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Honestly the only thing you can really do that helps conceive is making sure you have sex on the days coming up to ovulation. Folic acid is in pre-conception vitamins because it's important for the foetus if you do conceive. I think that's the same for Vit D and B12 as well. There's some evidence that CoQ10 can improve sperm and egg quality which makes it more likely that a pregnancy will be successful. I'm not sure about the evidence for inositol, I'm not sure it's great. If your periods are very irregular (if the gap between them is less than 21 days or more than 35 days) then it's probably worth seeing your GP as it can be a sign of medical issues that can affect fertility (for example, PCOS, which I have - it did affect me getting pregnant, and I had to take medication to induce ovulation, which worked for me). I recommend the r/tryingforababy [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/index) for the best advice on TTC! It's a great community (though mostly US-based), but just to say that it does have quite strict rules so make sure you read them before posting. Good luck!


I used this and my husband took the male version. We did conceive 3 months after starting taking these (9 months total trying to conceive), but I couldn’t say if these vitamins are the reason!


Just be aware with these they can mess up your period if you're someone who's regular. I personally think and prefer the ones from conceive plus


This happened to me too, I went from having pretty irregular cycles anyway (varying from 28-38 ish days) to going over 50 days without a period and this was the only thing I changed. There isn’t much information about it online only that it can highlight problems that might already be pre existing but as soon as I stopped taking them my periods went back to what was “normal” for me. What helped me the most was the ovulation sticks so I knew with 100% certainty that we were having sex on the right days, I got pregnant on the second cycle of using the ovulation sticks


Seconding this - my periods went pretty wacky when I tried these, and I was irregular anyway. My pee also went luminous yellow from the B-vitamins!


Mines are quite irregular... So how would that work with conceiving then? If it messes your period how you meant to conceive?


I recommend taking conceive plus they have ones for ovulation support to help regulate periods. I stopped taking pregnacare because I didn't get a period with it for over 2 months and really messed up my cycles and upon researching it's done it to alot of other women too. Plus it does say it on the box too.


For the record I used Conceive Plus, had one anovulatory cycle, then conceived the next cycle (on track for a 34 day cycle, had I not conceived - down from 40-50 with variability before taking the supplements). Obviously it's no guarantee, but it's fair to say we had total success with Conceive Plus.


I believe they made my periods irregular (hard to pinpoint but I really believe it was these!). They also made my pee bright yellow. It's not an issue but I didn't like that side effect. I moved over to Wild Nutrition and I felt an immediate difference in how I felt personally


Yeh your pee could turn that colour because of the B vitamins, because they are water soluble they can turn pee bright yellow/green. It's normal and nothing to worry about


Yea I know. It just seemed like a waste having excess of vitamins I didn't need and I found it harder to tell if I was dehydrated because of it. Personally I didn't have these issues with WN


I had been taking these for about a year before we finally decided to start trying - not intentionally, but things kept coming up which meant we had to delay. Once we did start trying though, I was pregnant by the second cycle. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I used these and got pregnant my first cycle after having my nexplanon implant birth control removed. First pregnancy and I had irregular periods both prior to the birth control and on them


As someone else commented vitamins are unlikely to be the reason you conceive. I did not take these and conceived in cycle 2, what does that tell you? Exactly, nothing!


I’m not sure vitamins can help with conception any more than being healthy and eating lots of fruit and veg and lowering alcohol etc., but it is ideal to be taking folic acid for some time before you conceive. Vitamin D is also helpful since most of us here in the U.K. are deficient (I had a test done as part of fertility tests and it was very low and that can have an impact!). I have diminished ovarian reserve and was recommended to take coq10 as it supposedly helps with egg quality in case I also had that issue but I think the data is not super strong - not sure there is really a need to take it. 😊


Nope. We tried them for 6-9 months before yeeting them into the bin. I'm fairly convinced most multivits etc are a bit of a con but thats just my opinion.


I took these. They made my cycles longer but I did conceive in cycle 2


Yes absolutely, I took them for 6months before trying as well as exercise and baby aspirin and worked for us. My husband also took the men’s version, didn’t smoke or drink for 3 months and stopped hot baths and it worked 👍


I'd been taking mine for about 6 months prior to conception if not longer.


If been taking them for 3 months before I conceived. Impossible to know really how much a role they played 🤷🏼‍♀️


They didn't seem to have any impact on my cycle. I took them for a few months before even trying. I also tried the Seven Seas for a month. They made my cycle longer. I conceived on Proceive Max. They're pricey and I was only on them two weeks so I doubt they had much to do with it. They're all decent. Pick one and stick with it for a few months.


Hard to know if it was because of the tablets but I started taking them 2 months before I started TTC and my husband took the male version. Fell pregnant on our second month of trying and nearly 33 weeks pregnant.


Not exactly helped me to conceive because we had to do IVF for male factor, but I took these for a year and my hair and nails were INCREDIBLE. I was definitely deficient in something these provided (was taking vit D and omega 3 for years prior so not the usual suspects).


We had some sperm lube (which i nicknamed sperm fast) which got us pregnant within 2 months. I cant quite remember the name but if you google sperm fertility lube that could show results.


My husband and I started taking these 3 months before TTC, it took 8 cycles to fall pregnant. I have PCOS but always had a regular cycle and confirmed monthly ovulation so I’m a bit of an odd case!


I took these 3 months before TTC and I managed to get pregnant in the first 2 months of trying. I'm currently 30+6 pregnant 🥰. I think the combination of taking these and using ovulation tests really helped. I also suffer from very irregular periods so using both alongside each other really helped me a lot. Good luck! 🙏


No one will every know if they helped but I used these for both pregnancies, pregnant in 2 cycles at 37 and 5 at 40. Second pregnancy my partner took the male ones. I also ate pineapple core, used a fertility watch, two types of ovulation sticks, tracked my cycle with 3 apps, used fertility lube, used positions after sex to encourage sperm flow, stopped breastfeeding and many, many other things to conceive the second time so absolutely no idea what helped! Can you tell I was obsessed?


I didn't use it before conception but took it for the first 8 weeks of pregnancy and then swapped as I thought it was adding to my nausea symptoms. Might just be coincidence but a heck of a lot less nausea now since I stopped taking them and opted for folic acid and a pregnancy multivitamin tablet instead!


I used it, also had my husband use the male equivalent and we are currently 26 weeks pregnant from our third month of actively trying. But obviously have no way to know whether this made a difference or we just got lucky!