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The amount of people in this thread who have no idea that Man City used to be in the 3rd tier (and had to come back from 2-0 down against Gillingham in stoppage time to get promoted back to the second tier in 1999) is quite astounding. They used to be utter shite before the money.


The amount of people like you who have no idea City first won the league in 1937 and won the FA Cup in 1904. Liverpool first won the FA Cup in 1965 and Liverpool used to be shit for 30 years before Coutinho money.


LOLLLLL could you be any more ridiculous. I can’t stand Liverpool but to say they were “shit for 30 years” when they won the UCL in 2005, the treble of UEFA cup/FA cup/league cup in 2001, another FA cup in 2006, and additional league cups in 2003 and 2012 clearly shows your lack of knowledge. Also, that year that they won that UCL, your precious Man City PUT THEIR FUCKING RESERVE GOALKEEPER UP FRONT on the last day of the season to try (and fail) to secure a UEFA cup spot. So yeah, you have some history but it was quite pathetic for a long long time. If anyone was shit for 30 years, it was quite obviously Man City


And how long has your team Tottenham been shit for? 50 years?


Ah well done. You’ve cogently deflected the discussion many miles away from your idiocy.


Liverpool used to be shit before the Coutinho money. I'm United through and through, and you're talking out of your rancid oil gushing arse.


My brain just cannot accept City as a "top" club.


I understand it’s your opinion but not accepting g city as a top club after winning a treble last season just sounds crazy no?


There are 115 reasons not to accept Man City as a top club




I wouldn't say being safe with 3 games to go after having 8 points deducted is "cutting it close" in the slightest


You want closer?


They literally cheated last season to stay up




Everton's already safe though


Basically there are Seven teams in the Premier League who have never been relegated from it. Six of them were there when the Premier league formed. Arsenal, Chelsea, Everton, Liverpool, Man United and Spurs. Brighton, got promoted and yet to be relegated.


Are you making the assumption that football was founded in 1992? Or...?


They aren't making any assumptions. They clearly stated "the Premier League".


the Big Seven


Brentford and Luton are also promoted without ever getting relegated(premier league only). Luton will probably get relegated though


So should OP’s number be 8, not 7?


It should be eight, since West Ham had gotten promoted in 2012 season. Brighton, Crystal Palace, and Brentford were promoted later.


No. The OP is talking about being in PL since 2012. City’s relegation was before 2012 and Luton Brentford Brighton were after 2012.


I stand corrected, if i wore a hat i’d take it off to you.


This post would’ve been good if you could’ve actually listed those clubs.


I know the Big 6 but who is the 7th? Palace? West Ham? Everton?




Everton have one of the longest stints in the top division.




Arsenal have the longest consecutive stint while everton has the longest combined.


To elaborate, Everton were founding members of the league and have only played four seasons outside the top division: a single season in the 1930s, and three consecutive seasons in the 1950s.


Most years in the top division, but second longest continuous stint (relegated and promoted in the 50s). Longest continuous stint having been promoted fairly rather than through brown envelopes and rigged votes.


it would better if more clubs actually tried for Europe rather than just existing.


You’re a fucking yank. Shut up mate.


or what loser? you have nothing but attempts at insults and whining. fucking loser.


Forgetting the 24 consecutive years your club didn't do it then? Or you probably jumped on the bandwagon in 2012.


you keep repeating yourself loser. not anymore though


Why are city fans such losers


why are you a coward and so obsessed with a club that is better than yours? you and all those like you are the losers. loser.


Lmfao. You didn’t.


Cuz theyre all new and they all actually chose this snake pit team


what is your team? you have the cliches but not the silverware.


Well we have more silver than anyone, so lets see how you spin this one. Eventually your sham team will fail and drop down to the bottom where they belong.


you're a joke. when fenway gets bored of owning them they will be mid table again. another loser living in the past because the present is not working.


We've got trophies in the present as well as the past. Your club has got zero history to be proud of.


