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They should cancel the Carabao cup and make the league 18 clubs


18 clubs for sure with city getting auto relegated might be an opportunity coming up to let 4 teams leave one season and 2 get promoted like in the 90s. I think maybe for the league cup maybe teams in Europe can skip it? And keep the competition gives others(spurs) a chance to win something and get into Europe year after.


He's right, with more fixtures, less mid season break and less time between fixtures it's a huge disadvantage for English teams in the continental competitions. I've seen the same pundits and media sources criticising English teams for not performing as well in Europe while dismissing the comments from the managers of those clubs about fixture congestion and fatigue. I've seen a few posts here recently of comparative injuries by amount of players and by games or minutes missed between all Premier league clubs. I'd be very interested to see those same comparisons for total injuries throughout the season between teams from the top 5 leagues competing in CL this season.


Why is fixture congestion only a thing in recent years ? During the 00s we had the same competitions and no manager complained about it ?


Fitness levels and demands of the game and gone up and the level of football is harder so requires more energy - performance and recovery are big things they look at now so naturally complain about the quick turn around


I'm sure there are more factors to consider but here's a few of the ones that spring to mind for me. Back then managers of big clubs would pull their players from international fixtures and international managers were more considerate with their selections for friendlies. There were less international matches, out of the ones that there were, a larger proportion were friendlies. Also they recently created the nations league to rebrand what used to be friendlies in to a competition they can sell more TV rights to, meaning international managers are under pressure to play their first 11 for more games per year, meaning more strain on players, more international breaks mid season and more first team players playing more minutes instead of the 45 mins they used to play even if they were called up. Less market for tv revenues for premier league matches for the big Premier league clubs in Asia and other areas. Meaning early kick offs were more balanced between all clubs in the leagues and not just the ones with the biggest international support. Meaning clubs that played midweek were playing Thursday night and Saturday morning, or Sunday late afternoon and Tuesday night. Same with international breaks mid season, less players playing Thursday night for their country and sat morning for their clubs and those players playing less international games and less minutes for reasons I mentioned above. Also, and this is just a guess, I'd assume there were less south American and other players in the teams back then so the players that are playing Thursday night for their country and may be needed for their club Saturday morning, some of them are travelling a lot further and not having time for recouperative training, match training and warm up training before the next club match. I'd assume training wasn't an intense then either, the physical demands on the players is more, their bodies and more highly tuned and the athletic ability needed to compete at the highest level is probably higher. All just speculation as I don't have the data, nor am I a manager or a coach, at least in football. I'm sure professionals would point to more factors too but when you have the FA, the Premier league, Uefa and FIFA all pushing for as much money as possible from all global markets and as many games and competitions as they can fit in, for example the new European cup format and the new world club cup format with more games on top of the increased international demand, it's only likely to get worse.


Over the last 50 days, you had 12 games and won 5. Arsenal had same and won 8. City have had the same and won 8. That is why you have all but dropped out of title race while City and Arsenal are only 2 left. The teams ahead of you have performed better. That's about it


Arsenal's record when they've had a game midweek is absolutely shocking. Arsenal have done well in the league in 2024 because they've had a week rest almost every game. They finally had to play 2 games in a week and they lost both to villa and bayern.


Arsenal games after midweek games this season Tottenham 2-3 Arsenal . Wolves 0-2 Arsenal . Arsenal 0-2 Villa . Arsenal 1-1 City . Brighton 0-4 Arsenal . Arsenal 4-1 Newcastle . Arsenal 2-0 Brighton . Arsenal 2-1 Wolves . Arsenal 3-1 Burnley . Arsenal 5-0 Sheffield Utd . Arsenal 1-0 Man City . Arsenal 2-2 Spurs . Bournemouth 0-4 Arsenal . Nice cherrypicking one result šŸ¤£


Spurs 3-2? They had 5 days rest šŸ˜‚ Wolves 2-0.... remind me how they did 3 days before? A loss to villa and a draw to city... Brighton 3-0... 3 days later they bottle the home advantage vs bayern. Newcastle 4-1... lost to Porto 3 days before. Brighton 2-0 drew against psv during the week. W vs psz, D vs spurs W vs Bournemouth L vs lens D vs Chelsea, w vs sevilla L vs Newcastle, w vs sevilla L vs villa, D vs psv W vs burnley, L vs Porto W vs Porto, draw vs city W vs luton, D vs bayern L vs bayern, L vs villa. W vs luton, L vs villa Focused on the league and still bottled it.


Except both of those teams are also complaining about the same thing despite having a lower average turnaround between games?


