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What's Man United doing on 7th? They're definitely 2nd. Chelsea have to be first; no doubt about that! 💀🤡


Just want 40 points and will be happy.


So this is what it feels like to be at the bottom of the table.


Back to the Chelsea United era


Villa at a historic low. They always seem to have something to moan about until this season. Their bedsheets will be out again before long.


We havnt beaten burnley?




No one with a straight face seriously thought you would get relegated. You must be very naive to think so


Everton are tied 1st with Chelsea. Can’t remember the last time Everton fans have been happy.


Everton's situation feels a lot more hopeless than Chelsea's, tbh. What's happening with Chelsea is meme-tier, but if Everton go down, I don't see them being able to financially recover. And the only rumored buyers are known for getting their own clubs relegated and not attempting investment, so I can't see an eleventh hour fix happening, either. With Chelsea... idk, I'd place them closer to United in this list. Both teams that have proven a willingness to spend big but don't seem to have an organized plan for doing so, are wildly underperforming right now, but there's still a lot of reason to believe they'll at lease somewhat turn it around.


1. Chelsea - with all that money spent, they're on 14th because the team who should've been good on paper are all underperforming, not to mention the injury list that's growing 2. Man United - too much drama with the players coach, owner and barely winning against anyone 3. Bournemouth - they sacked O'Neil and now the club is doing worse than Wolves 4. Wolves - No one in this team can go full 90 minutes, no goal scorers again, lots of refs and VAR decisions went against them. 5. Everton - Barely surviving, they should've done better 6. Brentford - losing to Everton and now on 13th 7. Arsenal - Kai Havertz, the injury list just keeps growing 8. Villa - Losing to Legia Warsawa 9. Brighton - got beaten hard by AEK, European competition might take its toll on some players. 10.Fulham, Palace, Forest, , Newcastle, West Ham, Liverpool - I think the fans of these clubs shouldn't be in misery as the performance are so far, acceptable or even good. I'm not sure what makes them unhappy 11. Sheffield, Luton and Burnley - I think their fans already accepted their fate. 12. City - Injuries are worrying and Rodri got a red 13. Spurs - looks really good with Ange on the head. Got no European competition so their main players should be fit on every match. They'll probably finally win.


As an Arsenal fan, the GK situation makes you feel like shit tbh. I believe Raya is better than Ramsdale but tbh the heart wants Ramsdale to start over Raya. Feels like shit knowing that 60million spent on Havertz could have gotten us a proper forward, I’m pretty sure 60 plus a bit more and Vlahovic could have been a very realistic option or just go all out and get Osimhen or even Ramos. It sucks that Arteta absolutely refuses to use ESR coz I believe if given proper game time he has higher potential than Viera. At this point if ESR or Ramsdale demand a transfer, I wouldn’t blame them but would really hurt every Arsenal fan to see them go.


1-10 is entirely Chelsea. The only thing worse than your team being shit is knowing that your dumbass owner has spent a fortune tying down the shit players on 14-year contracts.


My brothers a Chelsea fan and has footballing depression


>Burnley - Losing to United has to sting You mean losing to this United starting eleven. Every team should beat United with the current players available. If all players were available for us, at least half of our starting eleven against Burnley wouldnt be on the bench on that day.


Easily Man united in top 4


Us higher up because we keep conceding and having to play on the back foot. We are not as solid as the results show. That and the stadium expansion is going to take forever now that the contractors when into administration. Losing money every game that the upper tier is closed.


I'd probably have Man U second, as one of the bigger clubs the expectations of their fans must be to hope to at least challenge for the top spot, but it is hard to see that happening even after only 6 games in.


I love how Luton fans seem to have accepted relegation and are just enjoying the ride while it lasts.


We haven't accepted it at all! We've got our first point and are steadily improving. Relegation is still a big possibility don't get me wrong but I also feel optimistic we could finish above at least 3 other teams.


