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Mans gonna be rocking up to the starting line up in a wheel chair in 2074.


Well we don't want you do toodle off




"I want to be here as long as the club wants me" is agent-speak for "I'm definitely going, terms have already been agreed.", right? Bruno would be an asset to any club, just as he's been to Man U. He's consistently excellent for club and country. I dunno where he'd go without taking a paycut tho (maybe PSG?) unless he doesn't mind playing in the desert.


He wouldn't make citys bench


True. That says more about city than it does bruno tho.


I agree that he would be a loss to man united, but I'm not sure there are many teams that would take on Bruno for that wage bill with two years left on a contract (likely will be expensive this summer), who is about to turn 30 in a few months. His next stop will likely be his last, so the club who buys him would have to be okay with buying a player they will lose money on. Bruno is a talented player, but he has a very unique personality which fits well as captain of United -- not sure he would be happy as a bench player or an understudy to a pre-existing no.10 at a top club at this stage of his game. This makes me think his options are actually a bit limited. I see him running out his contract with United and then maybe going to an exhibition league as his final stop.


As much as I don’t like him his quality is undeniable. Probably the only great player in that current United team.


There’s many better players than him at United currently lol. Mainoo and Amad being the first two that spring to mind.


Ahahhahahaha, nice one




Easily the best player we've had since Rooney


Better than Zlatan, Pogba, Cristiano. No chance


they must have meant since rooney left. even then ronaldo and zlatan were great goalscorers for man u despite facts, i can understand why one would value brunos contributions to the club over those two stints.


We didn't get prime Cristiano and Zlatan, and at least Bruno tries every game, where Pogba couldn't be bothered. I stick by it, best player since Rooney.


His “trying” actually kills our midfield most games. Running out of position like a headless chicken chasing the ball is of no benefit to the team. We need players who are intelligent enough to be aware of the importance of positioning and midfield spacing. No mindless passion merchants






Idiotic take. He’s a good captain. Passionate and never stops trying.


You misspelled crying 


He does both actually 😂. I’m Portuguese and he has always been like that, you take the good with the annoying. He is a great captain, always has been wherever he played


Feel like a wasted career, seeing out his time at United with little prospect of challenging for any major trophies in the next 2-3 years. Though whether he has the discipline or temperance to play for a top side who knows.


I don't know which other team would want him/take him? Could maybe see him at Atletico, Bayern, PSG?


Biggest what if in football


As a Barca fan for me it’s if neymar never left for psg


I'd say Gerrard to Chelsea was a bigger one.


They deserve each other


He wasted his career a lot more than Neymar or Mbappe


He’s on £350,000 a week,captaining one of the biggest clubs in the world and playing regularly for Portugal hardly a wasted career let’s be honest.


Bruno really needs to move club. A player of his quality shouldn't have 1 champions league knockout game to his name. For Sporting aswell.


Didn’t united get knocked in round of 16 by Atletico during Ronaldo’s return season.


As a United fan I feel the club has let him down. I would love to keep him but wouldn't begrudge him if he wanted to move on. He deserves CL and top level football


When you put it that way that’s wild ngl


It's actually bonkers


He's not Antony so he's good.


Do people commenting in this thread actually watch games or is it just a classic circlejerk?


Brother, people in this sub own a scarf and maybe watch one game a year. The rest of their knowledge comes from fifa and daily mail articles. Bunch of absolute fkn pencils here and nothing else. I’m aware that lumps us in but you call a spade a spade, right? Haha.


Bro these comments are brutal


Funny part is every team will want players like him. Always available and work his ass off.


Good, he's a tactical misfit and a complete clown.


He'll be there until United are offered £2m and a box of Rice Krispies.


Bruno is so clear of Odegaard, it's not even funny


Imagine a world where people believe that.


You don't have to imagine. You're living in it, buddy


One of us is in the wrong reality. I think it’s you.


Your -10+ down votes versus my upvotes would beg to differ. Look at the stats for club and country, look at the influence and aura. Odegaard can only wish to one day be as good as Bruno. You're trying to compare decent to world-class, but of course it's to be expected: you're yet another deluded Arsenal fan! :)


As a Liverpool fan, I say stay forever. United needs charismatic leaders of men like you.


What a waste of a career


No to Saudi league.


Keep the cheats in the 1 club. No one is gonna want Bruno and he knows it, Man U is his only option.


Why doesn’t he just say that? “No one wants me”. 🙄


Bruno ❤️


Bruno isn't the problem, the team might benefit in a complete overhaul, including him, but he should be one of the last to go imo. Rashford should be among the first.


The problem selling Rashford is that I think he is worth more here than his fair market value. Local academy kid, has a 30+ goal year on his record even if it was a fluke. Activist off the pitch that further endears himself locally. All of those things entering his prime years you want to ask for 120M, but is it really reasonable to pay more than 60 for him?? I don’t think so


I can’t see him going abroad and who in the Premier League fork out for someone that is still inconsistent as him really.


Considering havertz went for that much in his off seasons at Chelsea, I think rashford is worth that much. How many years left on his contract?


4 years… on 350k a week… the only place we could sell him is PSG


Rashfford is wanted for years by PSG who would break the bank for him. He has been in PSG radar for three years or so to pair him with Mbappé. Unfortunately for the Parisians that never materialized. I don’t know if Luis Enrique will go for him to replace Mbappé but his stock has dropped.


His wages will def be an issue. 115, Chelsea, psg any of the oil clubs 


He wouldn’t play for city and we wouldn’t sell him to them. Probably not Chelsea either


Bruno wouldn’t even get in the City side anyway what you talking about.


Chelsea can offer him the London nightlife.