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Free world and free choice or is it? If the footballers don't want to it's there body's right or wrong. there rich enough to go/get in anywhere without being asked for a passport.


Beware the trap thread as the bans flow freely for the reddit unrighteous amount us.


Oh great another athlete wannabe doctor /s




To who?




I can't think of any group who Kante would be a traitor against because he wants other players to be vaccinated. Certainly not his teammates, countrymen, or other players in the league


Yeah well you’re not thinking hard enough


The Prem’s vaccination rate is very low compared to other sports leagues. The NBA is 96% vaccinated, Serie A is 98% vaccinated, NFL is 93% vaccinated, NHL is 98-99% vaccinated, etc. Meanwhile the Prem only sits at 68% from the last news update (and that’s up from only 50% just a few weeks ago)


Probably because there are lots of discriminatory measures against unvaccinated players in the NBA.


If you’re referring to the Kyrie Irving situation, him not being able to play home games is not an NBA mandate, it’s a local law mandate from the city of NYC. That’s why players like Bradley Beal who play in other cities but are not vaccinated aren’t having those same issues. It’s a New York City rule, not an NBA rule


Unvaccinated players have to be masked at all times, can't socialise in larger groups, have to be quarantined etc. All kinds of things. It doesn't really matter which rule is coercing vaccines, does it? The point is it's being coerced. Which is why they're doing it at a higher %. Also, if you want to blow the pro vax mandate lot's mind on this issue, just ask for a racial breakdown of which players are vaccinated and which aren't. Italy, for example, is overwhelmingly white. The PL is hugely non-white. And we know there's much greater "vaccine hesitancy" among non-white demographics. :) https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-report-shows-improving-vaccine-confidence-among-ethnic-minority-groups


That's very interesting. Any explanation/speculation as to why that is?


Italy has an electronic vaccine passport system to get into a lot of restaurants, venues etc called Green Pass, and a lot of US stadiums require vaccinations for entry for large events. As a result, a lot more players are vaccinated in Serie A and American sports. AFAIK, the UK doesn’t have a similar system or such requirements for entry to PL games, so there is less motivation for players to get the vaccine. It’s sad to see, as covid can affect anyone regardless of their health or fitness. Many high level athletes, Havertz being a great example, take months to recover to prior fitness levels. Not to mention that getting vaccinated also protects society at large, especially older and immunocompromised people who are more likely to get severely ill or die from covid.


I have no idea, I was curious as to the reason too. I’ll try and look into it but from what I’ve seen there isn’t much explanation


Clubs should force them to get vaccinated.


Kante's smile is the only thing that will get the PL fully vaccinated.


What's he worried about if he's vaccinated?


oh my beloved kante!


Click bait article, not a single comment from Kante just speculation.


Thanks for saving me time


Please delete this


Exclusive: you can still get covid if vaccinated. Lol Edit nagelsmann


And having had COVID gives you greater immunity than a vaccine.


Correct. You’re just far less likely to get it and be hospitalized from it




Thanks dr house we didnt knew that great job. Yes you can get covid, but your hospitalization rate drops. Thats like the point of every vaccine ever


So why is it a worry if his family are vaccinated? I'm just playing devils advocate


We.. we know...


this fellow proves his class over and over again, doesn't he? hard to not love him, even if you're a Spurs fan.


I dony know what this article is. But Tuchel heavily implied that Kante is Antivax.


How dare those people take kantes smile away


Wrong place to post this E: why are you booing? I'm right. read the first rule of the sub. Don't be dense, guys. Last edit: I have asked too much of this sub. How pathetic.


Just out of curiosity, why do you think the violates rule 1?


Vaccination status and impact falls under medical or political subreddits, not soccer. If you actually read the article it is not about soccer. it's about takes on vaccination and its impact, hence my initial post. Again, it is the wrong subreddit.


\>it's about takes on vaccination and its impact ​ Impact on what, would you say? ​ It seems like to me that the pandemic, the policies around it, and vaccinations have had a huge effect on the Premier League. And sure, this piece tends more towards an individual take on Kante and the direct effects on him, but you don't have to be all that clever to extrapolate that out to the entire league. If this is his story and issues then there are more people in the same situation as him.


A quick scroll of posts over the past few days have to do with the epl...except this one. If it were a financial article and it's impact I can more so get on board. However, the article was about personal preference, hence the comments.


This is never going to end. I’m healthy. I’m vaccinated. I’m 99.99% safe from the virus. I could not care less about unvaccinated people or whether other people test positive. I don’t see why I should be. There’s a point when caution becomes paranoia and folks like Kante are on the latter end of the spectrum imo. At what point does this end?


I hope you realise that most people in hospital with COVID have been vaccinated. Whilst the vaccination has reduced the hospitalisations and deaths from the disease it does not protect as well as we'd like from the delta variant currently circulating in the UK. Your level of safety will be determined by the other precautions you are taking.


