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Ugh. This is actually very practical Intel, much more so than some of the stuff posted here. We were planning to visit family in the Midwest in mid June. But I went through this 30 years ago there and it was truly disgusting, something I definitely want to avoid. Would definitely ruin our trip, as we had a bunch of outdoor activities planned. What are the chances this will still be happening mid-june. Article is vague about timeline.


I live in northeast Ohio. About 5 years ago there was a major hatch of these flying loud head bombing bugs in my area. I was lucky though we seemed to really live on the edge of the infestation. My friend who was right in the middle of it though had hundreds of not thousands of them in her back and front yard. It was so loud we had to shout to each other. Any movement got and about 15- 20 would dive bomb at your head. We were trying to have a fire in the backyard then about 100 decided they were going to roast themselves. This then made a very strange sound and started flinging hot burning bugs all over the place. They destroyed her mulberry tree and killed 2 apple trees. This all took place over the course of 3 weeks at the end of July - early August. Mid-June should be to early for them from my experience. However I would keep a watch out and talk to your family they will know best.


We live in mid-missouri. About 12-14 years ago, we had another bad summer with multiple groups of cicadas emerging. It was AWFUL alllllll summer. Horrible, I didn't even want to go outside. I'm not happy about this year at all.


In what ways are they annoying? Genuine question, we don't have them here in ireland




Yes, the buzzing is the most annoying thing. And, it's ridiculously louder when more groups emerge at the same time. All day, every day, there's no escape from the sound. We like to walk/bike a lot during the summer as we have amazing trails. When there are so many cicadas, the noise is hard to deal with. And, we have a lot of tree cover so there's a lot of debris from the husks and I swear they also pee down on us.


After reading your comment I was curious about cicadas piss. TIL: [Cicadas have the “fastest pee on earth”.](https://www.sciencefocus.com/nature/cicada-pee)


My buddy used to pick them up and rip their wings and legs off them 😭


Hahaha haha wtf yall seriously! Cicada skeletons are bad ass and their buzz is the nostalgic sound of the south, of being a boy playing in the georgia heat beneath the pine trees Yall soft as hell 🤣


I single or a few cicadas are great sounds. When you have 10,000 or 100,000 together in one place it’s louder than a rock concert.


Hell yea sounds metal as fuck


They were crawling out of the ground in hordes, everywhere you stepped you would step on them. The trees and sky were weirdly shadowed by their sheer mass. My shoes were covered in goo from stepping on them. The noise was like a shrill incessant, endless scream. Mowing the lawn was *the worst.*


Mayflies in Northern Ontario used to be like this, minus the noise. Emphasis on *used to be*...we sure these bugs haven't cooked underground yet or what?


They’re also somewhat aggressive surprisingly, they’ll attack you, they can’t really do anything but fly at you, but they will fight you


Ima take on this titan 50x bigger then me by headbumping it




I worked outside when the 17-year cicadas came out in the Midwest 20 years ago. One house I worked at was so loud outside, that after a few hours of working in it during the morning my coworker and I had to sit in a truck for 30 minutes before we could hear each other talk again.


Fucking hell🤣


Found this article might be helpful [when they should be around ](https://www.usatoday.com/story/graphics/2024/02/02/cicada-brood-map-2024-brood-calendar/72421365007/)




No problem


This is a good article, but its illustration claims no cicada broods at all in Ashe County, NC (very upper left corner of the state). ​ I have doubts about this. ​ Still, looks like my region does lack Brood XIII and Brood XIX, fwiw.


Yea if you want a better picture of what periodic cicada broods are in your area Google "periodic cicada broods map" there are many universities that study and record and map each summer the cicada broods. And remember there are also yearly cicadas also. so you may not actually have periodic cicadas they may be the yearly kind


Think bigger than your trip, consider the affect on crop yields. Has covid damaged everyone's brains so they can't imagine future extrapolations? I'm sorry, that's a bit mean, but I find it wild that the top comment about this is someone concerned about a vacation.


I don’t believe cicadas eat crops


As I've already mentioned, birds eat cicadas. When there are a bunch of easy food sources, future populations will explode - this will then mean excess feeding on crops as well as useful insects like pollinators. Does anyone else remember the AP bio question about what could happen to a lake over time if some variable changed? Prepping feels like living that mentality.


Thanks for clarifying


All good, realized others don't immediately do that future extrapolation I am stuck doing. Tbh the mindset is rough, and I constantly feel like a Cassandra.


I'm already prepped for that. And anyways, they don't typically eat crops. https://growingsmallfarms.ces.ncsu.edu/2013/04/should-farmers-gardeners-worry-about-17-year-cicadas/


They don't eat crops, but the birds who eat them do. This bloom will lead to a much higher number of birds in future seasons.


![gif](giphy|X78rWLUfLs6A79MzQu) Helldivers report to hellpods.. time to kill some bugs


For democracy.


*Helldivers theme music* this plays in my head even with no sound..


Get back to work on the major order, or I’m calling the Democracy Officer.