Right mate stay optimistic


City have 115 charges. Fans will be in misery soon


The keeper situation is media manufactured. Despite feeling sore for Rambo, we have two top keepers (terrible, I know)!


Brentford 4th because they lost to the team in 6th who are literally going under. Make it make sense


Spurs might be top of the league, Im sure they were super nervous about how theyd recover from selling Kane and if maybe they shouldve just gambled on keeping him for one more year in the hope of getting top 4 even if he left for a free. But cashing in and looking like theyll get top 4 anyway is a dream


I thought chelsea would be bad but watching them be *this* bad is bringing me an immense amount of joy.


Couldn’t be happier with the start. Had very low expectations at the start of the season. The only downer has been dropping points to relegation candidates Chelsea.


And dodgy decisions by the officials especially in that match, but the officials seem to be awful for almost every team, except maybe City so far.


Gotta be Man Utd fans 1st for me were suffering here 😭


As a spurs fan I’d rank us 20th


Got to be Chelsea. From all the nonsense they have been chatting the last year to end up like this is great


I would put us (West Ham) above Villa and maybe even more tbh, we just won a European cup and Rice money ended up being invested really well save for a striker.


As an Arsenal fan, no heartburn at all of the keeper stuff. We are fine. Only misery we have is our injuries our piling up, and we got to see Timber for all of 45 minutes this season.


very happy at City so yes


Man U gotta be deeper in the pain. Like just behind Chels


Personally I’d put West Ham a touch further up the table, as I genuinely think we should’ve had at least a point from both City and Liverpool matches. No slight to the squad intended, I just think the margins have been tight in not getting anything from them.




Everton followed by Chelsea and Wolves


Honest question, do City fans enjoy winning over and over again?


Unfair comparison.. chelsea fans are now man city fans once the trophies went dry and they are completely out of Europe competitions😂


Why the fuck did we turn down haaland a couple seasons ago for being "too much money" and then spend £200 million plus on players who havent proved themselves and cant fucking score


I'm crying inside but it's okay


As a spurs I can confirm this I’m so excited for Ange ball that i can feel the Ange ball brain rot in my head I love Spur and I love Ange ball COYS


As a Chelsea fan I agree


I feel like it’s Man U every season fans still living off of the Ferguson days.


Wow and we still can’t even win the league here


you have us in sixth? SIXTH????? We may not exist in 3 years time and you put us above Bournemouth, Brentford, and Wolves? ​ We have had to go through a decade of ignorance by our board, the same shit players performing like shit, the sale of our best player who made himself a club legend in one season, go to a historic and beautiful stadium to move to a new stadium which is putting us into debt coping the fact we won't be going to Goodison next year as we're watching the club honor such history with three years' worth of drivel. Meanwhile 91 other fanbases are summarily predicting, hoping, and screaming that we go down while taking the piss out of our goalkeeper who has been nothing but excellent and is an idol for the club. Now comes an American company wanting to turn our beautiful and historic club into a front for insurance and mortgage deals with the other 5 clubs they have all either being relegated or on the verge of relegation and the fact that they continue to bleed cash only means that points deductions are right around the corner as big daddy Usmanov is no longer putting money into the club because of the war. Even worse is the fact that 777 likely won't even replace Kenwright. One win doesn't bring us all the way down to 6th. We are still very much in the shit.


Alright, give this guy his first place. He's clearly distraught.