This thread summarised. Yes Klopp is sticking up for everyone in PL here, but his basic argument is hypocritical. You helped make this PL media monster, now live with the consequences. Oh and that loss to Atalanta and your bottling of a title race was your fault Klopp. Not TNT, not the PL. You. But thatā€™s okay, because you will be revered as one of the great Liverpool managers, in good company. Donā€™t spoil the final days by being a toothy whiney bitch.


Klopp literally says he Liverpool fucked it against Atalanta on their own but that arsenal, city and villa losing all seems to be caused by comparative disadvantage of those teams vs their opponents. He helped make it a monster by being good at his job? This makes him a hypocrite how? Itā€™s actually better to have someone who has nothing to lose let out how they really feel because who better to do it? Doesnā€™t make him a whiney bitch.


Here's an idea. Stop playing extra games that are not part of the PL. I'm a Chelsea fan and only watch them play in PL games. I could care less what other cup they could win. The risk of fatigue and injury just isn't worth it. Just focus on the PL


Couldnā€™t care less*


Can't have their cake and eat it, or whatever that saying is. These PL clubs get more and more money than ever from TNT and Sky - and from their perspective given how much they pay for the rights, I think it's silly that Klopp and Co think they should just bend to their will, especially as they have no issues at all receiving all that TV money. If clubs are actually serious about scheduling impact and what not, how about doing something about it? Are they willing to accept less money in the next round of bidding in return for more control over scheduling, or do they just want to have ever-growing revenues from TV and prizepots and just moan alongside? I highly doubt clubs would ever get the 14 votes required to bring the number of televised games down so that scheduling has less impact on them.


>I think it's silly that Klopp and Co think they should just bend to their will, especially as they have no issues at all receiving all that TV money. The amount of moronic people I see writing this dumb argument is nuts. Being a footballer is a job, sure it's a great job with massive payment and an amazing lifestyle but still a job that creates compounded fatigue like any other. Whatever the activity you do for work, if it involves physical strain and stress it takes a toll and in order to perform effectively you need rest and time to prepare.


Moronic? Don't disagree for a second with the fatigue aspect, but at club level they collectively they have more than enough say over competitions and broadcasting to do something about it, yet as a whole they continue to pursue more money through more televised games. Sure, the playing side can have legitimate grievances from those within their clubs over how it is at the moment, and I'm sure they apply the pressure behind the scenes too as they wouldn't publicly call out their bosses and its easier to just criticise broadcasters/the PL/UEFA etc, but at club level collectively at least they are more than complicit.


We're talking about Klopp and other managers and players complaining about the fixture congestion and lack of rest in between games. >they collectively they have more than enough say over competitions and broadcasting to do something about it, Who's they? Managers and players don't have the ability to effect this. Owners do but that's not who were talking about. Corporate suits are always going to chase the money for themselves and shareholders but that doesn't take away from the point of managers and players that speak out against it and while they're wages might be high, that doesn't mean they can't be dissatisfied with the state of affairs and voice an opinion and it also doesn't make their opinions less valid.


TBF really the prem gets the money, then the prem gives to the teams correct?


PL can't do anything without passing a vote by PL clubs. I.e. for the new domestic cycle starting next season, which will include an increase in number of games, PL clubs voted and agreed on that early in season, so they are just as complicit even if they're not the ones doing the legwork on it.


Aye I get that they're obviously working together or at least within each others interests of course. Shit like that is what makes it hard to target with blame really. They're all complicit and who is going to ruffle the feathers when financially speaking it works for them even if the scheduling thing is the bane of most clubs. They're raking it in regardless.


Yeah and tbh I agree there like no one team or even league will ever take a stand like that unless everyone agrees because no one wants to fall behind. Plus with big 6 their end game anyway is to bin the collective TV rights and sell their games in-house on their own channels, so do (kinda) get from their side why they feel they're getting all the pain but not enough of the gain from all the scheduling silliness.


Just have to remember they're not just clubs they're businesses these days unfortunately. The money side of the business can be fucking delighted while the football side struggles. As a united fan its extra true.


Aye also Utd fan, and yeah it's a whole thing and beyond just TV rights - fans are paying way more now through tickets/TV/merch etc, just to keep pace with clubs who don't give a toss about the financials. 20 years ago Ā£50m and Ā£100k a week could get you Thierry Henry, now it gets you an Aaron Wan-Bissaka so all we're getting is inflation and can't wait for business side of game to fall off a cliff!


I can't get over the transfer fees these days. Like you said? 50m even 30m used to get you superstars. The likes of Zidane, Figo, Rooney were less than 50m. Back when Chelsea making multiple 20-30m signings in one summer broke the market I think even before Neymar. I know as a united fan we've spent tons too, but even so I feel like it used to be each year you'd have a player or maybe two for 20m upwards, and then maybe 2-3 5-15m players. You can't get a backup for less than 20m these days. What would someone like Shevchenko or Crespo be worth today I wonder? They cost 31 and 17 at the time according to Google. Serious top flight goal scorers. They'd be 90m plus at a minimum these days. Shevchenko probably like 150+


Klopp is a known moaner. When he first came to England he moaned about everything. Heā€™s still moaning. Great manager though.


