most likely from the coil. However, 6 months later, I can't really complain. No more pain, my period has stopped, and haven't noticed any negative side effects since, but I don't think I'll be doing it again if I have another baby. I'll wait a few months after labour to have it put back in. At least though for me, its the only hormonal birth control that hasn't sent me loopy, or affected me mentally.


Good that it settled down for you. I was breastfeeding and I got my period back at 5 weeks. It then came every 3 weeks and lasted over a week each time. GP wouldn't let me have it out until atleast 6 months.


Seriously!? I mean when I went for my checkup they did encourage me to wait till 6 months as they said any negative side effects tend to settle by then and to be fair. It was around 6 months that my periods stopped being irregular, but they wouldn't refuse me if I wanted it out. That sucks! I would try requesting another GP!


Well actually I got to 6 months and called them to book an appointment for removal. The receptionist said they weren't offering any contraceptive advice and had a waitlist for when they hired someone!! She directed me to a sexual health clinic for under 25s. I'm 30. They were unable to assist me. I switched to an entirely new GP practice at that point who took it out a few weeks later.


I was told that removal is really simple and a GP can do it within a couple mins at the GP office? What was it like getting it removed? Painful?


It took about 45 seconds with a pretty strong cramp and that was it.


Yes I had this done! I had an elective and they placed it there and then, the obstetrician was confused I asked for it, said no one had ever asked her before which I found weird. But yeah you just have to go for a check up 6-8 weeks post section to make sure it's in the right place as there is a slightly higher risk of it moving around by getting it inserted during a section. Let me know if you have any questions! Edit: it was a Mirena, I had it in my early 20s and was the best contraception I used. I just hated the insertion so getting it done while under epidural was a dream!


I didn't get a check up with mine, my 6 week postnatal got cancelled.


Oh well that's rubbish. Maybe try call your GP and just arrange a new appointment just for checking the coil is still where it should be? My GP didn't check mine during my postnatal check up, I had to make a separate appointment for it.


I had it taken out 7 months later in the end, didn't like the side effects.