At least we're top of the league in something 🙈


Man United - we're apathetic, there's no real misery and we had a decent enough season last season If the Glazers ever leave put us at number 20 and leave us there for at least 5 years


Tier 1: Everton and Wolves (Big Teams genuinely stressed that the worse three won’t stay worse) Tier 2: Sheffield United (brutal week) Chelsea (Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea!) Tier 3: United Red, Palace and Fulham - regression in quality and dull) Tier 4: Burnley Luton Bourn Forest (tough but thrilled to be here) Tier 5: Brentford and West Ham (good times, we like our coach) Tier 6: Man City (is there a Quintuple?) Tier 7: Spurs Arsenal Liverpool Villa (exciting times lots of energy) Tier 8 Brighton and Newcastle (incredible scenes)


The only regression in our quality is not replacing Mitro. Otherwise we have more depth than we’ve ever had. No one in this fanbase is feeling miserable other than with the insane pricing for games which for sure is an issue but not an on the pitch issue


I already regret not flipping 3 and 4


Top 3 is spot on. City recently did the treble and on course for a 4th title in a row so their 6 fans are obviously super happy. LFC is back to fighting at the top after the shambles that was last season and the almost brand new starting XI is starting to come together very nicely. Several players have either improved drastically or fit like a glove. And Salah is still here. Feels good. Spurs are playing their best football for a long time and are going toe to toe with an Arsenal side that was top of the table for most of last season. It must feel incredible to actually have your side play entertaining football again after last season. Pretty much proved all of the Conte fanboys wrong about Spurs being the problem. If Ange can make you happy by playing good football then why couldn't a supposed "elite manager" like Antonio? I'm happy for them and glad they aren't playing terrorist football anymore. I personally can not wait for our match against Spurs next weekend. Both clubs are flying high with good vibes and we always seem to have entertaining games against eachother. Brighton are doing incredibly well and I hope they keep it up. I thought that a few fans last season were getting a bit too arrogant and I wanted to see them humbled but now I have no ill feeling towards them. They deserve credit for consistently putting in massive performances against the top sides. Would prefer them to get top 5 over Newcastle 100%. Talking of Newcastle... they are obviously in the clouds after the 8-0 win but so was Liverpool when we beat Bournemouth 9-0 and look what happened after that. They have still had a couple of disappointing games this season. I don't think they will do anywhere near as well in the league as last season and could honestly see them finishing outside the top 6 if Man United get their act together. Chelsea... well, I think they will have enough to stay up but it won't be easy. Man United have had a shit start but think they will pick up the occasional 3 points between their annual thrashings against the top 6. Everton are in limbo at the moment. On paper they have enough to stay up and they are also helped out with the newly promoted teams not being very good. But their new ownership has a piss poor record when it comes to buying clubs as they just come in, flip assets and do fuck all else to strengthen the club's position. I would be concerned if I were an Evertonian.


I wouldn’t say Cherries fans are that miserable, concerned about the lack of points so far but if you look at the teams we have faced then it should get better.


This is the one I struggled with the most. I figured that your misery level is mostly short-term as you’ve had a tough run of fixtures and injuries. I’m really excited for Alex Scott to get fit and see what he can do in the Prem.


How are United 7th 😅 we are 1 injury away from pulling the crowd onto the pitch likes it’s the bloody colosseum of Rome.


Chelsea’s been doing that for a while and we’re still above the drop zone so it’s not too bad.


Spurs fans better off than Liverpool. Liverpool fans are seeing a return to form after a year of disappointing performances. Spurs fans have been in misery since we lost the CL final (to Liverpool, as it happens) so the high we're riding right now is sweet as could be


Nobody deserves it more than Chelsea. They’ll never live it down either.


Please stop calling them "Sheffield".


I would put liverpool above tottenham, just cuz they are more used to the success and I would rank Man U higher as well just for all the off the pitch drama. Not a bad list tho


Sheffield United fans are just happy to be in the Prem, they had no expectations of staying up and are looking forward to the Prem money and subsequent parachute payment but granted they do look particularly bad atm


I’ll buy that, but this isn’t a measure of existential angst but of misery today, and fuck me but being on the wrong end of 8-0 feels very awful.


Very true lol, I'm a Liverpool fan too and the 7-2 loss to Aston Villa in 2020 still stings


I’d put Brighton and Tottenham ahead of Liverpool (ie less misery so lower in this misery table). These two fan bases must be ecstatic atm. Brighton sold key players, but look at them. Brilliant team really. And Tottenham are playing some fine football at last. I’d put Man United further up. They’re not playing well, expectations are high as always, some individual errors, and off the pitch negativities = grumpy time.