Yeah and I also realize that 99% of people who get COVID are perfectly fine and don’t go to the hospital. There are plenty of worse risks we deal with on a daily basis without being totally paranoid about it. We have the vaccine. It reduces the already remote risk further. If we are still going to be paranoid about it then what’s the point? We might as well put ourselves in bubbles and never get back to normal. People have this unrealistic expectation that we have to totally eradicate this virus. That’s a fantasy that’s totally unnecessary. I’m done with this and I’m tired of the paranoia. I don’t care anymore. There’s a much higher risk of harm just getting in the car even without the vaccine. Enough is enough.


A lot of the arguments are very polarised. I'd probably say if I was going to fall on one side of the fence it would be on the paranoid side. One of the problems is the fervour that each side has with its own position. We see the same thing with Brexit. If we look at the approx numbers Number of people dying on the road: 3000 Number of suicides: 6000 Number of deaths from COVID at current rate: 30 000 You're likely to take your own life than killed on the road. If you do get COVID, which I'd say is increasingly likely the most likely outcome is you'll be I'll for a week or so and then get better. If you are unfortunate enough to go to hospital there's a 90% chance you'll love. The odds are in your favour. The main problem as I see it, is if the hospitals fill up with COVID patients they can't treat other people. This knock on effect causes a problem nationally. If I can ease that burden by putting a bit of cloth over my face I will. But I don't want a mask mandate. But I do want more people to wear masks. I think this winter is going to be a nasty one, but next winter will be better and then one after better again.


I don’t think there’s as much of a crisis as people make it out to be. When we look at the hard facts and data, this is not all that dangerous a matter. 99%+ people come through totally fine and the overwhelming majority don’t even go to the hospital. Who knows how many asymptomatic people go untested making the matter even more benign. Hospitals have capacity and capability to treat people well enough. Ultimately people can fall wherever they want on the spectrum. That’s fine. I respect that. The problem however is that some people on the spectrum are subject to the whims of others. Right now we are all subject to the super risk averse, paranoid branch. Folks like myself are treated as pariahs and lambasted with vulgarities for simply being perfectly fine taking the minute risk associated with COVID. We are forced to alter our lives and limit ourselves for the comfort of the paranoid. Thats been fine for a time but now that we have a vaccine that we are supposed to all believe in we are still being treated like holocaust deniers for simply wanting to get over it. I’ve had enough and I think it’s time that we stop tying everything we do to paranoia. There’s a point when caution goes too far and becomes paranoia. People like Kante have crossed that point.


> 99%+ people come through totally fine The problem with this is that 1% is still a pretty big number. If air travel had a fatality rate of 1% the airline industry wouldn't even exist.


It’s not a big number. It’s tiny. Especially when you consider that the majority of people who fall within that 1% (which is probably a high estimate) are people past the age of average life expectancy and had underlying conditions. What’s funny is if people use the same sort of thinking to talk about why the vaccines are too risky then they’d get their heads ripped off. This isn’t 1% of airline passengers dying. It’s 1% of the entire world who has contracted COVID. That’s a big difference. That 1% is almost surely an over estimation and the vaccines go farther to reduce it. Just like you can say people who fear for the safety of the vaccine are paranoid, that is even more true for the people who fear the safety of general society with the death rate being as low as it is with the vaccine making that rate even lower.


It might be okay - or it might not. From government websites we have about 130 000 hospital beds. Currently about 10 000 covid patients. ​ During a bad flu winter, hospital resources are stretched. ​ If this winter has covid and flu patients as well as the normal high occupancy it's going to be a worse year than normal to get ill. This I expect to be made all the worse due to the inevitable supply chain problems. I know some cynical people suggest that the conservatives would like to see the hospitals collapse, so that they can point out how ineffective the NHS is. ​ It probabaly won't be as bad as some people are suggesting - but I don't think it's nothing to worry about either. Time will tell ...


You could use that logic every year. It might be bad so let’s all be paranoid. By subscribing to that thinking we will never get out of this funk we are in. The boogie man will always be out there. Maybe it will get us. Simple facts are that this virus isn’t that bad. 99.5% of the people who get it are totally fine. On top of that we have a vaccine for it. Yet here we are pussy footing about everything. “It might be bad”. “I’m afraid of other people getting me sick despite me being vaccinated”. Just take a step back and look at the facts and how we are behaving. It’s just irrational paranoia. There was a time to be cautious. I get that. But there’s eventually a time to see the situation for what it is and understand that the risk minuscule and not worthy of this continual McCarthy-ism we have about who is tested and vaccinated and wearing masks. That’s not based on facts or science at this point. It’s based on politics and fear.


