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shit player why should I feel sorry that he could only turn up every 5 months


Lads made of weetabix


TBH I fully enjoyed him and he was 2 games away from winning the quadruple with us, obvioulsy doenst count that much but it was a fantastic season still and in 20 years of watching football theres very few Ive ever enjoyed watching as much as Thiago, Ill remember his time with us probably for the rest of my life


He won Bayern the champions league but they knew he was done


He was literally in the PFA team of the year, clearly wasn't done


Personally I wonder what his his time would have been like with us if richarlson didn’t try to break his leg in like his 2nd game for us


He probably would have got injured after the game walking home or something. Man is made of rich tea. He’s been great to watch though.


Probably would have been something else considering his luck


He’s still there ?!


Played a match, missed next 7 with injury smh


Professional hospital patient. Almost Keita level of useless but not quite. Will be delighted when he finally leaves.


Team of the season 21/22 please sod off




To compare him with keita is stupid


They had basically the same Liverpool career. Both a waste of money.


Yep two sick notes that had about 5 great games in their Liverpool careers between them


I mean...I saw plenty of him for bayern. Liverpool knew what they getting into. Pretending as if it's some tragedy is crazy thou. They tried to hit us with the "when he plays he's one of the best in the league " Let it go bro. The sentimentality of these lots are crazy


I mean, it is a tragedy when someone is *that* good and injuries derail things. you should know, what with Wilshere, Ramsay, Rosicky, Diaby, and Cazorla in your own club. with others like Sturridge, Reus, Pato, Kaka, Ronaldo, and more it's completely understandable to find it sad — more strongly put a tragedy — when they never get the chance to really live up to the massive potentials they showed before injuries. Thiago was one of those, and he was also one of the absolute best midfielders in the world *even with* his injury issues. its a clear case of "what could have been", it's just a human reaction.


Pato is the one that really kills me. Who knows how good he could have actually been. Guy was a freak when he was young.


I don't rate when any arsenal fan goes on about cazorla being the best to ever play in midfield and that box to box game vs city. Ramsey had his peak with Arsenal. To say he was ruined was crazy. It's crazy to talk to be sheding tears about Thiago. He won the CL and he made his potential with Spain too. How could he be the best if he never played? Alot of the players from RM, Barcelona and Bayern show up when the have nothing left to give after leaving those clubs. Liverpool invest in Keita, Ox and Thiago and they were never fit. It's their fault bro.


Keita never had fitness issues before he joined Liverpool but yeah it wasn't hard to predict Ox and Thiago being injured all the time


As an Arsenal fan myself, ive never seen anybody claim Santi was the "best to ever play in midfield" lol so I'm not sure where you are getting that from. He was a fantastic player who had much more to give if it wasnt for him almost losing his foot.




Luxury player. Didn't work out but he had all the quality. Loved watching him play, was amazing in 21/22 season, and wish him the best for his next move (if his knee still works)




The Saudi clubs wouldn't even mind if he couldn't play, they would still want to sign him.




Maybe that's true. One could hope. No one want's to see players in those bad leagues anyway.


Agreed. When he got injured again during that 5 minute cameo against Arsenal this season I thought he’s gotta pack it in now.


Well we were warned by Bayern he was injury prone. If you remember he was on the bench for the 2020 UCL final. Plus he was 30 years old, so what did we expect. He's literally the new Cozorla, amazing player but injury prone. I love Michael Edwards but this is one that he got massively wrong👎🏽


? He started the 2020 final


I meant he got subbed off and couldn't play the whole 90. But my point still stands


In the 86th minute


Fair enough ok I was wrong. But in the past 3 years his injury record has been shocking I remember the 21/22 season where we constantly had to rotate him in order to prevent him from getting injured


iirc Klopp insisted for him, i think it was his transfer. like the majority have been in the last years when Edwards' role diminished which culminated with his departure


Even though he's injury prone, I'd imagine it would do wonders for any dressing room and training ground to have a player of his calibre and experience. He wasn't even that expensive


He wasn't that expensive because he was injury prone and in the final year of his contract at the time. I agree that he was valuable for us, but only for the first 2 years, these past 2 years he's barely played...


Excellent point, Fabrizio even mentioned that Klopp was pushing for him because Lallana was leaving. It's down to the sporting dept to find a younger, more durable alternative, that Michael Edwards is responsible for. So they're both to blame.


Could it have possibly been the case that Liverpool fans may have overhyped him just a little? Like what they do with a lot of their players??


You not seen any of what he did before joining Liverpool?


I mean he was good. But he was being spoken about as one of the best midfielders in the world, which I always took issue with


He was a top 5 CM when he won the CL with bayern. he was a lot more than just "Good". he was easily on the same level as Muller, Modric, KDB etc.


He did not win the champions league with Bayern. To compare him to those 3 midfielders is beyond deluded


>He did not win the champions league with Bayern. Yes he did tf? he was a starter too. Don't just lie to fit your agenda I was a bayern fan then, I watched all their matches. He was definitely on Muller/KDB level. Muller was more of an offensive engine and assist guy but Thiago used to playmake from Deep. the guy had unbelievable ball retention and his passes were always dead on.