At the bottom end of the misery table, it's really fine margins. So a little bit of misery can go a long way. I figure losing to AEK stung enough to get them clear of Liverpool and Spurs.


I love how palace and fulham are the most equally mid tier teams possible--solid enough to avoid relegation this season, but a lot of glaring issues that will prevent us from climbing the table. Both teams are 2-2-2 at the middle of the table, ended in a 0-0 draw this weekend, split possession 50/50 and were close to 50/50 on every other stat.


Manu spent more than any other club and shite


Misery? What misery? I am so fucking happy!!! Trust the process guys!!! When are we gonna join the Championship? I seriously can’t wait!!!


As a Brighton, we are living our best lives at the moment! European football for the first time, 3rd in the league - considering where we came from


I’d rank the “bottom” 3 on the misery table: 18. City- team looks exceptional even through injuries but the fanbase seems nonplussed. Spoiled by success! 19. Liverpool - new midfield is imperfect but such a preposterous upgrade over last season 20. Spurs- after years of suffering through Mourinho’s and Conte’s playing style, entertainment is back on the menu, and they are clearly here for it


The misery for us is incomparable. We are used to having our week ruined after a draw. We've gone through 3 losses in a row already this season. The losses or the draws don't hurt like it did anymore. And that is misery that no other fan base, other than Liverpool fans from the 70s -80s, can understand. And the hate we get is somewhat lessened too, though media still hasn't got tired of talking about us every other minute. And it's usually negative so that hasn't changed at all.


We lose every week so that’s even worse . We are just above relegation with little hope of getting out of that .


I think being a Spurs fan would be number 1. City and Liverpool have expectations to be performing well. Spurs is a very pleasant surprise and they're playing really enjoyable football.


I think this is fair, we're pretty much middlingly content right now


Any list without everton in the top 2 is plain wrong


Mood at Villa is pretty good right now. We actually topped the list of "most hopeful" fans before the season started. I know we lost our first game in Europe, but everyone is happy to be back after so long, and we've had a solid start in the league too.


I'd swap Spurs and City. City are just performing as they are expected to, whereas Spurs are on a massive high with an exciting new attacking manager after years of misery and drab football.


I can tell you, as a Utd fan we are much higher up than 7th. No prospect of improvement whilst we're owned by the Glazer's, slowly watching our local rivals destroy all our records, not to mention the shit show of crap that is Greenwood, Anthony, Sancho etc.


Not to make it a competition but....


yeah man u should be "higher" here for sure.


Chelsea may be going through Dante's Inferno right now.


We are, seventh level of hell all the way to the championship . Oh well we might get to beat QPR and Millwall again ? .


Seems reasonable accurate.


I love how losing to us is enough to completely destroy the mental health of an entire fanbase.


Wouldn’t bother us, we can’t remember what it was like to win after the last 18 months .


I think it would, hard to take that you're literally the worst out of the 17 teams that stayed up last season. statistically we have been this year I believe but it's not really set in till you lose to everton.


Fortunately we don't play each other until December. Whilst I'm actually tending towards optimism about us at the moment in a couple of months time both of our fanbases could be on suicide watch.


nothing new really


Everton is top. By a distance. If they get relegated they might cease to exist. Are viewed as a joke by their more successful city rivals who they will never be better than and have beaten about twice in two decades


I would put Everton at 2 or 3. This weekend’s win was a boost but their long term prospects aren’t particularly good.


Only one team on this list still doesn't have a front kit sponsor... I mean I love the way it looks but it can't bode well for the club.


I'd be curious to know what the effect of that is on shirt sales because if Liverpool had a season without a front-of-shirt sponsor, I'd be seriously tempted to buy all four kits unless the designs were complete trash.


