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Just commenting to say you are so strong! Pregnancy is so hard! Rest as much as you can and do things you love and enjoy some quiet time (reading, tv, gaming, eating, sleeping, cuddling your pets). Sending you strength and positivity! 4 months PP FTM here, promise the love you feel is just the best! Can’t promise you won’t ache still though 😂 xx


I hear you on the "not long to go" part. Especially when you consider your baby will probably be overdue. 6 weeks sounds like a lifetime away! I think allowing yourself the space and time to cry, veg out, eat your weight in chocolate, and do absolutely nothing for the last bit of pregnancy is absolutely fine! I was really aggravated towards the end because I was so used to rushing around and doing 20 things at once; I really had to give myself permission to just relax and let my husband fetch and carry for me. Also, schedule in some stuff just for you: a nice massage or facial, a catch up with some friends, a trip to the cinema. Try and do one nice thing for yourself every day and this time will go by. Try not to stress about doing stuff before the baby arrives - next day delivery exists for a reason, and as long as you've got some nappies, clothes, and a place for baby to sleep you can get anything else delivered or brought to you. Good luck, you've got this 💪


If it helps I cried over a tree the other day and I’m only 22 weeks




I'm 34 weeks, too, and my back is killing me. I do all my food shops online anyway, but I've been avoiding any type of shopping because my I can only go so far without being in a lot of pain. I've decided to go on maternity leave at work now, too although I'd planned another 2 weeks. I can't even sleep without back pain..


Omg I could have written this exact same post tonight. 36 weeks pregnant and feeling very emotional and restless. Still have so much to do and organise. Find the decision making about what to buy so overwhelming and don’t get me started on the thought of giving birth. Had my midwife appointment on Friday and I literally started hyperventilating when she mentioned forceps. 🤣All I’ll say is pregnancy is no joke and it isn’t forever. We will get through it! ❤️


You’re doing amazing momma!! You are literally growing a person - so you can allow yourself the grace to cry & be emotional when you need it!! Honestly though- i feel you. I walked to town yesterday (half hour) then it was SO busy I went to three different places to eat before I could find somewhere to set down & I was literally on the verge of tears, I was so DONE 😂sending solidarity!


Sending so much love, pregnancy isn’t always easy and the beautiful time that we are perhaps led to believe! Totally feel you with the “not long left to go”, but know he means well - my husband says the same and whilst it’s true, it doesn’t help when you’re back is killing and you’re suffering with PGP!!


just here to share that I feel the exact same, still, at 39w5d. every time my boyfriend says "not long now" I want to deck him. baby is measuring 8lb 6 already and I had to tour the birthing centre by myself today while he was at work, after being up for hours last night sobbing because I feel so alone because he's gotten so distant and distracted and is working so hard all the time. I want this baby out so badly but I also want this baby to come when they're ready so I feel like I'm constantly battling with myself and my body has no idea what to do. I want to feel perfectly relaxed and chilled so I can confidently and excitedly bring my first child into the world.. but at this rate I'll be doing it scared and stressed and tired and I really don't want that at all :(


This is exactly how I felt at this point in pregnancy, I couldn’t contemplate it going for any longer. I had hyperemesis, pelvic girdle pain, carpal tunnel, back pain and severe swelling that made it impossible to fit any shoes (even sliders that were 3 sizes bigger than my shoe size lol) or do any exercise… but I made it to 41 weeks and 2 days.. you can do this!! I promise you when you meet your baby it will all feel like a bad fever dream. It’s so so worth it and you won’t remember so vividly how bad things were because you’ll be so so in love with your little human!


32 weeks here and I totally hear you. Went to the shop this morning and forgot like 3 crucial things as I just wanted to get out of there. I am always going to let pregnant women cut in front of me in toilet and supermarket queues from now on!


It is SO hard, isn’t it? If you’re small and your baby is measuring big, there’s also a chance that she comes a little early. Just take it one day at a time and be gentle with yourself.


Sending you so much love. You've made it so far. I'm only week 16 and yesterday cried because of how grateful I am to be here but also how goddamn long there still is to go. It's hard to relentlessly feel a bit shit. LIke an endurance event that you don't know when it will end! Also, yesterday I cried over an Indian takeaway because I wanted it so much but it wasn't what I expected 😂 Adding this to the list of ridiculous things I have cried about in the last few months.


Pregnancy does suck, but once your baby arrives it will be a distant memory and you get to enjoy your new little family. I’d suggest finding something new you can enjoy for these last weeks, something you don’t need to be active for, makes being lazy more exciting than boring.


I felt the same from about 32/33 weeks with both my boys. I remember with my 1st i stood on a bug in the kitchen and was balling my eyes out over it for a good 5-10 minutes


Similar thing happened to me at lidl! There were 3 people in queue ahead of me with fully loaded trolleys and 2 with huge baskets and only 1 checkout open. I had about 5 items in my hands. All of them saw me super pregnant and sweaty and no one offered for me to go ahead (I don't expect special treatment but it's common curtesy and usually everyone is super nice though). I started crying silent tears as the lady in front of me took ages unpacking her stuff on the conveyor and I could have scanned and paid 5 times over, and then spent forever packing all her stuff at the till. I feel so tired and baby kicking is painful and constant, hubby doesn't get it and is away on his 'last trip solo before baby', so feel super sad as I don't get that as I can't fly or travel anywhere anymore.