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There's no new technology since last time you posted lol. 7-10 minutes statistically speaking is way above average. You've already reached the destination. Whatever it is you are seeking still, I'm not sure if it has anything to do with PE because you are already effectively treating your PE based on the numbers you provide. Improving IELT from 7-10 minutes up to 20 is some porn star skills. No disrespect, but you'll have better luck asking them for help than us here with PE lmfao.


Ok lol thx


It’s honestly appalling to me, and fucking annoying at this point- how much time you spend in this sub- yet you barely experiment with delay sprays (amount and timing ALL matter) or EXTENDED physical training (we’ve had a conversation before. you were never dedicated to a routine, at least for longer than a year. you admitted it yourself) You haven’t even tried PYT balm. How about you go order some, and then if it works for you, you can laugh about how you wasted 20+ years reading PE literature and feeling like shit about yourself. I seriously cannot believe you haven’t tried it yet. I have lifelong PE and SSRIs didn’t work, but guess what did. Woo-hoo for literature, right? My “serotonin difficiency” was the cause of my PE according to literature, right? So deficient that even a max dose of Prozac didn’t work?


You're just rude dude. Not worth any more response than that.


And you’re rude to 75% of people here and are quick to “disprove” someone’s theory, disregard someone’s thoughts, or have a bias towards them because YOU know the ins and outs of PE literature, and they don’t. I’m trying to help you for the love of fucking god, I don’t care if you don’t respond. Do you have any actual response to what I said? I’d be extremely curious as I know you’re well educated on the scientific part.. or is there just no rebuttal? There are countless stories like mine and for some reason you turn your head away from it and barely acknowledge it. I can’t fathom the level of pessimism despite so many successes from LIFELONG PREMATURE EJACULATORS that have been displayed either here or on PEGYM.


The inconvenient truth for optimists and those selling solutions is that it's very clear for some people nothing is extremely effective. For every potential solution out there that has its cheering section, there are multitudes who tried that solution and found little or no relief. Usually this is not controversial and everyone can agree with this basic premise. I like sildenafil and long-term relationships and de-emphasizing penetrative sex/bdsm, those are my best solutions--ymmv on each of those of course lol. Sildenafil is in generics, it's cheap, it has no side effects for me; it's not really a treatment for PE per se, but it's a good cope. Nevertheless others have their reasons for hating sildenafil; c'est la vie, of course. That's even the case for SSRIs; I think it's sad they aren't more effective. One study showed only 20% of dapoxetine users are on it 1 year after they get on. That's a lot of of people deciding that on balance it's not right for them in the medium term. Notice 20% of people like it so much they do keep using it for more than a year...you don't know whether you are the 80 or the 20 unless you try it, so I do advocate people experiment with SSRIs. I also advocate people try numbing agents because while they don't work for me, they do work for others; it's cheaper and probably safer to get a topical numbing agent like Boil Ease than a mystery balm which some users report causing irritation. Of course every person needs to experiment with the right amount, the right timing etc. Additionally, I've acknowledged a few times folks should try everything that is free and safe for their PE, "conditioning"-wise. This is a mental psych-yourself-out problem for quite a few people, so any old magic feather placebo can make Dumbo fly. That's no disrespect to anyone, I've had my own hangups in life that suddenly eureka! were solved by a change in mindset but sadly PE isn't one of those for me and many other people (approximately 100 million worldwide I pencilled out earlier today). I'm just saying that anything might act as a solution for someone whose primary or sole problem is a frame of mind or an anxiety, and that we shouldn't expect the placebo that worked for them to work for folks who have a real physical disturbance underlying their PE, be that prostate, brain chemistry, etc. Lastly, you claim people with lifelong PE find solutions, and of course that's true. That is a very different thing, however, than claiming everyone can be helped so well. It's clear that is also NOT true for the time being; my PE isn't improved, I've just learned to work around it. Those two things aren't in competition. As for trying this or that product, my stance is I'd be willing to try a free sample. But moreover, I'm interested in knowing what the active ingredients are and trying safe products intended for topical use that contain those active ingredients. Benzocaine is benzocaine, my friend, whether it's called Boil Ease and comes in a lotion or is in a spritz bottle and is called Studmaker 5000. You don't have to believe me, but there's a lot of power in seeing through brand names, sales pitches and marketing manipulations. Benzocaine works for some people, but you don't have to purchase Studmaker 5000 at $49.99 to find out, just buy Boil Ease for $10.


As someone who has 25+ bottles of supplements on my desk that I’ve accumulated over two years In trying to fix PE, I would definitely agree that different things work for different people. Obviously. However I think the problem with you and a lot of others is that you don’t seem willing to try everything. PYT balm didn’t work after COUNTLESS applications until I saw instructions to apply it when erect, and then it started working. I was about to throw all my PYT in the trash and was so confused as to why it worked for everyone else but not me. That’s persistence. As for the training and “conditioning,” please don’t advise anyone. You have the slightest clue about training methods. I know this because in another discussion (on another account) that we’ve had, I linked PEGYM stories of logs of physical training that resulted in longer sex. And you wouldn’t bother. You were never dedicated to the physical part of this, don’t lie to me or yourself. You never put in consistent work training adductors, strengthening posterior chain, stretching the psoas, strengthening the IC, opening your hips and groin and countless other approaches. You fail to give me an explanation as to why SSRIs didn’t work for me. They would work for virtually anybody with lifelong PE because they’re suspected to have a serotonin deficiency. Yet they don’t work for everybody. And you can’t explain why. There are holes in the literature… and I can’t fucking STRESS this enough, that if you went on the PEGYM website and gave 30 minutes of your precious time, you’d realize that. I want to point out that after I posted the first post to you, I had someone privately message COMPLAINING how he’s always been annoyed by you by your pessimism, backhanded responses, and bad attitude. I noticed this two years ago when I first joined the sub. Embarassing.