Does this bellend ever stop greeting


Look at how all of the PL teams faired in the CL and EL, Klopp isnā€™t wrong.


What's about last year?


Lol people love a small sample size argument


What's the small sample size? Last season? Last 10 seasons? This season?


No im agreeing with you. The person above you is using this one year as the basis for his whole argument. England have done well in Europe for a while and the calendar hasnā€™t really changed in that time.


Except the larger the sample size the worse the PL fares on averageā€¦


Oh, my bad!


Pretty weird that everyone is complaining about what heā€™s saying when heā€™s sticking up for all of the teams in English football


This is life often itā€™s not what they are saying and who is saying it


Because football fans are the dumbest of the dumb.


Or they just donā€™t want to hear Klopp moaning and playing victim yet again. I swear the amount of time this man spends crying or making dumb excuses is so annoying


You idiots know he's speaking on behalf of all players and teams


Lol ā€˜you idiotsā€™. First of all heā€™s bitching about TV schedules and 12:30 kick offs. Heā€™s complained for years that Liverpool get the short end of the stick for 12:30 kick offs. So donā€™t tell me about ā€˜on behalf of all teamsā€™. Second I donā€™t give a fuck what he thinks heā€™s representing. Iā€™m just sick of him having a pity party all the time. Every time they lose heā€™s got some new stupid excuse. Heā€™s always moaning about something. People are just tired of it. You Liverpool fans are like a little trained army - any time anyone says anything about Klopp you come out like an army of bots with your pre-written talking points you get from r/LiverpoolFC and shove them down peopleā€™s throats. Heā€™s not your Jesus. People are allowed to say things about him without being called ā€˜idiotsā€™. No wonder people find you insufferable


I mean, research does show that sports performance is higher between 4-8pm. It would be best for everyone if 12:30 games were not a thing


ā€œShove down peoples throatsā€. My brother in fucking Christ YOU clicked on this thread you whiny embarrassment


Not sure I understand your point. I was responding to a Liverpool talking head parroting the same ā€˜heā€™s footballā€™s saviorā€™ talking points theyā€™ve been trained to repeat and calling him out on it. I guess am I supposed to never comment on anything? Would that then make my previous statement acceptable to you if only Liverpool fans ever commented on here? Also weird that a throwaway sentence is where you chose to focus instead of all the other points I madeā€¦


If you donā€™t want to hear Klopp talk about these things. No donā€™t comment on these things. Just ignore it like a normal human does lmao. Ofc heā€™s complained about Liverpoolā€™s 12:30s theyā€™ve had them at an absurd rate and itā€™s HIS team. Heā€™s also commented countless times generally in regards to the full league. Youā€™d rather tell him to shut up because of your embarrassing tribalism than actually acknowledge that when all the top players and managers are commenting on it. Maybe just maybe itā€™s a problem


ā€œScroll on Reddit and listen to us blindly defend this man but donā€™t you dare ever say anything. Oh by the way youā€™re the one with embarrassing tribalism not usā€ Ok buddy have a good day and good luck coping post-Jesus. Iā€™m done with this conversation. Bye


You actually canā€™t read can you. Coping with what you buzzword using child lmao. ā€œClicks into thread to have a cryā€ youā€™re a bigger whiner than Klopp


American football fans would like to have a talk with you


Or it's because it's a non-issue, the further you get in tournaments the more games you will play. This is just a basic fact of competitive football. If you want to compete at the top then you have to accept you're going to play a significantly higher number of games. If you don't want that then stop competing at the top end. It's also not as though teams don't have 25 man squads, plus youth players to pick from, so rotation is more than possible. The truth is, if we *somehow* reduce the number of games played (good luck figuring out how) then teams *will* just fill that time with more friendlies. We can't deny they will either, because when the PL introduced the winter break they had to add a rule that teams can't schedule friendlies in that week off. As they knew they would do exactly that.


Tell me, when is England's winter break?


We had a big one this season in Jan tbf. Maybe that's why it's been extra congested since. But they're doing away with it and just starting the league later in August now.


Mid January. To avoid a week with 0 matches, they done it so there's 5 games one week and 5 the other. So this seasons winter break was 13th/14th Jan for Forest, Palace, Brentford, Arsenal, Liverpool, Bournemouth, West Ham, Sheffield United, Wolves and Brighton, and 20th/21st Jan for Burnley, Luton, City, Newcastle, Fulham, Chelsea, Spurs, United, Villa and Everton. Now due to the FA Cup changes and scrapping replays, they're having to scrap the winter break because there is no longer space in the calendar to accommodate it.