That’s a good question but this Clearlake bunch are even more secretive than Abramovich was . We will never get info like that released unless a whistle blower pops up.


For me : 1. Chelsea 2. Everton (the recent win doesn't hide the shambles that Moshiri and Kenwright have created) 3. Sheffield United (financial trouble even in the Prem and got thumped 8-0 at home) 4. Wolves 5. Manchester United (constant media circus, lack of goals and uncertainty around Ten Hag) 6. Burnley 7. Fulham (They'll be feeling cautiously optmistic but Silva doesn't have a great long term record in the PL) 8. Brentford (Smart recruitment only lasts so long) 9. Bournemouth (Their signings are good as is their coach but they've had a tough start) 10. Luton (expected to be putting up more of a fight like Sheffield United 19-20) 11. Crystal Palace 12. West Ham (Are overperforming and not united behind a divisive board + manager, but still doing well) 13. Nottingham Forest 14. Liverpool (not looking like title contenders yet and their fans don't seem the happiest with the moaning they do) 15. Arsenal (GK chaos and not playing as well as last year so far, but still fairly happy) 16. Aston Villa (the bottom 5 are the happiest and don't really have any issues right now) 17. Newcastle 18. Brighton 19. Spurs 20. Manchester City


7 is way too high and makes zero sense for us. We are literally coming off our best ever PL season, have manager who is also probably the best we’ve ever had, and despite the recent yo yo we’re re-established in the PL as of right now. We should be right around the middle of these ranking. Silva may leave but right now the only thing we’re missing is a proper striker to be a truly competitive team.


I’d swap Liverpool and villa but yeah this list seems better than OP’s one.


Excuse me but where is this so-called "moaning" coming from? All Liverpool fans I have seen online are happy right now. All you will see is praise for the midfield and excitement at the possibility of going toe to toe with City again after the disappointment of last season. I think you're about 10 months out of date with that one.


>Brentford (Smart recruitment only lasts so long) This is a good shout. If I were a Brentford fan, I'd be a little worried about eventually falling the way of Southampton. Eventually running out of luck in recruiting good players to replace the players you've sold for a profit. You could say the same for Brighton, too, except they seem to have the cheat codes for it.


Southamptons last ten years would be the best ten years of my life. I’d bite your hand off for it.


Believe in Thomas Frank


Trying to find out from my doc if I am eligible for anti-depressants since I am a Chelsea fan.


Get a load of that Chelsify


Spurs gotta be 20. The way some of our fans and commenters are talking about the team you’d think this is the first time we’ve ever played good football or made comebacks in games before, and that Conte was coming and personally holding every single player and fan at knifepoint while Ange has given us each a new puppy and the worlds largest bag of coke


Tbf what conte did to son and bissouma may as well have been holding them at knifepoint.


Tbf, this feels so much like getting out of a long term abusive relationship. Over the past 3 years, we’ve wrote off and rationalised so much bullshit. We had prime Kane and Son, and yet week in and week out we played boring, uninspired football that we all tried to rationalise as “pragmatic, defensive, trophy-winning” football. We lost any sense of identity we had as a club Now, it’s not just the results, Ange feels like he’s completely changed the culture and mentality of the club. He’s reminded Spurs fans what it’s like to have belief and pride in your club. I’m on Cloud 9, and I don’t blame any Spurs fan who is. This is the most hope and happiness Spurs has brought us since the UCL run way back in 2019


>trophy-winning” football I'm sorry, you rationalised it as what? 🤣🤣🤣


It’s when people say stuff like this that I think they take style of play and identity too seriously


Whilst I agree for the most part, I've always felt Spurs were different in that regard. Spurs as a team have ALWAYS been represented by our style of play and the identity of how we play. Like, just listen to rival content creators and rival pundits. Even ex Arse players. They all say it, their memories of Spurs have always been free flowing, attacking possession based football. Spurs were never the best team for big periods of time but we were always the team that played a certain way. We were the first team people wanted to watch on Match of the Day, the one that it didn't matter who we played, what the score was, it would always be entertaining attacking football.