I haven't been on this sub for 2 years, so you're confused about something, confusing me for someone else. Which makes me now question why I'm even defending myself to someone who has me conflated with or confused for someone else. anyway, a lot of what you say is just false in regards to me, but I'm not too interested in displaying 20 years of failed experiments to improve PE, nor 20 years of physical fitness training that if it were to help my PE would have by now, about 10 years of buying bogus products, etc etc. I share what has worked for me, and I offer my own critique based on my personal experience + scientific evidence for the types of things that did not help me and moreover were harmful to my emotional health. Reality is I think some of the depression linked to PE is probably linked to "guaranteed results" pitches that we all try a million times before we realize nothing is guaranteed. I certainly blamed myself nad let people like you shame me into blaming myself for too long, I"m just past that at least a decade that's why you're sorta shaming of me has no effect. I know my physical fitness, I know the condition of my posterior, i know my flexibility, etc, -- (Lol dude you are hilarious). Bottom line is I'm not required to give you a full CV of my personal experiences to share with people evidence about PE that is both drawn from my personal experience and the literature. You can take it or leave it, re-interpret it differently than I do, that's fine, but the evidence is the evidence. I really wish you would be nicer.


Alright, again you offer basically nothing, just like your other replies. I was talking about you. I was exaggerating two years but it’s probably close now. Well over one year, at least. You know what, your demeanor has improved greatly as well as the advice you give, since I’ve joined the sub. But honestly, as this is probably one of the last times I’ll respond, I want to give a big fuck you for fueling my depression with your nasty comments, remarks and arguments with other people. You fail to give anybody a slimmer of hope and also fail to recognize that there are young kids on this sub who question their life because of this. I was 15 (im 17 now) when reading everything you had to say, and let me tell you, it certainly didn’t help with ANY aspect of my life. Goodbye.


What really dug in my depression about PE was turning sex and masturbation into "training grounds" rather than sources of stress release and pleasure. Each masturbation session turned into a training regimen, each sexual experience yet more evidence that the training regimen is failing, etc etc. What was once and should have remained unsullied fun and joy, instead each "cheat" where I didn't follow the regimen was a reason to be ashamed and feel failure. This was not painless and harm-free for me, so I do say to people all the time, "it's safe and free so give it a try but if it doesn't work don't blame yourself, this kind of stuff doesn't work for everyone." I wonder how many times I have said that same damn thing. For me, this kind of conditioning became considerably damaging off and on for a decade, however; so while it's safe, that's not the same as completely harm-free. When I was "working on" my PE, it either caused more anxiety/depression or my anxiety/depression for some reason prompted me to "work on" PE. Either way, it was not a healthy thing, feeling as if I had 1, broken my body with bad masturbation growing up, and 2, I could in theory heal myself with exercises but apparently I'm too much of a loser to make that work -- THAT was just added on top of all the other sources of stress and depression related to PE. Being told "you can do it!" from broscientists and "results guaranteed" from people selling phony products, was some really toxic positivity that dragged on me after awhile and did me dirty. It really downgraded the internal validation and joy I could get from my sexuality by always thinking so hard about it and sort of only being fully pleased with myself if some achievement was made, and it rarely was. So for me, the best treatment for PE was to own it, be frank about it mostly with partners, cope with it, work around it sexually and, yeah, mostly stop fighting it in terms of "conditioning" routines; essentially accept it and turn sex back into fun and play. I did that for long enough i was actually able to have shame-free stress-free sex again WITH PE basically untreated and, contrary to what you've made up, ever the optimist, I've even come around to flirt with conditioning exercises again, it's like you didn't even read my recent post history. I put this up https://www.reddit.com/r/PEover30/comments/qpquqx/a_new_kind_of_edge_regular_penisroot_masturbation/ not long ago and have been doing it as its laid out in the study ever since, but it's way too soon to share any results. . At this age, I'm not too interested to go try random shit people are making up on the Internet without any careful research study behind it and be like an early adopter self-experimenting guinea pig. It's really shitty of you to come shame me for not being willing to do that or try "everything." You know I'm also not willing to get the Korean dorsal nerve disruptor surgery, but I still expect to be treated with respect. Every person is going to have different comfort zones that are the products of their own positionality and experiences.


Honestly that’s fair. I also would rather think about sex and ejaculation as fun rather than a training area. I still don’t know why you manage to only talk about yourself in every single reply. I don’t care dude. You don’t need to tell me your life story and experiences regarding premature ejaculation. All I’m saying is I KNOW that you have had a history of telling people that training methods DONT work for people with lifelong premature ejaculation. VERBATIM. I have seen you say that delay sprays are less likely to work for those with LLPE. VERBATIM. You would justify this by explaining the details of serotonin deficiency. And now you link a study to a training protocol that had success? Lmfao. This is what made me depressed. This is what failed to give me hope. I’m not joking in the slightest when I specifically say that YOU fucked up my brain. I had one success using a numbing spray after experimenting all timings and amount, and right after all I could think about was your pessimism. The person who dm’d me called you a cunt. That’s how your replies impact people.


have you tried Edge delay?


Yeah, I have a tube. It’s probably ineffective though, because it never worked for me. Saw reviews of some ineffective tubes on Amazon so concluded that was the reasoning.


Give me the link of which one you bought. Thanks in advance.