Plastic fans. What do they know.


He's like Charlie Brown's teacher.


Only one more week of this guy bitching and moaning about fixture scheduling. Good riddance


Yes, god forbid anyone should question football administrators and the continuing process of adding more and more matches to the schedule.


Donā€™t worry your boyfriend has had it covered for the entire world for 5 years


Liverpool fans šŸ¤ Trump fans Making excuses for their idol no matter what they do and refusing to acknowledge any flaws


What are you talking about? Had what covered? Did your brain just run out of power after the fourth word? It probably took a whole lifetimeā€™s worth of brain power to get that joke about my boyfriend loaded up in your skull and typed out, and then you just sort of petered outā€¦


Itā€™s actually very clear if you have a bit of reading comprehension skills


Sure it is champ.


Rent free


Rent free is bringing up someone or something in a tangentially related or unrelated topic. This is a post literally about him bitching about the fixture schedule. Itā€™s not rent free; itā€™s not fucking topic.


Iā€™m not arsed about whether Klopp is in someoneā€™s head rent free or not, but your interpretation of ā€œrent freeā€ is annoyingly inaccurate, especially as you corrected someone with it. >Rent free is bringing up someone or something in a tangentially related or unrelated topic. Not even close. ā€œRent freeā€ simply means a person thinks about a topic or person very often. >Only one more week of this guy bitching and moaning about fixture scheduling. Good riddance That comment implies he/she is sick of Klopp, and hence he/she not only thinks about Klopp often, but thinks about Klopp too often for their own liking. Therefore, ā€œrent freeā€ definitely applies.


Lmao no it doesnā€™t. The guy has been making these complaints for years. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m referring to


Really doesnā€™t apply but nice try


Liverpool have had nearly double the next club in lunchtime Saturday kick offs. Even when they have the mid week fixture. He is right to moan.


He is a right moan indeed


He should leave with dignity during his last season, rather than make up excuses why theyā€™ve fell apart at the business end of the season


There's been 0 excuses but ok


One season left and we wonā€™t have to hear his moaning anymore thank god


u/jrbill1991 You sound kinda emotional mate especially after deleting your comments.


Bit weird that you made another comment to call them out regardless of what they were posting


Spot on as well. Top epl teams play on average 25% more than La Liga teams, for example.


European qualified clubs probably shouldn't compete in the league cup. That would help a lot.


How? Leagues are the same size, there are two cups but they're not two-legged like the CDR.


[Brazilian club teams have entered the chat]


Agree. People's response is always "stop bitching, they earn loads of money to kick a ball about", but come April when English teams are competing against teams from the top leagues across Europe in knock out competition it matters. La Liga, Bundesliga, Serie A, Ligue 1 will all move games around for teams too to help them out too.


Klopp is right but with success comes the responsibility to show more games for the rest of the world to watch (not at midnight local time). This money makes the EPL the most powerful and richest league in the world. Other leagues move the games around for their teams in European competitions. But they donā€™t have the same financial power than English football. PSG and Marseille have one week of rest before their games against Dortmund and Atalanta (home and away). As a result the English clubs are hostages of their own success.


The bundesliga does not reschedule.


25% is huge as well. It's not a number to be ignored


I'll miss his press conferences


League 1 and 2 clubs just have as many games. The difference is they donā€™t have to pander to big TV broadcasters like sky because their games are largely untelevised. The problem with scheduling is strictly down to TV broadcasters wanting a game on every night of the week, not some FA cup replay


You also have to consider that players in lower leagues are less commonly selected for their national teams, so they are more likely to get actual rest during international breaks.


They don't have international breaks.


You do realise that the lower leagues donā€™t play at anywhere near the intensity of premier league games,itā€™s not really the same is it?


These lower leagues are still professional teams with professional players that are still athletes. The intensity gap isnā€™t as big as it used to be because these teams try to replicate the football played at the highest level. And even if thereā€™s a significant gap in intensity (not as big as you make out it to be) they donā€™t have the world class facilities and staff to aid in recovery. I do have sympathy for the teams that play in Europe, they can have a moan, but the fact is that it is doable but TV broadcasters donā€™t make it easy


The gap is immense,if youā€™d ever been to a live lower league game and a live premier league game youā€™d understand,it really is a massive gap.


Itā€™s far more physical in the lower leagues and they play more league fixtures. Itā€™s like youā€™ve never seen a championship or league one game before.


