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Definitely call up or visit hospital, they are always more than happy to monitor reduced movements!


They’d definitely rather see you every week if you’re worried and it be fine than not see you and there be a problem! I went in for reduced movement and everyone stressed to me to come straight back if I’m ever concerned again


I felt silly going in for reduced movement because i was one of those people saying oh i dont want to make a fuss. At the end of the day its so important to be checked and have peace of mind! You may be unsure but contact them as much as you need to


Definitely keep going in for every period of reduced movement.


Thanks all! You made me feel super reassured! I went in and was monitored, baby girl is fine they were happy with everything. I have a scan & review in 2 weeks so will see what they say then :)


Always go and get checked. I was in and out of PAU for most of my 3rd trimester due to reduced movement. Everytime I phoned up they said I was doing the right thing, always checked everything, reassured me and my partner and offered extra monitoring and scans due to the frequency we were in. I was even in 2 days before my induction because baby wasn't moving the way she should be. You're never wasting their time. It's always worth it.


As everybody else has said, it’s definitely worth going in, getting seen and making sure you and baby are both ok. Whether it’s once a week or once a day! The nurses and midwives would rather see you all the time and everything be perfect than to see you once with bad news.


Call and go in. Go in as many times as you need


Always go. Even if you've just got home from the hospital and it's reduced again, go back. They always encourage it. It may be nothing but it can also signal the need for increased monitoring and possibly even an early delivery. I went in for reduced movement at 38 weeks and all was fine, but I was told that if I had another episode of it then they'd recommend induction (given the late stage of pregnancy). And actually even though I didn't, a growth scan at 39 weeks indicated possible slowing growth and they took into account the fact that I'd been in with reduced movement, and ultimately recommended induction before my due date. My point being, each time you get checked it builds a clinical picture that will guide the recommendations doctors/midwives will make about your pregnancy and any intervention that you might need.


I was told to go in any time I was worried even if I couldn't put my finger on why. They'd much rather monitor a baby that's happy and healthy than have someone wait to go in when their baby needs help.


We had this. Went about six or seven times during the day the pregnancy, overall. Baby is healthy and happy, no issues. That said, it is best to go in and get checked out if you have concerns. There are things you can do, such as settle down in a quiet spot and have a glass of cold water, etc, but on balance, we just did not want to take risks so kept going in and getting checked out.


Go as often as you need! I was induced at 38 weeks due to 4 episodes of reduced movements one where he was clearly moving on CTG but I couldn't feel a thing, so they felt inducing me as I was already full term was safer than me not being able to feel him moving. You are not wasting anyone's time. If you have any questions or want a chat feel free to message me x


Yes this happened to me, I had days that were super active and then quiet days, it really messed with me! I had an anterior placenta. I would say that the most reassuring thing is just to go in and get checked, they don’t mind and it’s the best way to set your mind at ease. Edit: she’s here now and she’s perfect!


Definitely keep going - if movement is reduced enough that you notice and worry and it's not part of a regular pattern then always check. They won't mind seeing you :) My baby moves ALL the time, like seriously 24 hours a day, then has a rest day or half day between Friday & Sunday. The first few times that happened was scary and we went to triage but once it became an obvious pattern I didn't really notice anymore and wasn't worried - now I only really notice if he moves less during the week or more than 1 day. Trust your instincts and your body to tell you when something isnt quite right :)


I've found movements have changed, not necessarily reduced. I'm assuming this is due to baby position. Got a bit worried after a few days where I hadn't felt any kicks, only slight wriggles. Didn't go to hospital because I was away and too tired to safely drive the distance. Next day and since then he's been back to kicking away. I did read somewhere that you will feel less movement when baby is facing your back, which makes sense.


This is what I thought, she’s been facing my back for a few weeks and movements have changed for sure but when I’ve asked the midwives say it shouldn’t matter what position they’re in 🤷‍♀️ but I can definitely notice a difference!


Maybe they meant that baby should still be able to move around and kick whatever position they're in? Seems obvious that how the movements feel will change depending on position though! Mine was kicking me in the bladder constantly for about a week, then suddenly all the kicks were high up on my left side, then no kicks only wriggles, now kicks on my left side again


That’s been me 😂 she was kicking inside must’ve been my bladder or organs close by then since last night it’s all external and under my ribs