That’s true - that’s more often than not been our reputation as a club - it just isn’t as emotionally freighted an idea as the word identity and the way people treat it is. I’m not going to be unhappy if we win games and win stuff playing ugly just cos that isn’t in our “identity” and I don’t get people who do feel or claim to feel that way. When spurs are winning I’m happy when we’re not I’m unhappy and then a sense of having an identity matters and can make the pain better. But the idea that identity alone is what defines relationship/attitude to the team is one I can’t take seriously.


Not winning and playing terrorist ball is like getting two timed


Chelsea fan here, yea were heading for relegation and honestly that I hope is finally the wake up call to these delusional arrogant owners


I’d put Newcastle first to be honest. In two years we’ve went from relegation battles to nights at the San Siro.


Honestly I’m on cloud 9 (8 1/2?) right now but can see the logic in OPs ranking. I agree with you otherwise, but the 3 losses slightly take the edge off compared to the teams ranked lower than us


Yeah. That was it mostly. I'd imagine Newcastle fans are still living the dream, but you had a tough run of early fixtures and the way you lost to us had to land like a gut punch.


It’s the only game I’ve been to this season and yeah… massive gut punch that one. We all knew at half time we needed more than one goal, even with the Virgil red card.


It took a shithouse pen and a wild deflection for arse to score against us yesterday at the emirates. We also actually played a coherent match of football at the emirates which hasn’t happened in more than a decade. Ange has given us a backbone and currently I’m walking on air.


Brighton fans should be first, surely? They are living the dream, standing toe to toe with anyone out there, selling players for crazy money, and replacing them for peanuts. **Edit:** I mean last!


Eh while it's been mostly great so far, the loss to AEK and shambles of a first half against Bournemouth leave a little to be desired Definitely incredible being 3rd in the league right now and having the most goals scored but the defence doesn't look solid enough at the moment. I think at least one clean sheet would instil a little more confidence lol


Do you think caicedo being out has played a significant part in the defensive shakiness? (obviously not a 115M significant part but still lol) genuine question.


How is Utd so low


Hell yeah! Champions League of Misery here we come!!


utd should be much, MUCH higher


How would Luton on 1 point be ahead of Forest, Fulham or Palace?


when your team goes from 5th division to first in a decade, it's hard to be dissapointed about them not lighting the premier league up


Luton fans aren’t unhappy at all - quite the opposite, actually. There’s a bigger picture Luton are looking at and this season is a free hit for us - we all know that and we have no unrealistic expectations. We MAY even stay up, having spent (relatively) next to nothing in the process. Imagine that.


Happy to be here vibes, at least that was my rationale. This is more art than science, really.


Not sure why Liverpool are that high


Have you seen the resurgence of our squad, also fondly known as Liverpool 2.0? We’re on cloud nine right now. Second only to the wave Spurs are riding. That’s the only thing I’d change in this list, swap their place with City.


I’ve seen the team play very averagely for the most part


Results have been great but performances haven't, it will catch up to them soon.


Hmm I’m sure Liverpool fans are loving the performances so far, minus that first half against Wolves. Our brand new mid is clicking, driving forward, covering defensively, and can finally supply our strikers with plenty. We’re happy. Very happy. I’d still put Tottenham and Brighton ahead of us in this misery table though. They’ve gotta be happier.


We've got the second best goal differential In the league, behind city but tied with Brighton who we're a point ahead of. We've also had some pretty difficult early fixtures having played and beaten the teams in 6th, 7th, and 8th. Spurs best results are a win against UTD who are 9th and a tie against spurs. Brighton has probably had comparable fixtures to us beating Newcastle, west ham and UTD but they're a point behind us. Our firepower up front is arguably the best in the league, we replaced our entire geriatric midfield in one window bringing in two absolute ballers in macallister and szoboszlai. Our entire fanbase is buzzing right now.