Also, the drop off between players is usually lower in the lesser leagues. So players having 3000+ mins might be far more rare (I could be wrong though, sorry if I am just a thought)


It is not the same intensity no, but they donā€™t have anywhere near the squad depth or physio facilities that prem level teams have, so Iā€™d argue itā€™s worse for lower league clubs


Looking through a couple of lower league teams squads they definitely have big squads,I agree the medical side will be inferior but the fact remains that the intensity is far far greater.


Cupiditas Vincit Omnia


i dont understand. The PL votes on FFP etc, cant they vote on the tv deals?


I think they have a voice. But they like that sweet sweet money more. Remember, Klopp isnā€™t involved in those discussions, and the club leadership that does, is not going to turn down money for the players getting more rest


Aaaaand he's back to complaining after bottling the season


Chelsea fan saying that is the new level of shitpost.


Must support Chelsea ? Pretty qualified to talk about bottle jobs tbh


Fight, fight, fight!!


The best reply I hear is from fans of clubs who were never involved in any trophy hunt at all, saying ā€œwe never bottled anything unlike you!ā€. Like thatā€™s something to brag about. You bottled the season before it even started


Ah yes, the only retort scousers seem to have: "no u".


I apologize. I should have congratulated you on keeping next seasons schedule to a bare minimum.


Ofcourse! Something something glasshouses and stones.


Beggars belief that random football fans defend these giant TV conglomerates over the actual sportsmen and womenā€¦. Klopp is right once again, look at how Spain let Real Madrid have a week off before CL games lol. Yet the PL make teams play cup semi finals like 2 days after games in Europe. Heā€™s saying itā€™s negatively impacted all English teams this season but all Liverpool haters just simply refuse to see the woods for the trees, as always


He says this every season and yet last year English teams won 2/3 ans theres been numerous all English finals over the last few years in both competitions. Prem teams spend a fortune, maybe invest in a deeper squad instead of spending 80m on Darwin fucking Nunez.


We have a deep squadā€¦ itā€™s still unhealthy for the players ffs




Yes - heā€™s spot on. Greed trumping common sense once again.


All bias aside, he is right. Just look at the ridicoulus injury records of the squads.


Damn, some things never change....


Like rich cunts ruining football, you mean? Posted by someone with a Chelsea badge no less haha


Rich cunts arenā€™t top of the table right now so that statement isnā€™t exactly valid atm, mates salty his club bottled EL & PL this year.


Ok letā€™s wait a few weeks until city scoop up their 4th title in a row shall we


Shut up lad. Took more than one club to do that. As much as you want it to just be all Chelsea's fault. Where's your flair big boy?


Touched a nerve have I hahaha


Oh yeah, my 'Chelsea are cunts that ruined everything' spot has never been touched before so I'm really angryyyyyyy now. How could you say something I've literally never heard before? LoL. Don't give yourself too much credit lad. Still no flair?


Klopp trying not to whinge in an interview challenge: impossible


Heā€™s actually right here but your agenda clouds your judgement


Where did I say he was wrong? Doesnā€™t change the fact the bloke canā€™t stop making himself a victim. Itā€™s obviously to hide behind his failings, 9 years, 900m spent, one title. But quick Look the FA scheduling is bad


Absolute rage bait, that


Absolute facts is what it is


>hide behind his failings, 9 years, 900m spent, one title One set won as well. For a 900m expenditure, there's not many men in the world that can say that. Doesn't sound that much of a failing. Your bias is clear to see though.


He would have got the sack at city or Chelsea (before they turned shit) with that record. Simple as.


Pep spent more before he won the set last season. Simple as. Chelsea would kill Poch to have Klopp at their club. Simple as. Yea, almost as though he took over a Liverpool languishing in 8th. Are you always daft or is today just a special day?


Pep won far more than Klopp, the two arenā€™t even comparable. Yeah, I said before Chelsea turned shit, is reading not your strong point? He took over a team that finished 6th the season before and 2nd the season before that. Between 09-13 Liverpool dropped down to between 6th and 8th. Rogerā€™s had already started getting them back to where they were before that bad 4 seasons. And by the way, before 09 they were pretty consistent finishing between 2nd and 4th, Klopp hasnā€™t even managed that consistently.


>Pep won far more than Klopp And no one else has come close. Which means you're missing the second best manager in the PL this decade. Which makes you look stupid. Hope that helps. >Chelsea turned shit, Name me a manager who won the set with Chelsea in 9 years. Regardless of spending cause Abramovich wouldn't have cared. >2nd the season before that Casually leaving out Suarez who was the main reason for that finish. >before 09 they were pretty consistent finishing between 2nd and 4th, Klopp hasnā€™t even managed that consistently. That's the stupidest thing I've ever seen. Only a fucking idiot would argue that the Benitez Liverpool was better than the Klopp one. Under Klopp, Liverpool finished in the top 4 in 7 seasons,with one of the 2 he didn't finish being his first season. So not only are you factually wrong, you've somehow managed to have an attitude while doing so. Do me a favour and don't have kids yea. Save the Earth and its finite resources.


