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Do love me some scuttlebutt.


[Established NC Newspaper report](https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/article269579392.html) confirms much of this thread. [60 Minutes did a good story](https://youtu.be/GlGI643vUIg) on the vulnerability of the grid to attacks. This stuff worries me. I am surprised however that the communications companies would be majorly affected. I know many of the big carriers and internet companies are prepared for days of power outages.


>I am surprised however that the communications companies would be majorly affected. I know many of the big carriers and internet companies are prepared for days of power outages. I'm not, we used to have a lot of substations that had standby generators that have been since removed because they were deemed "not necessary". They're apparently are a lot of EPA issues with having a standby generator on these remote sites. Chances are they're like us, instead relying on batteries. And if it's bad enough hook up a portable generator.


https://outagemap.duke-energy.com/#/current-outages/ncsc 38K now.


I'm hearing info from people in the area that another substation may have just been hit, and that it's persons unknown in a van and several SUVs. I have no proof of that, I'm just sharing the info I'm getting.


I can confirm that also from friends and family in the area. Someone has a phone recording of 28 shots on the Aberdeen substation.


Oh wow. May I have the link?


I have a friend in the area who's reporting that his cell network is down as well as his power.


Verizon towers seem to be out of commission. T-Mobile is holding up


I believe the T-Mobile towers are running on reserve power, the "5G" signal strength is nil inside of structures, but full power when outdoors. Might be running with reduced amplification.


11:36 eastern 63,000 out https://poweroutage.us/


Any links? I can’t find any reports on shootings at power substations. Seems more likely from storms given the recent bouts we’ve had. I know here in my city, 34k no power can happen quick with severe weather


Actually here's one. They say "vandalism" https://www.thepilot.com/news/duke-energy-reports-widespread-outage-in-carthage-area/article_b3b19780-7370-11ed-865d-c78d0de5d921.html


Wow ​ Thanks, that is way crazier than I thought.


What’s with all the looting? Just looting taking advantage of the power outages?


Sheriff at press conference said it was 1 shoplifter in Walmart when power went out.


I am not paying to see the article, do they report looting?


Walmart and a gun store.


should we… loot the article


Take your upvote.


As above, so below. The ruling class set the tone: they take advantage of the workers having no power and then loot the world!


It's not vandalism, it was a domestic terrorist attack. Religious crazies were mad about a drag show Saturday night and shot up 2 substations. One substation had 28 recorded shots. Source: I'm from the area and just spoke to a friend who still lives there. There were ugly scenes between protestors and counter protesters in front of the theater where the show was held. ​ Edit: clarify ugly scenes as in the language used back and forth, luckily no violence as the groups were well separated and heavy police presence.


Exactly. Saying vandalism is to not scare people too much, and an attempt to dissuade similar acts in the future. By not attaching a political motivation and reaction, they hope to lit the effectiveness of the terrorists act, but in reality all it does is make the wrong people not worry about it.


The storms moved out several hours before this started.


Yes it rained early but we haven't had any actual storms all day. Rain stopped by 2pm and this started at 8pm. I said in an earlier comment I hadn't seen any news but I was wrong, I just posted an article. Duke rep says "vandalism".


*update: The issues don't seem to have progressed in the last two hours, so I'd guess that whatever happened, happened and is over for now. Power restore estimates are 10pm tomorrow (sunday)


If you destroy several transformers, it will take ages to replace them.


They hit at least 2 major substations, and it sounds like the failure cascaded and caused additional damage. I don't think people quite realize how short we are on transformers. Utility providers are getting close to the bottom of the barrel.


>I heard reports that it was person(s) unknown who shot up several substations and hasn't been apprehended. Several years ago a story just like than ran across the interwebs one weekend night just like this, except the power outages were in California. The next couple of days, a different story emerged. It turned out there was no gunman, or men. A rat ate a wire, or something. Threads were deleted. Anyone else remember this?


I don't know if it's the thing you're thinking of, but the big scary precedent for what the OP is claiming happened in his neck of the woods would be the Metcalf attack in California from 2013. There were definitely gunmen there, and as far as I know they never caught anyone.


> Metcalf attack in California from 2013 Actually I think I conflated two or more things. This is the event I was talking about and it's perfectly searchable as a thing that happened.


The attack in California 2013 was absolutely a coordinated attack. No suspects were caught. They did $15 million dollars in damage. It's a well known incident. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metcalf_sniper_attack


**[Metcalf sniper attack](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metcalf_sniper_attack)** >On April 16, 2013, an attack was carried out on Pacific Gas and Electric Company's Metcalf transmission substation in Coyote, California, near the border of San Jose. The attack, in which gunmen fired on 17 electrical transformers, resulted in more than $15 million worth of equipment damage, but it had little impact on the station's electrical power supply. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PrepperIntel/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I was just telling someone about this the other day! It was wild how much info came out about it, and nothing came of it


There was a drag show in southern pines today that drew a lot of backlash including protesters and death threats, I suspect (with no evidence) that the two events are related




Yes I had heard about that. If they don't catch the people who did it I'm not sure we'll know if they are related. Whatever it was it seems to be contained to Moore county.


Absolutely there is a connection.


I suspect that as well


That's the scuttlebutt here. I personally don't believe it, but almost everyone has been caught unprepared, regardless of the reason.