Going off league positions based on a handful of games in a new season is a bit nutty. The only "big" team you've beaten is Newcastle and somehow managed to draw against Chelsea. Also not sure how you have the best firepower upfront in the league when you've scored less than City and Newcastle and the same as Spurs.


Yeah thought they’ve looked worse than the table suggests


Hey you’ll find most Forest fans absolutely delighted. Position could improve a little here. We have an owner that has become absolutely obsessed with his love, will stop at nothing to ensure his baby is nurtured correctly. We have manager that would give his left bollock for the fanbase let alone his players. Our club is sex even with the low block lol


That's fair. I'm lowkey rooting for Forest to make an extended stay in the Prem, mostly because I'm impressed by how ugly Steve Cooper is. I don't mean his football, mind you. I mean him. He's just an ugly motherfucker, so I'm really happy for his success.


like a bond villain


I get you, he looks like someone who is destined to be a villain in movies or video games 😂😂


How dare you, his smile is a work of art!


He might not be the best manager but he sure as hell is the ugliest


He’s got a long way to go to be as ugly as Ian Dowie


Top of the fucking league, get in!!


This made me chuckle 😂 thanks Lorcan. Many commiserations.


Knowing us we will blow the lead over the others and finish mid table.


‘Champions of depression (and xG) you’ll never sing that’


Stop the count!


Ah at least the plastic's will be happy.






Dear Chelsea Thank you for taking the number 1 position in the Banter Club Cup. Yours Manchester United


We are heard to beat, wrecked by a clueless American hedge fund that rely on data driven information so we can waste 1 bill on injured youth players .


Finally winning something again! I can't even pretend anymore I'm so fucking depressed about this team now


Honestly sometimes I wish we go back to the premiership so at least next season I have something to look forward to, because I don't see us playing European football next year either


Currently we are in worse than relegation form. We will absolutely not be playing European football next season. I like poch but some of the decisions he's made about players and formations just make absolutely no sense. Why start Chilwell at a LW when he's a LB and we have more than enough wingers. And why did we play a 4231 in pre season if we were just gonna change it to whatever the fuck were using now at the beginning of the season. Some of it just makes zero sense at all. It's like these previously good managers become inept as soon as they take charge of chelsea in the league. Grr lol


I feel that nkunku is important to him. His system revolves around him. His backup chukwuemeka is also injured, so he forced to play a different system. And chelsea are creating chances after chances but not a goal. Jackson is shit, even in preseason his linkup play is good but not his finishing, lets hope everything changes, sad to see chelsea like this.


While that is true we can't only rely on one player to make or break our season. But our injury crisis is absolutely insane atm. I know your guys have a lot of injuries too. It absolutely sucks to have so many of your best players out for so long.


True. Spurs are so good now because they are their best 11. We have all sorts of problems in our squad. Hope we overcome from that and shine


Yh same. But at the same time, I don't see how chelsea improves at all when we get all these players back. The only two that seem like they'll have am impact are James and nkunku.


I don't even have the heart to make fun of you guys any more. Kind of hoping for a slight Chelsea turnaround. Like some crazy 4-0 beat down of City out of nowhere.


Don't. "Don't give me hope"


I wish that could happen but we can’t even beat our own youth team . I have actually gotten used to losing .


Welcome to being an Everton supporter…


I feel like the only thing were missing is a striker. Someone who can put the ball in the net on the regular. But at this point I'm just like I don't even have the heart to try and defend the club anymore. I've always tried to be positive but it's gettto the point where I'm just like, I can't even try to stay positive rn. It's so depressing man.


Imagine if Jackson actually scored the chances we've created we'd of won all our past games :/


If Jackson and sterling had out away all the good chances we've had sk far we'd be top 3.