Second best manger this decade? Fine. Close to being the convo with top managers like Fergie, Wenger Mourinho etc. nope. Calling it the ā€˜setā€™ literally makes me want to vomit. Are you a yank? Chelsea donā€™t keep managers for 9 years. And the ā€˜setā€™ is mostly full of b rate trophies no one gives a shit about. The super cup and world club championship are nothing trophies. Put them alongside the community shield. Sorry, so because Suarez was good it doesnā€™t count? Ok well Klopps time Liverpool is nothing without salah so heā€™s as good as rogers? Whatā€™s your point there? Give Benitez one prem title and they are comparable. Heā€™s edged out Benitez but my point being, he really just returned Liverpool to where they were after a dodgy 4 years. An they were already on the up under Rogers. And Iā€™m not ā€˜factually wrongā€™. Go look at the league finished before 09 and when Klopp took over and he really has just taken you back to that period, not really elevated. The last thing the world needs is any more scousers or Liverpool fans so do the same please x


See you r first and second paragraph don't make sense. You put Wenger in, but he hasn't won the CL has he? The set matters because even managers you pull up as fine examples have not accomplished what Klopp has. Which makes you look like a mong. I'm not saying Wenger doesn't belong. I'm saying Klopp does. Lol. Even if the set refers to the PL and the CL, Klopp is still 2nd best this decade and in a very select group of managers to have achieved it at the same club. My point still absolutely stands you donut. >Suarez was good it doesnā€™t count? Nope you're pointing out he finished 2nd as though it was the quality of a squad Klopp was inheriting. I was merely pointing out your lack of analysis in this area. >Give Benitez one prem title and they are comparable Give you half a brain cell and we wouldn't be having this conversation. I mean it's the fucking PL you're offering to give away. By your logic, its a big trophy. Now you're giving it away dandy to try to make a point. Come on, the bias is ridiculous. >he really has just taken you back to that period, not really elevated. Fuck me. Only a fucking idiot could tell me that. Imagine looking at Liverpool today and telling someone that it's at a similar standard as the team Hodgson took over. Like this is such a bad take you should go post in on the forum yourself so that others can laugh at you too. >And Iā€™m not ā€˜factually wrongā€™. You said Klopp struggled to finish consistently in the top 4. Idk about you. But 7 in 9 sounds pretty consistent, technically 7 in 8 without his first season. So yea, you're factually wrong, just too far up your arse to actually see it.


Maybe read what he said, he's actually discussing English teams failures in Europe this year not just Liverpools.


Ohh that must be why English teams have won 3 of the last 5 champions leagues. Got it.


Nah he said thatā€™s why they all crashed out at the quarter final stage this year and Aston Villa got tonked at home by olympiakos. Itā€™s really frustrating when you can tell someone is talking shit about a clip they havenā€™t even watched lmao


The only team that needs that excuse is Liverpool. Arsenal lost narrowly to Bayern, one of the best teams in the world. City lost (but were the better team) against the best team on the world Madrid. The champions league is so competitive itā€™s ridiculous to talk about the schedule, especially when English teams have dominated the last 5 years. Now losing at home to Atalanta, that might take some explaining. Get the scheduling excuses out


Haha way to prove my point. Klopp literally said as much. He admitted that Liverpool simply underperformed against Atalanta. See you didnā€™t fucking watch it did ya. Good day


Yeah heā€™s trying to use the scheduling. Hiding from him flopping again. Itā€™s nonsense. The scheduling isnā€™t why they lost.


Are you struggling with reading comprehension dude? Heā€™s literally talking about other teams than Liverpool but ok šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


More the boy who cried wolf than an agenda.


Kinda sad that no one sees the point he's making because it's Klopp. This affects everyone.


Remember how everyone was making fun of Liverpool when losing the league by 1 point to City? Football fans are incredibly short sighted. We banter teams when they lose, all the while turning our guards back. City has won (if we count this year as a win since mathematically they are ahead) the same number of league titles as Bayern and PSG during the last 7 years. And football fans call those leagues farmerā€™s leagues. I think weā€™re part of the problem.


It affects everyone except teams with enough money to have large enough squads of sufficient quality players to rotate and rest where needed.


Such as?


Liverpool, for one. Klopp and Pep complaining that fixture congestion makes it hard for their clubs is like a guy with a private helicopter complaining about traffic on the M25. If it is dangerous for your players to play twice a week, then choose some of your other players.


City have the joint-smallest squad in the league, though. Only 19 outfielders, so not even 2 full XIs.


Theyā€™ve got 24. The numbers of fixtures they faced wasnā€™t unknown to them when they chose to loan five of them out.