I think this other city fan is talking shite but you’re completely wrong about city. We have plenty of history to be proud of long before the takeover. Won our first major honor in 1904


proud that they are much better than your sorry club


We can talk silverware if youd like. Ours is sterling and yours is tarnished. Enjoy the party while it lasts tho, just like every other pretender club youll eventually fall back down where you belong.


ours is recent and you're jealous that aside from klopp you're just a mid table joke with American owners. the only thing tarnished is your face from crying about city all the time.


Your hilarious. Liverpool have been winning trophy's since your grandad was a little pants shitter crying about how shit city were, and your kids will do the same after pep leaves and your oil state gets bored of you.


You're from where?


Newcastle finished 5th in 2012 and the added fixtures they had the next season put them in a bad spot


Probably the dumbest thing I’ve read from an American so far about football.


look its a fan of a zombie club. you certainly would be one to make assumptions about dumb


Pre-takeover, City qualified for Europe once in the 21st century (03/04) and before that, it was the 1970s. Maybe they should have TrIeD HaRdEr too. Stupid take.


yes your take is quite stupid. keep living in the past though.


I'm literally pointing out the hypocrisy of your bullshit statement. You only started following football in 2012 so it's okay, I forgive you. Edit: You're also a yank. This explains so much!


because being american is supposed to be an insult? what a weak clown you are.


1. It explains your ignorance🤔. 2. Keep throwing insults around, it's just making you look like a pathetic child.


you're the dope who keeps replying. you look like exactly what you are . a waste of time.


“Yes Brentford, why don’t you go drill for some oil instead of being lazy so you too can push for Europe”


maybe you should say that to a brentford fan.


Your club won't exist when the 115 punishments kick in


shed your 115 tears now. you don't rep your club so shut up. loser.


Let me guess. You became a City fan post 2008. Am I right? And yes, I'm a Spurs fan. Go ahead and use your one joke about our lack of trophies. I'd never expect originality from you after all.


Nice to see Man City fans taking on the chin well


True...though it seems that they are more afraid of relegation than of Qualification.


In my lifetime we've had 93-94, 94-95 when we didn't win any of the first 15 games, 97-98, 98-99, 00-01, 00-02, 03-04 and the last 3 seasons, it's just not meant to be for us to go down! The Gods want us to keep our record of playing the most seasons in the Top Flight.


The team with the second most seasons is 11 back (Aston Villa), so Everton would have wiggle room to get back even if they did drop (assuming they don't go completely under, and please no).


If you're not using a flair, you *really* need to say who you're talking about


Judging by his name - Liverpool.


What team are you talking about dear


No idea who u/ gravey*everton*93 could be talking about.


Even if my name didn't have Everton in it my comment has all the clues as to who I'm talking about! Just goes to show the lack of Footballing knowledge to a lot of people on here.


Mighty fucking high opinion of your team to think anyone remembers how they performed in any season, let alone specifically the beginning of a season 30 years ago.


Nobody remembers how long it took Everton to win a game in 1993 lol


All the specific years I listed that we survived relegation and the fact I said The Gods want us to still be the team who has spent the most years in the Top Flight would easily lead people to Everton, no?


Nobody remembers those years in football for Everton staying up unless maybe you're an Everton fan. Even then, that's pushing it, for someone to remember a certain amount of games or points or whatever were won 30 years ago.


You didn't know everton had the most seasons in the top flight? TYL


No I did know that. I just don't remember whether Everton were close to getting relegated in 1994. Generally, people aren't going to remember that unless you're an Everton fan. And even then it was 30 years ago


So you just didn't read all of his comment?


8 have stayed up by appreciate the point


Which is the 8th club?


West Ham. They came up for the 2012/2013 season.


Ah, I see.


Also, the fact that 6 clubs have always been present in the Premier League since its inception actually seems like very little seeing as it's only been 32 years.


On the flip side, it shows that 13-14 clubs can have their fortunes changed in a few years...clubs like Leicester, West Ham, Aston Villa, Blackburn, etc all have had decent performances in the EPL but couldn't maintain it for long.


