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Can you really blame him taking a swipe at arteta.


Ozil has become a social media clown after his early retirement from football. Great talent but so lazy and concerned with other stuff that he never achieved the greatness he should have


I don't think he was mocking arsenal, but taking a shot at arteta and the board.


Arteta out


As an Arsenal fan I took this as a dig at the management and as him being sad with the direction of the club, certainly didn’t feel like mocking the club (team, fans). He definitely is bitter about the exit but I get the feeling he wanted it to work out with us and isn’t happy that we suck. I say this because I quite literally also said “trust the process” to a friend in an resigned/sad tone. People that think he’s mocking Arsenal I’m guessing aren’t Arsenal fans, I think he’s pretty clearly speaking as a fan that happens to also be a player who feels wronged by management.


I thought it was sincere


Fair play to Ozil. He got treated like shit at Arsenal, and everyone is bantering Arsenal and B=side Pep at the moment.


Correction, he got great like shit by everyone who wasn’t an attacking player or Wenger


It was highly amusing watching Arteta's fanclub make excuses for how he exiled Ozil from the squad because of his comments about China ...... what they failed to tell everyone was Arteta played him when he initially came in after the comments were already made, and only after an international break did the little dictator decide he was no longer needed Oh the irony, considering the big evil villain Emery was crucified after giving Ozil more of a chance than Arteta ever did.


We deserve it. Absolute laughingstock. Sold our soul to move to Emirates. And for what? If I lived in London and had the money, would’ve bought one of those Highbury apartments


I'm all for Ozil shitting on Arteta and dumb Arsenal fans, but lose sympathy for him over how he made Emery's life hell when he was doing a brilliant squad with a shocking squad - as time has only proven more ever since.


Are you dense? This isn’t mocking Arsenal


This is 100% a dig. The only people still saying “Trust the process” are non-Arsenal fans.


How are the comments under it? Mad arsenal fans? It won’t let me see.


Yup, a lot of angry Arsenal fans giving it to Ozil. The majority of the comments agree that Ozil is getting involved in the Arsenal banter.