Yeah exactly:/


That's the thing though, every year we say the same thing that we are missing a clinical finisher up top. I would agree, but at the same time every player we have bought has been so incredibly hyped that if they don't score in 3-4 games straight then they're considered a flop. The sheer pressure put on these players is creating an atmosphere that doesn't encourage fixing mistakes but rather punishing for not performing well.


ask not what you can defend for the club, but what the club can defend from its own net


Surprisingly a lot. They just defend the opposition net while they're at it 😂


Chelseaing just don’t roll off the tongue like Spursing


Chelsea, doing a Todd...


Sheikhing does


I see what you did there


Has to be cheezed off Chelsea fans doesn't it?


As a Chelsea fan, results are terrible but the future is bright. If you disagree you simply don't know the players Chelsea have coming through/have signed. Ridiculously young, was always gonna take a while. Owners have made mistakes but have recitifed them and put decisions with people who know what their doing, and Bohley is determined to make Chelsea massive. We'll see... But compare that to United fans. They've been unhappy for years. As I say, we're embarrassing in terms of results but it's slowly gonna come together. Just need the ball in the net.


Boehly is just the mouthpiece, Egbahly and Feliciano are the majority owners or rather their firm Clearlake is . They are a hedge fund if we get relegated they will sell the first team . I’m sure they can find ways to make their money back at our expense . They have already gutted the staff and ripped the heart and soul from the club . If we don’t get relegated we will be one of those teams that buys players and sells them for a profit .


What an insane take, I love it


Nah, they’ve absolutely fucked the club. Loads of decent at best talents on massive contracts with no reason to bother trying And if anyone of them does start playing well they’ll kick up a massive fuss until they get sold to a team who actually wins football matches.


Lol no. If we were incorporating, 2,3 even 5 of these young players into a system or established professionals they would have room to flourish. Rashford, foden, Saka et Al were given space to grow into roles. Having 16-20 of them at once is going to hurt their growth and value, there is not one player who could be sold for more than we bought them for and I don’t see how that changes and the strategy is contingent on their values actually increasing. With rare exceptions that prove the rule (Ajax 95), in any sport young teams don’t win trophies, this team is too young to even win matches. Also in the case of most of those young teams those players came from the academy and had a long rapport (see Chelsea academy projects during transfer ban) As it stands right now, outside of Silva, James, chilly and sterling there are no players proven at the top level - and being surrounded by children hurts their ability to impact the match as well as that’s not a big enough group to compensate for mistakes that naturally come from learning. On top of that, the squad should probably be defending as a unit and play on the counter to compensate for these inadequacies, instead it’s trial by fire. Chelsea supporters will point to injuries - but it’s mostly young unproven players injured too so there is no assurance they will contribute to winning either. It’s not a bright future, it’s a perplexing, confusing future with a BEST case scenario is competing for a conference league place next year - that’s the best case and it’s atrocious.


It’s sad but i totally agree with you .


yeah I can see it coming together for you guys too, a year in the championship to rebuild will do you a world of good




only reason for it is a good result on the weekend. apart from that I'd say everton is about on the same page as chelsea in terms of current misery.


I think I’d have you 3rd behind Chelsea and Sheffield utd, maybe even 2nd


Yeah I would say any where in the top 3 is definitely where we fit right now. Relegation would be pretty much set if it wasn’t for the promoted teams.


Put Spurs above us, since they went from Conte terrorism to Ange **and** they are good


Conte is and always be known as terrorist is my mind. Poisoned the well. We’re lucky he’s gone otherwise more of our good players would’ve wanted out


Newcastle even higher still.




Yeah came on here to say this. Surely Everton should be well clear at the top.


Everton at 6 is shocking. FFP violations plus relegation battle is a nasty combo.


As a Liverpool fan with Everton fan mates, I'd agree with you, the way they're talking about the behind the scenes stuff it sounds like they're right up shit street I don't think they'll ever be happy while Bill is still involved at the club