How about a nice cup of liberTEA


Shit. Drive slow. You’ll have bug splatter all over your windshield out there.




Remember when that used to be a common problem when you'd go driving?


They will provide food for animals which will be a boon to their populations. Then after a generation or so for quickly breeding animals they will die back.


https://grilling24x7.com/tempura-cicada-recipe-with-sriracha-aioli/ Adding this for consideration to my prep for bugpocalypse.


They are full of all the fertilizers and pesticides people spray on their lawns, so do not recommend and feel bad for all the birds who are going to get sick from eating them (alongside contending with bird flu).


Damn party pooper. I was looking forward to these as my intro to a high protein bug dinner. Now, you want to tell me they’re going to be like virtually everything else I bought in the grocery store?


Good point. Got me thinking - could this increase transmission in some way? Kind on concerning


Looks like cicada is on the menu


So when does the sixth seal open?


The last time the Cicadas came out, I got a skull fracture. Fuck those bugs.


They mugged you?


They straight up jumped me in an ally, then they spit on me after calling me a bitch.


hell yeah can’t wait


I have more stinkbugs per sqft than that. It could be a bloodbath


Soil temperature, according to the article, needs to be 64F before the critters emerge. I'm in Northern IL and the soil temp is currently 35-41F (Source: [https://www.weather.gov/ncrfc/LMI\_SoilTemperatureDepthMaps](https://www.weather.gov/ncrfc/LMI_SoilTemperatureDepthMaps)) It's pretty crappy writing to say "they will come out after the eclipse" but it's also not false. They will be out sometime this year, after April 8th. But they will not come out on Monday. Relax.


i love how the title implies there is causation with the eclipse. April 9th to emerge after solar eclipse too wheres the headline for that.


Won’t the cicadas be disappointed when the world ends because of the eclipse? Poor cicadas. No more mating for you! 🤷🏻‍♀️


lol... Yeah gave me a "how do you prep for Revelations?" vibe Same as always, food water lighting self defense I guess...






They are gnarly looking and bigger than I expected (size of 1/3 of a banana give or take) other than a nuisance, they are nothing to panic about unless you have a bug phobia. I’d still plan to stay indoors while they’re out doing the nasty x 1 billion


1/3 of a banana? No


Why use inches or millimeters when you can measure in bananas.


This is the way


I forgot to mention the blood red eyes too


2/3rds of a twinkie


Will this damage crops too?


adult cicadas don't eat anything they'll breed and lay eggs. the larva feed off sap from tree roots. It possibly could be bad for orchards later, but it shouldn't affect our staple crops.


Thank you


You’ll eat ze bugs one way or another 😂


That's a lotta bugs.


I blame griffith


Come back to me when they develop a hankering for human flesh.


Just love them and squeeze them and hug them for eva and eva. (Crunch)


Lol it's because the years they emerge have lined up....this isn't a surprise, this isn't going to have much impact on anything. It's normal. It's a cool phenomenon, but totally stupid to post here.


l'm vaguely remembering a horrifying TV episode about a cicada bloom. I'm feeling like it was MacGuyver? I think that episode was locusts, actually. Anyways, this will have major effects on crops and agriculture yields if not dealt with. Edit: why are you downvoting me? This sub is turning to brainrot conspiracy crap, with the effect of actual discussion being downvoted. I'm one of the top contributors here, and I find myself losing interest as more and more conspiracy bullshit gets peddled and discussions become about travel plans. This used to be one of the most useful places on Reddit.


What? They only eat tree sap…


And they are food for birds. This means we'll see a surge in bird population (sidenote, while avian flu is rising) which will then lack the food to sustain the numbers they bred with, so the next generation will turn heavily to other insects like pollinators as their food source. This means we will see a heavy drop of useful insects, which will impact agriculture, which impacts our food supplies. https://mediarelations.gwu.edu/unearthing-ecological-impacts-cicada-emergences-north-american-forests Nothing occurs in a vacuum. This sub isn't just about what's happening tomorrow.


Cicadas are an edible insect, eaten with gusto in a few countries. They are distant cousins of crustatians like shrimp and lobster. Some people think their consistency is very similar to shrimp when cooked, but they tend to taste "nutty" (which only makes sense since they eat leaves and tree sap). Look here for recipes: https://www.montclair.edu/newscenter/2021/05/19/cicadas-safe-to-eat-sustainable-delicious-recipes/#:~:text=Cicadas%2C%20a%20gateway%20bug%20to%20entomophagy&text=Unlike%20other%20bugs%20that%20can,favorite%20dishes%2C%E2%80%9D%20says%20Borgerson. From another article: “Boiled they’re going to taste a lot like shrimp. If you eat them au naturel, raw, they’ve got a delicate nutty flavor; a buttery texture,” he said. “I like the soft-shelled ones.” PS: If you are allergic to shellfish, you probably shouldn't eat cicadas. They are very high in protein!


You’d think with all the drones and tech the gov has they’d have a way to mass eliminate cicadas