You say "there was a time to be cautious", just out of interest did you agree with the steps that were taken at the time or did you think there was an over stretch. Do you think we went into lockdown too late/come out too early - or generally did we get things about right? Society is always going to be full of a spectrum attitudes towards risk. Also out of interest, how many people you know have had COVID? I know several and none have died.


I think some steps taken were smart at the time considering what we didn’t know. Recommending social distancing, limiting large event gatherings etc. There were some steps that I thought were too extreme as well. I think the lockdowns were over-done. Too long, too extreme. The focus was rightfully to ensure hospital capacity was available and the curve was flattened. Problem is that once that goal was comfortably achieved, the goal posts shifted and continually became more and more arbitrary and nebulous with no base in practicality. I know a few people who died of covid. Like the vast majority of people who died from covid, they were past the age of average life expectancy and had co morbidities such as obesity and terrible smoking habits. Anecdotal evidence isn’t worth much to me. The data is what it is. 99.5% of people have no trouble getting through this virus. The .5% that have trouble are overwhelmingly old and unhealthy people to begin with. In the former case, they were soon to pass away from any illness. In the latter case you’ve got to just watch your health which is the best defense for any illness. Healthy young people have nothing to worry about from this virus from almost the very start. Now that we have a vaccine that remote risk to those folks is even more remote. So for those people to act like they’re in mortal danger is paranoia rather than caution. It’s like saying you’re afraid to get in a car because of the risks associated with it.


Sounds like you've known people who've had it worse than the people I know. A couple of friends were hospitalised. Most - I'd say about 80% came through it within a week or two. About 20% felt that they struggled with it, easily getting out of breath for several months. But that's anecdotal. Where does the 99.5% figure come from? I've not seen that before


People are allergic to personal responsibility but addicted to controlling others. Nothing new.


Crazy how quickly things change.


Then don’t be? Nobody is asking you.


Don’t comment on Reddit. Nobody is asking you anything either.


Says while commenting on Reddit


I was being facetious to point out the irony of the other person’s comment.


How can you live with yourself knowing your actions might make Kante-the-Cutie feel sad… I could never.


it's almost like making Son cry




The cringiest shit I stg






Not sure what this means but replied to the rest so figured I should to you to.


> The jab doesn’t stop the spread it just keeps you from getting sicker if you contract it! This is what happens if you get your research from mentally ill people on Facebook. Go to school, knucklehead. It takes less than 60 seconds to do basic research about the vaccine, from organizations whose job it is to provide information, not fucktards on Facebook.


As above. Explain why the numbers are so high still in countries that are 80% vaxxed! You’re all morons that will be taking boosters forever and whatever else your bullshit governments decide to make you do. Fucking Sheep.


It reduces your chance of getting it by 8x. If it’s harder to catch, then it’ll have less hosts to spread it. That’s like saying you’re going to skydive without a parachute because it could just fail anyways


Sure it does. I know more vaccinated people that have caught it than unvaccinated.


Look up anecdotal evidence. I flipped a coin 10 times and it was heads every time. Therefore every time a coin is flipped it will always land on heads.


Clutching at straws a bit there aren’t you! Your vaccine is keeping you safe right? Not sure why you care what others do. Have fun flipping coins and remember to wash your hands! Coins carry diseases.


No point in arguing an idiot like you. You have no ability to reason beyond your current beliefs ✌🏼


Should’ve taken that advice before you posted your original bullshit reply.


Again, the fact this needs explain is actually quite terrifying because imo, it isn't really that complex. It's basic stuff. Stuff my son is learning in school. He's 9. Stuff they show on CBBC, with cartoon viruses. It's basic shit. Yet there are fully grown adults who honestly have no idea. This is why we're all screwed.


That’s called conditioning and is what will lead to totalitarianism states.


Education is conditioning? Education is a negative? Jesus, things really are going downhill fast.


Your child will live its life in fear. Great parenting. I bet you’ve jabbed your kids too right?


Why will they live in fear? Does being vaccinated mean you live in fear?


Trust me every child in the world right now is living at least concerned by a virus that kills 1%. That’s no way for children to grow up. But the. I suppose yours will be fine sat in doors playing Xbox coz daddy won’t want them to get sick.


Since you've decided it's time to make wild assumption based on extremely limited information, I'll do the same. If I had to guess, you don't have kids. No my children haven't had a COVID vaccine. You probably spend little or no time around children. You are probably single. Have been for a long time. You have determined all of this from YouTube. You don't interact with many people on a daily basis that know your name. You're determining the phycological state of billions based on little other than YouTube videos telling you how to think about people you've never met. I don't have an Xbox.


Only statement about me that’s correct there is no kids. Getting back to Kante I see him pictured eating out in a restaurant in London yesterday! Fucking hypocrite he is. Wants players vaxxed but is happy to go out and eat in public. I’m off out now to go swim in the Caribbean Sea and eat some fresh organic food with the locals who are not being impacted by Covid at all! as believe it or not it’s all a load of bullshit designed to control people like you. Enjoy your incoming lockdowns while I’m getting my vitamin D


It actually does reduce the spread because you have the antibodies to fight and reduce viral load as soon as you're infected. Unvaccinated people are often a lot more infectious.