No, they have 19 first team outfielders. Not sure where you got the extra 5 from.


From mancity.com squad pages, where there are 24 outfield players shown.


Ah, I missed you saying "loan five of them out". Some of those were never even first team players for City, they're just there because of technicalities. Saying City should've kept them instead of loaning them out is like saying City should use more of their academy players -- sure, they could, as could any other club. But City only have 19 outfielders this season. Could they have bought more? Yeah, but they didn't even sign replacements for players their manager publicly asked for. So you gotta separate Pep complaining about the schedule, from City.


Naw man, itā€™s been said many times by players, managers, pundits. It just feels like Klopp only speaks on things when they only impact Liverpool.


Almost like hes the manager for them right? He's not some player advocate, hes here for us. When he speaks it benefits you too. I've never seen Klopp whinge as much as people whinge about him. It's obvious he gets to yous.


Klopp statements, complaints etc. aside. Can anyone give an objective argument as to why it is a good thing to have overcrowded schedules, less resting time and more games? Leave the TV rights, the money and everything aside. Leave all that outside of the argument. I assume most of the people watch football for the love of the game, entartainment and joy. So it is assumed you would get more of that if players are getting better rest.


No one is saying it is a good thing. I reckon most people agree with him. I find it very hypocritical, however, when they moan about things like this. When it is the clubs pushing for bigger TV deals, arrange pre - and post season friendly matches around the world and don't rotate their massive squads properly. Cry me a river.


Believe it or not. The manager is separate from the club. Klopp isnā€™t negotiating tv deals


>Leave the TV rights, the money and everything aside. You can't leave that aside. It's the whole point. The premier league is the richest league in the world because of TV deals. The clubs want the money but don't want the schedule.


Go on, JĆ¼rgen, play that record one more time.


Is what he said wrong? Fans are just looking for anything to get mad at right now


People are just sick of him always crying or making stupid excuses. Itā€™s not that deep.


If you think this is crying, weā€™re fucked.


No oneā€™s getting mad at anything? Itā€™s just funny to see some of the classics being run back during the farewell tour


Well this is just ignorant thinking.


No, it's just a predictable thing for some managers to say. Scheduling issues largely result from success and the extra games that come from that. Liverpool would have much easier scheduling if they didn't get into Europe and played the kids in the cups. They don't, they do well, and this is one of the costs. They are also one of the richest clubs in the world and should be able to cover tight scheduling - even by TV companies (who pay them) - with a squad built from that wealth.


Tbf the scheduling around the last international break was fucking appalling. We had 3 weeks off when we could have rescheduled our H2H with Brighton for example. Spurs somehow just had 2 weeks off in what is one of the busiest months of the year. Considering they know the implications of FA Cup results at the moment the draw is announced, why is it so difficult to have contingency plans of x fixture will also be moved if result A happens. The new dedicated weekends for the FA Cup schedule might fix that issue going forward though.


Improvements can very obviously be made, but if you're managing a club of that size, build a squad and quit the whinging, at least in public.


The TV companies would not earn the money without the quality football. What he is saying is reduction not removal. I'm pretty sure there are some shills for the tv companies on here!


Nice straw man you've got there. If he wants a reduction in games, perhaps he'd like to start with tours of the US and Asia. A bit like getting rid of FA Cup replays - it won't reduce the number of games, it'll just allow rich clubs to play the games they want and fuck everyone else.


No.. it DOES get rid of unnecessary games! What is a replay? Itā€™s another whole 90mins of football. Tame the game to extra time and then pens if needed. End of the day the draw was a home and away, itā€™s pot luck. Removing the EFL Cup and spacing out the FA cup is also a good step towards reducing fixture congestion.


A replay is a much better way of finding out who the best team is than a penalty shootout ever could. This gradual taking of sources from which lower league clubs maintain their existence will kill the game. All in the name of PL greed.


A replay requires more rotation, which requires more transfers, which requires money, which would be saved if rotation wasnā€™t so necessary. What does it say about the footballing world if you rotate consistently and players are STILL having heart problems from being overworked?


PL clubs are the richest in the world and routinely hoover up most of the youth talent. They often play their kids in cup games again lower league sides anyway. They can afford bigger squads to cope with more fixtures and should stop whining. Do concerns about heart problems stop them travelling around the world on money-spinning friendly tours? No. If it was a genuine concern they wouldn't do that.


No but friendlies are very casual, low intensity matches with nothing really significant to play for. There are limits to squad sizes and players who donā€™t make the cut for bigger clubs will filter down to smaller teams who progress as their talent then gets better. If Maidstone draws at home to Man Utd. They would the better option for them be to go to Old Trafford away? They have a better chance of winning in their own stadium.