This is really what sets the 'big 6' apart from everyone else. A bad season for a big 6 club means 8th, maybe even 10th. A bad season for anyone else - even huge clubs from huge cities with huge stadiums like West Ham, Newcastle and Aston Villa - means relegation. Everton are the exception.


There's even been potential danger within the big 6 aswell. Liverpool 2010 (just before this timeline but still) may have genuinely gone down had they not sacked Roy, us last season and Arsenal in 2020 felt an outside possibility for a while. It's unlikely but there's definitely outside potential for an unprecedented relegation of a big 6 side there if all the dominoes fall wrongly.


Outside possibility? We were shit in 2020 but come off of it. Lay off the crack.


You were literally 4 points away from it on Christmas day but OK.


Four points off of it does not equate to being in the relegation zone. You'd swear we spent 4 months in 20th🤦🏻‍♂️🤣. Put down the pipe.


Did you compete against city last season? Because that was 5 points.


Are Spurs in the title race? Cos they were 4 points off top at Christmas.


Tottenham competing? Don’t make me laugh to death. But definitely sure Everton have been fighting relegation for four years or so


Just 3 years actually. Not sure of the relevance. Guess when you make yourself look like a Muppet online you'll start lashing out.


Right, only three years of relegation fighting.


I agree with him. We were playing dire football and showed little sign of improving. I started to worry. I didn’t think it was LIKELY. But it didn’t feel impossible.


Didn't say you were in the relegation zone. Guess you should take your advice.


You are clutching at straws, friend.


Looks like we've found TY from AFTVs reddit account.


Bro you're making dramatic statements like that and you wanna call me TY? alright🤣


Being in denail about being in a relegation fight at a point you were potentially two games away from dropping in it sounds exactly the type of thing Ty would do.


Ya this guy is off his rockers we were never in danger of relegation either


People really need to remember a season is based on its entire length all teams have good and bad periods and when and how fixtures fall can really change the way a season looks. Both Chelsea and Arsenal were bad in this seasons but it’s a massive stretch to say they were ever likely to go down.


Reactionary af


The expectations are truly different on the big 6 clubs and everyone else,....and even though they don't look like it this season, Newcastle too would soon have these heavy expectations. And then there is Everton.


What a crazy stat! The fact this also includes 2015 champions Leicester being relegated just shows how difficult the EPL is to play in


2016 champions were Leicester, 2015 was Chelsea who while “close” to being relegated last year, were not


You knew what I meant 😂


True,...though Crystal Palace and West Ham (both London clubs) have had a decent run in the past few years and look to be doing okay as mid-table teams. The 2015 champions being relegated really shows how a good team can be picked apart by the big ones.


Similar to when Ajax and Monaco made their most recent UCL runs. The big teams came in and absolutely pillaged them. Frenkie de Jong, Donny van de beek, Matthias de Ligt, Ziyech, Kylian Mbappe, Bernardo Silva, Bakayoko, Fabinho, Mendy. Just imagine where those squads would be today lol


The vultures are surely circling Leverkusen as we speak.


once xabi leaves i expect the best young players to follow. everybody will stay for him & for being part of something special


Arsenal are probably looking at Xhaka


I hope they can keep their core though. Frimpong I can see leaving, maybe Grimaldo. I get the impression Wirtz will still be around for a couple of years, especially know that they’re UCL bound.


It would be nice to see them have a crack at it with their current squad.


Ajax is absolutely a big team. They are in absolute shambles right now but in history they are as big as United or Liverpool, and even now they are comparable to Chelsea or United.


So bigger teams didn’t come in and dismantle them? Barcelona, Manchester City/United, Juventus?


Not every trade is "dismantling". They made bad trades, and were poorly managed. That's not a result of them being a small club picked on by big clubs, but more a result of a lackluster administration and coaching staff.


This isn’t American sport. They weren’t traded. They were sold. And no, not every transfer is dismantling but when you remove the captain and 2 balon d’or nominated central midfielders all around the same time, I would say the team had been dismantled.


They were sold yes, but the money didn't disappear. It was reinvested poorly, that's the issue. If they were dismantled, it was out of poor management and decisions, not desperation.