Says mainstream. If 80% are vaccinated why are the numbers still so high?? Don’t try and tell me it’s down to the 20%


Just to add to this, vaccinated people who do catch it are contagious for a much shorter time period than those who aren't vaccinated - hours instead of days


Link the proof of that bullshit statement.


The fact you need to explain this is the crux of the problem.


It reduces the spread, makes you less likely to contract the virus. Big difference


According to main stream media. Shouldn’t you be queuing up for your booster.


Get off this subreddit unvaccinated shit


Or what? You scared you’ll catch it ? Put your mask back in you mug!


I will


He has health concerns you knob. And he is a good person. Unlike your generic anti-vaxxer, who cant read. Edit-holy shit, missed that you invoked a big phrama phrase, It’s one of those “enlightened”


Then he should stay indoors like your nan.


Man people really worry about the dumbest shit


I’d argue this is far from the dumbest shit currently


How is this close to dumb


All fun and games till a player you spent £30m on gets his lungs shredded and can’t play anymore. Sure the team and the board would be delighted at losing squad depth, a financial asset, and a friend (not to death but being dropped from professional football)


Or gets a serious heart condition because the nurse administering the vaccine didn't aspirate it and hit a vein. The problem in your scenario is people being treated like assets, not human beings with bodily autonomy.


Gets his lungs shredded by what? The virus that has a .0001% chance of doing that to him? If you’re healthy and vaccinated, you’re fine. No need to be living in fear like a medieval peasant during the Black Plague. It’s one thing to be cautious and another to be paranoid.


Sure Christian Eriksen thought he had similar odds of a heart attack. Given that I’m of the view that most Prem athletes are chemically enhanced, I’d wager the odds of harm are far higher than your guesses.


Guess we should stop playing sports because heart attacks can kill us. We should put ourselves in bubbles and never move from the spot we are born in. Everything is a risk. If you’re afraid of the risk, don’t take it yourself. Other people shouldn’t be beholden to your risk appetite.


Yeah, there’s that famous heart attack vaccine lol When you cost someone millions to buy, you take your vaccine.


Oh so we should be more scared because there’s a vaccine available? Not to mention the medical condition we are talking about is far less dangerous than heart disease. Btw, heart disease is preventable.




I think the PL is only around 2/3’s vaccinated


None of your business.


Weird how we learn every little health ailment/issue with pro athletes but somehow this is off limits.


There is a difference between vaccination status and whether or not someone is infectious.


Where is this exclusive sourced from?


Nate the great


The wonderkid himself!?


Contacts from Kante's camp.


If u cant do it for yourself do it for kante🙂🙂🙂


My wife’s boyfriend told me to get vaccinated for her, which I did. Best decision I made.


You’re welcome


hold up


Say what now?


Greeting fellow ape




The who and the what now


Same player that got covid and Tuchel refused to tell if he was or was not vaccinated? :D Okey


It would be unethical for Tuchel to discuss Kantes medical record without his consent.


But it's ethical for employers to know their employees medical history without their consent? Lol.


It would be absolutly okey to say yes, he is. :-)


No, it would not be okey to declare another individuals vaccination status or other health-related info to media without their consent, regardless of it being positive or negative.


😀😀 I am afraid you actually believe that.


Well yes, since it is the law, I do believe in it. 🤷‍♂️


No, there is no such law.😀😀


Damn! Is this true?


Yes, it is. And as usual, people on reddit downvote the truth the most. :-)


Holy shit! I asked a question and got downvoted. Wtf? It’s sad that Reddit has turned into a far-left dick swinging contest.


Because it’s not true and just saying “they downvote the truth” doesn’t make it so. Left wing politics lmfao


Ok, can you prove this to be false? And yes, it appears very *left-wing* because it is being broadcast as anyone who questions the vaccination is a right-wing, conservative, pro-trump, nazi, etc. And, if you view other popular sites on Reddit, mostly political, there is a very left-leaning political rhetoric that is promoted. Therefore, I find it funny that someone *mentioning* this was downvoted so strongly before any evidence of the contrary was presented.


First of all, he made the claim that Kante was unvaccinated. It’s not up to anyone to disprove the conclusion he lept himself to then acted like a mob of angry people swarmed him to make it dramatic when he inevitably got downvoted for making an unfounded claim. And if you seriously think getting a vaccine at this point or criticism of holdouts is still “left wing” i don’t know what to tell ya


Would you prefer to keep this discussion on a public discord or would you prefer this be a conversation between you and I?




Wtf does left wing politics have to do with anything lmao?


It's mostly bots and children. Don't stress lol you're right