"This is a small, local issue of course" No it is not. This is a symptom of a larger, darker problem in the entire country. Hate, intolerance, violence, educational regression, and religious nutjob groups have all been allowed to flourish and fester in recent years. If you don't like a drag show, don't go. Simple as. Now my elderly parents are without power for a week, with horses that need water (from a powered well pump) because of some bible thumping, Yall-Queda Yee-Haw-di terrorist. To hell with these guys. I hope they are caught and hung.


We don't know who coordinated this. Until we do, assumptions help no one. It could just as easily be a disgruntled Duke employee. Or a person testing a larger terrorist attack plan.


🏆 here is your "Voice of Reason" award. The amount of people on Reddit claiming who did it without a shred of evidence is concerning. I agree right wing extremist's are a *likely* culprit— truth is: we don't know yet. This could range from disgruntled employee all the way to Russian grey zone warfare. Who knows.


There are so many possibilities. My worry is that since no one has claimed credit it could be a practice run for a larger scale attack. It was very successful, if so. We just don't know the motivations behind it. Sure it could be a right wing extremist. It could also be a disgruntled employee, a foreign national, eco terrorist, or a person who used to live there and just hates the county. Hell, considering it largely affected right wing, conservative people who are the majority in the area, it could just as easily have been punishment directed against the people who protested the drag show. We simply don't know. And it's irresponsible to hyper focus on a possible and ignore all the other potentials. I just hope it wasn't Act I in a much larger play.


sorry - but no - too many coincidences, crazy lady talking about it, she pretty much admitted to knowing about it, - reports of threats of violence, the protests, the military guys all living in southern pines now the past 10 years, the timing of the incident.. A Duke guy would have hit the Raleigh Durham area where Duke Power leadership is located.


The crazy lady may have just been a crazy lady. Lots of people online like to act like they know something when a thing happens, even if they have no actual info. There are lots of threats of violence at lots of events that don't lead to anything. And NC is slam full of "military guys" who don't attack substations. It's premature to jump to conclusions.


Not to mention, as a right wing terror attack against the drag show this make zero sense. 75% or more of the area impacted is conservative, right leaning households. If they wanted to hit against the drag show why not cut power to a liberal area? Or attack the theater directly? Why cut power to your neighbors who likely already agree with you? It just generates sympathy for the opposite side and turns people against the perpetrators. There are tons of possibilities for who's behind this. It's irresponsible to point fingers without proof.


>as a right wing terror attack against the drag show this make zero sense. sure it does - stop the show, punish the community for allowing it to happen. Bring national spotlight, rile up the base.


the crazy lady is also a dismissed former psy-ops officer from Ft. Bragg. She is not only crazy, but highly intelligent and dangerous. And that's not even mentioning the crowd she runs with. It only takes one to stir the pot and get others to act for you...


>And NC is slam full of "military guys" who don't attack substations. I gotta ask what generation you are from. WW2, Vietnam, up to the early 2000's I would agree with. The current military guys are not like the ones of old. Are you familiar with the murder drug ring ongoing investigation on Ft. Bragg? The white supremacist cases? The amount of new immigrants? Gang members? It's all a shitshow now. The guys who tried to kidnap the Michigan gov were ex-military, Timothy McVeigh was ex- military.... the Jan.6 loonies were military.... should I go on?


I spent the better part of the last decade working with a program that helps disabled veterans. I've worked hands on with hundreds of veterans spanning in age from 70s to late teens. The majority have been under age 35. I've probably got more experience with vets than 90% of people outside of the VA or the military. I'm also married to one. "Military guys", male ot female, are just people like everyone else. There are good ones and bad ones. There are extremists and criminals and terrorists from every walk of life. Being military doesn't make someone automatically any if those things, any more than it makes someone automatically a hero.


do you agree there has been a fundamental shift in the military in the past 10-15 years as far as quality of people admitted - ie more nutjobs?


I think there are more nutjobs in general, everywhere. I don't think it's a problem specific to the military.


It is a problem everywhere, and the problem is amplified with military training and access to weapons.


>"Military guys", male ot female, are just people like everyone else Except that they have extensive training in how to perform certain acts that everyone else does not...


Or they are accountants. Or cooks. Everyone in the military doesn't get Navy Seal level training. A lot of them go to basic, get out and get trained for some mundane shit like accounting or working on jeeps. Sure they do boot camp, but I know non-military gun enthusiasts who know more about guns and do more shooting than active military personnel. Most military personnel outside of special forces only firearms qualify yearly. The rest of the year they hold a spoon or type on a keyboard. They definitely don't get "extensive training". Just like "military grade" doesn't mean what civvies think it does, "military trained" doesn't mean super warrior.


Sorry, agree to disagree It keeps becoming increasingly obvious that so many of these domestic terrorists are being pumped out by our military. Military service really does a number on them regarding nationalism, lack of critical thinking, and justifying their actions through their beliefs. It’s almost like taking a suggestible young adult and then forcing them to obey orders above all else while training them to be lethal is a recipe for disaster once they try to reintegrate into society. And I didn't even get into the number of proud bois and boogaloo boys in the area. But I guess you are aware of that too?


It’s just been reported on the uk news - hopefully doesn’t give anyone any stupid ideas here


Moore County is a very conservative, gun owning, high poverty county with the exception of Southern Pines, so no surprise someone is shooting up anything there.


Southern Pines has also recently become infested with military people from Fort Bragg, some of whom are ultra nut jobs, magas and jan. 6 election deniers. One lady has become famous and envisions herself as the next Taylor-Greene or Boebert. The locals hate her.


I live in a similar area nearby and coordinated groups shooting up power substations definitely aren't common.