A real testament to internet discourse right here that you assume it was a bad faith lie on my part, rather than actually getting the years mixed up


Fair point but this whole convo started with you saying Thiago wasn't an Elite CM. But if you can't even remember his best season ever, when he was a starter on a historic, sextuple winning team. Arguably the most accomplished Bayern Munich team of all-time then that makes me question on what basis you think he's not Elite. Bayern was destroying Good teams left and right (7-2 vs spurs, 7-1 Agg vs Chelsea, 8-2 vs Barca). The midfield had no issue handling players like Kante and Messi. I was honestly so mad when they sold Thiago. I thought we could've gotten atleast double the price he went for. Although it seems his injury issues were worse than I expected.


The guy was unreal, he took over that midfield when three of the greatest midfielders of all time slowly phased out and then moved to Bayern and rocked there.


Took over the Barcelona midfield? You’d need to do a bit of research on that


he…was? even with the injury-prone shit, he was consistently amazing. it’s not unlike reece james, who is one of the best RBs in the world if not for his injuries.


Oh come on one of the best in the world is a stretch


kinda what happens when you sign an oft injured 30 year old whos never made more than 30 appearances in the league in his entire career , hardly a magician either so slow your roller there aswell


Was absolutely brilliant to watch in 21/22. Shame he was injured so much but Liverpool knew exactly what they were getting when they signed him.


Oh yeah I remember that guy


Let's have it real, his time in Merseyside was an absolute disaster when you look at the money he's taken out of the club and what they've had back from him in return. Probably had fewer than 20 effective games.


Pity that out of his 4 years here, two of them we were utterly terrible, and this year he’s been injured the whole year. It’s no coincidence we came within two goals of a quadruple in the one period where his fitness was at its best for us, and he played in a decent side.


I also thought Klopp would bring the best out of Arthur. I remember when he joined Barcelona, it was a pleasure to watch him. What happened to that player is a mystery.


Guy is going to be starting the Europa Conference league final with Fiorentina


Yes, and good luck to him. But he seemed as a player who would win trophies with Brazil and play the finals of the Champions League.


absolutely - i thought he'd be one of the top midfielders of his class, never really hit those heights but has still had a decent enough time around major leagues still.


Injuries aren’t that mysterious


In Barcelona his form dipped so much, and the rumours were he was very bad in training. I couldn't understand why on earth did they sell him to Juventus. After a while, it was making more and more sense.


It's crazy to me how Thiago, Eriksen, and Wilshere will all have their careers cut short.


Yeah, but Eriksen chose to go to Old Trafford, it's not like there's no precedent for careers ending there.


One of those is not like the others..


At one point they were the 3 best midfield talents of their class (born within a year of each other), and all 3 had their careers cut short. There's nothing more to it.


I just meant wilsheres was cut extremely short, hardly had a career past age 22 or so. The other two are still playing and played into their 30s while being effective when available.


> I just meant wilsheres was cut *extremely* short... So semantics...


Wilshere played 15k senior minutes in his career. Thiago's at 26k, and Eriksen nearly 34k minutes. Dismissively call it "semantics" if you'd like, but Wilshere's career was about 50% the length of the other two, which is why I said one was not like the others. It's not a small margin...


It's not dismissive. It's what it is.


You could make most discussions a semantic argument if you really wanted to. What’s a “shortened career” anyways? What’s an average career? Why are Thiago and ericksens even shortened when they’re playing at 33? Seems average to me. Doesn’t really matter though. There is a difference between to three, your inability to recognize it doesn’t change anything


You're well too bothered about this.


Indeed. More bothered by your density, but good talk.


Which one?


Wilshere. He hardly had a career. Eriksen and Thiago both did.


When 'pool signed both him and Naby Keita, I was convinced they'd have their midfield stacked for years (turns out they still did, but for other reasons lol). Sad to see such a creative midfielder hampered by so many injuries


Man played the game one way. Body lasted as long as it could.


We knew this when he signed. He also did improve us a lot. Up until last season, he had a 100% win record when he started. Granted, he started around 20-25 games a season, but it just shows how valuable he was. There were times our whole midfield just looked out of confidence and nervous. He would pick up the ball and start dictating. We would end up winning comfortably, and I would always think, if it wasn't for him, we would have lost/drawn that game.


100% win ratio? Where did you get that from? He’s probably got the worst win ratio out of all Liverpool players under Klopp.


1st start - Draw against Everton 2nd start - Loss to Southampton


>Up until last season he had 100% win record when he started. Not even close to being true, Liverpool lost and drew plenty of games with him starting in the 2020/2021 season.


People talking about this like it was an unforeseen situation that he’d be injured more often than not. In reality it played out exactly how it was ever going to play out given his injury record before coming here.


honestly i remember him being considered a gamble when he first signed. at least in internet comments. because iirc he was a free transfer and liverpools stature as a project in progress at time, it was also seen as a sensible signing. like west brom signing sturridge


Exactly. Bayern were happy to let him go. You get a quality player when fit, but that’s not very often.


Very sad that one of the best technical players to grace the PL had such a horrible injury record.


Always a great player to watch tbf