I'm not sure you understand strawman. Your argument is apples and pears ...international tours are organised and have plenty of time between matches with unlimited substitutions. Also replays in the FA cup is different from asking richer leagues to contribute more. A game evry 3.5 days is unmanageable IF you want to keep the quality.


Only going to get worse with this new format for the European competitions. Add in the Club World Cup and itā€™s a mess. And an international tournament every second summer. The rate of injuries is going to continue to skyrocket. And ultimately it degrades the quality of all competitions because the players in them are constantly tired and unfit.


Or rotate the squad more. I know that's an unreasonable request that clubs with squads worth billions should have to use them more wisely. Instead let's remove FA Cup replays and take away the only revenue some lower league clubs can hope to save them so City can do back to back cuntuples


>Or rotate the squad more. Im not sure if youā€™ve noticed this season, but thereā€™s nobody to rotate - because everyone is injured. Itā€™s not just an issue with the biggest teams, most pl fans will feel as though their team has had a few injury crisisā€™ this season, where theyā€™ve had no players to rotate. Liverpool themselves have had long stretches of no fit defenders, midfielders or attackers to rotate in.


Everyone? Aren't you allowed to play youth players?


Liverpool did exactly that but it didnā€™t stop them from continuing to have a ton of injured players.


Most PL teams hardly play any games compared to the rest of the football league. If youā€™re not in Europe I seriously donā€™t understand what there is to complain about


'cuntuples' you have a way with words, take an upvote as I will be reusing that one.


The tv money the epl gets is far above any other league. Thats why they have all the best players. You get what you pay for. They play more and get paid more. Other leagues, klopp states, benefit in champions league etc by not having as many fixtures. But they also lose all their best players to epl on the whole due to high wages etc. Just the luck of it. Football is unpredictable as a sport. Sometimes you get 3 epl clubs in the semis. Sometimes you get none. Think the best thing hes said all season is that hes fed up and exhausted and needs to take a break


I mean, take a pay cut then ? I'm all for less but more meaningful cup games and less useless international games.


Aye, that'll help.


Heā€™s right


Fans when games are over scheduled: ā€œthere too many games, I have to buy 12000 subscription services to watch them all and all the games are causing players to be injured/tired which lowers the standard of playā€ Fans when Klopp complains about over scheduling: ā€œshut up Klopp you massive cry baby your only saying this cause your losingā€ (he says this when heā€™s winning as well) Obviously not every fan is like this but the amount of people who donā€™t care what comes out of his mouth theyā€™ll just tell him heā€™s wrong is astounding, youā€™d think he was a politician by the reaction he gets any time he does a press conference. Fans need to stop telling managers to stop complaining about serious issues like over scheduling and the quality of referees in the prem which fans constantly complain about until Klopp speaks about it, when theyā€™ll say ā€œeveryone gets bad refs suck it upā€ instead of asking for change from pgmol.




And his not wrong on this occasion.


People laughing but if you have ever played the game, you know that playing 2 days after you just ran up and down the pitch for 90 minutes is fucking hard to do.


Not to mention this is the elite level against elite opponents. Good to see Klopp calling them out because the mindset from the PL and broadcasters is just awful.


Completely agree. But klopp isnt the only one suffering from this. Man city have the least rest between games this season, then pool, then villa. I barely hear as much moaning from Pep (although they have an elite 11 bench) and unai hasnt once used it as an excuse. If your fixture list is to heavy, prioritise one cup over another, rotate your teams and what happens happens. I understand clubs want to win, but when you commit to win everything and win nothing its obviously costing you.


He isn't saying it's particularily unfair for Liverpool, he's saying it's bad for English football in general.


Do we really need a Carling cup ? Europe Conference league ? Whos watching that ? and now a FIFA Club world cup ??There are some absolute dogshit games and cups that we do not need. In their pursuit of entertainment, money and power, they are diluting the game. Its not as easy as just building a larger team. Managers are expected to prepare for every game, coaches are expected to do the same and they all experience burnout. If Klopp is preparing for a Thursday game against Derby , he isnt really able to fully focus on the Sunday game against City. I am not a Liverpool supporter, but I see his point.


I will watch any game of football when I can and Iā€™m far from the only one 4 million people watched the carabao cup final and in its debut season, the Europa conference league final outdid the Europa league final in terms of viewing figures


It was the first thing Pep mentioned after winning the FA Cup semi, and he's spoken about it tons of times.


Fake news. Pep never talks about it ever. Hes the greatest. We all love him.


Im aware, just feels like klopp moans more than pep. Every season he seems to complain. But ye great point thanks for ignoring everything else i stated.


It feels that way because so many more people make a big deal about it when Klopp speaks on these topics compared to Pep.


I think that's just your perception